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Everything posted by rubberneck

  1. All the things you mentioned are triggers for both acid reflux and irratible bowel syndrome and both can have similar symptoms. Only a qualified gastroenterologist can give you the answers to the question you posed here.
  2. You have some high class thugs in your neck of the woods if they are packing SVI Tiki's. I suppose they picked it because of the high gee whiz factor of the gun.
  3. Yes. It weighs less than 41 ounces with an empty mag, has a bushing barrel, and it does not have a full length dust cover. You are good to go.
  4. Caspian rails are oversized so that they can be machine fitted and then hand lapped. They can be fit very tightly without using accurails and Caspian does a pretty nice job of fitting the slide to the rails at the factory for an extra charge. Accu-rails are very nice but bloody expensive. Usually it is about $150 more to have accu-rails added than it is to have it machine fitted and hand lapped (depending on the shop). Is it worth the price? Only you can detrmine that. If it were me and I had a virgin slide and frame from Caspian I would have them fitted before I had accu-rails added. Having said that they are very nice and it does change the feel of the gun.
  5. Eric, while their delivery might need some work, I find it troubling that a dealer mod on this board is expressing an interest in running off two posters simply because you don't like their style.
  6. I am sorry that the first thread headed south. I guess folks get to emotionally invested in some things.
  7. If it carries jail time of more than 12 months it is a felony not a misdemeanor.
  8. It has been answered here. Go back and reread the thread. You can't give a procedural until after the standby command. As I said before I would have warned him once then allowed him to the run the stage as he seemed to be determined to and then given him a procedural for failing to follow the COF.
  9. In NJ it is a 4th degree felony to possess a magazine with a capapcity greater than 15 rounds punishable by up to 18 months in jail and a max fine of $7,500. Until very recently it was OK to block a higher cap mag with a removable block but the state AG unilaterally made that illegal. If it were me I would stick to shooting L10, production (with mags less than 15 rounds) or revolver while in NJ. I know plenty of people shoot open and limited but they are taking a risk. I guess they have decided that the chances of getting caught are so low that it is worth the risk, but I do know of several cases where people have been arrested and prosecuted for having mags with a capacity greater than 15 rounds. It isn't common place by any means but it does happen and will happen again especially with that a-hole Corzine running the show.
  10. It sounds fairly straight forward to me. If you have already adjusted him once and he repositions himself a second time in such a way as to not be behind cover let him shoot the stage and assign him a procedural. FTDR, IMHO, is unwarrented in this case. Any advantage he got by repositioning himself is going to be offset by the procedural and then some. At some point he is going to realize that it isn't worth giving up three seconds for a tiny advantage.
  11. I hate Starbucks with a seething passion. Their coffee tastes like crap and I can't stand to wait in line for a simple cup of coffee for 10 minutes because some soccer mom needs to buy a $6.00 1200 calorie cup of liquid sugar that is barely coffee based. That and the fact that all the senior execs at Starbucks are big donors to anti-gun causes is more than enough to keep me away unless I am in dire need of a cup of Joe and they are the only alternative.
  12. If I ever have a spare $10,000 laying around I am all over the Ti version. As it is I am saving the $5,500 up for the stainless over Ti version. Yet another gun that I must be content to lust over but never own....
  13. Two weeks ago I had the extractor hook shear off of my 9MM 1911. The gun was less than 8 months old when the extractor took a dirt nap. I called Virgil Tripp who built the gun for me and he told me which extractor he used. I then called that manufacturer to ask what their policy was on broken parts and was told that I was out of luck. I was disappointed with their policy but hey it is only a $20 part. So I decided to have it replaced by George at EGW. After having it replaced I called Virgil back to arrainge having the new part hard chromed. He mentioned that he bought the extractor through Brownells and that I should call them becuase they had a generous warantee policy. Needless to say that not only did Brownells replace the part but they also sent me a check to pay for my shipping costs. So here's to Brownells who did the right thing when their supplier wouldn't. They have earned my buisness from here on out.
  14. I like to view the third stage as a fast paced bullseye match. I have seen too many guys zip through the first two stages only to give it all back by shooting too fast for their abilities on stage three.
  15. I shot a classifier match this past weekend and now believe that one of the stages was set up improperly and gave right handed shooters an unfair advantage over left handed shooters. The classifier was 06-07 steely speed IV. When you shot around the left side of the barricade only an inch of the right most popper was exposed. If you went to the right side of the barricade you could see almost the entire left most popper. As a lefty I had to go around the right side of the barricade if I had any realistic shot at hitting the popper on the right. Looking at the course design today it appears that the stage was off a bit off center in the set up. The barricade, according to the diagram should have been centered between the two middle poppers. That way the targets should have had an equal level of difficulty going around either side of the barricade. I don't really care about being at a disadvantage. As a lefty I have grown used to it. What I really want to know is what responsbility, as a shooter, do I have to speak up if I believe a classifier stage is set up incorrectly? What should I have done? While it didn't bother me I am sure it might have bothered other left handed shooters, if there were any. Should I have gone and found the MD and brought it to his attention? As it was I just shot the stage the way it was set up and let the chips fall where they may. The stage in question: http://www.uspsa.com/classifiers/06-07.pdf
  16. With the exception of Alaska I have been in every state in the union, most of them in a car. After spending thousands of hours over the years in a car driving from state to state you know where everything is. I knew those childhood trips with the family would pay off one day, well today was that day.
  17. Nothing like driving 70 miles to a match, paying the match fee and only shooting two stages because your properly tuned, high quality extractor doesn't feel like playing nice. It was a nice day to shoot too. I guess I learned my lesson the hard way, next time I bring a spare.
  18. I love how the reporter shrugged off getting hit in the arm saying that taking one in the arm is better off than going along with the carjacker. Someone ought to show her pictures of wounds to appendages caused by small arms. I get the feeling she thinks getting hit in the arm is like it was in all the John Wayne movies, where a pressure bandage is all one needs to drive on. The really sad part about all of this is that Tn is a carry state. She should have advised people to get a carry permit an quality training on how to deal with a car jacking. Carjackers, and criminals in general, love to go after the low hanging fruit, and people who would defend themselves by running down the road in a serpantine fashion hoping to not get shot are just that. It reminds me of the old axiom... hope is not a strategy.
  19. Holy crap. That might be the most irresponsible piece of journalism I have ever seen. How about asking someone who actually knows what they are talking about. Why would you offer the public advice on how to deal with a carjack by interviewing a paintball gunner.
  20. In order to be a UFC fighter you have to have big brass balls. That defenition fits every good fighter I have ever seen. If you aren't brashly self-confident your UFC career will last all of 30 seconds.
  21. After last nights performance I hope that Gracie starts fighting guys his own size. I honestly can't say that the outcome is a suprise. I am more suprised that Hughes didn't do more damage to Gracie than he did. As I said before this isn't your fathers MMA anymore. These guys are so well rounded that any fighter who has a weakness is going to get stomped pretty quickly.
  22. This one won't even be close. I have a lot of respect for what the Gracie's have done but his day has come and gone. This isn't your father's MMA anymore. The advantage that the Gracie's used to enjoy is no longer there. I don't think Hughes has nearly as big disadvantage on the ground that Gracie does standing up. You do realize that Royce is taller and heavier than Hughes?
  23. I don't know. I know all good things must come to an end but it is hard for me to see such an important part of our history end up as a reef. Don't get me wrong it is better then being sold to India for scrap metal, I just wish it could have been turned into something else. Would make a really nice dive sight though.
  24. Nice video. Is it an optical illusion or did you accidentally sweep your hand in the prone stage in the IDPA video? Looks like the gun got hung up on the bag and when you cleared it you swept yourself.
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