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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. I was handgun hunting long before I started going bang, bang at cardboard. I am an Elmer Keith fan from the old days and in pistol calibers you need some weight. I have taken a number of deer with something as simple as a Rem 158 JHP in the 357. Have had core seperation and the XTP are much better but the old Rem rounds got the job done on close animals. Switched from the 357 (have a Smith model 27) to a Ruger Redhawk. I shoot the 240 XTPs in it exclusively with great accuracy and knockdown power. My wife has also taken deer with the model 27. If the ranges are close = bowhunting ranges the little 357 will get the task done with good shot placement. The 44 just has a lot more margin to work with. Find an accurate load in your gun and visit the range with it often. If it is scoped, practice with it under field conditions. Had a Leupold 2X on the Redhawk for a while and the limited field of view was fine on the range but when I hit the heavy brush with it - that was a different story. Good luck. Rick
  2. Jake, congrats on the 12+ for a hit factor. Some of us regular smoes are happy to get half of that.
  3. My brother-in-law and his wife had their XD triggers done by Rich and they are truly fantastic. Would highly recomend. Rick
  4. I shoot production with a G34 and love the division. Remember that I am cheap! I have no desire to move "UP" (note that I would call it moving to a DIFFERENT division not up). If Sevigney is shooting production is must still be OK for us mere mortals. One comment on part of your post: "I think this one is not exactly in the spirit of Production Division because who would carry concealed with a three pound trigger, which was made such by some serious mickey mousing? But it is not against the rules of the Division in the U.S. (so far), so I let it go. " USPSA is a shooting sport game, it is not training for concealed carry. A three pound trigger is heavier than I shoot and it is within the rules. There is nothing mickey mouse about a quality trigger job. Also the comment "so I let it go" - what were you going to do besides let it go - those are the rules you have nothing to do with letting it go or not. Remember if we keep score it's a game. Rick
  5. Clay1


    Dale, the remote control model???? I've been doing some internet searches and I see some wonderful carts that the cowboy action shooters are using. I was particularly impressed with this one: http://users2.ev1.net/~dwel/rm%20weeky_scores.htm I don't have the time to make one of the all wood models but they are pretty cool. I guess where there is a need someone will find a solution. Rick
  6. Clay1


    Great links guys thanks. I really like the ideas of the stroller conversion. I did go out today and found a nice little wagon - smaller than a garden wagon and lighter but with nice wheels on it. I'm still shopping. Smokeshwn, that link has a wonderful how to build link within it. Thanks.
  7. Clay1


    Eric, how did you know I am in the process of trying to line up some steel on for a plate rack too???? That probably should be a different thread but since this is my post if I want to do a LITTLE thread drift what the ...... Did you put info on the plate rack stuff on a thread where you can give me a link? If not where is the best place to buy one instead of trying to make one? You don't think that I can save over $100 on the cost of that $239 Rugged Gear cart? That would buy my next 1000 rounds of 9mm ammo. Rick
  8. Clay1


    I did a search and came up with a couple of post in the 2002 / 2003 time frame on carts. Yes, I know that I can go buy a wagon but they don't fold down for transportation in the car. I know that there are a couple of comercially available carts for close to $300, but would like to modify a jogger / stroller that I can get locally for $50 - $75. Does anyone have any pictures of their jogger that they have modified? Would love some ideas instead of recreating the wheel here. I have read the threads on the Stanley tool boxes etc, but want something with the larger bicycle wheels for the terrain that I cover at the local shoots. Want to take along my 5.11 range bag, a chair, cooler, and golf umbrella. The state shoot is at the end of July and want something by then or will end up buying a child's wagon / garden wagon. In the sporting clays days, I also remember many people using hand golf carts or some variation of. Pictures of these would also be welcome as I have a hand golf cart available but I think that the jogger will probably be my best bet. Thanks for any help. Rick
  9. Wishing that I could be a Paper B class shooter. Rick
  10. Just started to read / work with Steve Anderson's book. In there he speaks of using reduced sized targets in the past but has done better - had more success - with full sized IPSC targets. I printed a couple out for my work station. The IDPA target on the web site is incorrect. The down zero zone is too much in the middle of the body and a real target isn't like that. IPSC target seems fine though. Rick
  11. Clay1

    Glock 34

    2 inches at 25 yards is within reason from a solid rest. One point or comment and that is that the 3.5 pound connector doesn't translate into a 3.5 trigger. Out of the box mine was closer to 5 than 3.5. I just swapped out a recoil spring, striker spring and very light polishing and the trigger breaks at 2.75 pounds now. There is great value in these pistols and they are simple enough to work on yourself. Good luck with your decision. Rick
  12. There are tons depending on your interest but here are some more to dive into: http://www.andersonshooting.com/index.html http://www.glockfaq.com/aftermarket.htm http://www.glocktalk.com http://www.gunracer.com/index.htm http://www.idpa.com/menu.htm http://www.idpaforum.com/pages/1/index.htm http://www.packing.org/ http://www.shootingusa.com/ http://www.uspsa.org/ http://www.stageexchange.com/ http://www.tacticalforums.com/ http://www.firearmstactical.com/wound.htm http://www.warriortalk.com/index.php? Sorry, got carried away with all of the links. Have fun, Rick
  13. Been thinking about this post all day. First time that I read it I didn't write anything just thought about it. When we were growing up my father ran GSPs - German Shorthair Pointers. They weren't kennel dogs but part of the family and lived in the house. My brother had one for 14 years and I helped dig the grave for that dog. Tough business is the thought that first comes to mind. Mine is now 13 and his muzzle has about much gray in it as I have in my beard. We are both getting older. He's had it pretty easy in that he sleeps on a regular baby mattress. Never found a dog bed that held up very well. They all flattened out after a month or so, but a quality baby mattress is good for his old bones. He still looks trim and is eager to please. He's just not quite as fast as he was when he was two. When that day comes for him, it's going to be tough. My thoughts are with you and your family. Rick
  14. There is a pepper popper on that site too that is useful. Thanks for the link. Rick
  15. Now that would eat into the monthly ammo budget. Can't blame you for seeking out alternatives. Not to rub salt into the wound but it really makes me appreciate the $5 copay on perscription drugs that I have. Anyhow, good luck on the search for a more cost effective source.
  16. Congrats man, Jealous as hell. Rick
  17. Thanks for the help on this one, I had given up on getting a response. Rick
  18. McOliver, you have probably seen these but Eric Grauffel is just awsome as well - check out the links with lots of video clips: http://www.cgpsa.co.za/videos.htm Enjoy, Rick
  19. Clay1

    Match Days

    You guys make me smile. You need a sense of humor in this hobby that is for sure. Rick
  20. What is the reasoning behind the magazine disconnect requirement? Someone must have had some kind of reason for it, but I wouldn't want to own a gun with one.
  21. I know that some don't like the 140 pf out of a 9 that the Blazer produce in a G34 length barrel and you can save a few pennies reloading. Before this handgun stuff I pulled the handle on a Mec 9000 G over 10,000 rounds in a single season. It wasn't fun for me anymore. I was rushing to reload just before matches an leagues and it just became ugly. I would also loose focus on the shooting. I use to enjoy reloading and will load hunting loads in various calibers. If I ever start to shoot limited or limited 10 with a 40 then the press will get dusted off. Just for now this is a personal decision for me that I feel comfortable with given my past experiences and available time etc. Isn't it cool that we live in the good ole' US OF A where you can do what you want and I can do what seems to make the most sense to me. I do get tempted by the mouse fart loads every once in a while. Ran a couple of clips of my buddies 147 through my G34 and they were sweet, then I remember all of the work and order some more ammo. Like I said this is what works for me. I have a brother in law that is shooting about as much as I do - 1000 rounds a month and is loading everything on a single stage Rockchucker. I think the guy has lost it and he isn't saving himself a dime or doing his family and good playing with that stuff all of the time. If you are going to do it something like a Dillion 650 is the way to go. But look at the time it will take to break even on the machine, scale, dies etc. Harmongreer, what kind of issues did you have with the Blazer as far as extraction? Did it rip the aluminum rim off of something? Rick
  22. DrKyle, I like the way that you think. Vendors at a major shoot should be good for them and the shooters. When I was shooting sporting clays I would go to the state trap shoot. I'm not a trap shooter. I would go buy components there - best prices of the year. On catering, the numbers just have to add up for the caterer and the club. Like the concept though.
  23. Clay1

    Match Days

    I'm not a golfer by the way. I grew up and my father never chased the white ball or played sports. We hunted and fished in my family. I was bumber yesterday - get like that once in a while, but today is a new one and lets do it again. I have Steve Anderson's book on the way and Matt Burkett's video number 7. Hopefully with some new direction in the training program things will go better. I am probably shooting to my ability level, BUT I just want to be better than that so I need to earn it. If it was easy it wouldn't have the attraction that it does. Didn't mean to be too negative yesterday. Like I said it is a new day today and damn it, I'm going to get better at this stuff. Rick
  24. Oct 97, can you break down your component costs including shipping and tax if it applies? Bullet cost delivered____________ Primmer cost delivered__________ Powder cost delivered___________ brass cost delivered_____________ We won't go into the cost of the equipment it take to assembly ammunition, but the original poster has to buy that too. I have all of the equipment and still find it cheaper to buy it. By the way the Blazer ammo makes 140 Power Factor out of my G34. Rick
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