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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. Okay, if you like that one try my favorite practice drill. Start with 4 magazines, 1 in the gun and 3 on the belt. 2 targets about 5 feet apart. 10 yards distance. Hands at side Draw and fire two rounds each target. reload 2 ea target reload 2 ea target reload 2 ea target Total of 16 rounds for 80 points. This drill lets you practice draws, splits, transitions and reloads. I am a "B" limited shooter and I can run it in just under 10 seconds consistently with decent hits. Best ever was just over 9 sec. Let me know how it works out for you. I would like some feedback for comparison's sake. Tony
  2. Okay, dear. Where do you want to go on vacation this year? Orlando / Disneyland / Florida Open? Kansas City / Shopping on the Plaza / Area 3 Gulf Coast / Casinos / Beach / Mississippi Classic What's your pleasure? Tls
  3. I would just like to make a few clarifications to my previous post. "But saying a revolver is not "Combat" ready? Brother, I live in Tulsa. We made the top 10 violent cities last year with a record homicide rate. We are on our way again." I didn't say that revolvers are not viable combat weapons. They are. Police and military have been proving that since before the civil war. I am only saying that in action pistol competition (not combat, competition), the wheel guns are handicapped by the 6 round capacity. If anyone wants to dispute that point, go ahead. But I'm willing to pretend the targets aren't shooting back while they clear a jam anyway. If you think a revolver can't jam, you are kidding yourself. It doesn't happen that often but it does happen. I once had a soft primer blow back into the firing pin hole and the cylinder locked up like it was welded. It was a jam that couldn't be cleared without a hammer. If you mentioned the "sport" as being related to "Close Combat", there would be heart attacks coast to coast. This is true. However, I am not one to dance around the facts. As I understand it, this sport was born when someone decided it would be fun to take a combat course from the training arena and turn it into a sport. It is what it is. I am sick of pandering to people that wet their pants when you say the word "gun". Wheelies, 1911's, Open guns, I love 'em all........and the folks that come out to shoot them. All of them. Tony
  4. Okay, so much has been said about this, I don't know if I can add much but I'll put in my .02 anyway. If revolver division goes away I hope it won't be about the money. USPSA needs money to operate but it is not a for profit business. It is an organization that exists soley to facilitate competitve sport with firearms. Revolvers are firearms. I don't believe that wheel guns are particularly well suited to a sport that has its roots in close combat style competition. The fabulous trigger and rigid frame make them ideal for bullseye, metallic sillouette, and other sports that place a premium on accuracy. The relatively low round count and the inherent difficulty in reloading put them at distinct disadvantage when the clock is running. That having been said, there is a small but dedicated group in our ranks that love the challenge and I hope they are always welcome here. We may, in fact, have too many divisions and while I like L10 and SS I can't honestly think why we need both. However, the ideal situation is for anyone to bring whatever they own to a match and have a level playing field to compete on. We need new blood to survive and the "gateway divisions" are crucial. Nobody walks in the door with an open gun to shoot their first IPSC match. The BOD has a tough job to balance what we would like to have vs. what we can afford. Reality has to play a part. No one would suggest we need a black powder or muzzle loader division. How about a Single shot division for the Thompson Contender crowd? Where do you draw the line? Somewhere that helps up keep what we have, I hope. Tls
  5. Tightloop's story is a perfect illustration of why I said "No". Almost any handgun is capable of killing about anything. The question is how effectively. It is very difficult to kill any large animal instantly. Even shots to vital organs don't always drop an animal in its tracks. Death comes after bleeding out which takes a bit of time. In my experience, about the only thing that will drop a animal instantly is a shot that takes out the spinal cord such as a neck shot. A wild hog is tough, faster than you might think and has tusks that can rip you up. You're talking about "on foot", close quarters hunting of dangerous game. This is a situation where you don't want to kill, you want to overkill. Tls
  6. Can you hunt wild boar with a 38 super? Yes. Should you hunt wild boar with a 38 super? No. Tls
  7. The music is the same theme that you know from the Chris Reeve movies. I saw it at the local Imax theater with some of the scenes in 3d. The sound system was 12,000 watts and the musical score was fabulous. It is an excellent film in every respect. Movie making has come a long way since "Superman: The Movie" came out in the late 70's. If you've seen the previews you know there is a scene where Superman is trying to save an airliner falling out of the sky. It's giving him real trouble because the damaged plane is in a flat spin and breaking up as it falls. When he tries to grab the aircraft, it just continues to come apart. When you see the whole thing it will just blow you away. Tls
  8. Use Federals if you like. I want no part of them. I once knocked a tray with about half a dozen 40 cal. rounds off my loading bench. One of the rounds detonated after a nose first impact on a plywood floor. My granddaughter who was unfortunate enough to be standing nearby, caught a piece of shrapnel in the leg. If anybody wants them, I have a couple of thousand Fed small pistol primers and several thousand more primed brass you can have for free. Just be sure you handle them gently until they're off my property. Tony
  9. When I was a kid I started reading comic books as soon as I was old enough to read. I liked them all but Superman was always my favorite. Fast, strong and indestructable, he was the ultimate hero that every child wants to be. My grandmother used to pin a red towel to the back of my shirt when I would go out to play. I would jump from the highest perch I could find and pretend to fly. Last night at the theater, Superman returned. And for a joyful couple of hours, so did the kid with the red towel. Tls
  10. I predict that participation will grow. I say this because I'm betting that there are a lot of people like myself out there that haven't shot SS yet, but will when the time is right. Last fall I decided I was going to shoot L10 this season. I spent a lot of money building my L10 rig (not a single stack) and I want to shoot it. I also entered the L10 Point Series for the year. That pretty well locks me into the L10 division for the major matches until I have fulfilled the Point Series participation requirement. After Nationals I'll start thinking about a different division but for the moment, I have a plan and I'm sticking to it. However, I certainly would jump into any SS only matches and plan to shoot the "Tennessee Hillbilly Classic" later this year. I think it's way too soon to start making judgements about SS division. USPSA commited to a 3 year run. Let's wait and see where we stand at that time. Tony
  11. Some things in life are absolute. If you ride motorcycles long enough, sooner or later you get "road rash". Handle guns long enough and eventually one will go bang when you didn't expect it. Every gun shop has holes in the wall or floor. You would be surprised how many police cars have 9mm and 40 cal holes in the floorboard. The best you can hope for is that when it happens no one gets hurt. Stay vigilant. Tony
  12. +1 on the 7mm-08. I also thought about recommending that cartridge. My thinking was that its pushing up close to 308 / 3006 class ballistics (and recoil) so I passed on it. However, I have no first hand experience with it so I will defer to Chris' judgement. If the felt recoil is less than a .270 the 7-08 might be ideal. If not, I repeat, the .270 is an outstanding choice. I always considered the recoil of a 270 pretty tame, but even the Ultra-Mags don't bother me so I'm probably not the best person to ask. I have more than a dozen hunting rifles but the one I always reach for is the .270 A-bolt. Sportswriter Jack O'Conner was a great fan and advocate of the cartridge writing about it throughout his carrer. The more I shoot mine the more I think he had it right. Tony
  13. Okay, the criteria is: powerful enough for deer size game at short range and low recoil. If he likes the .243 then there is no reason not to use it. However, I would prefer a heavier bullet than is possible in .243 The best balance between power and recoil would be a slightly larger bore on a similar size case. The .257 Roberts would be a good choice but it's pretty close to being obsolete. I think there are still a few companies producing the rifles but factory ammo may not be readily available. If you reload it would be a great choice. If he can tolerate a bit more recoil a .270 is hard to beat as a great all purpose rifle. If he is willing to get away from a bolt action, a .30-30 or even a lever action 44 mag at short range would be workable. Tls
  14. That rifle is defective. The bolt handle is on the wrong side. If I throw in another 1000 can I get one built right correctly? Tls
  15. I am always amazed at the gold Titanium Nitride finish on the barrel of my SVI Even when it is bone dry it feels slick to the touch as if coated with lubricant. After about 8-10,000 rounds, there are burnish marks on the inside of the slide but the barrel is still pristine. I did not know that it was possible to coat an entire gun with this stuff, but I can't see holster wear ever being an issue Geez Bill,...... I guess "subtle" or "low profile" is not in your game plan. That's gun is a bold statement. Tls
  16. "Another One Bites the Dust" - Queen I sometimes play this on the way to the match with the volume way too high. I don't know if it helps any but I like to think so. Gets me fired up. Tls
  17. I played this again today just for grins. However, when I tried to place Massachusetts and Kalifornia in the middle of the ocean it wouldn't let me continue. Tls
  18. I am waiting for the following post from Osama: "As you know the infidel Hellfire missle attack yesterday came dangerously close. After the smoke cleared, I noted a few items missing and would like them returned. If anyone finds my left ear, three toes from my right foot or the Bin Laden family jewels, please return them promptly." Osama
  19. +1 If I were going to buy another 1911 it would probably be a Trojan. (Long slide maybe?) Any of the major manufacturers made fine guns but I would tend to go for the loaded version over the basic GI model. Match grade barrels, mag wells, adjustable sights, etc. are all desirable features that will cost much more if added later by a gunsmith. Tony
  20. My Springfield 1911 45. It will do about anything you could ask from a handgun. It is accurate, reliable and durable. Ammo, parts and magazines are available anywhere in the world. Loaded down, it is suitable for IPSC. Loaded up it is suitable for combat. In a hostile environment it packs 10+1 rounds of large caliber attitude adjustment. Tony L Shores Disciple of John M Browning
  21. 96% 4 miles 397 sec. The only trouble was exact placement of West Virginia in an open spot with nothing around it to reference. Okay, now who can name all the state capitols? Better yet name your two Senators and your Congressman. Tls
  22. I glad I'm not the only one old enough to remember "Have Gun Will Travel". In fact, I thought about Paladin as a user name when I joined the forum. This is way cool. If Eminem can replace Richard Boone there is hope for me. I was planning to try for Tom Selleck's role if they ever remake Magnum P.I. I would look good driving a red Ferrari. Tony
  23. This past weekend I attended my second Ga State Match. The match was excellent as is usual for the crew from Cherokee Gun Club. Carlos, Roger and crew make it look easy. My problem was that 2 weeks prior to the match, I was diagnosed with pneumonia. After 10 days of some heavy duty antibiotics I still hadn't shaken it off. I knew I wasn't up to par physically but I just couldn't bring myself to withdraw from the match. I had been looking forward to it so I decided to "cowboy up" and tough it out. That was a mistake. After running the first stage (Cooper's Nightmare) I thought I might die. I had pain in my side like I used to get running wind sprints in football practice. By the time the third stage was over I was thinking about shooting myself. The temps were up in the mid nineties and this wasn't fun. I felt like I was running in sand and couldn't concentrate. Mikes on almost every stage. On the weak hand stages I was shaking so bad I couldn't aim. If you're ever tempted to do this, don't. There's nothing to be gained by it. You won't perform well and you won't enjoy yourself. The best thing I can say is I survived it. What was I thinking? Tony
  24. The President is a popular target for those who hate the war. It wouldn't take too much to convince a greiving parent that the man responsible lives in a big white house on this side of the pond. It is a sad state of affairs. -ld I saw the man briefly on Larry King. His attitude was sickening. Thank God I can just change the channel when they put these pathetic individuals on camera. Tls
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