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Everything posted by Balakay

  1. Not even close. Trust me on this. If you have volume to pull, a hammer based puller like this is painfully slow compared to a collet bullet puller. I use the Hornady Cam lock on a single stage press.
  2. I took a look at one at the LGS. Bright and crisp dot inside the store (but aren't they all). With the new Doubletap mount, you can run the Romeo3, DPP or RTS 2. Might be the direction I am going with my new Open build. The big issue for me is the dot size. Although the 3 MOA seemed larger than I anticipated, I like a big dots . When is the general public going to have access to the 6 MOA ?
  3. Thx.. My 10.7 g load is with 115s so this makes more sense
  4. I have Comp-Tac holsters for both an STI Eagle and Edge. They both work well. Let me know if you want to buy one
  5. I was excited until I saw that 3N38 is not on sale! Everything else is. Good times.
  6. Lovex = Shooters World powder. Have not heard it is the same as AA#7 although the characteristics of D037.1 and AA7 are supposedly similar
  7. I like mine for the consistency of grip. The position works for my hand size. If you don't like it, you can likely sell it for a minor loss. Aa lot easier than drilling the frame
  8. Have you chrono’d these loads? I need 10.7 g of 3n38 to make 170pf. I have 4 small popples, standard length Brazos comp. Maybe your barrel is super fast(or mine is slow) but 8.8 seems light
  9. Disagree. Plenty of room in a 9mm case for AA#7 which is clearly a "slow" powder.
  10. This works well. https://dawsonprecision.com/bsi-grip-tape-glue/
  11. Might be a dumb question but why the bump to Open instead of Limited or L10?
  12. Genius! Every round that failed the Hundo chambered and fired without an issue today.
  13. I will give this a try. Thanks. Yet to have issues with Starline
  14. Unclear. But it seems to happen a lot more with nonStarline brass that has been reloaded multiple times (still waiting for that Starline sponsorship lol)
  15. I thought about trying the U-die again. However, when I was loading a lot of .40 I found it to increase the resistance of the press significantly, even with case lube so I went with the GRx
  16. Trying to reuse my brass. Getting too many rounds rejected by the Hundo case gauge. Can I use a Lee 9 x 18 Makarov FCD on my Redding GRx push thru set up to eliminate the base bulge? I have read that this will work for 9mm but haven’t seen anything regarding 38Super
  17. Cue the dueling banjo music, another top 5 National shooter from a different division: 82 63 96 77 100 75 81 94 95 82 99 Let's not lose sight of the fact of why I posted this data originally. The HHF clearly is not what the best shooters in our sport can expect to do on a routine basis. I think that it makes you question the true meaning of what a 100% classifier means. Sometimes they get 100%, more often they do not. Is the HHF the best HF ever recorded? Is it the average of X number of the best runs? Is it based on retrospective analysis of all reported classifiers and adjusted accordingly? Is it an arbitrary threshold that will continue to evolve over time? Going a step further, as someone alluded to earlier in the thread, what exactly does classification even signify? M = 85% of what exactly
  18. This is what should have already occurred
  19. Bingo!!! This is why so many on this topic have questioned why so many classifiers have increased the HHF. Not saying it is unjustified but what is the methodology. Did someone really analyze the raw data?
  20. Fair enough, I was unaware. Still indicates that even a total beast will have many runs well below their class threshold
  21. Clearly, I understand the sample size issues. Who cares if some C class shooter finally nails the draw and gets an 83% on El Prez. The point I am trying to make is that when you look at the fact that some of the top shooters in our sport are not consistently, or even occasionally achieving 95% classifier scores despite their GM classification. This does not bode well for majority of us.
  22. Here's another fun fact: Solid GM, top 10 at a recent Area match...Only 1 out of the last 68 classifiers is greater than 95%. 1/68!!! I would have better numbers batting against Justin Verlander. This clearly begs the question, who is setting the high hit factors? The lack of transparency intrigues me to say the least.
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