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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Clay1


    You're probably right Lynn. But one of them might surprise you. It never hurts to ask. Look at Shooter Grrl's experience with C-more. You never know until you ask what people might or might not do. Just don't get your hopes up. Rick
  2. I thought that there was some rule about only one sight picture these days. There is another rule about no individual walk throughs. So you go to a match and dry fire the stage while no one is there? Maybe I read if wrong because you did not say match you just said that you do it at the range. I have been to the range and did dry fire practice before I ever loaded a mag up, just not at a match.
  3. Clay1


    Been looking for a used stroller ever since I started this thread. Really didn't want a wagon even though it could hold more it is awfully big to put in the car. I went to a local store called Farm & Fleet today and they had the InStep EZ Strider that was normally $99 on sale for $79. I have seen them a little cheaper on Ebay but the shipping kills you. Bought it today. Took two metal hose clamps and clamped a 1" diameter X about 4' section of PVC on to the verticle bar. The golf umbrella handle that I bought fits inside the PVC snuggly and makes a nice shade while everyone else is sitting in the sun. A small cooler fit on the bottom for some cold water while shooting. My large shooting bad doesn't fit in the seat area all that well. I use a 5.11 range bag, which is similar in size or a little larger than a Shooter's Connection bag. I ended up putting it in sideways with the mag pouch pockets facing upwardly. A small folding chair rounds out the process. The wheels will go over rough terrain and I look forward to shooting my first match with it. One of the best parts is that it all folds up nicesly and I have less than $100 in the whole thing and I bought it new. Any other tips on how to rig it up. Did most of you cut out the seat belts for the kids since they are of no use or did you just leave them in since they aren't really in the way that much either? Rick
  4. Clay1


    Shooter Grrl did you send the barrel / gun off to someone to determine the cause? We would all like a more deffinative answer if and when you get one.
  5. Walan, that "...putting targets up throughout the house just to raise the ire of my wife " works man. I've been there. My middle son's room is at the end of a long hall wall and I have an IPSC METRIC target on his door most days when he comes home from school. He's not home when I dry fire and no ammo is in the same room with me, but my wife still looks at me a little funny. It's the longest area that I have in the house to dry fire at a full size target and Steve Anderson said that his shooting went up went he practiced on full size targets instead of reduced sized ones so I am there to begin with. Rick
  6. Just bought a Surefire C2 off of Ebay for $67 and thought that I stole it. Lawman, didn't know that you were a Surefire dealer, now I get the "...of course I'm really biased too." comment. That little Brinkman seems like a nice glove box light for the price. I ended up putting the Inova T3 in the wife's van and the C2 in my shooting bag.
  7. That's great info Eric thanks. I've been watching Matt Burkett tapes last night and again today. I shoot on Tuesday nights and Thurs nights these days and try to do some dry fire inbetween and matches on the weekends. Still have a long way to go in this learning cycle and I know it so I am trying to be all ears and eyes. I'll try some of the drills you mentioned and see what I notice tonight at the league. Thanks
  8. The first thread that I started had some great info on how to leave a shooting position. I want to continue with that same theme and specifically speak to entering a box, port or other shooting position. Please provide as much detail as you can. Do you enter with the leading foot or the trailing foot. Do you come into the position with more weight on one foot and then transition to a balanced stance or remain with more weight on one foot. Bluntly after being able to stand and deliver a series of accurate shots on target at varying distances movement is THE PLACE to cut time it would seem. I see the ability to set up for the next shot as one of the places that huge gains can be made in lowering my time. Would appreciate your input. Thanks in advance. Rick
  9. I pulled out Matt's DVD last night and watched it again. Everytime I watch those things something else pops out at me. They are a wealth of info. Thanks everyone for all of the good info on the initial move. When I started this thread it was also about set ups or coming into a position. I think that I will retitle this one about initial movement out of the box and start a new thread on entering thanks for the great info. Rick
  10. Thanks Eric for the legwork. I think it will be a good piece of business. Rick
  11. Good video Shred. I see where the second shooter had a heavy lean before the box position was done. Must be similar to what Flex was speaking about. Thanks
  12. Clay1


    CREEPY WEIRD! Glad that you are alright.
  13. Kyle, you start leaning while you're still shooting?
  14. Thanks Jake for the quick response. Does it matter which direction you are moving for you to use your right foot as the spring? I'm definately new at this stuff and willing to learn so if gravity is not the way then I am all ears.
  15. I was on Max Michel's web site and Max made this statement: "Set up's are probable the biggest time saver in the sport." I would like to hear more about EXACTLY how you move from one box to another and how you set up for the next shot. Details are what I am looking for. For instance at this point I am trying to use gravity and I pick up my leading foot and lean hard. If my feet don't start moving I will end up on my face, but it seems to help get me where I am going faster. On shorter distance I try and move with the gun up and try to be ready to shoot just before entering the box. You notice I used the word try more than once in the above. I find it easy to say than do. Did a search on set up and found this jem: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...=2582&hl=set+up If you haven't read it, it deserves a good read. Can't post to it to bump it back up but full of great info. Thanks for the tips. Rick
  16. Some of you that bought this one a while ago, I would like to hear from now after you have read the book and trained with the techniques included in the book. Thanks
  17. Thanks for the good tips on how to treat the vendors at the matches Bob. All good reminders and good ideas.
  18. If it is 150 that ought to be easy enough to make. 9mm factory Blazer makes 140 out of my 34. Put that same stuff down a 16" barrel and I would think that it would make it easily. One of these days I am going to have to own an AR.
  19. Congrats on shooting a match. Something about that first step that is exciting and fulfilling. Be aware that this stuff is truly addicting. Have fun and glad that you made the plunge.
  20. What is minor for a rifle for a PF?
  21. My kid would probably get it, but if it's not a country song, I probably missed that one.
  22. If you want it to be an inside joke, no more is needed for your target audience probably. Personally, you lost me and I could use more of a hint.
  23. Most of us use Microsoft word. In word under "tools" you can choose "envelopes and labels" then pick "Options". There you will find format for printing business cards that are Std Avery numbers like you can purchase from the Office Max or Staples. I like the idea of being able to print something out my own computer and have them handy. On making USPSA more popular and drawing more people to hell with the politically correct crowd. I don't think we need to go around walking on egg shells about the shape of the targets that we shoot either. Let's not be so appologetic and afraid that we might offend someone. We shoot firearms and we do shoot them at human silhouettes. Let's just be matter of fact about what we do. The slimey salesperson attempt is not where we want to be in my opinion. People who have firearms already seem to be our biggest potential target source of new shooters. We were shooting a league tonight and a guy walks in with his two kids and a 45 auto. We explained nicely that we were using the range as a league night and then instead of pushing the guy out the door we had him shooting with us. He had one mag with him and people lent him magazines. I explained scoring and another guy walked him through the safe sequence of shooting Lamr etc. We just had the guy shoot from the low ready position instead of shooting from a holster to begin with. He had a grand time and will probably come back to another league night. Everyone was friendly and inviting and he already had most of what is needed to play. In a marketing approach identifying the targeted audience is a big step. Identifying the audience with the biggest return for effort expended is also important. Yes, we should look for all types of people where ever we can find them, but firearm owners that already have some equipment are probably our best bets. Just my thinking out loud. Rick
  24. Sometimes you just have to get it off of your chest. I hope that you feel a little better after blowing some stream off. As far as some people being jerks, that's mankind. There is always going to be a percentage of those in whatever endevor you undertake. Shoot your own game and be your own best cheerleader. When most of us are done shooting we shoot for bragging rights only, no big money here. Congrats on the progress and making some of your goals. If you are moving forward you are moving the right way. Keep doing what you know is the right thing and hang around those with a positive position on life. Remember, we do this for fun. Good luck to you. Rick
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