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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. This is something that has to be addressed. I don't see as much of an issue in the larger divisions. However in the smaller divisions you can have small sectionals with a field of less than a dozen shooters with a mix that looks like this: 2 B, 5 C, 3 D, 2 U B or C class shooter ends up with 100% score. This vs. a shooter that shoots in larger sectionals with 5 or 6 master class shooters among a field of 40 or 50 competitors. The point series is the only form of competition in this sport that spans multiple matches. Competition within a match is uniform. All competitors face exactly the same challenges vs. the same level of competition. Figuring out how to keep the playing field level across multiple matches is a much bigger challenge. Tls
  2. Honestly, I don't care. The thread is about looking forward, not back. With all due respect, I beg to differ. The ideas that founded this organization cannot be ignored. Like a ship on the ocean, we can sail in any direction we like but our foundation is what keeps the compass pointing north. Without it we quickly lose our way. What would happen to this country if we simply tore up the constitution and tried to move forward without its guiding principles? I suggest that everyone re-read Col Coopers statement and pay special attention to some of the key words, "purpose", "realistic competition" "lifesaving mission", "combat pistol" This is powerful stuff. It should be read like a pledge of allegiance at the beginning of every board meeting. That's about as much philosophy as I can take for one day. I need another cup of coffee. Tls
  3. Sweeeet. I love my SV limited gun. <------<<< It is truly a superior firearm. T
  4. I believe Mr. Knight was in sarcasm mode. I could count the Sigs I have seen in IPSC matchs on one hand. T
  5. Atlanta Ya'll. I believe there are at least three indoors clubs that shoot during the week. There are enough quality clubs and facilities around to shoot almost any weekend. Cherokee Gun Club and South River are as good as any facility I have seen. Both run club matches that are as good as any sectional I have ever been to. Great people running the show. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Tony
  6. I think the cash payout was eliminated to lower the entry fee thus encourage participation. Trying to bring back the cash payout may be going backward. I do like the idea of hitting up the sponsors for gun givaways. Maybe add a raffle to the gun givaway. Some may win a gun through performance others through the luck of the draw. When you pay the entry fee for the point series you are automatically entered into the gun raffle. It costs USPSA nothing and adds incentives for the shooters to jump in. That would motivate me to throw my hat in the ring. I don't know whats involved in getting a match into the PS but I suspect it involves some paperwork and some sort of fee paid to USPSA. I especially like the idea of making any level II or above match automatically elligible, but would doing so eliminate needed revenue? Let's get this thing fixed once and for all and have some fun with it. Tls
  7. "Doctor, you of all people should recognize the dangers of re-opening old wounds" - James T. Kirk There were changes made by the BOD at the beginning of this year to re-tool the Point Series and I certainly give them an "A" for effort. Now that we have the bulk of the year behind us perhaps this is a good time to look at where we stand today. Let me say that I am a fan of the Point Series and have participated in it throughout my short IPSC career. I am however beginning to feel some disappointment for a several reasons. First and foremost I am frustrated in the number of matches that have dropped their support. When I signed up for this I expected more venues to be available. This year I found that several majors that did participate last year have fallen away. As a member of Area 6, I shot the Fla Open, Ala Section, and will shoot Tennessee. All of which are not in the PS this year. This puts me in the position of shooting a lot more matches and/or travelling further to fulfill the participation requirement. I just went all the way to Mich. for Targeting Education, primarily to fill the "Other Match" (which I had expected to get at the Fla Open). Second, Where is everybody? The small number of participants can't be due to cost ($25). Why the lack of interest? Last but not least, lack of uniformity in the scoring. How can this work when the scoring percentages vary wildly due to the differences in the talent pool between the smaller and larger sectionals? All this begs the question: Tinker with it some more? Scrap It?......What now? Tony
  8. Most matches are usually a good mix of speed shoots and field courses. I see a few targets at point blank range and some really challenging long shots. I just shot a stage at Targeting Education that had some of both. You had to shift gears from shooting targets low and close to a small popper with a no shoot behind it all the way at the back of the berm. If you feel there are too many hose fests, go to a low round count division like L10 or single stack. The extra reloads will add a little spice to your life. A point blank array can still trip you up if you take it for granted and loose focus. It's like a linebacker who drops an interception because he was looking for a place to run and forgot to catch the ball. Even the bill drills like 06-03 "Can You Count" test specific skills like draws and trigger control. As ususal the top shooters still win. Like George said, its all about balance. If there's a problem here, I'm sorry but I don't see it. Just for the record, you can make the courses as challenging as you like. Put a plate rack at 100 yds, I don't care. I'll shoot at it. Tony
  9. This is why I appreciate the vendors and sponsors that support our sport. We are fortunate to have the top notch smiths and gunbuilders, the vendors that come to the matches, shoot, then sell their wares in the tents. These guys are competitors and know what we do and what we need to do it. I always spent my dollars there first. Tony
  10. Quite a family heirloom. Would you consider adopting me? Tls
  11. This junk wouldn't exist if it weren't for the brainless wonders that keep falling for it. I blame them as much as the scam artists. T
  12. I just visited a gunshop I have never been in before because I was looking for reloading supplies. I didn't speak to anyone but couldn't help overhearing the conversations between the clerks and some of their customers. I can never understand why so many people like to spend so much of their time discussing (in infinite detail) things which they clearly know only through hear say. One gentleman (whom I judged to be about 3 steps below caveman on the evolutionary scale) was telling a customer all about the nuances of gunfighting in the old west as if he were there. I had to work hard to resist asking him how many men he had killed and whether he notched the grips of his gun afterward. Many of the people that work in this business are knowledgable professionals and when you find them it is like a breath of fresh air. This, because there are so many that learned all they know by reading the label on a box of ammo. Listening to these guys, it's no wonder that liberals, the media and much of the general public hold shooters in such low regard. Tls
  13. Do you remember the so called "Miami Device"? When the series was on, someone was marketing a razor that was designed to leave a 5 O'clock shadow to give you that Don Johnson look. Tony
  14. I normally only field strip my gun, but last night I decided to tear it down a little further for a more thorough cleaning. I took the grip off and since this was uncharted territory for me, I decided not to tamper with the hammer, sear, sear spring, etc. Everything appeared to be accessable enough so I wiped it down as best I could, sprayed it with lubricant, and put it back together. I had one small problem. Once I got the grip back on, the hammer was locked up tight. I discovered that the trigger bow had gotten captured behind the sear, so I had to take the grip back off and correct this. When I got the gun back together everything worked normally but I discovered that I wasn't getting positive sear engagement. I made several attempts to cock it manually by pulling the hammer back with my thumb. It would lock back on occasion, but for the most part, it simply wouldn't engage the sear. The gun would cock the hammer 99% of time when operating the slide, but once in a while the hammer would follow the slide back down. At this point I would have to take the gun out of service because I'm afraid it would chain fire or A.D. It really doesn't matter as it is scheduled to go to the gun smith to be fitted with all new internals anyway. I cleaned it first because I just ran a match with it and I didn't want to send him a filthy gun to work on. However, I am curious what I may have done to cause this. Tls
  15. There are quite a few things that could cause a wide velocity spread. Make sure the powder charges are consistent. Take 10 rounds from a loaded batch, pull the bullets and weigh the charges. If they vary more than +/- .1 grain, that may be part of your problem. Second, with a dial caliper check your O.A.L. In my experience, it will naturally float about +/- .003 This is normal and will not make much difference in the ballistics. I have never noticed any meaningful difference in velocity until the length changes by at least .010" Take a loaded round and check the length. Press the nose of the bullet hard against a rigid surface and recheck the length. If the bullet has moved you do not have enough case tension to secure the bullet. This can cause a round to move deeper into the case when it hits the feed ramp. Check the length of your brass. If you're using range brass the length can vary quite a bit. This can cause the crimp to have more or less bite on the bullet causing a variance in bullet tension. That can translate into a corresponding change in the internal pressures when the round is fired. There are a number of other things you can look at but these would be what I would check first. You might also try experimenting with different powders. Some powders are just inherently more consistent than others. Good luck with it. Tls
  16. Good luck Rich. Let us know how you are doing. Tls
  17. The never ending struggle to balance speed, power and accuracy is causing me a great deal of pain and suffering. Does it have to be DVC? Can't I just pick one and go with it? Tls
  18. Don't take any of this too seriously Vlad. Remember, this is the humor forum. Otherwise, we would have to hand Eric over to the L10 crowd (a.k.a The Lords of Discipline) for an attitude adjustment. If there's anything left, I say throw him to the wheel gunners and let nature take its course.
  19. How do I respond to the stress of competition? Vodka. Tls
  20. Okay, now I'm upset. Your "No Shooter Left Behind" plan makes no provision for us southpaws. I insist that every stage design must have a mirror image stage built beside it. Right handers can run their stage, we will run ours. I can't believe you didn't think of that. It's an unmistakable indication of right hand bias. Where is Jessie Jackson when you need him? Tls
  21. Okay, my vote for worst movie ever: "Cyborg" - Jean-Claude Van Damme
  22. Funny ,...... a little on the cynical side , but definately funny . "Thats Humor, I recognize that". - Good Morning Viet Nam. Tls
  23. Maybe we should consider the Presidents Medal as something given for service rather than another shooting award. Make it something voted on by the BOD and awarded once a year at Nationals. Something like a lifetime achievement award or recognition given to someone who has gone above and beyond to keep a club or section running. Sort of a USPSA MVP award. Tls
  24. First let me say that there are trophies and plaques that usually go three deep in every class and division. The Presidents Medal should be given as special recognition. How about this? Medal awarded to 1st in each division regardless of participation. Medal awarded for Stage winners.????? ......Maybe. Medal awarded for 1st in class in any division provided that class has (x) number of shooters. My recommendation would be 15. Actual number to be determined. High OAL Lady, Junior, Senior (again tied to number of participants in that category) What say you? Tls Full Disclosure: I have a Presidents Medal for winning 1st C in Limited at 2005 Area 6 . There were 40 shooters in C Ltd that day and I'm pretty proud of that medal.
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