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Everything posted by IHAVEGAS

  1. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bowflex-PR1000-Home-Gym-with-25-Exercises-and-200-lbs-Power-Rod-Resistance/270460480?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227122180732&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=234311344204&wl4=pla-577743187112&wl5=9016656&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=270460480&wl13=&veh=sem&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgf3gBRDtARIsABgdL3n-VlhSvJIXfLXQAyOg67u2aEmemiQD9Bv61ULnMaI9IrpqutGUmHEaAlucEALw_wcB They had Bowflex 1000's for under $350 tax included at WalMart if you went the store pick up route, makes for a more time efficient workout that messing with free weights. If it does not aid my shooting it should at least aid my wall & steels moving.
  2. Thanks x2. Went back to the first rule of getting a new gun match ready, if it is dirty as hell then clean it and see if the problem is effected. There was a clump of carbon build up immediately adjacent to the tab on the slide stop and towards the barrel. Might have interfered with the follower intermittently, time will tell.
  3. Shot with one of the Shooters connection guys that had some a month or two back and loved the way they felt on his gun so I followed suit. If you like fat grips I think you might be happy, they greatly pinched the grips in near the top - to the point where you need to install thinner upper grip bushings and shorter grip screws - that part works ok for me but I do not think it is 2011 ish. Couple pics that I think show them more accurately than some of the add pics. On install it was a pain to get my upper grip bushings out and I ended up destroying them, the shorter grip screws they send were not short enough and I had to fix that on my grinder, and I thought it was cheap arse of them not to include matching lower grip screws. Quibbles aside I am happy with them.
  4. Kind of related. Anyone put their Stock 2 on a ransom rest while developing loads? Curious what the guns are capable of.
  5. Interesting. I prefer the way they went but would not fret about it either way, throwing out a very interesting stage or rushing to get the days last squad in before the hard blowing rain and lightning is going to suck for some competitors no matter what.
  6. Wasn't sure about that one. Edit: Curious; if you had a choice between rushing a stage and maybe getting a couple scoring errors or telling the squad to find hotel rooms & come back tomorrow & shoot their last stage which way would you go?
  7. Agreed, "depends on circumstances," was a key point in my statement. I think it was you (may be wrong) that was running the timed moving targets stage at the single stack nationals when my squad came through a few years back. Last squad of the day and targets were overshot and soggy and it was drizzling and it looked like it would soon be blowing and pouring down. So we shot wet targets that could not be scored accurately (besides being shot to heck with a lot of long tears the pasters were falling off) and everybody went along with it under those circumstances. If it was not you mea culpa, I didn't have a problem with it regardless (and probably picked up a couple free alphas instead of NPM's).
  8. Or being practical, depends on circumstances, the rule book even acknowledges a practical exception or two for low level matches. I shoot with folks who have a lot of experience working and running bigger matches, they have a good feel for when it is necessary to be very strict and when being very strict would cause more harm (aggravation, unwanted delay) than benefit.
  9. Trying to work through the growing pains so I can shoot single stack reliably next year. Bought a Les Baer 1911 9mm, have never seen an issue when using the 9 round mags supplied with the gun. With 10 round mags (Tripp Cobra & Wilson Combat) occasionally the left side of the follower will wedge on the slide release and the mag will not come out without cussing and a firm pull. It does not happen usually, but it is often enough for me to plan on it screwing up a stage at every match or possibly every other match. Difference between the 9 and the 10's could be dimensional (not obvious to the naked eye if it is) or higher spring force, or random chance that it has not happened with them yet. I could mess about with trying to bend the followers to minimize clearance so that the lip that the mag release catches can not tilt away from the tab on the mag release, I could also try a different mag or perhaps some aftermarket follower or spring, I could also see if there is a different mag release that has a tab which extends further and catches a larger area on the follower. Before I start buying things and destroying perfectly good parts, does anybody have experience with this issue?
  10. If you did it that way (long time elapsed) I think you are correct. Agree that anyway you do it, it would be a heck of a thing.
  11. Maybe. Seems like for most of us it is very easy to get to a division lower than where we are so I don't know that getting 85% would be a challenge for somebody who had done 95%+ .
  12. Not cheap I don't think, stuff that you don't use often, and that really doesn't need to be used, is just clutter. I hate clutter. If it is doing something for you that makes you happy that is a whole different thing.
  13. If the TS fit my hand I would buy the TS, same for the TSO. Both are great, if looks are your thing I have seen some folks take the TS price savings and put it into some very slick looking finishes.
  14. Bosshoss, on this forum sort of backed into GM a few years back. He doesn't play the classifier games but tries to get the match scores. Not sure of his age at the time but my guess is early 50's. I was impressed by this.
  15. He still wins overall at some of the locals, although this is becoming infrequent and there is a GM PCC shooter that will win by a good margin if he is there. The PCC guy is a super squad level shooter in his prime so it is not so bad that he puts some distance on an open shooter though. Without bothering to get scientific about it maybe something like the very top of A class or the middle of M.
  16. I will ask and report back. We thought he made gm in limited past 70 but it was a screw up on our part and he did not 100% the classifier as we thought. That would have been adding the good one to some ancient scores, but that is how the system works. EDIT; Correction, he did 100% 09-04 (pucker factor) that day, Our screw up was in thinking that would raise the average enough to break 95.
  17. A26597 I think he told me he was 72 this year & I just looked up his classification record on the USPSA website, looks like he had to be past 60 from eyeballing the data. Side issue, I think our system sucks, throwing out all scores 5% off minimum for your current class is just a dumb idea. That has nothing to do with the fact that GM is a great achievement.
  18. Clays and Clay dot are popular for 45 powder puff loads. I'm not sure how far down you can go before you need to think about a bullet not clearing the barrel intermittently. Seems reasonable.
  19. Not a thing if you shoot revolver or production or single stack. I've never seen a back to back set up that was not a lot easier to be prepared for than a 32 round stage with some level of memory skill requirement. Suck it it up buttercup, .
  20. NRR Rating - 19dB Need to decide if that is good enough for your needs. I use them when shooting a 9mm outside & they are fine for that, but I use pro ears (27 db) when I need something that provides better protection and I would have gone for the 30 db pro ears if they had been available where I was. There is an article on the web that claims the sordins perform better with gun shots than their rating by standard method indicates, my opinion after wearing sordins and others for an extended time & doing a bit of independent research is that the article is b.s..
  21. Wasting a perfectly good excuse to buy a new holster.
  22. Could be semantics is getting the the way here. Controlling recoil characteristics, with compensators, by developing grip strength & technique, by choice of springs & load, etc, is a big deal .
  23. Depends, you can work to raise the threshold that triggers involuntary reactions but I think how high you can get is a bit of a personal physiology thing. Read an interesting article about shooting some of the revolver hand cannon cartridges, author stated that he was a long time 44 magnum shooter but with the hotter cartridge he was testing he was good for about 10 shots and then would start flinching. For me, anything much over 175 power factor and I will start to flinch after a while.
  24. Without knowing details that are non of my business. Physical therapy was pretty fast for me (frozen shoulder syndrome) and my boss (surgery).
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