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Everything posted by rubberneck

  1. That's too cool. I doubt my wife would ever buy me a gun but i'll settle for her not complaining when I do it myself. BTW nice screen name.
  2. Tripp Research, Matt Mclearn, EGW and Matt Gish has just started smithing again. If you need Matt's info I have it somewhere around here.
  3. Hmmm .. Only slightly before the Million Mom March. B&J are big supporters of antiwar, liberal, and trendy causes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That might have been the case in the good old days when Ben and Jerry actaully owned the company. Today they are owned by the huge internation conglomerate Unilever. I don't think todays Ben and Jerry's is nearly as politcally active as they were. In fact I would be suprised if they were politically active at all today. +1 on the thanks to a company like Coca Cola for sponsoring the nationals. I wonder if that had more to do with the local distributor than with corporate. Either way it takes a big set for a mainstream corp to put its money behind any shooting sport in todays environment.
  4. I hate the woman who almost ran me off the road last night because she had her dog in her lap while on the cellphone. Come on people what is the facination with having your dog sit in your lap while operating a 3000 pound weapon? Snuggle with them when you get home.
  5. I am not a IDPA MD (just an SO), but in the interest of the shooting brotherhood I'd would be interested in working with the NJ USPSA guys to put on a match where both discplines could be shot. Seems like to could be a fun match. I promise that I wouldn't even care if the USPSA guys wanted to use their own equipment on IDPA stages. I am sure it would be a good time for both groups and would a long way towards dispelling any lingering anomosity. Or it might just be another dumb idea.
  6. Atlanta Arms and Ammo sells 40 S&W for roughly $.15 a round. You can order it loaded for major or minor. I have been using their ammo for the past 5 months in my G35 with no problem what so ever and Danny is one of the nicest guys to talk to. http://www.matchgrade.net/
  7. I'm very logical and I know Fomeister quite well. I didn't interpret it the way you did. Interesting. Dave <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess something is getting lsot in the translation because it seemed quite clear to me. I could be wrong.
  8. Well good for you. As an IDPA shooter this is becoming one of the biggest turnoff's about this board. I get that you don't like shooting IDPA any more as you have made that quite clear but do we really have to sit here and listen to your reasons why? I am sure you think your reasons are valid but they are your reasons so try keeping them to yourself. Have fun shooting USPSA a sport that I don't shoot but have never once utter a bad word about it. You say you are not bashing either sport but no logical person could draw that conclusion after reading your comment. I wonder if TGO, Dave S, Jerry, et alia feel like they get "crucified by the Puritans" when shooting IDPA.
  9. That goes without saying but if you aren't available then what is the MD to do? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm saying that an infraction that would sustain a match DQ should be handled then and there or not at all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't agree with that statement but it is you right to feel that way.
  10. That goes without saying but if you aren't available then what is the MD to do?
  11. I am not sure that I am tracking you here. No where in the rule book does it say that the DQ must occur at the time of the infraction. From what I have read in this thread by those who were actually there that there was a series of acts that occured that when taken in total was enough to cause a match DQ. What happens in the case where a shooter knowingly uses illegal equipment that happens to slip past the equipment inspection. Should the shooter bar spared from a match DQ if it is found out after the last stage and not during the match? It isn't much different than golf where a player can be DQ'd after the match for a rules infraction. In this case it was not possible for the MD make a decision while the shooter was still shooting. The timing of the DQ is irrelevant. Also it is quite clear that the MD has the right to either DQ the shooter or assign a FTDR. In this case he felt the match DQ was appropriate. Since neither you nor I were at the match what makes you think you are qualified to challenge his decision? There are several SO's that have posted in this thread and not one has expressed any sort of disapproval of his decision.
  12. 3quatertime, if it makes a difference I have no problems with people throwing their two cents into my hate thread.
  13. Unable to fall asleep last night I was up late channel surfing and came across a moved called "Liberty Stands still" starring Wesley Snipes and Linda Fiorentino. I have never liked Snipes but have always had a thing for Fiorentino since I first saw her in vision quest. Anyways the movie is about a man who's daughter was murdered in school with a gun that was designed and produced by the company Fiorentino owns. Snipes character is hiding in a near by building with a sniper rifle and has planted a bomb in a hot dog cart in the middle of a park. I picked the movie up to late to see how he managed to get her cuffed to the cart but then he proceeds to kill several innocent bystanders and one LEO who comes to investigate. In the end his only demand was for a national debate on the evils of the 2nd amendment. Blah, blah, blah..... the movie was so anti-gun it was almost comical. What really bugs me is that Wesley Snipes has made a small fortune appearing in movies (I counted at least 17 films) where his characters use firearms in acts of violence, including this turd. Lest we all forget Snipes was arrested in 1993 trying to board a plane at LAX with a loaded firearm and his production company Amen-Ra opened a firearms/body guard school in Macon Ga before the BATFE shut it down. I am sick and tired of these hollywood stars who have no qualms about appearing in movies where their characters use guns, or who hire bodyguards that arm armed or chose to arm themselves yet feel the need to poo poo gun ownership for the rest of us. Harrison Ford and Sean Penn can go to hell as well while we are at it.
  14. This new single stack division is one of the reason why I am going to start shooting USPSA. I always had a reason for not doing it but now I don't as I have everything that I need. I'll be using a Springfield Loaded that has been customized by EGW and Tripp research.
  15. Since I am oblivious to USPSA rules will a single stack chambered in 9X23 be allowed to make major or does the casing have to be 40S&W or larger.
  16. Phil is 100% correct that a flag does not have to be destroyed if it touches the gorund or becomes dirty. Having said that it is an absolute disgrace the way they displayed the flag. If you aren't going to use the US flag as anything more than a prop to demonstrate your patriotism than you ought to display the flag properly. In this case the US flag should be on the right hand side (no flag should ever be placed to the right of the US flag) and the US Flag should never be flown at the same level as another flag.
  17. Does anyone have any experience with the Jarvis 1911 barrels? I have a smith fitting one to a gun right now and was wondering if anyone had any candid thoughts about them. Both pro and con.
  18. I can't speak to all airports in the US but LaGuardia, JFK, Newark and Teterboro are all controlled by the Port Authority of NY/NJ a public entity. Those airports and many more are not private property. Even the ones that are fall under the direct controll of the FAA a public entity. You are contradicting yourself here. First you say it is ok that you get searched at airports because they are "private" but then say you expect to be searched at a Federal building. Which is it? Do you have the right to privacy in public or don't you? I think you are saying that the state has a compelling reason to search you when you enter a courthouse given todays climate. Considering drunks kill in excess of 10,000 a year don't you think the state has a compelling reason to actively look for drunk drivers? If you really want to think about it you have much less right to claim the right to privacy when you are in a public space. There are tons of things that you can do in private that would get you arrested for if there were done on the local street corner.
  19. So if DUI checkpoints are bad how do we feel about airport screeners? Same principle. Most people have nothing to worry about and are just trying to go on their merry way but there are those few who are up to no good. Should we yank all the screeners out of major airports because it is some mindless time puncher being sent on a fools errand by a Politician who wants to look busy, or does the excercise serve an important public service? Quite frankly I don't understand the agnst in this thread. As Oliver Wendell Holmes (IIRC) once said.. "the constitution is not a suicide pact". I am all for limited government but if they won't let me take the law into my own hands to protect my family then I am willing to see some limits on privliges to protect me from the utter stupidity of others. YMMV.
  20. Stay safe. Good luck and God bless you and those that serve with you.
  21. I to am one of the callers. I have been pondering the different ways I can use my new timer for the past two days. Any ideas you guys could add would really be appreciated.
  22. AMU= Army marksmanship unit. Danny Weisner is good people. I have been using their 180Gr 40 S&W match ammo for 3 months now and have no complaints. I just got some of their 147JHP 9MM match ammo but haven't tried it yet. As far as I am concerned they are good to go.
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