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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Mark, Can you not take an obvious hint???? You are supposed to be shooting a 625 or a 610!!!!! You know real revolvers. See you Friday next week. Hopalong
  2. TRP, I am not one of those "in the know" but here is what I understand. You have to be a current member at the time of the match (similar to USPSA) You have only to have shot in 2 IDPA Major matches prior to sending your entry and the previous IDPA Nationals (results from each or a copy of a stage scoresheet from each required at the time of entry) No SLOTS required. Also according to the new rules, you must have shot a classifier in the previous year. Hope you can find a couple of matches close by, and you can go to the Nats.... I hope to get there this year finally..........after it has left being only 4 hours from me for the last 3. Hopalong
  3. Hey, Can I come and get in on some of this annual Alabama Butt kicking?????? Hopalong let me add.............Although Alabama did look about as good as Tennessee did in their bowl game this year. (We still won the head to head match though)
  4. C class Limited..............Hmmmmm Damn Ronnie, How do they push all that sand through the ductwork you install ? Man I kill myself sometimes !!!! Good luck, I will get to miss this year.........had promised David Hydend to help at the Arkansas match in 07 and it just happens to be the same weekend as A-6. Oh well, gotta share the love( have shot A-6 last 2 years running) What you shooting at Alabama ? (you shoot the Limted gun and I'll go L-10 with a .45?) Hopalong
  5. Bubber, PSKY, you guys have fun with the snow. I guess since Doug and Deen will be at the Best Western I i'll see if can get a room there. You guys/gals take it easy on me, This ICORE stuff is still weird to me...............who shoots tombstones anyway? Hopalong
  6. I decided I did not like the room (oor lack of it) between the front sight and rears on my 625 so I filed the rear open(millet). Better but still did not like the big front sight covering everything up. So on my 25-2 I had the front sight thinned to .100 and am shooting a millet and I like that set up MUCH MORE!! Sights are a personal thing, but sure doesn't hurt to hear everyone elses experiments. Hopalong
  7. Nemo my friend. I'm glad you are OK. I shot a year using a RCBS Rockchucker, then I got a XL650(only loadong .40 S&W at the time. Then I got a 625, went to my buddies house and used his 550, thought I was very carefull, but still managed a double charge of Universal Clays.....with the same results of Nemo I might add. S&W put on a new barrell and I have managed to not blow it up again (bought .45 dies for the 650). Glad all are OK. HOP As far as using the 550..........It is likely the most popular press out there.
  8. Good for "You'se guys" (insert heavy YANKEE accent so they can understand) Congrats any way. Hopalong
  9. Dave, Last time I checked ICORE was not a NRA sanctioned body.........meaning, ICORE chooses to use the D-1 and thus might decide NOT to use the new D-1. (but that is just my thinking) HOP
  10. hopalong

    The Fish

    Slow down there "whiskers". You keep up all this and I won't want a rematch from the last butt whippin you gave me. You talked to Larry lately? I haven't seen him in a coons age. Hopalong
  11. WOW............. Talk about INTERNATIONAL !!!!!! First we get a transplanted Aussie, and now a YANKEE (Sorry Longbarrel, Kansas is Midwest......IOWA is definately YANKEE!) Gonna be fun. Hopalong
  12. I'm all for more revolver shooters, and support. I want to thank those who have championed the cause so far. I want to ask you fellow wheelgunners a question and let's take our time and think about it before we start discussing it and maybe even it's own poll and thread......but I'll ask here first. Do we as a Division want to allow the 8 shot guns (even if they are required to shoot minor)? The BOD has already agreed to let us (as a division) experiment with our 6 shot guns (per Carmoney's list) The 6 shot limit will always keep it an "Indian not the arrow" kind of thing. If we go and ask for and get 8 shot wheels allowed, will this just make it mandantory to have an 8 shooter vs. the 6 shooter?(similar to ICORE) Will it cause an "Equipment race" similar to what eventually turned into the Limited Division (may take a few years) and turn the ordinary guy with his 686 off because it apears that to shoot in this game it requires a 627 ($1000.00 gun) and all kinds of other "special" stuff? I already hear too much of that from new shooters that show up with their Colt .45, glock, Sig, Ruger P89 ect. watch the limted and Open guys and gals run like banshees and then never come back. Right now, the revolver division is the closest thing to a real Production division (just no autos allowed! ) do we want to keep it that way, or allow it to go the way of the 2011s of now days? I am not saying one way or the other what I would like it to be (yet) but just want the most verbal, and visible members of the "wheelgunners" to really sit down and think about it. (although, I doubt much of or anything comes out of it for a while).......remember, some of the BOD still would not mind seeing the Division go away! Think about it. Hopalong Edit to add; Remember, Baby steps.........even though the division saw a 50% increase at the Nationals, it was only 33.
  13. Cy, I know what you mean.........check this thread out. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=33408 The following year I did shoot but only at my local club matches and a few majors....with No or very little practice. (That helped a whole bunch) The copetitive side of me is just as "nagging" as always but I have learned to calm it down and just enjoy the "company" much more........seems like not having to do so good every time sure makes it better to enjoy the company more too. Good luck with it. It is something we all have to battle sooner or later. Hopalong Edit to add: You (CY) have read and posted on this thread, but since then some other posts that are quite thoughtful have been added.
  14. Got a note from the Arkansas Section Coordinator (David Hyden) The Arkansas State match will be May 5th and 6th (Staff shoots on Friday) with 12 stages and Chrono. It will again be at Central Arkansas Shooters Assn. (Little Rock) This year it changes to a one gun format. Entry Fee: $100 Keep it in mind. Has been a good match since I've been going. Hopalong
  15. hopalong


    Ferrill, Yep I agree......It was a great time. No comment on the leaving the gun at home. (I'll let your evil twin hammer you instead) Now back to the Kimber. Hopalong
  16. hopalong


    Well here we go on the options thing...... This weekend we had our local club match, I had planned on the Kimber until a fellow club member told me he was going to shoot Revolver and said I should shoot mine with him. So what the hell, might as well. He did not show(thought it was going to rain) but had another new wheelgunner show up. The last time I touched my revolver was the USPSA Revolver nationals last September at Barry so I figgured I'd be a little rusty. Yep, reloads were inconsistant. form was way off and my rating of myself was about 80% at the most (compared to when Shooting in top Revo form). Match results say I shot 73.6% of the Open A class shooter that won the match and I was never less than 5 match points off the best points per stage. (small victories). I felt slow and out of sinc and boy did that 625 feel weird. So what do we get from this experience??? If you don't use it you lose it. Maybe that helps. Hopalong
  17. Damn, Same weekend as the Regional ICORE match in Arkansas............... Folks, Alan and crew put on a good match. Don't miss it if you are able to get there. Hopalong
  18. Great !!!!!! now if we can just get them elected, and then shooting a Revolver too! Hopalong
  19. Somebody explain the "3 half day match" format please. Being the match is one month before the USPSA Nationals and I'll have to take a week off for them, a mandantory 3 day/2 night stay in the Seattle area may not be reasonable to my sponsor! Hopalong Cool graphics on the Main page btw.......
  20. But Mike.............. You have to have POWDER behind the bullets, and a HOLSTER to put the gun in. Sorry Jim, Just had to!!!! Hop
  21. Jim has an extremely great answer! I does boil down to what does you best. but let me add just a little if I may. "Seeing" is all important in this game of shooting we play. not just the sights but everything else........not always a focused picture, but knowing the surroundings, knowing where that swinger is and when will it be able to be shot ect. Having said that, two eyes are better than one.....IF you can teach yourself to use them. I also coach precision rifle shooting for our local 4-H and Junior Olympic shooters, we teach them to keep the weak eye open and use either a cap with a velcro "patch" or a small spot of scotch tape on the shooting glasses so the dominant eye does all the work and the weak eye just is along for the ride (sight alignment wise) It allows for less tension in the facial muscles and still gives "surrounding area" input as needed. I myself keep both eyes open, and still run into walls, shoot the wrong targets, run into Range officers and much other stuff sometimes good and sometimes not so good. good luck. Hopalong
  22. Nice Post Calamity Jane! Hopalong
  23. .41, It does not matter which side. If you don't want to experiment with bending springs ala---Carmoney, the JM kits are fine, as are the Wolf, and the Vic Pickett (I use the Picketts myself and have all 6 lb DA triggers on all my action pistol Smiths, that are 100%). Carmoney uses Ranier so he should be able to get you started on a load. Enjoy your 25-2, sounds like it is the beginning of a great relationship. All you guys talking about 25-2s made me get mine out and actually look at it. Hopalong
  24. Jerry, Man that is great There is still a little Mo Jo in the ole Para after all. Good for you! Hopalong
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