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Brian Payne

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Everything posted by Brian Payne

  1. What kind of bolt release button is that? An add on button or an after market shell catch/button combination. Or am just looking at the photo wrong.
  2. If they can make professional bowling, professional golfing, and professional bass fishing look exciting "as it happens", they should be able to figure out something to make this watchable. Full disclosure note: I do not bowl, golf, or bass fish (or do any fishing for that matter), maybe there is something about those sports that makes it exciting that I don't pickup on when I watch.
  3. I was pulling for James as well until he went against Tyler, then...... Well, he's my boy what can I say.
  4. I would just use Irons. Shoot some matches, see other peoples equipment, test drive if possible, then decide.
  5. I see one on Gunbroker with no reserve for $818.00. Has anyone tried one of these? It doesn't come with the recoil absorbing stock or comb, and also no stock fitting shims, only one choke. They also only come in 26" or 28" barrel. Curious.
  6. +1 on the MSA Sordin with gel cups. Worth every penny.
  7. I can't really form an educated opinion on classifications. At first blush my answer would be "we don't need them", but I realize that the wants and needs that are filled by competing in 3-gun, may be different for me than they would be for some one else. I help put on several local 3-gun matches and we really push for new shooters to come out and enjoy the sport. We have mentors for every new shooter to help walk them through their first one or two matches, and the more experienced shooters make no bones about volunteering any information that is requested by the newer shooters. I will admit that there has been an increase in new shooters that have commented about seeing the 3GunNation show and that leads them to look into the sport. These new shooters are very interested in their scores but they appear to be more interested in "not placing last" than worrying about being in first place in their division. They do use the scores as a way to compare how they are doing against the scores of more experienced shooters. For various reasons (we all have different excuses for the same problem) my shooting practice revolves around about 1500 rds total practice ammo per year split between shotgun, rifle and pistol (not counting matches). To expect to be shooting in a 3GunNation shoot off is not a realistic goal for me at this time. I do a lot of "dry fire drills" and that helps me be at least a little competative on some of the stages. I had signed up for the semi-pro division this last year just so I could see how I would do. The placings I received are exactly what I deserved based on my ability. More important to me was having the chance to meet and shoot with some of the best shooters/people in the country. From National Champion 3-gun shooters to business owners that were just shooting for the fun of the match I never saw anyone that could be considered to lack any sort of honor or integrity. For me, this is what 3-gun shooting is all about. Without trying to degrade any other sort of shooting sports, 3-gun for me is purely about shooting. You could either shoot up to the ability of others in your division, or you couldn't. Equipment rules made sure everyone was starting out on basically an even footing and anyone that scored higher than anyone else was a better shooter on that given day. And they were a better shooter than I was because of their shooting background, or practice regiment, experience, or personal drive to succeed. It had nothing to do with being a gamer or lack of honor. It seems that with classifications you will always have a certain percentage of the shooting population that will have ill will towards anyone that places higher than they do, with the thought that that person should be in a higher classification. I think it would be difficult, if not impossible, to come up with a classification system that everyone would be happy with. I know in USPSA I was classified as a "B" class shooter, but at normal matches I felt I was shooting more in "A" to low Master Class. I just had a difficult time shooting classifiers, where normal field courses were more in my comfort zone as a shooter. For 3-gun classifications, if the classifiers were all like stages shot at 3GunNation matches, I would do very poorly as my shooting strengths don't revolve around short fast courses of fire. My classification would probably be very low. Then if you go to matches like BRM3G, Ozarks, RM3G, or Ironman where the stages are longer and pose different shooting challenges that require higher levels of energy and endurance, the outcome might be far different and this might lead someone to think "sandbagger" "gamer" etc.. We don't have that in our sport now and I would hate to see it come up in the future.
  8. " What would really be cool if some of the major sponsors sent their sponsored shooters to RO this match " I have to say I really like this idea. The coolest thing that I have seen in 3-gun was at this years BRM3G when on stage #7 the Samson sponsored shooters Bryan, Brian, and Andrew RO'd the stage. All three are great shooters, great RO's, but more importantly they are some of the best ambassadors for the sport. This was some of the best advertising I have ever seen by a company. On the same token I wouldn't expect these guys to not be able to shoot the match though. Maybe the Pro's could RO and shoot for their own prizes on a separate prize table.
  9. We feel that it is important top support the vast majority of the 3 Gun competitors who are not sponsored professionals, but amateur shooters with their own championships. These shooters are great ambassadors and are what sustains and advances our sport. I really like this idea. It will be interesting to see how you make the cut off between "Pro" and "Amateur" because I am really interested in coming.
  10. I can't keep track of all of this series stuff. I am just shooting TO like I always have and I will sign up for the semi-pro because that is where I feel I belong. I just posted to say El Guapo's post just made me smile. Thanks for making my day.
  11. I am glad I came upon this post. And once again Mr. Kelley has supplied what I was looking for on this problem. I am hitting 54 soon, and I do wear corrective lenses but now I am also finding the need for reading glasses. I shoot 3-gun mainly and I was pretty content using my STI edge with plain black front sight (a large one). I was not having any problem hitting the 5" steel plates at the Ozark's 3-gun and BRM3G, and I was also able to hit the long range pistol steel (70+ yrds) with no trouble. These two matches are known for some harder long range pistol shots. It seems that in an attempt to add difficulty to the pistol portions of these matches the smaller steel targets are becoming the target of choice compared to years ago using the normal IPSC targets with no-shoot or hardcover. I am guessing that this also makes it much cheaper for the matches (no target replacements) and faster for reset. Overall I prefer this type of set up as compared to the more "run-and-gun" style courses of fire. At the last Ozarks 3-gun my front sight started to loosen up in the dovetail. I would start a stage and make sure it was in the proper position and hope for the best by the end of the stage. It was apparent that it needed replacement. Naturally I thought I would use what everyone thought was the newest and best. A few days later a very nice micro-dot arrived at my door and with a little work it was mounted on my handgun. At normal ranges on IPSC targets it felt like I was faster and it seemed like I was finding the front sight easier. Then I switched to shooting small steel at distance, and A/C zone steel at 100 yrds. Wow! I couldn't hit crap even though the handgun was sighted in properly. I had a match coming up soon so I spent a large amojnt of time really working on adjusting to this new sight. I really couldn't find an answer except to switch to safety glasses that had built in 1.50 "cheaters" in the top and the bottom of the lense. This allowed me to tilt my head down to clearly see the front handgun sight, but holding my head normal allowed me to shoot through the rifle scope. This worked but not near as well as what I had before. So per reading Mr. Kelley's above comments I am switching back to the larger plain black sight. I am hoping that this gives me a few more years of shooting in the same division I shoot now. It also allows me to keep an eye on the classifieds for an Open gun that I might want to try in the future. But like my wife says "But if you switch to open won't you need a new handgun AND a different shotgun?". Damn, sometimes I hate being married to someone who really knows guns and the shooting sports. No way to "sneak" a new gun into the gun vault. Never fails "where did that new Glock come from?"
  12. Larry, Thanks for the info, have one on the way.
  13. Spending a weekend at "The Rock", working with great RO's, the Horner's, MD, the stages, physical challenges, shooting challenges, beautiful location, shooting with Squad #5, all made for some excellent memories. My favorite? I got to shoot with my oldest son, my youngest son, and my daughter-in-law. It truely doesn't get any better than that!!
  14. Busyhawk Spill the beans!! What size targets at what distance, running up and down the hills or just down the hills. Should we bring spare O2 tanks? buckshot distance? slug distance? are there snakes out at this time of year? Just kidding. I really don't want to know the answers to the above questions. I am trying to plan for everything and hope for the best. Thanks for the work that you guys do setting this match up. We have been waiting all year!! See you in a week.
  15. P.E.Kelley, Just to get the record straight. Toyota FJ Cruiser wins over any other vehicle (even the Honda Element) for the perfect 3-gun vehicle. Grain Belt Premium is the best "sit around and talk trash with your fellow shooters" beer.
  16. Pat, I think what MarkCo is saying is that the Titan works for you. You are a large statured male using what ever ammo you like with your rifle tuned to that ammo. Another shooter, who is built totally different, holds the rifle differently, uses different ammo or has his/her weapon tuned differently may have a totally different outcome using that same comp. Also keeping in mind some people may be using Carbine, mid-length, rifle length gas systems as well as different weight barrels and it opens up a whole world of possibilities as far as what their "perfect" comp is.
  17. I purchased a box so that I could practice on them in case any of the bigger 3-gun matches used them in a course of fire. Since I don't see these targets as any sort of PC thing, I saw them as more of an easy for spectator watching on tv sort of thing, I didn't have a problem with them and have grown quite fond of them. I don't see the larger than normal non-scoring area as too much of a problem. I know those areas are there and I try not to put any bullet holes in that area of the target.
  18. How long of a drive are you from the Ft. Benning area? I was planning on going down to visit my son and this might fit into my vacation plans.
  19. Chris, I was going to tell you about the scoring at this match until I saw you were shooting in my division. Hehe!
  20. The county itself is “dry” but the Park Mammoth Resort (Match HQ) is “wet” as of a few years ago. They will have a good supply of refreshments available. Nice info. Thank you.
  21. Shooter115 If you are going to owe someone a cold one you might want to bring it with you since you will be in a dry county and unable to purchase anything close to the match. I have become a fan of Grain Belt Premium in case you were wondering.
  22. When I shoot slugs from a rested position they tend to impact higher than shooting off hand. Try it both ways so you are better prepared for what ever the match throws at you.
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