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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. I finally recieved an Inova T3 from Botach today. Ordered almost 4 weeks ago. Last Botach order from me ever! The light is very nice and the run time charts from Flashlight Reviews says this will run almost 2 1/2 hrs on a single set of 123 batteries. Check out the review: http://www.flashlightreviews.com/reviews/inova_t.htm Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that one tac light isn't enough and today I won an Ebay auction for a Surefire C2 HA. Heck of a deal for $67-. The C2 has the rubber gasket and is easier to use as a shooting light for those night shoots that won't allow me to use my M3X weapon mounted light. Thought that I would post my pleasure with the T3 and brag about the great deal on the C2. Might have to own a C3 at some point in the future and buy the P61 lamp for higher output even if it is for a shorter run time. Rick
  2. Nice idea on the business card Eric. One of the things that I would like is some return address labels with an USPSA logo. I get them from places like the NRA now and Ducks Unlimited.
  3. At a stage a couple of weeks ago I thought that I would try to shoot through a barrel and asked the RO and was told that all barrels were hardcover at this particular match. Sometimes I feel like you get one answer if you ask first and quite another answer if you just do what you feel is best and then argue about it later.
  4. Clay1


    I recently read that 1/9 of the total American population is hispanic. Can't comment on the accuracy of the statement, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Your joke is right on. I often hear that our forefathers came to American and tried to fit in and learned English and used it at home. People like the German, Irish, Italians, Polish etc all adapted to English. Not these days, the great melting pot is not melting much together. I have my children studying Spanish in school as a second language. The way things are going they are going to use it a whole lot more than I use my 4 years of French. Rick
  5. Great place to BE is right here. I spend most of my time here in that there is knowledge here and not someone just making things up that they think are right but answers are given from experience. Friendly crew. Thanks all.
  6. Clay1

    Triple Six

    Looks like a great drill. Somewhat off topic but when you read different people's writting sometimes you can just feel the positive vibes coming off of the page. No, I'm not drunk. Really, you can feel the excitment about the drill just jumping off the page. I don't say this in a bad way, it's just nice to read stuff by others who are bitten by the same bug. It's addicting isn't it? Came back from the range tonight. Just a couple of hours there. Dry fire at real targets at real ranges, grip and rip draws, draws that had to be A zone quality, group shooting and I ran the classifier that I will shoot tomorrow a few times. Can't get enough of this stuff. Back to your drill or rather Max's drill. Sounds like a great one to run at a local match for a course of fire. Rick
  7. Clay1

    Cool Guy Test

    Haven't laughed all day until I did this one. Thanks for sharing. Oh, by the way there was a button that you could push to try it again, laughed some more.
  8. Love the Comp-Tac locking paddle. Easy on and off for actual carry. If you have to go into one of those NO Carry Zones you don't have to strip to get the gun off. If you talk to them at Comp-Tac they can make one so that it is IDPA legal, they made one for me and I use it for my USPSA holster as well. If you get it in the carbon fiber pattern you will look good too. Rick
  9. Is it 9 rounds per array or 8? Can someone point me in the right direction of the rules. I did a search under the word "array" and only had one hit so they call it something else in the rule book. Thanks in advance. Rick
  10. Forget this dry fire stuff, I'm going on a walk to look for wildlife.
  11. Steve, go to a zoo for a visit just before your next major.
  12. I would also NOT be in favor of a trigger pull minimum. I think that you could set a minimum of 1 1/2 pounds if you really need one, but the safety of the trigger and it's reliability are far more important. Rick
  13. My back yard is fine to run around in. I'll tell you when they thought that you have totally lost it. At work I have a couple of places that look like two boxes and I run back and forth between those. I have had more than the double take and really strange looks. What's funnier is that when I enter a box I put both hands together like my grip and enter the box with gun up and ready to go on a target instead of entering the box and then lifting the gun. I'm so far past losing it that my coworkers don't even try to figure me out these days. Picture a grown man running back and forth between two boxes at work and air gunning. You just have to be there to get the full weight of the situation.
  14. So I get it that the gas stations don't have the same amount of walk through traffic that they once did when everyone went inside to pay for the gas. I like my debit card and not standing in lines. I'm at one station - 3 am. No one else is there. I start filling up and over the loud speaker this all out asault on me to come into the place to buy this or that. Pre recorded commercial bull and I have to listen to it because I need gas and there isn't another place open on the way home from work. Last time I visit that place. It was truly offensive. Then again, I have been working a ton of hours lately and might just be tired and cranky. Rick
  15. Just an idea but some of our normal operating modes could be put in print and posted by the stages every once in a while. Something in print that says what the standard expectation are would help the many new shooters understand the game and reinforce expectations for the hogs.
  16. Eric, the problem I think would be pointing the gun outside in the first place. I live in town and have a privacy fence but no matter where I point that Glock it would look like I was pointing it at someones house. On the human silhouettes, I'm not exactly a politically correct individual and make no excuses for the type of shooting I am doing. Rick
  17. My neighbors already think that I have lost it. If I put three human silhouette outside of my picture window and dry fired at those the cops would show up any minute.
  18. I'm doing the drills today on multiple targets - which I have never done multiple target dry fire drills before and all of a sudden I am doing the Kevin Elpers finger jump. Matt in Number 7 where you tell him that he is pointing his finger out between trigger pulls - I was doing that. Never noticed that in live fire. Worked on feeling the trigger reset after that knock upside the head revelation. I'm seeing other little things that I do with the pistol that I would never notice in live fire. When working on one of the drills - can't remember the number but you draw with your strong hand, switch the gun over to the weak hand and then do a reload - do you drop that mag with the left trigger finger and reach across with your right hand for the mag and insert it? Bluntly in a recent match when I had to do this exact drill I switched back strong hand for the reload. Should have been doing that drill weeks ago. Rick
  19. last week average was 11.6 hrs / day. I'm doing drill 8 now. Have to do less keyboard time and more trigger time. Gotta go.
  20. You have probably seen this but if not it has some useful info: http://www.saiga-12.com/ Rick
  21. Can't use tungsten in ANY IDPA DIVISION so that is out. Are you sure that you don't shoot that 45 in CDP in IDPA? Many will shoot a lighter recoil spring for an upgrade. I could also recomend the Dawson Precision sights. Rick
  22. Harmongreer, for grins and giggles I would replace the spring in the trigger assembly as well while you are at it. This link has some useful information: http://www.ismi-gunsprings.com/ Rick
  23. Thanks Steve; since you put it that way I had better plan for "Earth Shattering Improvement" and if something comes up fall back on "rapid improvement". Rick
  24. In the opening few pages of the book Steve Anderson speaks about his heavy training for a match where he practices for 45 mins in the morning and then again at night on certain days etc. For a C class shooter trying to get into B, is everyone doing 1 1/2 hours of this stuff a day? Yes, I know - if it were easy everyone would be a master class shooter. I am willing to do more work than the average Joe, I just don't know if I can truly and regularly maintain a 1 1/2 hours a day. Today I did about 45 mins and that seemed like a looong time to me. The other question do you work on drills 1-14 during every practice or do you just do certain ones on certain days? I did the 45 mins just on drills 1-7. I will probably go through the drills faster the more that I do them. Rick
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