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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. Dont you just love it when they think you are too close so they decide to slam on the brakes to see if you can keep from rear ending them? Makes sense to me
  2. Chuck - You need to find an web hosting company that will offer SMTP email on a port other than 25 (2525 is commonly used). Most email programs provide an option for specification of the port (It's under the "ADVANCED" tab when configuring an account in Outlook Express). Port 25 blocking is sufficiently common that many ISP's already offer SMTP service on an alternate port. I suggest you contact the ISP hosting www.shooters.connection.com (email support@tristarnet.com) to see if this is the case. Alternatively, you can sign up for an independent SMTP service which exists to serve users with port 25 blockes. http://www.tzo.com/MainPageServices/Produc...ies/13_OMR.html is one service which offers Port 2525 SMTP to $49.95/year (up to 2,000 emails/month, higher prices for greater volume). They require a client on your PC to keep their servers updated with your dynamic IP address, since they use the IP address to authenticate that you are allowed to send email through their relay. Rob, thanks for trying to help. I had to sign up with MSN to get on the internet. They block port 25. i am trying to find a way around it but the only thing I can find is to change the server name to MSN's and use my MSN member name and password for authentication. I id that and it did try to send the email but for some reason when it askes for the password and name it doesnt recognize it. I spent 2 hours last night trying to figure out why. I changed passwords, tried both name and name@msn.com. Nothing works. I get the obx that says enter name & password and even though its the rigth one the box comes back up with enter name & password. I switched it all back and tried the 2525 port but that fialed also. MSN wnats you to use their email program. If there is a port they allow I cant find it. Hopefully i can get the satellite fixed and back up with the satellit ISP. I did talk to the DSL tech for the area. He said all they had to do was put a node in my box. The node costs 9000.00 and the amount of customers has to justify it. Sad thing is the box is on my property. I sold them an easement to put it there. This was 8-9 year ago before DSL was known about or I would have made them agree to provide the dsl service as part of the deal. On the cable, I did send an email to every email address I could find for adelphia. No repsonse. Another example of not giving a rats ass. The only communication I had with them was through the local clerk. She told me what the engineer said. I asked for his number. She wouldnt give it to me. I asked that he call me. He never did. Can you feel my frustration? On the bright side I have outgrown my current location and will have to move soon. You can bet internet will be a big factor in my decision where to locate.
  3. Tell me about it. They are about 1000 feet away. Dont know if they would go for all the equipment installed in their house for me. Been working on the email issue. Come to find out many ISP's are blocking port 25 so you cant send email without going through them. I am sure many of you know more about this than me. I found a fix but it isnt working. It seems smtp.email.msn.com isnt recognizing my msn password. So if your waiting on an email form me, maybe tomorrow if the satellite gets fixed.
  4. Thanks Eric. Did all the things they said to do. They say my dish needs to be repointed. Its solid with no movement. I suspect the coax cable ends as you said or a bad LNB which is susceptable to lightning whihc we had a lot of yesterday morning. It worked all day though. I did call around and get a hold of a small company and have a tech coming to check it out tommorrow morning. Its the same people who come when Direcway puts a work order through in 3-5 days. I have my fingers crossed. Dial up sucks. Now I cant get Outlook express to send emails through MSN dialup. I can get them, just wont send.
  5. I hate that I cant get cable and it runs in front of my house, I am 1000feet off the road and offered to pay for a trunk extension but they wont even talk to me. The people that matter are shielded by idiots and you cant get arounf them. I hate that I cant get DSL, my neighbor has it but the box I am served from doesnt have the node needed. I have , or had Satellite but it went dead last night. After 2 hours on the phone they say I need a tech to come test the hardware. Direcway, or hughes.net now, tells me a tech will contact me in 3-5 days to make an appointment. No telling how long it will take. I hate that i cant get somebody to come out and look and this thing. Of course I am out of warranty and will have to pay for whatever is wrong. I hate dial up, and paying for it while I am still paying for satellite that doesnt work. I also hate talking to people in india that you cant understand and each one follows a script and makes you do things over and over again you already know wont work but they cant stray from the script or they are completely lost. Now i go out to play with my dish to see if something is loose so I can come back and write how I hate getting my ass fried when I am doing something I shouldnt even be doing and know nothing about. Anybody have any suggestions?
  6. I have had alot of people ask about the equipment. Sinc emy email is down today, and I dont know why, I am posting his info here Mikes email is mikeinsg@adelphia.net he installs and sells here is his webpage vsskentucky.com
  7. Guess you have to watch the video first. I thought you meant he was stealing potato chip dip. Potatoe chip dip 1.49, Tobacco dip 3.99, Cathing the thief -priceless. Imagine what he racked up stealing cans of dip at 3.99 each. He took 2 in this tape. He offered to pay for them if scott didnt call the police. Scott said you going to pay for a 100 cans he said yes, Scott just laughed and sent him on to jail.
  8. He worked for a pop company as a merchandiser. Its not what you would consider a real good job. He will probably loose his job. When I caught my first shoplifter in that same store about 26 years ago I let him go. I quickly hardened, we all have, and now anybody caught in any of the stores goes to jail. That store used to be my Dads until he retired. I used to have a couple myself and my brother mike has one also. Shoplifting and employee theft are one of the biggest threats to small business. The officer here wasnt going to take him in because he didnt leave the store. Scott told him to call his supervisor. In Kentucky all you have to do is conceal the item and you are shoplifting.
  9. http://www.shootersconnection.com/wmv/cuffed.wmv This is from my brothers store where my other brother Mike (some of you may know him) just installed a new camera system. Its really trick. He can cut and edit then write it all to a dvd and hand it to the officer. This guy had been stealing dip many, many times. My brother Scott is the one who confronted the thief.
  10. I know several people who did private party transfers on guns not on the list from people outside the state. What are the rules on that?
  11. Yep, I have had them on order since October. They were suppose to come out in March but you know how everything in this industry is. CED did this timer to compete with the other lower cost timers. While he was at it he made the size where it will fit in a shirt pocket. I think it will be a big seller. Downside is the that although the 8000 is a trick timer, with lots of features, it will suffer.
  12. Gary, one example of an extreme circumstance that we have now fixed and dont consider it to be a DQ, is a round detonation while unloading. Not a discharge but a detonation. I was one that sent emails and chewed ears to get this changed. The shooter did nothing wrong except have a freak accident. If you really think about it, allot of these situations never come to a DQ. The RO involved sees the circumstance and doesnt give the DQ. Its rare when we have these circumstances and a DQ is given. I was at a match once, it was a state championship, I caught my grip on my coat and the gun came out. I caught it on my leg and promptly put it in the holster. An RO was watching me. I shrugged my shoulders and the RO did to. That was it. I wasnt handling my gun. That is an example of extreme circumstances and common sense prevailing.
  13. This happened at a nationals and the shooter was let back in. It was determined he did nothing unsafe. I would argue that catchng a falling gun by reaction is not what the intent of the rule meant when they wrote "gun handling". A definition of gun handling might be in order. Doesnt necessarliy mean touching or holding.
  14. OH, I will. When I was 14 I got a job in a VW garage working for a guy from Germany. There were 2 of us in the shop helping. I know Child Labor under the table but I wanted to work and 20.00 a week for 20 hours was a good start for a 14 year old kid. After all it was 1975. Any way , the other kid didnt put oil in the car. The customer drove it away and a few blocks away called & said it was making funny noises. Fred the owner filled it with oil and told the owner that he would fix it when the time came. That night the car was stolen and the thief blew the engine up. Lucky for Fred the garage owner! We always thought he was the one who stole it and blew it up.
  15. Spent this evening working with the boys changing oil & filters on Austins Truck and 2 tractors since its time to mow again. I was teaching them how to change oil, air, fuel & hydraulic filters on everything when Ryan(13) was putting oil back into one of the tractors. He asked how much oil. I said well try 4 quarts that should be close then we can check it and go from there. He put 4 quarts in and then while I was working on the truck he said Dad there isnt any reading on the stick. I thought for a moment, maybe it takes 6 quarts. Then I saw this puddle emerging from under the tractor. I asked him "did you put the plug back first?" He said "no". He was upset at first, so was I , then we had a big laugh. He has some clean up tomorrow with the kitty litter. Its these moments and lessons learned we will never forget.
  16. In KY I just ignore the signs. Only recourse they have is that they can ask you to leave and thats if they see it. If they call the police and you dont leave then they can get you for trespassing but a sign has to be posted to even get that. I do watch the no-go places though. Except the church one. Its allowed if the church allows it. One church some of my family attends has 30-40 members carrying at any given time. The other its usually just a couple of us but its allot smaller. The Kentucky house just passed a bill that would prohibit the police from confiscating guns fromt he people in a disaster like New Orleans did. The leader of the movement was my own representative. A democrat at that. I will thank her when i see her next time. May even call her to thank her.
  17. If you use a heat tool to stipple it will burn the fibers in the polymer and it will give it a grey look. On a black grip it doesnt matter. Roupe doesnt use a heated tool, he uses a dremel and cuts the grooves into his grips. I have been told if you use a heated tool and can control the intensity of the heat you will have better results but I dont know what tool that would be.
  18. If your STi is a long dustcover it wont work at all. If it is a std dustcover it might work but you have to remove the spacer in the trigger block. Take the back screw out, slide the spacer out and insert screw.
  19. My wife said you are the only one that would notice that. I said nope, i can go on the enos forum and everybody from there who watched it saw it.
  20. Bruce, I once owned a Laundromat and bought a new bank of 10 washers while I owned it. They arent that much more expensive than a consumer model. But I tell you that stuff breaks down all the time. I had it a year then sold it. What a nightmare! Brian, bad thing is the Maytag has a defect that causes the problems in the transmission. Yep the transmission is warrantied for 5 years but the cost to take my unit in and the labor was about 350.00. I just went out and bought a new unit and it wasnt a maytag.
  21. Ok what is with them showing a close up of the gun, which is being used to threaten the Intel broker, and leaving the footage of the gun being out of battery. First he takes the gun from the US marshall and then has to rack the slide to chamber a round? I said come on, that gun was already hot, then showing it out of battery. They need some help with the firearms consultation. Other than that i am a huge 24 fan.
  22. I just mailed mine in yesterday. I answered it right but we might take this a littel further. If you use a prop to clear a jam, whatever the prop is doesnt , for that purpose, become a tool? What if the stage props included a knife, screwdriver etc ? Would they then be able to be used? The rule needs to be specific as to what can and cant be used. If they want to just specify you cant use a tool you brought to the stage but you could use a tool that was part of the stage then that would be sufficient for me. Right now its just vague and the question is sort of a trick question sinc eit leads you to look for a US rule when there isnt one and you have to conclude that since it isnt disallowed then you can.
  23. It totally depends on stage design. I have run stages before with both guns. If you have to aim and transition allot the pistol wins. If its a hoser the MP5 wins. This is with the same shooter. A GM with a pistol will beat just about anybody with a subgun regardless of the course.
  24. If I hadnt seen it on video I still wouldnt believe it. Now I can see how HE can do it. I saw him shoot a stage at Area 5 and he is just fast, really fast. I really look for him to pull out some big wins this year. He has the speed now to master the mental part of the game and there is no stopping him.
  25. Uh....hmm....well all that other stuff was before Jake was shooting one of our guns. I tried to run the video in slow motion and got a .85 draw, .76 reload. I couldnt even read the transitions & splits. It was fast and yep I think he may just do it. He is one of the fastest shooters I have seen. His motor skills are like lightning.
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