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Everything posted by blackdragon

  1. Thank god no, 40mph in a 65 mph from you guys.!!!! Ivan
  2. I believe the PF dellema is and has become too much of focal point in our game. Be it IPSC or IDPA. Set the steel to fall at 125 and if you shoot it and it doesn't fall ? No calibration, No arbritration, no Nada!!!!!. Those of you who are loading to the correct PF, know it! Just my 2 pennys!! Ivan
  3. GOOD GOD! Another one!! Congrats!!! Ivan
  4. Here we go in my latest rant!!!!! Driving home from work ( 50 plus miles) I come up on this sweet brandy new Viper! 45 MPH!!!! on a 65 mph road! , Home boy is chatting it up with his significant other. There is 6 cars behind me. No passing lane. He speeds up for 100 yds or so, I think "great" he is going to "Drive this car", Nope he slows down everytime a car passes in the on coming lane! . 45 MPH again. I get on his a$# and low and behold! " Dream Car Rentals" on his license plate! If you are going to spend that much $$$$ on that car, Drive the damn thing!!!! It's like shooting an open gun, Alpha delta!!!! Ivan
  5. Cool magazine. I subscribed untill it went out. I hope some one takes it over, They owe me for 6 issues for finding the hidden bullett! Ivan
  6. It is what is between the ears that matters, That can't be taught! Thats why we spend our time here looking for more information! Ivan
  7. HI5-O, Make sure you get an Edge Juice, For that bad boy! Ivan
  8. The only trouble that I have is shooting an iron sighted rifle. Left eye dominate, right handed ( School system screwed that up for me!) It can get a little blurry! Ivan
  9. Just add a little unleaded in the winter Ivan
  10. In my many years of shooting USPSA/ IPSC, It seems the people that complain are the people that didn't think of it first! After you have finished the stage, They come running up and start bi$tching! There a lot of old time shooters here that are responsable for the rule book that we have! God bless them!!!!! I just don't like being beaten with the rubber chicken after the fact! Ivan
  11. He said take the gun from him! Ivan
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