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Everything posted by bierman

  1. The bottom line is I am not here to be my childs best friend. I am here to raise her to be a productive member of society. Now don't get me wrong, I love my daughter dearly and would rather spend time with her and my wife than with anyone else. But if she screws up, she knows whats coming next. In my former life as a cop I saw way too many "parents" who wanted to be friends with their kids and could not figure out what to do when their little darlings started doing things that caused them to come in contact with me and my coworkers. I would stand in the kids room, which contained more "stuff" (ie TV, stereo, computer, video game consoles etc.) than I have, while the kid would scream and berate the parents until I had to step in and dress the child down for talking to their parents that way. Sadly, most of these parents honestly had no clue how to deal with their kids. Unfortunately for them, you can't wait until the kid is 13,14 or 15 to begin the discipline process. It has to start from the beginning.
  2. Mike, Dry fire is a great plan. I have also had to rethink the way I shoot some stages. Someone mentioned earlier that, if possible, try to take the closest or most open target with that first shot. That is one of the (many) things I am working on right now when I shoot a match. Don't make it harder than it has to be.
  3. I do, and you are most definitely correct.
  4. Congratualtions and welcome to the only place I will call home! Not that I wouldn't mind visiting Britain for a pub crawl or 2 (or 3 or 4...)
  5. Ok, I can't fix it. There is a reason I don't have a job in the IT business. I don't have the patience for this stuff
  6. zen Saw this at the grocery store the other day, thought of this place. If only one could run down and buy a glass of zen juice. hang on, let me fix my link
  7. bierman


    Thanks for the words of support, they really help. Geezer Lock, I really wish I could go 10-7, but we are still looking for this guy so most of us will not be having a weekend until we get him. I will keep coming in and working my shift. I showed the MVS video and played the radio traffic for my other night shift last night to show them why we teach the tactics we teach and to let them hear what everything sounded like at the time. When I listen to the radio traffic I sound a lot calmer than I remember feeling at the time. Just so everyone knows, the officer involved is fine. He is on his weekend right now and is not due back to work until Sunday night. I believe he will be spending his weekend at home with his family. BTW, this is not the first time he has been shot at. A nutjob shot at him with an SKS about 2 years ago. Luckily, the officer was pretty far away (about 60 yards) and the BG was a horrible shot. The officer backed out of the line of fire and waited for the cavalry to arrive. We caught that guy that night and the BG is now enjoying the fine legendary hospitality of the Texas prison system.
  8. bierman


    This is kind of a mixed What I Hate/What I Love post. Last night one of the officers that works for me was involved in a gunfight. I hate that he was put in that position by a person with no regard for anyone. I hate the helpless feeling that I and the other officers responding felt as we were still trying to get to him. I don't think I have ever pushed a police car harder than I did last night and I hate that I still did not get there sooner. I hate that I was afraid as I got out of my car looking for the shooter and not knowing where he was. I hate that my officer did not hit the POS that had just shot at him (more on that in a minute). I hate that the POS got away from us at the initial scene and carjacked another innocent person about a half mile away. I hate that this POS wrecked his new stolen car, rolling it, and walked (or ran) away from it. I hate that despite the best efforts of countless (I quit counting at around 40) police, deputies and trooper this guy eluded us and is still out there. What I love is that my officer did everything he was supposed to do and that probably saved his life. His car took rounds, but he was not in it when it did. What I love is that despite the fact that he did not hit the bad guy, my officer really did not have much of a target presented by the bad guy and the rounds he fired were in a very nice group in the back of the BG's car. What I love is that no innocent bystanders were hurt. What I love is the way all of my officers responded to what was a truly chaotic situation. What I love is the response from all of the other agencies and their willingness and eagerness to help find this guy. What I love is the determination of everyone in my department to hunt this guy down and let him know what happens when you shoot at police officers. WE WILL FIND HIM! Sorry for being long winded. I needed to get this off my chest.
  9. TRP, so sorry to hear about your daughters experience. My kid does not like shooting my production gun (92FS) as she says it kicks too hard. I will let her stick with 22's until she is ready to move on up to the bigger guns. I am thinking around 12 years old she will be ready. NewRacer, I could not agree with you more on teaching children gun safety and how to handle/shoot firearms. My rule with my daughter has always been "If you ever want to see/touch/handle one of my guns, just ask and if I have the time, I will get it out of the safe and we will do it together". She started showing interest at about 5 and started shooting at 7. I got her a Savage 10Y single shot 22 bolt action when she was 8 and a Ruger 10-22 for her 9th birthday. I am teaching her to clean and maintain them now. I had her out at the range one day last year and she was loading the factory mag for the 10-22 when she looked up at me and said "Dad, someone really needs to make a magazine for this thing that holds more bullets." I almost got teary eyed when she said that . She got a 25 round mag in her stocking at Christmas. Thanks for all of the kind words guys. I will pass them on to my kid.
  10. /proud papa mode on/ Took my 9 year old daughter to her second match (junior 22 rifle match) yesterday. Nothing major, just an informal match to get kids interested in shooting. She shot it last month and scored 213 out of 400 possible and ended up 4th place in the Marksman division This time, she was much more relaxed and calm as she was shooting. She ended up shooting 319 out of 400 and made the Sharpshooter division, placing 2nd in that division, 3rd overall in her age group (7 to 12 year olds) and high overall girl in her age group. She was stoked and I was tickled pink. It really does my heart good to see her developing a love of the shooting sports. What really tickled me the most was the comment she made as we were leaving. One kid, about a 10 year old boy, made the Expert division, shooting 354 out of 400 (really impressive considering he was shooting a club owned rifle that he had fired about 20 rounds through before the match began). My daughter told us her goal at the next match is to beat that kid . My wife and I were proud. /proud papa mode off/
  11. +1, I have not been here that long, but I am continually amazed at the willingness of those at the top level of our game to share their knowledge with the rest of us. That continues to be the main reason this is the only forum I spend any significant time at. The rest just have nothing to offer.
  12. Thanks for all of the feedback, folks. As usual, it has been extremely helpful.
  13. I called it at about 1:00 of the center (the round part that is, I don't really know what it is called). I don't know where it actually did hit. I really want to say it hit where I called it, but I can't say for certain. I am at the level right now where I am seeing my front sight quite clearly when the shot breaks, but I still have a way to go as far as seeing other things as well. I will say that that the set screw on the popper was WAY off when the RO checked it. I was prepared for the mike to be called and would have accepted it and moved on. I just wanted to see if I did the right things as far as not waiting for the steel to fall.
  14. Shooting 99-57 (Bookouts Boogie) at a local club match last weekend. First time I have ever shot this one so my plan was shoot the poppers from Box A and the paper from Box B. I take the front popper first then the back ones left to right. I call a hit on the last popper, hear the hit and I am off to Box B, making my reload as I move (I shoot Production). Get to Box A and make my shots there. Ok run for me, I am thinking and then I look up and realize the last popper is still standing. I was floored. Should I wait and make sure the last popper falls before moving? I knew I hit the last popper, everyone else on the stage said I hit it as well. Fortunately, the RO gave me the popper as he determined it had not been set properly before we started shooting. I was curious if I did the right thing. I remember reading in Brian's book that you should call the shot on steel and not wait for the sound of the hit and that is what I did (I think).
  15. I've only shot a few there, but I always have a blast at CTRP in Waco. They usually get 50-75 shooters for their monthly match and they put together some fun stages. If you are nearby on the third Saturday of the month, swing by, you won't be sorry.
  16. My question to all of this is, are there that many production shooters complaining about the "equipment race" that PD has become? I am new to this game, so I honestly don't know. I haven't really done much to my PD gun (92FS) and I probably won't ever do much to it as it is also my work gun and the dept. armorer would not sign off on a 2.5# SA pull. Do the Glock/XD shooters have an advantage over me because of the trigger pull? I guess, for the first shot, but I have learned that I need to plan my stages a little different to make up for that. Either way, minimum trigger pull or not, fancy trigger jobs or not, PD is still the "cheapest" way to play this game, IMHO.
  17. I remember my mom using that stuff on me years ago. Your right, it smell horrible, but it works great. I got "bit" by a blister bug when I was a young lad and she used it on me then. I haven't seen it in years though, didn't know they still made it.
  18. For you blues/rock guitar lovers out there, check out Monte Montgomery Monte Montgomery He's out of Austin and absolutely burns down the house with an acoustic guitar. His live shows are a site to behold. He used to play SXSW alot a few years back. The rest of my list: Metallica Pantera Willie Nelson Audioslave Nazareth Merle Haggard Hank Jr. Waylon Jennings SRV (of course) P.O.D. Chevelle Disturbed
  19. Just one more reason I have never bought a new washer or dryer (or fridge, freezer, stove etc.). I always buy used. I don't think I have paid more than $75 for any appliance in my house. If it breaks, which doesn't happen too often, and I can't fix it (very common) I'm not out that much money. All those new ones look nice at the store, but I think I will continue to pass on them after reading this thread.
  20. Friend of mine was dissuaded by his instructors at the academy from firing a perfect score on the qualifier. They believed it would make them a target for lawyers in a shooting. "you shot a perfect score but couldn't wound the suspect in the leg instead hitting him in the chest?" Probably not valid, but one they reinforced at his academy. (1980's) We quit using scores several years ago. Once the instructors get to 70% on your target, they stop couting and mark down "Pass". Helps avoid the above mentioned issue.
  21. I am fortunate enough to work for a department that actually puts forth some effort at training. We just finished our annual firearms training over the past week. We got to spend two days at the range and were each given 1000 rounds for those two days. Having said that, I was once again disappointed with the attitudes of most of the officers there during my two days at the range. Their chief concern was "What time are we leaving?" Few of them seemed concerned about truly improving their skills. At the end of the first day only two officers (myself and one of our rifle instructors) actually loaded our weapons before leaving the range. The rest left with empty weapons. I invite all of the guys I work with to come shoot with me whenever they want. Our department pays for us to have access to a local range whenever we want, at no cost to the officers. All you need to do is show up and bring ammo. Yet, there are just a handful of us, out of 65 officers, that shoot with any regularity. Its just sad.
  22. Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble with Area 4's website? I keep getting an "Under Construction" page whenever I try the main page and the link to the application isn't working either. It could just be me...
  23. Good job Sgt, makes the job worthwhile. One of the more veteran officers at my PD did CPR on a little one (4-5 year old girl) and saved her a couple of years ago. I was working one evening a couple of weeks after it happened and the girl and her mom showed up in the lobby, wishing to speak to the officer. They brought a laundry basket full of stuffed animals, drawings and goodies (cupcakes and such). One of the drawing the little girl had done was a picture of the officer with the caption "My Hero" and "thanks for saving my life, you will always be my hero". I watched when they gave him this package and he nearly broke down and cried because no one had ever done anything like that for him in the 20 years he had been on the job. Everyone there was in a great mood for quite a while after that. Makes the bad days easier to take. Good job again Sgt, ya done good.
  24. My wife gets on me for being too hard on my daughter. It is probably because of my job (police) and seeing the kids act like heathens when I am at work. I also do a part time gig at our local high school during the lunch hours (there are 3 of them). Every day that I am there chips away a little more of my faith in the upcoming generation. There are 3750 students at this school and we deal with food fights in the lunch room, flying firecrackers in the hallways and student fights on nearly a daily basis. On the worst day yet, just before Christmas, oops I mean winter break, we recovered 3 guns and a knife in one day and one of the regular school officers deployed his pepper ball gun when they started throwing water and soda bottles at him and the superintendant. Those kids get away with stuff my coaches and teachers would have killed you for when I was in school.
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