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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by bierman

  1. I've had pretty good luck with ebay, although they did cancel one of my auctions for a SpecOps Brand Mamba sling. I think it was because I stated in my ad what type of rifle it was for. Thats my best guess. I listed a couple of other gun related items (grips, HKS speedloaders) with no issues though. Otherwise, its been ok, I was just looking for an alternative, mainly for large items that I am not willing to go to the hassle of packaging up for shipping. I have a riding mower that does not run that I would love to get rid of, but I'm sure not going to list that on ebay so I thought I would try craigslist before resorting to running an ad in the paper. I have no plans of letting anyone I don't know come to my house. I bought a place in the middle of nowhere for that very reason, so I will only work a deal if we can meet someplace neutral. At least thats the plan .
  2. I have been listing stuff on ebay for a little while now, but I am tired of all of the insertion fees, gallery photo fees, fees for this and that etc. Anyone here have any issues with craigslist in your area? I have just started checking it out and was wondering what the collective experiences have been like. Thanks in advance.
  3. a big +1 to that. Hot Springs would be a great movie, if done properly. Don't think it'll happen though, but it would be nice.
  4. Mark Wahlberg never come to mind when I was thinking "who could play Bob Lee Swagger?" Oh, well, they could have done worse (Tom Cruise) I guess. POI was the first Hunter book I read as well. TDBM is a GREAT read, as is Dirty White Boys. Any one of his books would make a great movie, if done right, which probably won't happen. Lets see how Hollywood handles this one.
  5. This one is actually fairly easy - just Google for "Casting out 9s". Since the two numbers being used have the same digits, they have the same modulo 9 remainder on the sum of digits, so the difference in this remainder is 0. From this it follows that the sum of the digits of the number remaining must be a multiple of 9 (sum recursively and you will always end with 9). For example, if you have 7654-4657, the result is 2997. 2+9+9+7=27, 2+7=9 Therefore, if you are only given 2, 9 and 9, the remaining digit to leave a remainder of 0 modulo 9 is 7. I'm sorry Rob, it really looks like English you are writing there, but I can't seem to get it. Then again, math is a language I have never been fluent in.
  6. +1 because the trigger on mine leaves a lot to be desired. Thanks Flex.
  7. Flex, Yeah, seeing the Black Betty video kinda opened my eyes to what else might be available on YouTube. One quick search later I was having to dig out the external speakers for my laptop and jamming to my favorite guitar player. The Internet is a pretty amazing place when you really think about it.
  8. I have been listening to this guy since 1999 and have been spreading the word about his talent to anyone who will listen. I did not realize until today that some of his music is on YouTube. If you play the guitar and really don't want to feel like you suck, don't click on this link. Monte Montgomery Hope you all enjoyed this.
  9. Whoa Black Betty, Bam a lam. Whoa, Black Betty! Couldnt help myself. LOL...cool. If you are gonna go there...go all the way. (I love that I have my computer runs through my amp and Bose speakers !) Ahhh....music from the days when talent mattered more than looks...
  10. I don't know who's worse at some of those sights, the trolls or the troll-baiters. Maybe its just me, but I think if you just ignore the troll, they will eventually give up and go away. But if you engage them, they think they can sway you to their line of thought and so they redouble their efforts. I don't know. I guess I'll just hang out here some more and continue being spoiled.
  11. Hang on a second, I've got something in my eye.......
  12. Was that real recent ? I was having some fun saying some crap that I wouldn't say on this forum...just the other day. Flex, It was pretty recent, within the last few days. Something about "double tap accuracy" I think. At least no one flamed you (yet) when you spoke on the subject. Pretty good behavior for that particular place. Chills, I used to frequent BerettaForums and, for the most part, it was pretty civil there. The mods there did not let folks get away with too much, but it really does not meet my needs anymore so I haven't been there in quite some time. I don't know if he still frequents there or not, but David Olhasso used to show up there from time to time and let us pick his brain a bit on tinkering on the Beretta's. Now that he's not shooting one, I don't know if he still goes there or not.
  13. I haven't wasted any of my time on the other shooting forums in quite a long while, but for some reason I found myself wandering around on one of the more prominent forums yesterday. It was kinda like a train wreck, I just could not help but read some of the threads and marvel at the complete lack of intelligence exhibited by most of the folks posting there. I did notice that Flex was there, trying to be a calm voice of reason in a veritable hurricane of idiocy, but I fear his efforts are for naught. Although every once in a great while I think he was able to make a bit of headway, it was quite apparent to me that he was fighting a battle of wits against unarmed adversaries...
  14. My old 92FS was definitely not pretty anymore. When I bought it, it was lovely, had some gorgeous cocobolo wood grips and nary a scratch on it. When I sold it last month, I told my buddy "Now, you realize this gun is not pretty anymore?" He did not seem to mind the extensive holster wear, the hogged out mag well and the blued/shiny bare steel magazines with dinged/dented base plates, or the front sight blacked out with a Sharpie. He may have replaced the rubber grips covered in skateboard tape by now, but I don't really know. He called me today to tell me he qualified with it at his PD without a hitch. I was not surprised. I just wish I had a halfway decent pic to show...
  15. Just my $.02 worth Paul, This kinda reminds me of a situation I faced as a new Sgt. at my old PD. We had a situation one night where an old head Lt (who everyone knew used excessive force on a fairly regular basis) choked out a guy who did nothing to deserve it in front of me and 3 of my officers. Later, when the investigation was under way, two of my officers really did not want to write a letter saying what they saw that night. The way I explained it to them was, as police officers, if we are not willing to police our own and throw out those who break the rules, who will start policing us? I think this brother/sisterhood of shooters need to behave in the same way. If we don't police ourselves and throw out the ones who refuse to abide by the rules, someone from the outside (read: anti-gun lawyer) will come along who is willing to do it for us. I don't think any of us really want that. Just remember, who is more important, the one guy who continually breaks the rules, without remorse, or the multitude of safe shooters who are victimized by his unsafe gun handling? JMHO which is worth exactly what was paid for it .
  16. My family and I spent a couple of months in Miami this past summer and one of the things I really wanted to do before we left Florida was see a Shuttle launch. We managed to catch one ( I think it was in late August, but I can't recall exactly). We had to drive up there twice from Miami since they scrubbed the launch twice due to a bad something or other. We were 11 miles from the launch pad at Jetty Park, just south of the Cape. It was an awesome sight. There was a little bit of cloud cover so we did not get as clear a view as I would have liked, but the view was still impressive and now I can cross off one of the things on my list to see/do before I die. The sound of the thing is what got me the most. It comes up from the ground and words fail to describe it. You have to be there to understand. I am just happy that my 10 yr old daughter got to see it.
  17. Woo Hoo!!! 10 for 10. I guess some of that stuff did soak in...
  18. Thought about doing that but I am getting used to the mag release where it is now. I have been doing reloads every night since I got the pistol and its not as much of an issue as it was. I just like the fact that I barely have to move my hand to hit the release now.
  19. I just picked up mine (in 9mm) this past weekend. I like the way it feels and points. The trigger is a bit rough, but I think it may improve with time. I can get to the mag release so much easier than with my old Beretta that I am having to retrain myself not to move my grip so much. So far I am pretty impressed, but I have not had a chance to get to the range yet...
  20. Looks just like one of my cats. I did a double take when I first saw it.
  21. Great video, very well done! Who is she and when is she coming to a range near me!! Maybe it is just me, but there is something about a good looking woman and a full auto rifle ...
  22. Are you opposed to using chemical warfare? If not, and if you have a Tractor Supply Company nearby, they carry a product called Demon that works great. We were having a problem with scorpions and spiders at my place and that stuff stopped them in their tracks. Its fairly easy to use if you have a pump sprayer. Hope that helps.
  23. bierman


    I got to spend two months in Miami earllier this year. I really feel for all of you guys who have to live with that year round. From what I hear, traffic there doesn't even really get bad (by local standards) until the snowbirds show up during winter. Then you get a mix of third world drivers and folks who only drive on an occasional basis. I am glad I left before things got really ugly.
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