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About chaserracer

  • Birthday 01/03/1983

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  • Location
    Dana Point, California
  • Interests
    Shooting and competing
  • Real Name
    chase may

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  1. 100% recommend parts and service from Patriot Defense - great group of people over there.
  2. So I want to come at this from a little different angle and give my input if for nothing else to maybe add a different perspective. I have an old moto racing injury(one of MANY)that left me with a severed ligament in my support hand thumb, apparently the one that gives you dexterity and vertical movement. I can still make a fist and apply downward/sideways pressure, but that's it. I cannot extend my thumb like the rest of my digits when I'm establishing my grip on the gun nor can I control the amount of sideways pressure put into the frame of the gun when gripping hard(as we do)and is something I have regularly struggled with from the beginning learning to shoot a pistol. I shoot a Tanfo Stock 2 and my thumb regularly jams into or hangs up on the slide stop lever, rides the slide and I have also had my thumb end up inside the trigger guard when training fast draws and reloads in dryfire. (reference pics) Recently at a match I was handling a friends limited gun that happened to have the Nitro fin on it and I can honestly say that was the most comfortable and firm grip I have been able to apply onto a pistol - EVER. It felt amazing - I actually felt like I could repeatedly put my support hand in the same place with even amounts of grip pressure. So personally for me it has zero to do with the effects or benefits it has on recoil control and has absolutely everything to do with finally having a place to put my thumb where it wont interfere with grip pressure, how the gun tracks, or re-establishing my grip after a reload or running, etc. That being said, I am willing to do whatever necessary to comply within the rules with how this applies to production(i.e fitting the box, etc.)and have purchased one in the interim to test and experiment with. Cheers guys.
  3. @billthemarine2862 Man you really came through on this - thank you very much. I think I'm gong to take a chance on one of these, The EGD extreme triggers are twice the price so I would like to see how they compare. I agree and personally tend to put too much torque on the factory trigger right where it hooks so I want to experiment with a flatter/straight trigger again. Thanks again!
  4. I think I found one...Please let me know if yours fits https://www.gunpartscorp.com/products/1206940C
  5. Is a TZ 75 an EAA or Witness pistol? (or did you mean CZ 75?)
  6. https://www.gunpartscorp.com/products/1686360A This one too...
  7. Yes, my mistake. Ive found the TA90 and TA95 that look similar...Not easy to find factory parts for these other than a couple on eBay and maybe one on this website https://www.gunpartscorp.com/cart
  8. Hi all, I came across this locally and originally thought it was a CZ but turns out its a Tanfoglio all steel DA/SA pistol...What interests me is that trigger profile, Id really like to try it on my stock 2 if I can find one. If anyone out there knows what this pistol model is called so I might be better informed in searching for that trigger - please let me know, it would be much appreciated!
  9. @texasdawg Sir, what trigger do you have on your Lim Pro pictured here?
  10. The Unica checkering is tame at best. They are slightly rougher than the EGD extreme grips, not as grippy as the Henning grips and no where near the texture of the LOK bogie or checkered pattern grips. In my opinion the checkering was inconsistent and there were too many smooth areas on the grips for my preference. Hope this helps!
  11. @B21 If you are interested, I have 2 pairs of custom thickness LOK grips that are molded after the thickness of the Tanfoglio Stock 2 factory wood grips. One set is new never installed and one set is lightly used; one set is fully checkered pattern and one is bogies pattern.
  12. So are you saying the shadow 2 slide stops are proving to be more durable?
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