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Everything posted by Fireant

  1. Happy birthday Nemo! Cruisers is outstanding. Are you shooting the GA state match? If not see you in about a month.
  2. Mark, Yes, I hav not missed a GA state match in 5 years. I shoot on Sat. Afternoon. Are you working thw match or just shooting? Hope to see you there. With the exception of figuring out how to get my large and round self throught the tunnel it looks like it should be a great match. I have some time off work right now and have been getting some things done at home for a change. The next order of business is to practice.
  3. I can answer that; no cracked noggins. Dislodgeable with associated penalties. That's just plain wrong
  4. I'm glad that fixed the problem. I'll see you at SAPSA in June. I'll miss SEPSA for the GA state match.
  5. Great, just what I wanted to know. I can take the DOH adapter off and put the belt slide on for IDPA.
  6. in the same blade tec holster? Trying not to have to buy two holsters if I can help it.
  7. Tommorow will be one week after the ordeal on stage nine at the area 6 match and I'm still upset at RO "A" and RM "B". I hate that this issue happened on the second stage of the match and has put a damper on what was really a great match. I hate that in the almost three years I've been shooting, I have never had a pleasant experience with these same RO "A" and RM "B". I hate that this really bothers me because I was right! I don't understand what the deal is with these individuals? I've had dissagreements with other shooters before, but by the next match everything was fine. Now, I really dread the sight of them and that's not good. Here's to hopefully getting over it before the GA state match. Closed.
  8. (1) Gun Manufactor & Model STI Edge (2) Gunsmith (if it applies, if not, state factory) Tripp research(lightened slide and chromed) (3) Caliber .40 (4) Factory or Handloaded ammo 180 plated hp from Berry's and VVN320 (5) Iron Sights or Optics (Who's optics if it applies) STI rear and Dawson FO front (6) Holster manufactor CR Speed (7) Any other info you feel like sharing The stages and most of the staff were great. I'd love to shoot them again when it's dry. I'm not sure if I'll ever shoot another match that has "RO 'A'" [names removed by Admin]. Too many variances in when he applied the rules and when he did not. I saw a reshoot given after a popper fell with the callibration shot and at least one reshoot for a gun malfunction. "RO 'A'", if your reading this, please think long and hard before you tell one shooter that this is by the rule book and then in the same breath tell another I'm going to give you a reshoot dispite what the rule book says. I do think stage 1 should have been renamed to "A River Runs Through it" on Sunday morning though. Other than "RO 'A" and "CRO 'B'" I enjoyed this match even if we did shoot most of it in the rain.
  9. Can you cut one down that has already been chromed?
  10. Chris, I'm thinking L-10 with the single stack, since I'm a few mags short for SS division still..
  11. Chris, You are crackin me up reading this man! If you stick to just one division/gun then I'll be the only one left switching every other month. Roger
  12. Fireant


    3.64 sec. from 15 yards B class limited. The more I shoot a star, the more I love these things.
  13. I was afraid to open this thread at work today
  14. Thanks Chuck. I tried sat, sun and mon, on two computers and now it comes up fine. Go figure?
  15. Is this site still working? I've tried the last two days and can not get it to open.
  16. I have started using this at the start of each practice session. I just missed having all 21 hits the last time I did this with my STI. I pulled 2 into the lower part of the target. Then I tried it with my less accurate (for me) Glock 34 yesterday. Did I say less accurate? I had all 21 hits with 12A's and 9B's. I might need to reconsider shooting my Glock again.
  17. The day before the state match. I was practicing billdrills, and after a personal best, the next run I noticed something non-bullet shooting from the gun. It was my guide rod! And I don't have another one like I thought I did I guess it sucks to be me these days
  18. Why not just shoot your ssp gun in esp? Then you will have a classification when the new blaster is ready to go.
  19. My daughter just saw the picture over my shoulder and asked if she could get one like that. Cool looking rig.
  20. Now that is a nice looking blaster. So, when are you going to tinker with SS division?
  21. Can you get an insert that will let SS mags fit in the pouch? If so where do you get them? Thanks.
  22. I hate that I've been sick all week and have to put on my local match in the morning and that when I come even sicker I'll get all kinds of grief from home about having gone. I hate all the extra unneeded paperwork for my job. I hate that for some reason the public thinks that teachers only work from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. I wish they had let me know that years ago. I've been working all these hours for nothing according to the public
  23. Those are two sweet looking blasters. How about some details on them please?
  24. What would constitue an advantage? I understand going from a single stack in L-10 to a wide body, but what else. I don't mean open guns either. If my main limited gun was an Eagle, short dust cover and my back-up was an edge? What about a Glock as a back-up to an STI? I mean how do you tell what is an adventage to one person over a disadvantage?
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