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Everything posted by blackdragon

  1. My wife has this, She sleeps with a C pacpmachine. It seems to help! Ivan
  2. As unpopular as this will sound, We have done this to our selves! The price of what we sell in Europe would amaze you guys. Us as Americans, keep wanting cheaper and cheaper items! We export to over 30 countries! I know what the margins are outside of the US. Ivan
  3. I asked the girl at the Southwest counter " Have you ever found one that was loaded" Unfortunately she said " YES" Ivan
  4. Just returned from Reno, Southwest. Yep they looked at every single pistol! and I had to lock my case! 1st airline to make me do it! ( when I got to Reno all the locks were gone! ) When I flew back had to get new locks. $30.00 in locks! Ivan
  5. Update, I have been doing a lot of shows in the last 3 weeks. The industry scuttle butt is: The company that owns Winchester ( FN I believe) made an offer to the union. It was a final offer! The union said no! and here we are. The were a lot of negotiations that have been going on for some time. Ivan
  6. As someone who answers emails on a daily basis, I agree with you guys! Ivan
  7. Vinegar, Hydrogen peroxide! Just don't get it on your skin!!! Ivan
  8. Just got back from Louisville KY, US Air, No Trouble. Flying out the did not even have me sign the form. Ivan
  9. When you sell (At The Time) a great product to KMart, and Walmart, You will eventually start making it cheaper and faster!!!. I'm sorry to see it happen, There are still some companys here in the US that stand by quality, Sure they have had their problems but some learned from it and are still in business. There are companys like ours that will fill the inexpensive firearm niche. Ivan
  10. Loves2shoot, Nope she just screamed! Ivan PS I'm serious, This did happen! I
  11. Now a days that could be dangerous!!!! Maybe I'm over reacting, But I think is is reaaaaaly stupid to ask an employee to handle a firearm with 30 seconds of training!!! Ivan PS I just came from a trade show where a vender shot the vender across from him!!! ( In The leg, She is still alive) Ivan
  12. No she did not touch them!!!! The TSA guy took the case and put it on the ground behind the desk! I was just running through my mind what would happen should I have to take the pistol from her. I had two red tags on top of the guns in the case plus our FFL. Ivan
  13. It seems to be that the HS-7, HS-6 powders do that. I will be going to HS-6 when I run out of 7. Ivan
  14. Here is one for you guys!!! Had a show in South Carolina. Arrived at the airport to leave. Declared that I had Firearms. The young lady says" Are they unloaded?" I reply, "yes". She then says to me" I need to check them to make sure" . I reply " There are 15 handguns in the case!" She says" I still need to take them out and make sure they are unloaded!" . I say"NOOOOO!" She looks at me and says "I will get a TSA officer" I reply" Knock your self out!, You are not going to take the pistols out of my case!" The TSA officer comes over Says" Are they unloaded? OK". Takes my case. Now, I'm getting older and I don't have a lot of patience left. The visual that I had goes something like this..... She picks up the first pistol covers every one standing in line! Doesn't have the first clue on what she is doing! I have to take the pistol and show her it is unloaded..... I have a gun in my hand at an airport, knowing my luck an air marshal walks out of Chilies and....I'm a dead man!!. What do you guys think? Ivan
  15. If I knew how to work my camera!!!! Ivan
  16. n2ipsc, Yep!!!! Thats why we do it! To hear the whining, The tail thumping!, and the "LOOK"! Ivan
  17. The Mecgars work just fine in mine! Ivan
  18. I added super glue to mine! On the front, back, and bottom. Be there for 8yrs!. Ivan
  19. Yup! But be carefull! Too much and you have "Screwed the Pooch" so to speak! Ivan
  20. My lead level is in! 6. The only thing I have changed is? Not shooting! Ivan
  21. Jasonub, Will be going in June! But thats the Philippines! Ivan
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