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Everything posted by rubberneck

  1. I think you are missing the point. No one will ever be able to call a shooter on this since both variants exsist. For all the SO knows the gun came from the factory that way or it was bought by a LEO. You would be able to knock me over with a feather if an SO ever borught it up in the first place let alone disallowing the gun in a match. Since it gives the shooter no advantage and doesn't make the gun unsafe I wouldn't feel obligated to let the SO that I had it removed. It is in the rule book because the lawyers wanted it there. No more no less.
  2. Since they make both variants no SO or MD will ever know if M&P came from the factory that way or was modified. For all they know you bought it from a LEO. If they don't ask I ain't telling. Besides it's not like removing the mag disconnect gives you any sort of competitive advantage.
  3. Metalform makes the best 9MM magazine right now and that isn't saying a whole hell of a lot. I have spent way too much money trying to come up with 9MM mags that work all the time. Only the metalforms have come close. On the bright side I talked to Virgil Tripp today and he said that he'll have a 10 round 9MM mag on the market by the end of May/beginning of June. Given the quailty of his 45 mags I can't wait. Till then I continue to suffer mag issues.
  4. Jake any reason why you want the load to be in the 127-128 range? I have a single stack in 9MM that shoots faster using 138 pf ammo than it does with stuff in your range.
  5. That is only one of several gripes the board has with IDPA. The fact that they called Paul and Skip to the mat about the insurance policy and had no clue if it covered non members or not tells me that they were using it as a means to bust their balls just for the sake of it. It also is telling that there are three other events in which non-members participate yet IDPA was the only one that was singled out for a special meeting. Also throw in the fact that the board is trying to claim that IDPA is a non-sponsored club event even though the membership voted to hold those matches and it appears on the club calender. It has become apparent to Paul and Skip that they want us gone and will use any BS excuse to do so. Several of us plan to fight a rear guard action if for no other reason than to annoy the ever living hell out of the board. I am so PO'd right now that the next members meeting will probably get ugly.
  6. I'd be all for it but sadly the last election was a month or two ago and their terms are for a year. In the mean time Paul and Skip have had enough. If those two walk away and the board carries through on its veiled threats than the next election will be too late. It would be like starting all over again.
  7. I was told by the local IDPA match director that IDPA is all but done at my club. It is a real shame because it was the first IDPA club in the state and it's demise means that there will only be one left and while they have great matches their facilities are very small and the town is trying to close that club down to sell the land to developers. The current board ran on a platform that said the club should should be enjoyed for all members. Any reasonable person would logically interpret that to mean that the club sponsered events would be supported by the new board. What they really meant is that the rimfire bullseye mafia (which includes the entire board) want the club to themselves. Amongst their list of complaints was that we allowed non-members to use the facilities (ignoring the fact that the PPC league does the same, the junior air rifle league has non members as does their weekly old timers bullseye league), that our sport is "unsafe" and that the club doesn't get any tangible benefit from IDPA (besides money and new members that joined because of it). All of which are total BS and they know it. What they really want is an old boys club where they can sit around and drink. In a state where our rights are constantly under attack the board of my soon to be former club turned on fellow guns owners in a shameless and shelfish act. I guess all is not lost. I have been giving more and more thaught to switching to USPSA. I guess that decision has been made for me last night.
  8. How did a thread about a new production gun degenerate into discussions regarding double bagging and tea bagging. I am certianly no prude but I wish we could keep the discussion somewhat on track.
  9. Today I witnessed a 9mm 1911 using Atlanta Arms stuff shut down after 2 stages. Ammo was so dirty powder residue got under the ramp on the gun and locked it up. Not sure it's the way to go for non reloaders after seeing that. Though IIRC Sevigny uses their stuff. Ted That was me. In all fairness to the folks at Atlanta Arms I have shot several thousand rounds of that load through that gun and that was the first time that has happened to me.
  10. If the guy doesn't want to reload than all he has to do is buy ammo from Atlanta Arms. They make a 230 grain load that makes 171pf out of my 5 inch 1911 and at $16 per 100 it is cheaper than WWB. Seems to me that this guy is just lazy. I don't reload, for a number of reasons, but have never felt that I am at an unfair advantage.
  11. I bought a pair Mepablu muffs a month ago. I love them. I have no problem wearing them for extended periods of time as they are very comfortable. The work better than any other electronic muffs that I have tried in the past and work very well with large bore guns.
  12. $700 dollar toilet seat? HOpefully the prices will be in line with Bar Sto or the ilk If they are wise their price point would be in line with Scheumann. After all who would pay a premium for an S_I barrel above and beyond what Wil charges.
  13. On a Caspian slide and frame I would build a bobtailed commander chambered in 9X23 for carry. In fact that is my next build as I just spec'd it out a week or two ago.
  14. Is their truth tho their claim that they drop in? Yes, sort of. Given they are trying to produce drop in barrels that will work in a wide variety of different 1911's. Due to different production tolerences a drop in barrel my not drop into your gun. As to who's barrel you wan't to buy pick your poison. Everyone has their own personal preferences but there isn't much difference between the high end barrels in terms of performance. If it were me I would buy an oversized Kart and have it fit by a smith. Why spend $150-200 on a new barrel is you aren't going to get the most out of it. YMMV.
  15. I don't know you Ron but I do know that none of us are getting out of here alive. You have put the time and effort in and if it gives you any amount of personal satisfaction to make GM then go for it. On the day the good lord calls me home I hope that I have no regrets. The people who would begrudge you that or deem it classless are not the type of people I would like to associate with.
  16. I am left handed and have no problems with the Glock 35. The S&W M&P is on deck with a CZ in the hole. YMMV.
  17. I was just voer at CZ's website and it looks like they have added some new products. The most interesting to my eye was their new version of the SP01 designed by Angus Hobdell just for IPSC production. Looks like it is just what I am looking for in my next production gun. I wonder how good the trigger will be out of the box. http://czusa.com/01.detail.php?id=74
  18. I could be wrong but I was told that Wil Scheumann was directly involved in SVI's effort to make barrels.
  19. Julio why would you want to give up your sixguns? As far as I am concerned all the guns you mentioned would make an excellent choice. The STI is appealing because you can get it in a number of calibers. Edit to add: I must have USPSA my mind so just ignore the part about STI having different calibers as it wouldn't matter in a CDP gun.
  20. Not a bad idea but I am a yankee through and through. You think the south could handle another transplanted yank?
  21. It is way too early to hit the panic button. The Md match is having some issues relating to the venue and insurance. From what I hear the Pa match will happen just at a different club. Since Ted posts here I am sure he will clear things up. The Cortland match, which is the de facto NYS match, better be on because I mailed off the application two weeks ago. Finally, given the success of last years CT state match unless something screwy happens it will be a go again.
  22. You know my name Ted as I was one of the unlucky few who's Pa. match fee was lost at the last minute. I haven't shot your match but SO (including you and Melissa once or twice) at Somerset and shoot at Sciota and Phillipsburg regularly enough to know all those guys by name and face. I don't expect you to rat anyone out but it really does suprise me because I can't think of anyone from NJ that shoots nothing but singlestacks and would have an devil may care attitude about the new law. I will not ask you who it is but if I knew they would get an ear full from me. Regards Pete
  23. That is very suprising Ted. Since IDPA is so damn small in NJ I doubt there is a shooter that I don't know unless he is from South Jersey and shoots only in the Philly area matches. I can only think of two guys off the top of my head that shoot single stacks to the exclusion of all others and one of them is mad as hell about this change. The other is a flake.
  24. And to think I just bought an STI frame to build a limited gun. There are so many great things about NJ it is just to bad that evil men like John Corzine can get themselves elected time and time again. I guess it is time to sell that STI frame and move on to greener pastures.
  25. Mike you are fine with the gun and the holster. You can shoot the gun in CDP or ESP if you are so inclined but wouldn't reccomend it. There are no rules against using a 7 round magazines but would suggest picking up a couple 8 rounders. The old Comp-tac mag pouch is now illegal but I doubt anyone at a local match will say anything especially to a new shooter. As to the glasses issue I would only wear themp if they are impact resistant which most are nowadays. IDPA rules state you must have eye and ear protection. What you consider protection is up to you. Since you only have one set of eyeballs and ear drums I would suggest that you use the best safety equipment you can afford. I wish I could say more but am running out the door.
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