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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. And to ad to it George. As long as we as a society have our nice homes, cars, toys and live in relative peace & safety with food to feed our children we as a society will not be willing to stand up to tyranny. This is why it has creeped up on us and put us in the position we are in now. Until the average mans standard of living is lowered to a point they have nothing else to loose they will not act. When it gets to that point, we will only have ourselves to blame. And my take on the LEO's just following orders. There has to be a point when the men and women behind those badges know what they are doing is wrong. Hopefully there will be some to stand up to their superiors and refuse to violate citizens rights. The immunity of any person or organization will only breed abuse, misuse and ultimately corruption. It goes against one of the fibers of our society, you are responsible for your actions.
  2. You cant defend them now anyway, if you do you are looking at the death penalty. Just having the right to arms as protected by the second amendment isnt really enough. If you use it you die. Its really a sad and almost hopeless situation we have. We cant defend our rights because those in authority will punish you if you do. You cant fight it in the legal system because they have protected themselves by passing laws making themselves exempt from legal action(for the most part) so where do we turn. I wish I had an answer. I hope somebody does.
  3. Just my luck. I get my credit card number stolen and I do the research and give the police the inforamtion and they cant do anything. In another case I nailed a pro having thousands of dollars in merchandise shipped to their newly rented house to many different names. Handed all the info over to the authorities and nothing was done. And this guys sells old records and the swat team comes out. Guess its depends on who wants what done. I would hire a lawyer and go after the judge who signed the warrant. At least make his life hell so he calls those in that sold it to him and rakes them over the coals and maybe he wont be so eager to sign the next one and maybe even points a finger and lays blame somewhere else.
  4. Chances are the first guy was seen holstering his gun and somebody told him he can only handle his firearm at a safety area. You dont DQ a newbee for this offense, in fact its hard to DQ a newbee period unless the club has given a proper orientation. If we just throw them out there what do we expect. When I ran a club I always gathered the new shooters and either sent them off for an orientation or gave them one myself before we went to shoot the match. Their first match was with a qualified RO who was holding their hand through the match. I only ever turned one shooter away, It was a young girl whose dad brought her to shoot. I felt bad but she obviously didnt even know how a gun worked and didnt have the hand strength to hold the gun with one hand much less shoot it. I told the Father who wasnt even a shooter himself to take her shooting and teach her some basics about shooting first then we would be glad to have her back. Bottom line we cant expect newbees to know what we expect unless we teach them first.
  5. Dale, you know that in KY basketball is everything. To people in other places it may seem ridiculous but here it is a huge story and almost everybody, give or take Dale, wants to hear about it. Dont make it seem as if KY fans are mean and unreasonable. I went to every home game this year and yes there was some rumbling but the fans were still behind the team and coach for the most part. If things didnt get better next year it may have been a different story. I believe Tubby got out while he could go on his terms to a school of a lower level with less pressure. Things werent looking any better for next year. Was there any mention of Rick Pitino taking his old job back. i dont think that will happen. He burned his bridges when he left the first time. If he hadnt gone to Louisville the fans would be more receptive to it. Did you like hearing more about the big story?
  6. Several things he said or how he said it caused some doubt but others were good. I realized I did accept some risk when I went ahead and ordered. The other company that i was looking at that did have a TL rating was around 6000.00 for the door. This guy mentioned them by name and compared their safe to that one. Will have to see. Bottom line it doesnt really matter anyway. A cheap safe door will keep the smash & grab types out but wont protect from a real pro. From what i read hear there is nothing that will keep it safe from a real pro. I plan on making it as hard as I can. My alarm guy is pretty good also and with a cell back up to the phone lines I dont see how they can beat that unless they have a way to scramble the cell signal. I dont think what I will have in the safe will be worth what it will take to get into it and not get caught.
  7. Johnny is in the Philippines right now. Should be back any day. Promised to ship me an order when he gets back. Didnt say whether it would include holsters or not. Been waiting on them since August. The holsters used to come with 2 trigger cams. One for sti and one for 1911. I had so many complaints, and I guess Johnny did to, that the 1911/para/caspian steel frame guns were loose and floppy in the holster. The last couple times I have received holsters they have not come with the second trigger cam for the steel frame guns. I quit advertising that the holster would work with the steel frame guns. It is similar for any of the holsters that dont have a muzzle retainer.
  8. I ended up ordering one from this company. http://www.pentagonsafes.com/_office-safes...ault-doors.html He says the safes are DOJ approved. Says he has built doors for the Pentagon and the new vault at the Mirage in Vegas. I may have fallen for a good sales pitch. I was supposedly talking with the president of the company. I got to him by asking questions from Robs post. Thanks Rob. He is doing me a triple wall 2" thick insulated door with 1" solid hard plate in the critical drill areas, only 3/8 is required for a tl-30 rating he claimed. The lock is supposed to be a group II. It has a new secret 4 relocker system. Whatever that is. The door is a step door with jigsaw cut. He also said the 18 lugs are independent. Cheaper safes have a bar that the lugs are attached to so if one lug is accessed all can be released by manipulating the one. I decided to go for the electronic lock. This safe door is supposed to be better than what he has installed in his own house. Does it pass the smell test?
  9. I know if they want in they can get in if they have the time. The key is to make it take enough time for the police to arrive. I cant discuss the more covert security measures I will take on a public forum especially methods to deal with situations while somebody is present. Hopefully I can make it more attractive for the criminal to rob a jewelry store or bank before trying a place that sells guns. A couple of the companies mention that stainless is not as suceptible to a torch. Id that correct? And what level of protection that will require unreasonable amount of force to "bent, shaped, broken, cut, pierced and burned." what thickness to reasonably keep from being bent,shaped,broken,cut in a reasonable amount of time. Is a relocker and drill plate a big security plus. Something to stop or really slow them down. They took an 8000 lb safe. How? Did they get into it and did they get caught? And I thought a 2000lb safe was not movable.
  10. Not saying it is possible but it would be sweet if you could use your knowledge of the particular industry and the relationships you have made to go into the same business on your own. A competitor , if one exists, might love to have your services also. You all could move to Kentucky. I suspect you all require much more in Salary than what is the norm around here though. I expect that would be the case in most instances with the types that frequent this forum and participate in the shooting sports. I saw a demographic of USPSA shooters once. I think it was 70% were professionals or business owners.
  11. I have been looking at several different manufacturers of Vault doors. I am going to build a 20x20 Vault Room in the new building. Most likely 8" re-bar enforced poured concrete walls with concrete slab ceiling. How important are the locking lugs? Some have 1" and some 1 1/2 " . When there are 8-20 of these does it really make a difference? What thickness steel is reasonable? There is anywhere from 1/4" solid steel up to 1" solid steel and many different thicknesses inbetween with some being composites and not solid. What do I need to look for in the inner working of the door mechanics and lock? Are drill plates and relockers a must? How important is the way the frame mounts to the concrete? What types should I stay away from and what types are desired? Got any links to manufacturer web pages? I am already looking at http://www.pentagonsafes.com/_office-safes...ault-doors.html http://www.blackswampsecurity.com/vd.htm http://www.brownsafe.com/categories/commer...vault_doors.htm http://www.smithsecuritysafes.com/pages/vaultdoors.html http://www.homelandsafes.com/ArmoryVaultdoor.php Any help would be appreciated.
  12. IN the beginning all we had was 38 super breach faces so Aftec, when it was owned by Pat Cochran, made a 38 super extractor and a 38 super comp/9mm extractor. With the True 9mm breech faces the 9mm Aftec found itself misnamed. The 9mm aftec accounted for the extra space when using a smaller rim case in 9mm and super comp, so its a tighter fit. With the 9mm breech face the tighter 9mm extractor is too tight and according to the previous owner of Aftec , Pat, the 38 super extractor was best for 9mm slides. Now enters the problem of 9mm slides not being consistent on the dimensions. So sometimes the 38 super extractor works and sometimes it doesnt. The new owner of Aftec, Derek Janowicz, told me that sometimes its best to get a 9mm aftec with a 9mm slide and custom fit it but in general a 38 super extractor should work. It really depends on the dimensions of the individual slide. Feel free to contact Derek and ask if any new developments have come up. On our custom guns we tried using 9mm slides and found that although the 9mm breach face centers the case in relation to the firing pin hole it moves the rim of the case away from the ejector. So we decided to go back to using 38 super slides for 9mm guns and had a special ejector made for us by egw. In a perfect world a 9mm slide would use a 9mm specific ejector and have an ejector slot moved toward the center the same distance as the side wall is moved. Also the 9mm slides now have a step the brass rim has to negotiate which would be alleviated by the ejector slot being moved along with the side wall of the breach face. Sometimes going halfway to make something better isnt better at all, or even as good.
  13. What I like even better is the holsters showed up yesterday and I got all my back orders out.
  14. I am waiting on a box of CR Speed holsters and found out it is in country so I called to see where it was and when to expect delivery. The guy on the phone said sir, when was it mailed?, I told him last Monday. he said sir it takes 3-5 days and Monday was just the 29th. I said no it was the 26th. He said he didnt want to argue but that Monday was the 29th. I said so your saying last Monday was the 29th of February ? He said , in a snippy tone, YES. I said hey Bud there isnt 29 days in February this year. Touche' Doesnt help matters that customs has my holsters. Hopefully they have been released and show up tomorrow/today.
  15. And I forgot to ad the 6.00. Hope you arent disappointed.
  16. Tonight we had a little gathering for the mother in laws birthday at a local restaurant My son Ryan(14) sat next to me and we were across from my sister in law. She started saying Adam how are you tonight and then had that blank look. I looked at her with a puzzled glare and said Adam? I turned and looked and Adam was no where around. I thought she was loosing it calling my son Adam who I granted resembles Adam when he was that age but now there is 7 years between them. I mean she was looking right at him but a little spacey also. She kept saying things that made no sense at all. Finally I realized she was on her blue tooth calling Adam to see if he was on his way. It was covered by her hair. Those things could really be embarrassing in the right situation. I want one though.
  17. I loved that match & trip. San Francisco is a beautiful city. In fact I took the family through there on a cross country vacation this last summer. 6000 miles in 16 days. Kevin hasnt shot match in over a year. He has been busy with TSA. He moved up pretty high and even was doing some work in DC and was offered a position there but decided not to move his family into that rat race. I hear it at least once a week. Somebody who got out of the sport for a period of years because of other priorities in life coming back to do it again. Its hard to leave completely.
  18. Was the first time we had lunch with Matt at PF Changs in Vegas?
  19. No offense. Dont blame you for being cautious in todays atmosphere. I bought a new keyboard & mouse on Ebay and missed the small print that said it was a refurb. So many in that arena try to hide those facts. Its common for first time customers to be cautious.
  20. This is an example of what I dont suggest you do to break your new gun in. http://www.break.com/index/smokin_hot_barrel.html Any body figure a hit factor?
  21. guess i did run out for a short time. sorry eric
  22. Smart ass answer. If it would make you feel better to pay 6.00 more I can arrange that. Real answer. If STI had 2nds and i was selling a second i would be upfront about specifying that fact. STI has had a major military contract that has caused mags to be in short supply so I figure everybody else has taken any discounts off. STI allows us to discount 10% which is exactly what I discount some of the popular mags. I ordered 200 mags way back in November, in fact when the elections were held so I have not run out, came close, and have plenty for the time being.
  23. Brian, I have tried anywho and just a google search and have had some success. In these transactions that are obviously a fraud I have called the card companies and gave them the info. Visa and master card require you to call the fraud dept and to be honest are less than helpful. Once they thought I was the crook and treated me as such until I got a hold of an investigator with half a brain. Now American Express is more helpful, but we pay dearly for that. If the info the customer gives doesnt match i always try contacting them and dont ship until I do. In todays world it is imperative that the shipping address matches the address on the credit card. If they frequently ship to work or any alternate address these addresses can be added on your card so it will match. I still have customers providing billing addresses that dont match. They just dont understand how important that is. I dont bill cards immediately when the order is placed so I dont get the benefit of your screening but then again I get to screen orders before I process. I believe its going to come down to the address on the card having to match the actual shipping address with no exceptions. At least the security tools today make it very hard to beat the system, at least beat those who use those tools correctly. I had an experience once with what I think was a professional ring. Dell called me and wanted to know if I ordered 3500.00 in computer equipment. I said no. It was their security department. Apparently they have a database that ties all the info on an order together and if it doesnt match the order is red flagged. The address given for shipping wasnt mine but they gave my phone. It wasnt my name either. I did get the name and address from the security person at Dell. It was about 10 miles from me. Coincidently that address was served by my UPS man. I asked my UPS man id he was familiar with the address and he said yes, they have been getting tons of boxes and to all different names. I knew what was happening so i called the Sheriff and told what I am telling here. A couple weeks later I asked him what came of it. I was stunned and a little pissed when he said "oh we didnt get any complaints so we didnt do anything" . I felt surely they could have at least got some info on the people since they had just moved into the house. It was evident that it was being used as a drop point for these fraud orders and then they moved shortly afterwards. We had them and the Sheriff dropped the ball. One problem is there is no effort to fight this problem. I had another situation where my card number was stolen and I did the research and handed all the info to a state trooper. He told me he wouldnt be allowed to spend anytime on it. My brother in law was a trooper and he wasnt allowed to spend time on it. Plenty of time to write speeding tickets to the decent folks though. Bottom line is we have be careful not to get taken by the crooks so we have plenty of money to pay our taxes and tickets! Sorry I drifted a little.
  24. Well depends om whether you want to around wildcats or razorbacks. Of course right now gators seem to be the king of the south east. If you know what that means, Kentucky is the place for you! Ky gets an F as a grade from anti-gun organizations which is a good thing for shooters and 2nd amendment advocates. It is a shall issue state. Class 3 state. KY has 6 USPSA clubs, and several within driving distance in nearby states. The schools are not great but if your kids want a good education its available. The schools dont score good overall but I think its reflective of the average students priorities. Problem is allot of kids here, maybe everywhere, are only concerned with having a good time. Nothing wrong with a good time in moderation after the priorities are taken care of. The weather here is pretty good. Yea it has its cold and hot periods during peak winter and summer time. The rest of the time is pretty nice. The economy in central KY is good and has always been better than the national average. At least from my perspective. Cost of living probably isnt as cheap as it once was,comparatively speaking, but if you stay away from the big cities, or should I say larger, the cost of property isnt bad. The tax situation isnt great but bearable. Kentucky has voted republican in most the recent presidential elections. It has 2 republican Senators, and I think, shame on me, 5 out of 7 Representatives are Republican. The state legislature is house deomcrate, senate republican, current Governor is republican but has probably ruined the chance for a republican to hold that position for a long time. Most local offices are held by democrat's. Hope that gives you a little info on what to expect in Kentucky.
  25. Unwanted, I wasnt trying to imply anything towards you. I was merely pointing out that the descriptions were errant. I also said if you could determine who built them then they may be a good deal. Problem is you have allot of people trying to build their own guns and dont do it right then try to sell them for what a professionally built gun would bring or as a professionally built gun. If its built wrong you could be in for a world of disappointment. All I suggest is verifying the builder.
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