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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Who says I'll never get to shoot it?????? Besides, You never know.........It may be my name drawn from the hat!!! See some of you at the Mississippi Classic in May (where I will refund a MATCH FEE if there is 20 or more wheelgunners there) the rest of you I'll see you when I see you. Hopalong
  2. Kimberly, We tend to take things in a little leisurely pace down here, so Happy Birthday!!!! Kind of late in the day but like I said about the pace.......... Hope you had a good one and got to go at your own pace. Hopalong Kimberly, We tend to take things in a little leisurely pace down here, so Happy Birthday!!!! Kind of late in the day but like I said about the pace.......... Hope you had a good one and got to go at your own pace. Hopalong
  3. hopalong


    Jerry, Man so sorry to hear the news. For what it is worth, Honda has announced it will be building cars in the North Mississippi area (near Tupelo) Ground work will start this next week............Might be worth looking into Siggy, Hang in there, It seems the IT job industry is the booming place to be.......maybe you can get your share and then some. Hopalong
  4. Great !!!!! He just got here from Aussi-land started kicking our ass and now has a protoje........glad it will take him a few years to get going. Congrats Pinshooter, and Mrs Pinshooter. Hopalong
  5. Was up to close to 30 before the Alabama Section match and got one on the second stage we shot.............then the 8th...............You can see where that is going. I guess I'll start again this weekend. Hopalong
  6. Now he(NEMO) is already half way through "A" class too !!!!!! Nelson, I didn't know I was going to create a MONSTER!!!!! Looking good, Hope you are enjoying it as much as I am watching your progress! Hopalong
  7. Backwards with a pretty slow twist! How's that Todd? Yeah, just ask Danbagger.............I can be a smart AZZ sometimes Hopalong
  8. Man, I remember the good ole days of "B" class. That just happened to be the class I stayed in the shortest time too! congrats on the upgrade. you will find out the hard way that "B" class is where all the sandbagging masters are swimming! (That is an obvious joke folks, if it applies, take a look at yourself ) Hopalong
  9. Sell the plastic toy and buy a real made of steel gun................... My first choice would be a 625, or a 1911.......... Hopalong
  10. Another match in October that I would really like to attend................... The choices, the choices............... MO Fall classic? KY section? A-3 ? Somewhere in there is the Arkansas 3-gun.................. Damn tough choice....Awsome match last year though Hopalong
  11. Bones, That neck of the woods for me is a little over 4 hrs away ! 25 stages is a bunch of shooting.......period!!!! Everyone will get thier $ worth. Still not going to put it out of the question though. Hopalong
  12. Cliff, I was there acting a fool with my Kimber Eclipse .45 shooting in L-10 just as Middle Man says. Matt shot a real solid match, was fun watching him shoot. Hopefully one day I'll get this Hi-capacity stuff out of my system for good. Hop
  13. Bones, Just checked the calendar, that is the weekend after the Mississippi state USPSA match that I normaly work. With the Arkansas match 2 weeks before that I don't know if I can swing it. Would really like to go to all of them but I'm not that financially independant. I have shot it in the past, It was a good match when I attended. Same good bunch of folks running it so I don't see why it would be any different. Should things work out, maybe I can get there but right now I don't see it happening. Hopalong
  14. Gary is correct ! A detachable magazine will put you into open. If you are shooting USPSA Multi-gun A wheelgun is quite competitive (bottom feeders are limited to 8 rnds in the mag) if you don't let the capacity thing(handguns) get into your head. Last year I shot my 625 in the Kentucky Multigun match. It was the first time I have used a Pump shotgun (I've always shot auto loaders) and the long guns were actually the thing holding me back the most that weekend. (couldn't hit squat with my M1a that day) It sounds to me that your club is actually shooting a 3-gun tournament (no combination stages, and each type weapon in it's own division.......that would allow you to shoot a wheel only against other wheels, and not against bottom feeders. 3-gun/multigun is a blast, shooting a wheel in it and kicking some bottom feeders butts is AWSOME ! Hopalong
  15. I'd like to congratulate my buddy Matt Beck for his win at the Alabama State USPSA match this weekend. This was Matts' second Major USPSA match and I must say he did quite well staying consistant and not letting the "Match" get to him. Congrats Matt.!!! Hopalong
  16. LARS On the AR10 vs M1A, They are both very good for the game (I prefer the M1A myself) each has its own supporters. It comes down to personal preference and what is more familiar. I know several that shoot AR-15 regularly and can change to the AR-10 easily because all the buttons, safeties, ect are the same. It just boils down to what you get used to. With practice I think the M1A is quicker to reload but I could be wrong. Wait until KurtM tosses his opinion in the ring...........He knows what he's talking about (sometimes ) Hopalong
  17. Travel day !!!!!!!! Should be getting into Anniston somewhere around 10:00 PM so Dennis' stage will have to wait until we thoroughly DESTROY it on Saturday. See maybe a few of ya'll this evening, the rest, Saturday. Hopalong
  18. Flex, I'll take one!!!! Wait, you said Ohio section members........sorry I have only graced the place with my presence. I'll bet Lefty45 would really like one though. Hop
  19. I'd like to know what kind of Sadistic rascal makes a person shoot at (notice I said at) a TX star either through soft cover with no-shoots on it or through a low port? Dennis, you got any Ideas? I want to see the poor wheelgunners tackle this stage. Hopalong
  20. Guys/Gals, remember the Challenge I have made!!! It is up to you to "Get R Done". I've done about as much as I can think of aside run for USPSA President and make Revolver division the only one recognized. Carmoney, I hope it is no problem but with the Divisions that are represented time may be very limited on the "Wait list". I guess I will be there, have a slot but don't know what blaster to shoot.......the options, the options!!! I guess I'll have to try the Benny Blaster this year. See ya'll there, with some kind of blaster....... Hopalong
  21. Best reason I know for a backup gun................... Just because!!!!!! Hop
  22. Darren, I can give you a slightly different perspective. The guy who got me into this game is the First GM in OPEN and Limited in Mississippi so luckily for me I got to practice with him, not just shoot matches. Had I not had that access to "the short cuts" I guess I'd still be wallowing in "Rooky land" (not much better now but sure do have fun) No matter what you do, or who you shoot with there will be things you just have to learn the hard way. Having access to someone who knows what you are struggling with or can help is just ice cream on the pie. If you can afford it, yes proffesional instruction will go a long way. My personal suggestions would be Max, Travis, or Manny all 3 are excellent teachers along with being pretty good shooters (and Damn good folk too). IF you can't afford it, keep up the hard work. Ask many questions here on the forums and always keep your mind open. Now as far as shooting matches with better shooters............. Yes do so as much as possible, but don't fall into the mental trap Cliff mentioned about trying to hard. Shooting like most other sports, better adversaries make for better results in the long run. CliffR, How you doing? That was a great match, too bad they aren't doing it again this year. Thanks for including me with those two great guys. Hopalong
  23. Aircooled, Glad you like your new 6 blaster!!!! If the occasional light strike doesn't offend you there is nothing wrong with shooting wichester primers. and with a good action job it should fire those 100% with around an 8 pound double action trigger pull (mine will do it at 7 1/2). I know they seem pretty expensive, but for moonclips for the 646 the Hearthco is top of the line and I suggest getting them for at least the matches that you decide are pretty important. Expensive? compared to the S_I 140 and 170 mm tuned, with base pads, springs and followers the moons are cheap. Just depends on the point of view. everyone talks about the primers being seated below flush, I guess I am lucky as my wheelguns will run with flush primers, and even sometimes not so flush but those I use strickly for practice of club matches where I pick on the auto loader shooters. Can't help you for the grip, I use a Miculek and like it. Good luck with your adventure! Hopalong
  24. Kind of a tricky question for some. I shoot local club matches different than Major matches depending on what I am attempting to work on or change to get ready for major matches. The last 3 or 4 before the major match gets shot like one though. I also know several others that do similar to this. Hopalong
  25. Wonderful Nemo !!!!! I have only 1 tidbit of advice....... Stay away from the Revolver supersquad, it has some real weirdos in it!!!! Hopalong
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