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Stephen Hunter's new book

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I agree. Perhaps Bud Pewtie will make a return appearance one of these years. The Swagger tie-in wasn't necessary, but certainly appreciated.

Expect to read it in the next couple of weeks. Love his work but "Dirty White Boys" remains his best.

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I picked this book up from the library today. This'll be the first Stephen Hunter book I've ever read.

Bill, You might get a little bit lost regarding some of the references, but I bet you'll like his books anyway. There's a long history, many generations of Swaggers, across several volumes. Hopefully, you'll like what you read and then cover the whole series of books. Enjoy!

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I picked this book up from the library today. This'll be the first Stephen Hunter book I've ever read.

Bill, You might get a little bit lost regarding some of the references, but I bet you'll like his books anyway. There's a long history, many generations of Swaggers, across several volumes. Hopefully, you'll like what you read and then cover the whole series of books. Enjoy!

Yeah...I was kinda worried about that.

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I've read everthing but "Dirty White Boys" and enjoyed them all.

Not to be too negative but I hope the next time one is made into a movie they can follow the story line closer. I was really disapointed with the first attempt.

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I've read everthing but "Dirty White Boys" and enjoyed them all.

Not to be too negative but I hope the next time one is made into a movie they can follow the story line closer. I was really disapointed with the first attempt.

Amen to that. Get Dirty White Boys, but don't start it if you have something else that must get done that weekend!

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I listen to a lot of audio books going back and forth to work so I picked this one up. This is my third or fourth Stephen Hunter and so far I'm less than impressed. Way less.

Part of that is because the narrator chosen for this particular book hasn't quite conquered his lisp so phrases like "sniper specialists from Tennessee" sound like they're being read by Sylvester (of ...and Tweety fame). Very annoying.

The other gripe I have is that I don't mind having historical characters used in fictional ways, but I at least like for them to behave in a believable manner, something true to their actual character. If you're going to so totally fictionalize them as to basically create a new person, then just create a new person.

I'm only an hour into it so maybe it will get better but right now I'm not sure I'm going to make it to the end.

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I listen to a lot of audio books going back and forth to work so I picked this one up. This is my third or fourth Stephen Hunter and so far I'm less than impressed. Way less.

Part of that is because the narrator chosen for this particular book hasn't quite conquered his lisp so phrases like "sniper specialists from Tennessee" sound like they're being read by Sylvester (of ...and Tweety fame). Very annoying.

The other gripe I have is that I don't mind having historical characters used in fictional ways, but I at least like for them to behave in a believable manner, something true to their actual character. If you're going to so totally fictionalize them as to basically create a new person, then just create a new person.

I'm only an hour into it so maybe it will get better but right now I'm not sure I'm going to make it to the end.

yep we almost tossed a Audio Book out the window cuz of the lingering ssss

WE should start a Audio Book exchange I have a dozen or so on the self = I only listen to books on long drives though

Edited by AlamoShooter
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<Drift On>

I never really liked buying audio books on cd so I used to pick them up in the library or I would "rent" them from Cracker Barrel restaurants. Most of the ones I have are from Cracker Barrel that I didn't get around to returning in time. I started downloading books from Audible and I-Tunes to my I-pod and I've been very happy with that. I have an Audible subscription that gets me a couple titles each month and I always have something better than the radio to listen to.

Not sure how legal the audio book exchange idea would be unfortunately but it sure would be nice.


<Drift Off>

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Finished it last week. Fun read.

Finished it last night. I think it's one of his best recent books - liked it better than either of the last 2 Swagger tales (the raceway one and the silly swordfighting "Arkansas Bob goes Samurai" one). The Samurai one will always stay in my library though, despite it making about as much sense as sushi in a barbecue joint, because I like the series and Hunter in general.

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<Drift On>

I never really liked buying audio books on cd so I used to pick them up in the library or I would "rent" them from Cracker Barrel restaurants. Most of the ones I have are from Cracker Barrel that I didn't get around to returning in time. I started downloading books from Audible and I-Tunes to my I-pod and I've been very happy with that. I have an Audible subscription that gets me a couple titles each month and I always have something better than the radio to listen to.

Not sure how legal the audio book exchange idea would be unfortunately but it sure would be nice.


<Drift Off>

If you just want to trade, there's web site called "Paperbackswap.com" that allows just that. Hard cover, paperbacks and audio that you can swap with other members there.


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Thought I would give the author another "shot". Picked up I, Sniper last week for a business trip. Put it aside after 60 pages. Sorry, just not a writing style that interests me.


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<Drift On>

I never really liked buying audio books on cd so I used to pick them up in the library or I would "rent" them from Cracker Barrel restaurants. Most of the ones I have are from Cracker Barrel that I didn't get around to returning in time. I started downloading books from Audible and I-Tunes to my I-pod and I've been very happy with that. I have an Audible subscription that gets me a couple titles each month and I always have something better than the radio to listen to.

Not sure how legal the audio book exchange idea would be unfortunately but it sure would be nice.


<Drift Off>

Assuming that you're swapping around the original tapes or CDs, it shouldn't be any different than lending someone a hardcover or paperback. Copying the tapes and CDs gets you into tricky territory.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have followed the line of books by Stephen Hunter and the character Bob Lee Swagger, there is a new book called "I, Sniper" that is really good. This is the series of books that the movie "Shooter" came from.

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I need to read that! Aside from the few mistakes in the movie (things only the shooting world would pick up on), it's one of those flicks that is just as good every time you watch it.

"You don't understand, these people killed my dog."

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