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Everything posted by kneelingatlas

  1. I'm having a hard time relating to this sentiment Why do you want to shoot multiple divisions with the same gun? Each division has different rules, so a gun is most competitive in one division is most likely not the most competitive in any other division. You say you're looking at CZs and you want to shoot Production, that makes the choice an easy one: the SP01 in 9mm. Many will argue that 40 minor in Production is "just as good", but my own testing with two Stock IIs, one in 40 and one in 9 shooting 135gr bullets over Clays, it wasn't even close (significantly more felt recoil in the 40). Granted, you can shoot some soft 180gr loads in the 40, but that's really beside the point for you since I've never seen an SP01 chambered in 40. You could shoot a CZ 75B 40 in Production and Limited 10, but unfortunately that particular model pretty much sucks at everything
  2. Welcome to the forum I higher resolution picture of the other side of the pistol would help me be sure, but it looks to be large frame judging by the shape of the beaver tail undercut. Also, if you can see the screw holes in the grip, they sit further back on a large frame (almost right at the edge):
  3. I doubt they're really worried about the unicorn of unicorns taking market share
  4. Burn rate charts are not gospel as I'm sure you've figured out by comparing a few.
  5. Yes, the 9mm Match barrel will fit in the 38 Limited Pro slide (the 38 breech is slightly bigger but not enough to give you trouble).
  6. I have both and I always shoot the 9mms, I can't stand hunting around for my 38 brass and have a mental block about leaving it. I get obsessed with getting as many pieces back as I can and it really takes away from the enjoyment for me.
  7. Wow, $1,400 They must be pretty proud of that one...
  8. Alright, let set aside the fact that caliber swaps are not legal in Production. The Limited barrel will not lock up tight in the Stock II slide (I've tried it); the 4 3/4" Limited barrel is a cone which is the same diameter at the slide lock up as the 4 1/2" cone barrel of the Stock II, so 1/4" back on the cone the OD is smaller. If you don't mind disregarding asinine rules in Production, I have a 9mm Stock II barrel which would work in your 10mm Stock II just sitting around gathering dust...
  9. Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas (DVC) Latin for accuracy, power and speed.
  10. Did you mean light strike? FTF is usually failure to feed.
  11. I think $1,000 is pretty generous considering it's the least desirable frame of all.
  12. Is it really a 75B frame? with the stumpy beaver tail with a single sided safety and a round mag releaaee?
  13. Long slide is the same length as a Match slide. That's a standard length slide (1/4" shorter).
  14. Most target rear sights are a nice, big, flat, serrated blade for good visibility and low glare/distraction.
  15. That's a strange looking bullet profile... A huge hollow point with a long shoulder, 1.1" isn't too bad, but I bet those bullets would have to be seated to an inch or less to chamber in CZ. What types of 9mm pistols do you have? You could seat them deeper to fit your chamber, but not knowing what powder or charge is inside I would use caution...
  16. Ross, I think double tapping as you describe is a good way to choose a recoil spring, but not a very effective way to shoot a match. One sight picture, two shots; the location of your second shot can tell you a lot about how well the gun is tuned to your trigger speed, strength, grip technique. If your second shot is high, a heavier recoil spring could help get the front sight back on target quicker, if the second shot is low, the muzzle could be dipping upon returning to battery and a lighter recoil spring might benefit you. I use words like "could" and "might" because there are a lot of variables involved, but I've found this to be a helpful tool in getting two alphas. If the sights return to target by themselves, aiming the second shot requires only observation/confirmation, rather than correction.
  17. interesting, just 3.6gr under a 230gr cast rn at 1.222" made 180 in my Kimber I guess it make sense that Clays would be rally OAL sensitive, I'll bet ~3.2-3.4 at 1.2" would make major and be a really bunny fart
  18. It irritates me to hear decent people throw around pejoratives like "hoarder" and "flipper" judging mere preferences as objectively 'good' or 'bad'; any of these people you describe are actors in the voluntary market If you want to feel morally superior why not look towards the involuntary win/lose interactions like theft, rape, murder, torture and subjugation; examples abound in this world of ours.
  19. I'm not sure how accurate that is. I certainly wasn't around when the PF rule was made, but from what I gather it was designed to handicap the emerging double stack 9mms which would be an advantage over the 1911s in competition. If PF were a function of energy, factory 115gr 9mm would score roughly the same as factory 230gr .45 (~330ftlbs of muzzle energy) and I don't think anyone could argue that would level the field.
  20. Railed Matches use those as well, there were some matches which came with the Super Sight, but I haven't seen many. That sight is OK, not exactly a target sight, but pretty low profile so it would be good for a carry gun. The came with white dots and without at various times.
  21. No gunsmith necessary, the fitting is very simple using a file. If you wind up in San Diego I'll show you
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