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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by maineshootah

  1. Great match all, I hope to bring a bigger Maine contingent next year. We had a great time - awesome squad, great staff. Alan, you should be proud.
  2. The new Quicktime is sick as well.. All the features of the pro version as well as direct file save - post to youtube.
  3. Bring the rain gear folks! What's with these Area 8 matches.... Topton 3 gun / Area 8... 2" rain.... this weekend......
  4. Been using this solution for years. Works easy... think pass phrase rather then password. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1578 or.. https://wiki.thayer.dartmouth.edu/display/c...pted+Disk+Image or.. if you don't want to read.. and rather watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjB3w1mXaeQ
  5. If you want all the files and make sure you get them all, then terminal is the way to go. As you said, however, it will not get the playlists. Senuti, will. If you hunt enough.. or ask some of your BE members.. you can find previous versions that were free.
  6. You must be local... for $200 in travel... it isn't quite that cheap from the East coast.
  7. Cheese bags are RE-SEALABE? Their ain't enough left in them to seal them after I get into one.
  8. SA--- WEEET! Can't wait to get down there and rip it up.
  9. ..................... Amen brother.
  10. What type of speed bump to the positive or negative would we be looking at? If the folks who will be doing this will be slower than the shooters... that isn't going to help any. Using the BRM3G as an example, some stages were great with help. (the teenager at the tunnel stage with the shotgun deserves mega props..) While other stages (with the 50 cal) "left yesterday and we haven't seen 'em since.." * Note.. not a complaint.. just an observation * As a shooter I don't want to pay the $20 and then have to end up taping / setting up steel because the help left. And, if help is going to leave, they are going to leave on the longer, more complicated, more demanding stages. Which means that the shooters would have to do it. I think it sets an unfair expectation. As an RO, I don't want to have to tell 12 bone weary, drag-ass tired, shooters (on the last stage of the day..) that they now have to do A-Z to finish the stage.. and oh yeah, you have to tape as well. I guess I am saying it has to be all or nothing for that stage. Either there is help or there isn't. Having that option for more of the blind stages.. that would be cool, and fair to the other shooters / RO staff. I would throw an extra $10.. or pay with ammo donations.. as long as it wasn't buckshot.. I can't seem to keep enough of that on hand for that match.
  11. +1 Safer... plus the water will drain out of them during the DOWNPOURS when you visit the Topton 3 gun..
  12. It's called gear. New shooters see a pistol, strong side holster and 3 mags and easy to get. Plus they see IDPA as not needing "a lot of gear". (Their quote not mine.. I already asked this at my local club). TV has something to do with it as well, as Best Defense and others have a strong focus on the "personal protection" side of shooting. I think the high speed low drag open glitz DOES play into it even though we explain that they will not be scored against or with them. We have pulled several "tactical" shooters into USPSA matches. They often comment on "all the gear" they need. (I guess having 8-10 mags isn't something that most folks bring to the range...) It is all good. Get 'em shooting.
  13. You do not need the pro version of google earth to add gps coords. While you cannot import them, you can "add" them in google earth and then make "waypoints" and or "thumb tack markers". You can then save these waypoints as a klm files that you can share with others.
  14. +1 to that. A lot of good info and good people here.
  15. Soo... no one would be running in a real world simulation? ummmmm... no. move on, shoot somewhere else... "they" took out steel and rapid movement this year.. what is in store for next year? How does one define running? A speed thing, lack of both feet on the ground?
  16. So... we should all be drinking with our weak hand to "improve" our WHO recoil control? Honey, I am practicing.. HONEST!
  17. From Sinclair International, Inc. Primer Availability Folks, we've received another shipment of the Sellier & Bellot primers this morning. There are both Large and Small Rifle primers currently in stock. Call our 800 line @ 800-717-8211 or order from our website to get your primers before it's too late. These shipments have typically lasted about a week before inventory is exhausted. We're requesting that customers, again, respect our one case (5000 primers) limit per purchase. Part numbers are #25-8000 for the Small Rifle primers, and #25-8100 for the Large Rifle primers.
  18. maineshootah

    Top 20

    Love it.. it makes you work that much harder to get off the list.
  19. Hey now.. here on the east coast we all don't live in the land of "shoot in the sun all year round" unlike my southern brothers... 23 hours 24 min (1,446 miles) for me to get to Benning this year... and worth every minute on the road to get there.
  20. Call PACT.. I bet for $14 shipping they will fix it for ya. (If you don't want to do that.. throw it my way.. not in the trash!)
  21. Write checks to cover above checks: check Add mask and snorkel to checklist: check Lee Scuba anyone? Last 3-gun almost answered the question, when can you have too much ammo? Answer: When you are swimming. Now don't get me wrong here. I am not afraid of a little mud or water, just so long as it is reasonably warm mud and water. My days of swimming in 38 degree water are long gone, I hope. Jim I would have LOVED to have had my SCUBA mask on a few of those stages... would have looked dumb as hell, but I wouldn't have had the fog issues.. The mud and H2O are fine, it is the rust I can do without.
  22. Hi Jay, thanks for the card after the Burkett Class. The camcorder is a Sony-HDR-CX100 camcorder that will do slow-mo in 3 second recordings. The camera belongs to Dave S. from the class but it's a great tool for sure. Your welcome, I am glad everything is "good to go" now. Just googled the camera... nice specs.
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