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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. STI guns are not built exclusively for IPSC use. I can't imagine any manufacturer building a gun that wouldn't run with factory ammo. That would pretty well kill the sales to military, police and general public wouldn't it? Tls
  2. Today my 9 year old granddaughter asked me to help her set up an account on a website oriented toward young girls. When setting up here user id and password I asked her what she wanted to use as a login name. She chose "shootingstar" which was promptly rejected by the server as not appropriate. The world seems to have lost its collective mind when it comes to firearms. T
  3. How can you narrow them down to one favorite? Based on the number of times I've seen them, "Top Gun" followed closely by "Armageddon" Favorite comedy "The Blues Brothers" Best Science Fiction "Aliens II" Favorite Western- "The Cheyenne Social Club" All time favorite - Three way tie "Dances with Wolves" "Braveheart" "Gladiator" Tony
  4. GUNN There,... I fixed it. It's now officially a four letter word and considered profanity. Definately not for use around children, in polite company or corporate environments. Tls
  5. Armando, Changing brass shouldn't create a drop off in accuracy that profound. If it is the same load with the exception of the brass, I could see a change of 1/4" but not what you describe. Starline is excellent quality brass and my loads tighten up a bit with Starline vs. Winchester. However the difference is slight and I often use them both with cases mixed. Copper fouling will degrade accuracy but it is a slow and gradual process. Probably not the culprit when accuracy takes a quick dive. Sounds mechanical to me. Check your rear sight and make sure the screws haven't worked loose. This is a common problem, especially with guns that have a heavy recoil. It's easy to burn a lot of ammo chasing a problem that isn't ammo related. Learned that lesson the hard expensive way. Tony
  6. From a rest I am comfortable with any gun and load that will group 2" or better at 25 yds. A rest and all the time in the world are ideal conditions. Under duress and shooting offhand, aiming is compromised and errors magnified. Even so, a 2" gun should allow you to stay well within the A zone at any reasonable IPSC distance (if you do your part). I am puzzled that your 610 is grouping 2 1/2 to 4". In my experience, most high quality revolvers are capable of better accuracy than you are getting. With my 686 I can shoot 5 shot groups under 1" on demand. How does your gun do with factory rounds? Tony
  7. I hate these miserable wretches! Paint 'em white and use them as no shoots. Someones bound to get a penalty sooner or later. Tls
  8. It was the second stage of the morning for my squad on Wednesday. I didn't think the surface was especially slippery and as David notes it was reasonbly wide. Each shooter had to balance safety with their ability to negotiate the platform. That is the part I worry about. I would bet that sooner or later a shooter would exceed their ability to safely negotiate the platform, but I suppose that is true for any stage. I didn't want to start a controversy. I just had some concern about it and I think its always appropriate to scrutinize the things we do from a safety aspect. Tony
  9. Speaking of "Bridge Beam", am I the only one that dislikes these raised platform stages? This is the second tournament this year where I have encountered this type of stage. I am uncomfortable with it because you are focused on targets down range and you can't really pay too much attention to your feet. It is mostly instinctive. This game is the grown up equivalent of running with scissors. Seems to me that running on an elevated platform is flirting with disaster. One bad step and you may find yourself tumbling across the ground with a gun that is locked, loaded & cocked. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. My squad negotiated the course okay. I'm wondering if any of the other competitors stepped off or fell on this course. Any close calls? Tony P.S. I didn't shoot at the drop turner either. I shot at all the others but this one was positioned such that it was not worth the time.
  10. Divine Intervention. On the last stage of the match (Stage 9, Room with a View) the buzzer went off and my gun wouldn't fire. What was worse, I couldn't clear it. I checked the safety, tried to rack the slide but it was locked up tight. By now I have burned four or five seconds and I'm having visions of zeroing the stage Just when I think things can't get any worse the RO says STOP,... Unload and Show Clear!!!! I dropped the magazine and the slide came free. I clear the gun and holster it and asked the RO why he stopped me. He pointed down range where a gust of wind had blown one of the targets onto the ground. "We have a stage malfunction. You get a re-shoot." Somebody up there likes me. Tony
  11. Thanks guys. Can't think of a better place to spend a birthday than Pasa Park. Shot my best stage ever in a major match Friday morning in the dark house,....82%. Nice b'day present. Tony L Shores
  12. Think it through first. No capacity limit and only 9mm need apply. Para 18 rounds in 9mm vs Sig with 12 in 40, what are you shooting? Glaock probably still in the race with 17 in the G17 and the G34, but G22/35 in 40? no longer competitive, any .45, forget about it unless your name is Robbie. Jim I hear you Jim, but it seems to me that the minor power factor restriction has already made production a 9mm only division. Granted there are a few who shoot 40's in minor and they would be at a disadvantage. Is there really anybody out there shooting a 45 in production? Don't see much difference in a Glock with 17 vs a Para with 18. IPSC has no 10 round limit, I see no reason why we should. Just my humble opinion. Ignore it if you wish. I don't shoot production so I have no dog in this fight. Tony
  13. FWIW, I don't see anything wrong with the production rules we have now. The only thing I woud change is to do away with the 10 round limitation. Tls
  14. When I was a kid playing in my yard, a fighter pilot flew low over my house while doing a 4 point roll. He was inverted when he passed over my head and was close enough that I could clearly see the colors of his helment as he looked up and waved at me. I got a real thrill out of that. I still do. Feels like tax dollars well spent. The sound is more than the turbines. It is the sound of heavy metal streaking through the air at high speed. An A10 has a totaly different sound than a fighter jet. It is very distinct. I suspect it sounds pretty sweet to a ground commander in close combat. To the enemy it just sounds like bad news. I like it. Tls
  15. I feel for you. I shot the GA state match earlier this year with pneumonia. I won't make that mistake again. I was miserable and so was my performance. It's not worth it. If you're sick stay home. There's always another match on the horizon. Tony
  16. Okay Flex, congratulations on a big win last night. Life is good when your team dominates......Enjoy! In the meantime I will be busy biting my fingernails and wringing my hands over LSU. Maybe shooting in the Nationals will keep my mind off it,.....during the day at least. Whatever happens in Jordan-Hare next Saturday, it will be fun to watch. I think the last two games were decided by a total of 4 points. Tls
  17. Bama? I though we had exclusive rights for hating Bama. War Eagle! See you Buckeyes in January (If you get past Texas, Penn State, and Michigan)! Tls
  18. I would just like to point out that I was not advocating breaking away from IPSC in my earlier post. There needs to be a sanctioning body in any organized sport. The reasons for that are obvious. I simply annoys me that we have to tolerate this "We don't want half the world shoot slots to go to the US" attitude. If we are half the membership why shouldn't we get half the slots? Tls
  19. I just came from the range where I chronographed some 200 gr Montana Golds with Titegroup. I started at 4.8 and worked up to 5.2 gr. 5.2 is listed as a max load in the Hodgdon manual making about 880 fps with a Speer bullet loaded to about 1.155. I loaded the MG to 1.210 OAL which produced about 845 fps. This bullet and powder combination yielded some of the best groups I have ever gotten from my Edge 45. Tony
  20. When I was in high school we had an Army JROTC program. Every male in the school had to take two years of ROTC as requirement for graduation. Once a week we wore an Army class A dress uniform or khakis to school for formation drills. It was a large school and we had a full battalion of cadets. Our ROTC unit also had a rifle team complete with indoor rifle range which was in the basement of the gymnasium (built with the help of federal funding). I was awarded the US Army sharpshooter badge when I was 15 years old. Can you imagine such a thing in this day and time? How will we ever continue to field the best military in the world if 18-20 year old recruits have never seen a gun, much less fired one? Tls
  21. Why do we need IPSC? Seems to me that USPSA can stand on its own just fine. Where's the benefit other than eligible for the world shoot which 99.999% of the membership will never see anyway? Tls
  22. A big thanks to the staff for putting up with me while I video taped the match. Hopefully didn't get in anyones way too much. The match was excellent and I was really impressed with the facility. I had never been to MSSA before and it was first class. This match reminded me of why I love to shoot. When I first joined USPSA, going to matches was like attending someone elses family reunion. I didn't know anyone and felt very much out of place. Now after 2 1/2 years, I have met so many great people that going to a match is like coming home after a long trip. Does me good to see so many old and new friends. Shoot straight. Tony
  23. Who cares if T-Mobile works as long as I get to look at Catherine Zeta-Jones? T
  24. It never ceases to amaze me how many times I read about guys getting (x) rounds in their mags with this follower or that spring. My bullets must be bigger than everyone elses because I can't duplicate their claims. I have (4) 140 mm 45 mags for my STI that were built and tuned by Beven Grams. I can get 16 in them and that's it. You couldn't force round another round in there with a hydraulic press. I also have a 140 mm STI mag with all Grams parts which will hold 20 but is not reloadable. The Para may hold an extra round or two because it has a slightly wider grip and I would assume a wider magazine. However I owned a P-14 for a while and they would hold 16 with a Dawson +2 basepad. To answer the original question, is 13+1 enough. Well, maybe..... maybe not. It will be a definate disadvantage in some situations. Consider a 32 round field course. A limited shooter will have one reload, you will have two. Much depends on the stage design. If you don't have to do a standing reload it won't hurt you that much, but in a match a few hundredths of a second can make a difference. In general, the rule of thumb is the more ammo the better. Competitors will do most anything to squeeze one more round into the gun. In competition, ammo is your friend. Tls
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