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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. And Dan will send you pics of his drinking buddies also. Take a look in the dealer forum under ShootersConnection. I just had to post it.
  2. Forgot to add, the Ashland club is on the border of Ohio and WV and hte Owensboro club is on the river also but on the Ky side. These clubs have members that live in Indiana, Ohio, West Viginia and their members will be eligible for the Kentucky Section Champion in Each Division Award. The rest shoot for Match win and class win as normal. The Ky section award is an added award and only applies to top Ky Section Shooter in each division.
  3. Not Ironic, thats why we added that they be a member of a Kentucky Section Club. 4 of our clubs are in Indiana. Louisville is on the River and the range is on the other side in Indiana. We used to have 2 ranges and 4 clubs. One range was owned by the FOP and they kicked us out after many years. There were a few that wanted the property for themselves. Now all 4 shoot at the one range in Sellersburg. And why we are using the name Kentucky Section Championship. Rhino, Anne is doing the registrations for Ky State. I also changed some information on the application that I need to get changed on the web page. The staff shoots Friday the 20th. If need be we can accomodate some shooters Friday also. Also the hotel info is not right on the application. We changed hotels since the application was put up. The right info is on the web page. You still get off exit 7 to get to the range but the hotel is now at exit 8. Apparently the hotel we used thelast few years decided to jack us around so we moved on to a better hotel all though it is about 15.00 a night more money. Good thing is its right next to a Mcdonalds and Craker barrel and it is new.
  4. It gets into a gray area when it is Nonffl to nonffl. Depends on state law. Maybe somebody else can be more precise.
  5. Bill I dont appreciate being called a pansie. When you learn to read you will learn that I wrote it is an impossibility for me without some device to cover my right eye. Gee takes away any real life rambo application. If being a rambo is what you want to be then fine, you can have it, its not for me. I shoot because I like to shoot and have fun. If I aint having fun I will go elsewhere. Just maybe it would be a good idea for more of those running matches to understand the shooters are their customers and if you dont give them a product they like they wont be back. Its not their job to see how much they can screw with the shooter. Seen enough of that in the past. Another reason if it aint USPSA sanctioned I dont shoot it either otherwise you never know what you will be dished up at these matches. The set in our way and not wanting to try anything new comment doesnt even apply. Fact is I did try it and it just doesnt work for me. Want to be real practical then when requiring weak shoulder disallow use of the strong hand for support. Why would you shoot weakside if you had two hands available. Its just a way to screw with the shooter. If its about mastering the gun then go a step further. Disallow use of either hand, use your toes. Better yet use mind power to make it shoot. Thats how ridiculous your argument is. Sorry if a sound just a little upset.
  6. The Range for the Kentucky State and Area 5 is right at the intersection of I65 and I64. 2 main arteries running through the country. Easy to get to, great stages, great food, Lots of other things to do around Louisville. How can you go wrong? We have squadding for 220 shooters. Any Questions?
  7. IPSC is about fun , not feeling like you just had an enema!
  8. No, to qualify for the Kentucky State Champion you have to be a resident of Kentucky or a paid member of a Kentucky Section Club. We are still awarding Match Winner in each division, Kentucky State Champion is seperate.
  9. Kentucky State Championship Match 2005 May 21 or 22 Hosted by Silver Creek Conservation Club in Sellersburg, IN This is a Trophy Match featuring 10 FUN stages, 217 rounds Registration $75 * Juniors $30 * Point Series $10 Plaques awarded: Match winner in each division, KY State Champ in each division (Must be a resident or paid member of a KY club to qualify - KY ST Champion can also be Match Winner. 1st in class in each division (gm, m, a, b, c, d - Revolver shoot heads up, unless entries warrant class awards), 2nd in class (at least 4 in class -except revolver), 3rd in class (at least 7 in class - except revolver) Top Lady, Junior and Senior in Open, Limited. Caesar’s Casino is just 15 minutes away! Send checks or money orders payable to SCCC to: A. Rodier, 1315 Morton Ave., Louisville, KY 40204 RO’s and Staff shoot May 20 - * Match sanctioning has been applied for Name: __________________________________________________________ *T-shirt S ___ M ___ L ___ XL ___ XXL ___ XXXL ___ Address: ______________________________________________________________ USPSA #: ________________ Division: ________ Phone: ____________________________Email:________________________________________________________ _____Class:_____ Sat.____ Sun. ____ Sat AM/Sun PM ____ Sat PM/Sun AM ____ Point Series ____Major ____Minor____ Jr ____ Sr____ Lady ____ Some say the food last year was the best they’ve ever had on the range! From Exit 7, go west. continue northwest on Rte. 60 for 3 ½ miles. The range is located on the left and is marked by a sign. The registration building is located directly ahead. Our goal is to show you a good time! *T-shirt is included with registration fee. Extra shirts are $12. Indicate quantity of each size above. Maps & Information: Lee Leonard 812.283.5449 www.sccc-pvra.com, www.practicalshooters.com, www.uspsa.org (area 5)
  10. Roboman, No the boys get to box them up. They have to earn their spending money. Come down anytime. Dale, It was simply the strut hitting the sear spring. Wish I had seen the polished spot on the sear spring sooner. One time I ground amterial of theback of the strut but couldnt get enough off to fix the problem so I just layed it on the bench, tapped it with the hammer to flatten the arch in the strut just slightly. I know it may be unorthodox but it works.
  11. Ok guys we have the application up and the stages posted for the Kentucky State. Kentucky State
  12. That jagermeister was the only drink that caused me to forget , in fact I forgot the second half of a football game when I was going to University of Kentucky. And we beat Georgia that night. A huge accomplishment for Ky football. Favorite is good old Kentucky Bourbon Makers Mark is the best. Woodford Reserve second.
  13. Its so bad I cant even look down a barrel and get a sight picture weakshoulder. I am going to be sorry i even put this on here. My local club will most assuredly have weakshoulder now.
  14. You dont understand, I can not close my right eye without closing my left. It is impossible for me to shoot weakshoulder unless the covering the right eye with tape or something works. Bottom line if it has weakshoulder I wont go, if i go and it is sprung on me I wont shoot. Sound whiny? Sorry Just not going to do something I cant do, I will take the handicap if they allow it. Only one other time I refused to shoot a stage at a match. They required you to be seat belted in a seat. because I am big i had to move the seat all the way back to fasten the belt. With the seat back I could not see the far right target which had to be shot out of a port/hole in the windshield. It was impossible. I got out of the wang mobile and told Mike Martin I wasnt going to shoot a stage when it required me to remain in a position that I coldnt even see the targets. They lengthened the seat belt and I shot. Luckily we were the first squad to shoot.
  15. I hope any match that has weakhand rifle or shotgun disclose it up front so someone doesnt waste their time traveling to a match and watching it go down the drain because of this. I once shot a shotgun match at knob creek, when we got to the line they told us it was weakhand. I couldnt even get a sight picture weakhand. Thats how strong eye dominant I am. Shot every no shoot there, finally finished by shooting from the hip. I will never shoot a rifle or shotgun match that has weakshoulder in it. Guess if I had known I could have covered my right eye. Dont even know if that works. Never shot knob creek again.
  16. The Next American Idol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I got one on gunbroker around christmas time for 550.00 but it didnt work when I got it. It works fine now. There was some loose stuff in it. Been trying to find another for around the same price but they are going for 700 or more.
  18. If the person was doing it then the one who said it cannot be done has been proven wrong. Maybe the proverb should say dont interrupt the person TRYING to do it. Like I said I dont think it can be done, if it is then it will be a fluke like winning the lottery. It will never be able to be done on a consistent, on demand basis. Go for it but if your game is IPSC then I would put the energy to work on the complete game. So much of IPSC is breaking stages down, accuracy, movement and assessing risk and rewards for different approaches, not just shooting a lead slinging Elpres and happening to connect in sub 3.
  19. Rob I heard once the police showed up to a shotgun shoot in MA and confiscated all guns on the rack for being unattended. Dont know if it was true or not. Guess if you get a gun stolen you have to break your window out first before reporting it. You have to report it for several reasons.
  20. Too bad you didnt see mine on Ebay a few weeks ago. I replaced mine with one of the 8 round tubes for limited and didnt need it anymore. In fact i think if you want a 4 there are some on ebay now and gunbroker. If you want the 8 rounder ask around. somebody might know who carrys them. :-) trying to abide by the rules. There is allot of excitement around bluegrass right now. The club secretary is doing a special article in the club newsletter. Our club has around 2500 members but only about 40 shoot IPSC, if that. I have had several inquiries about shooting IPSC in Central KY also. I can see this club hosting a state or area match in the near future. Here that guys! 1400 acres is adequate room for it. It is a great facility.
  21. Just bought an old 870 police gun. Saw it at the local gun store. Cop trade in, all beat up. Had a smooth action, side saddle and extended tube. 200 bucks. Its going next to my bed.
  22. When Leaving LA last year a delta agent motioned us over to a kiosk. I told her I couldnt check in there since I had a firearm. She said sure you can and went over and got me the red tag, I signed it and put it in the bag. TSA was right there so I just carried the bag over to them. No problem. One thing I did find out that agents from town to town, airline to airline just dont know how to handle checking a firearm. The dont know the laws or their own airlines policies. One time leaving San Francisco the Delta agent demanded I get the 3 guns out and show her they were not loaded. At that time it was Delta's policy to just have you sign the tag since their agents were not educated enough on firearms to tell anyway. My buddy also flying delta had no problem. I happened to know the Delta policy and training manual on the subject since a customer of mine was a delta manager and he emailed me them. I told the agent that what she was asking me to do was against Delta's policy, she got the supervisor who wanted me to show her the guns as well. I stood firm and told her it was against Delta's policy. At this point she was pretty angry with me. Went ot the back and in a few minutes came out and said put the tag in the bag but I want you to understand we can search your bags anytime we wish. She didnt search them and I didnt have to show the guns. Why did I do it? maybe if I brought enough attention to it then the airline may better educate their agents. At least I am sure it was made known in San Francisco. After that i quit hassling them. If they wanted to see the gun i showed it. Had one agent stick her finger up magwell to make sure there was no mag. Slide was closed. I gave her a lesson on how to make sure the gun was clear by checking the chamber also. This was all before 911 so policies could have, probably have, changed now.
  23. Little Tujunga Range? Shot there once but when I lived in LA we could just pull off in the canyon and shoot anywhere. That was in the 70's though. Man I am getting old.
  24. It is also against regs to mark the outside of the bag indicating there is a firearm inside. The bag with the firearm must be locked. All bags must be unlocked. Those are the regs. Last time I flew with a gun on the way out they checked my bag , I locked it. The agent told me to pay attention to the PA system since they may page me to come unlock my bag. They didnt. On the way back home in L.A. the TSA guys were right ther next to the counter and once the agent checked my bag she had me carry it over to TSA and get them to check it before I locked it and sent it on its way.
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