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Everything posted by alma

  1. I used the Strelok + app for sight in and at that match. It was great two know exactly what to expect for offset at each distance and where the subtensions should hit.
  2. There is no doubt that Mac is safer. It's not immune but the risk of infection is lower. The newer Windows systems have also become much more secure than they were in the past and just like was mentioned for Mac, the number one attack vector for PCs is Java exploits followed by Adobe Flash and Reader. If you can get by without uninstall Java. You can also use free vulnerability scanners like Secunia PSI which helps to identify Window's and third party patches which need to be applied to the operating system. http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/personal/
  3. But doesn't that ruin the balance?
  4. Perhaps, but then again how often do you see duck hunters opening up loading ports on a shotgun? I think our sports push the envelope on what works best far better than typical hunting.
  5. and if you don't like Symantec then here is one from Trend Micro http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/a-flashback-postmortem-what-mac-users-need-to-know/
  6. I tried 17 degrees but since it was a dremel cleaned up with a flat file it may not be exact. I also kept the angle going just beyond the horizontal line to where I was just on the edge of the last 7 in my serial number. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-5345-0-17958500-1390103625.jpg http://www.brianenos.com/forums/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-5345-0-18947000-1390334774.jpg
  7. You may be fine as you are conscious of the issues and best practices but you are likely not the typical user. Users will click on things they think they want and if they think that nothing they do will be able to penetrate the security of the operating system. Social engineering will often be a factor to convince the users to click on that malicious link or download and perhaps even enter administrative credentials. On your other comment viruses are a type of malware. I think your point might be that self replicating viruses and worms are less prevalent and the current malware variants of concern include Trojans and other types of malicious code that does not self replicate and focuses on stealing data, remote intrusions, bot net enrolment, and etc.
  8. Check page 49 of Symantec's 2013 Internet Security That report as well. http://www.symantec.com/content/en/us/enterprise/other_resources/b-istr_main_report_v18_2012_21291018.en-us.pdf
  9. There have been several high profile malware issues with Macs over the last few years. Additionally there have been recent targeted phishing attacks that have used Mac exploits since many targets have moved to Mac from Windows. Apple also does not resolve known security vulnerabilities as fast as Microsoft. Consider this article: http://www.forbes.com/sites/adriankingsleyhughes/2012/04/05/why-you-should-install-antivirus-on-your-mac/
  10. Then break out the soldering iron and give it a go. The cooler the iron the more aggressive the texture. I ended up having to go over a couple of areas with a file to knock down some of the really spiky ones especially by the trigger guard.
  11. I did my shotgun using a cheap soldering iron. Results were good but it took me a few passes to get the texture right. Temperature seemed to make the biggest difference in how much it digs in. With the iron fully heated it makes nice flat circles that didn't offer much more grip than the factory texture. A warm iron with a bit pressure makes some aggressive and uneven peaks that really dig a bit too much. I ended up finding a happy medium between the two and have been setting my iron's temperature by unplugging when it starts to get too hot and plugging it back in when the peaks get too high. Not the pretties but works well.
  12. Dry firing causes the firing pin to crystalize (5:20).
  13. alma


    Seekins. Miculek is very effective but definitely gets more attention at the indoor range.
  14. Not sure how good it is but Primary Arms had an affordable 1-6 too.
  15. I don't have enough experience to say. That was the first time shooting that rifle beyond 50 yards and my first 3 Gun match since 2005 when I shot iron sights. I was glad that I had 6 but 8 would be nice as long as I still had a good field of view. Not sure how 4 would be but if that is the norm for Peacemaker then I think I would want more. I really needs to get some time off the clock to do some distance shooting and figure things out. Other than the two longer range rifle stages I ran my scope on 1 with the red dot turned on and that worked very well really well on the other stages.
  16. So back to the original post are you noticing a difference in tracking during recoil? It's great to hear that things are coming together. Dry fire will help a lot. Getting your grip correct out of the holster and after reloads is critical and repeated dry fire session will go a lot further to lock in the new technique than just the occasional range session. After the dry fire draw and reloads you can stop and check your grip to confirm you are still where you want to be. It will take a lot of repetition to break the old habits and learn new. Just when you think you have left the old behind you get adrenaline going in a competition and make an instinctive fallback to the old grip. Muscle memory is your best friend or worst enemy. As you transition your grip be aware that you will have to watch out for unintentional manipulation of the slide stop so be aware of slides not looking back or locking back prematurely.
  17. Sounds like someone is a little jealous. I hear those novelty giant checks are hard to get cashed. I would rather rest on my laurels and make excuses anyway... It's just so much easier.
  18. I shot that's match. It was a lot f fun but even with a good scope those were some challenging shots. You definitely want one that has a 1x power or close to it.
  19. I'm probably 100% squared up. Yeah, there's your problem. You are just going to get twisted around by the recoil like you were describing. Strong side foot and shoulder needs to go back and you need to aggressively lean into the gun. It should make a huge difference.
  20. Video would be helpful. Make sure you aren't trying to square your shoulders to the target is a good place to start. Are you keeping your weight/balance forward? Neutral balance doesn't cut it is you are about to rip off fast array on the SG.
  21. I used a CoMKydex for a number of years that looks similar but all kydex and no thumb break. Great holster that was comfortable and really fast to get on and off. I also have a CompTac Minotaur. The big advantage of the Minotaur is that you can position it in a lot of different ways whereas the other style tends to shift on me. Disadvantage is all the screws and attachments. Takes longer to get into place and my screws keep coming undone. It's currently out of order until I get to the hardware store for more screws and locktite.
  22. Double plugging? Foam plugs under head phones
  23. I was able to find a satisfactory tone in the default notification sounds. I am sure yyou could customize the sounds for anything you wanted. Only problem with "are you ready?" is you would always know when to expect the beep. Going to give this a try for awhile and see if it's worth while. Thanks for the help.
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