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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. David, This is the catch 22 that we all have to deal with, more often than not. No one to shoot revolver with, so it gets put up for a auto, or not shot at all so then no one sees you shooting your revolver and then they never shoot thiers. Damn if you do, Damn if you don't!!! I will tell you this though. If you don't shoot Revo, then your example will NOT get anyone else to shoot Revo for sure. It may take some time, or you may have company pretty quick. OR you might not ever get any to shoot Revo with you, but don't let it be your fault for lack of trying. Hopalong
  2. RGS is right! Most of the answers given seem to pertain to Smith&Wessons, and the Ruger is a "different bunch of dogs" I toyed with my GP100 (when I had it) and also my Super Redhawk (same springs in both models btw) and had my GP to a nice smooth 8 pounds. The Rugers have a coil mainspring and have this "stacking" feeling like coil springs normally do. With poshing and a Wolf reduced power spring kit (Brownells) I was able to get the GP to that 8pounds I mentioned earlier. The .454 I kept the original mainspring and changed to a lighter rebound spring,did some polishing and have a nice 2 1/2 pound Single action crisp trigger. I kept the mainspring as the gun likes Winchester primers in the load I cooked up for it. ( I shoot it some double action, but always attempt to shoot single action if I can). When I had a weak moment and traded the GP100 off, I reinstalled all the factory stuff and it felt just like any other new ruger again. Hope that helps. HOPALONG
  3. Mike is correct, put it back together and shoot that thing!!!! Speaking of L frames,, is the 617 a K or an L ? (I'm not up to date on which are K's and which are L's) I just shoot them. Hop
  4. Outerlimits...............hmmmm, wonder where that name came from? (Bianchi Cup?) Good question anyway. One that got me to thinking. (yes it IS Dangerous) My bet is the deadline will be for the Open,Production Nationals in Montana. and the Waitlist for the Revolver and other divisions Nationals will be later. Just a guess though, better to keep informed about it. Hopalong Oh, and I see my "Cuz" is over here running up his post count! Chris, you never will catch up to Flex!
  5. So where are most of ya'll staying? I have not heard back from my reservations at the Luttrell Bed and Breakfast so I might as well rub elbows with everyone else. Hop
  6. Ok guys and gals, As in the past, since wheelgunners are a small percentage of the member base and USPSA says only 350 entries the sooner(and the more) the better to get on the wait list if you did not get a pre earned slot. Info on the USPSA Nationals link........or here: http://www.uspsa-nationals.org/ I think it will fill in a hurry so better hurry. Hope to see many wheelgunners in Tulsa. Hopalong
  7. So with the Florida win over Ohio that makes the SEC with a bowl record of 5-3???? Let's see..... Wins: Florida, LSU, Kentucky, Auburn, South Carolina. Loss: Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas. Did I miss any here???? That would be a .600 I think that will not be the best percentage of a conference in the Bowl season but with 8 of the 12 conference teams in bowls I think that is the most for a conference (.750) which says something about the SEC in Bowl games. (How's that for tying it back in) Note: I might be wrong, have been before. Hopalong
  8. Hats off to Flex and his Buckeyes, they did go undefeated in the regular college season, but with only 2 losses when he has 2 weeks or more to prepare Coach Meyer and the Gators were more prepared than the Buckeys and that was quite obvious. Talent and skill wise I think both teams are/were pretty equal with each team having it's own advantages and disadvantages. so congrats to THE OHIO STATE University on the 12-1 record........it is a bitter pill they have to swallow but the should be proud anyway. Hopalong
  9. Pin Shooter, I plan on getting in on Friday afternoon and finding the place. I think I'll go the cheap way out and bring a warm sleeping bag and try out Mike and Stephs new house......I hear they actually got the grass on the roof and the dirt floors swept up.. On a little more serious note, I have not checked into staying at a hotel yet. Kinda was waiting to hear from the rest of you. Walt, Steph, I seem to recall someone telling me Kurt is not shooting much anymore, (I could be wrong though). So.........who went to Little Rock today and shot the "Revolver match"? Hopalong
  10. I like that Blue Wonder!!! If you use as much lead bullets as I do this stuff is almost unbeatable. but as LeRoy said, you need to oil as it cleans very well. Hop
  11. Gotta start somewhere, just like the rest of us. Congrats on having the guts to do it, I know way too many that don't Hopalong
  12. Hey Dave, Viggen has heard of that guy too!!! I hear that those clips make autoloader reloads look glacial. Good luck with it, and have fun. Hop
  13. That is GREAT !!!! You guys will have more fun with them than you ever did shooting.........Right Mike? Hop
  14. Now if you just had some good moonclips to put in that dude ! Looks great!!!! makes me want to go out in the rain and shoot mine............Nah, but it still looks great. Hopalong
  15. hopalong


    OK, made it out to the range today so I actually have some info about shooting. Tested my newly assembled AR-15 Carbine. It has a red dot with a one minute module in it. At 100 yds if I hold center of the "Head" If I don't pull it when it goes bang it will give me a pretty A every time. I have decided this year to attempt to learn how to shoot "again" so have during the past few months aquired accesories for my Kimber Eclipse .45, It is factory except a S&A magwell, and a 2 3/4 lb trigger. I have picked up some Cobra mags by Tripp, a CR belt, and a Serpa Holster from Blackhawk. I don't intend to shoot Single Stack but have the equipment in the position called for so I can shoot some IDPA with it and some 3-gun/Multigun . The Serpa is the one that has the little button you hit to release the locking device while drawing, I like it as you will NOT get the gun out unless you hit it........but don't miss while attempting to draw(can you say self inflicted wedgie ) This .45 Auto buisness is new to me so you folks bear with me ( I have casually shot one, and have shot it in a few IDPA matches, but trust me this is uncharted waters) When I go to the range, after I load mags I do 10 minutes of dryfire draws.......being the new to me holster postition and the lock to hit I set my timer for a 1.50 par time for this dryfire time. I found myself beating it with an acceptable sight picture unless I missed the lock button. I shoot 8 inch steel static plates so I don't have to paste holes and the plates are always there, I don't have to staple them up ect, ect. Any way, when I started shooting (1 shot draw drill) I found myself getting 90% hits in the 1.30-1.40 range and 1.50 was a gimmie...........OK for this new stuff(for now). When I went to two shot drills I found at the first that my second shot was going over the plate but by a small margin. Until I tightend up my grip and actually held the gun. I personally cannot have the grip BE talks about in his book or the gun runs me instead of me running the gun. I also found after a few of the 2 shot drills that a split of .15 would get me a hit/miss with the second shot going high even after I corrected my grip. BUT a split of .17 would get me 2 hits(I don't double tap - I let the sights dictate but as I look back the sights are on the top edge of the plate on the .15 splits) Reloads--------something that needs SERIOUS practice and dryfire most were in the 2 second range, the best was 1.85 (What is bad is I can beat that with my revolver). So in retrospect. This .45 KICKED MY A$$!!!!! But this is the first battle of the WAR that I'm going to win! AND I HATE the tritium insert on the front sight(All black for me) Hopalong
  16. I oil all the barrels on all my firearms after cleaning........short or long, smooth or rifled! Just make sure they are not excessively oiled before using them again. Hopalong (I sure miss my GP100)
  17. Mark, You are talking to a bunch of revolver shooters, we lost our minds a long time ago! Hop
  18. Mark, Just wait until you get an M1A (M14 semi auto)............it is the "revolver" of rifle shooting. How's that for tying it in with wheelgunning? yep black rifle is fun, but nothing like shooting a real rifle with WOOD Hopalong
  19. Gary, First of all, thanks again for the trouble and effort you have put forth on the revolver divisons behalf. I think you and I are much alike in our thinking of the old guns (1911's and Wheels) that many of todays shooters don't understand about shooting and gaining competance at the old guns that started this particular sport compared to the new platforms that also allow great skill, but not with as much a challenge the old guns represent. I don't particularly like the phrase "Old School" anymore as it is thrown out too often now days and doesn't have the real meaning as it should. I have much respect for what you have done for the 1911 and it's own Nationals, but let me clarify a little. I have not asked for or lobbied for a stand alone Revolver Nationals, I know that is not possible, or plausible until the numbers have grown to match at least the much debated(now) Production division. (I would like to see a Race Nationals, and a factory Nationals again though). What I have been trying to do is get some converts from the autoloader shooters (As I am) and get my wheelgun brethren to go out and actively promote shooting a wheelgun in USPSA as a primary gun and a second at least. (that was my first and formost intentions) Now about that talking to an already solid revolver match................... The only one that I know of that fits the bill is the ICORE IRC(INTERNATIONAL REVOLVER CHAMPIONSHIP) which brings on a whole new challenge as far as a USPSA Nationals cooperative thing. ICORE came about because of the "Equipment Race" in USPSA/IPSC and a few other things that I'm really not fully understanding of but that is OK. The tallest obstical to step over would be the 2 divisions in ICORE vs. USPSA's "Standard 6 gun", then the round capacity would also be an issue, then the targets, the scoring......ect. I think you and most others see where I'm going. About a wheelgunner doing an article, well that would be great if one of us would step up and do one (a little late for the 2006 Nationals though) I myself am finishing one up on Johnny Brister.......all I need are some good Pictures. TLS hits the nail on the head about the catch 22, but the best way I know how to get more attention and respect is to attempt to beat the snot out of the autoloader guys and gals every chance I can (or any other wheelgunner who can). Get enough of us out there doing it or attempting to do it (as in my case when I started shooting a wheel) and things can't help but get better for the division. I don't know who heard them, but at the 2006 L, L-10, R nationals some of the "big name autoshooters" had stopped and was watching the revolver "Supersquad" and was everheard mentioning something to the effect of how revolver shooters were the best at stage breakdown. Respect given from them. I say thanks from US, and coming from that background I can and do give them all the respect they deserve. Hope that clears the Muddy water some. Hopalong Edit to clarify for myself, and because I still "Kaint spell"
  20. Congrats as well to you there Master Casper Hopalong
  21. Daniele, We feel your pain (2005 USPSA Nationals)! I hear Vince and a few of the other heads of IPSC are tossing around a change in your "Standard" Revolver division........seems like they are looking at the new USPSA ruling for the 2008 book. But I could be and have been wrong before. Good luck, keep trying! Hopalong
  22. Per the latest issue of Front sight (Jan/Feb 2007) A five double sided page article for the Two Venues of the USPSA National Championships. One mention of 33 shooters in Revolver division (pg 36) and one paragraph about the revolver division race (page 40) with it saying Jerry won again and telling about Nils. Not that having the most ever participants in Revolver division, and the closest race with Jerry ever and 2 of the 3 only (at the time) GMs, and the most Master revolver shooters ever gathered in one spot might be of interest to any one but more revolver shooters, but what do I know? As a division, the lack of respect will continue until the numbers increase and we can give Jerry some real competition (No disrespect Nils, you deserve your GM and the 2nd) but with 8 % difference between Jerry and Nils that was the biggest difference af ANY of the 5 divisions.........and that one that is not even a division but has it's own Nationals. So what do we do???? For more numbers, go out and get one more revolver shooter in your close proximity. To give Jerry some competition...........Practice dilligently, and when He's not looking we'll move his sights! I know I dropped the the ball last year as I shot less, and practiced none at all prior to the Nationals. Hopefully work and other things that got in the way last year will not this year. With Limited and Production being at the same time as the USPSA Revolver Nationals at Tulsa in 2007 we as a division are still added as an afterthought and will continue to be as long as we remain the "Oh yeah, there were some revolver shooters there.......and Jerry won" division. Now we have until probably June or July to get ready to get on the list for a slot if you haven't already earned one..................We know the match dates, put them on your schedule( I already have it off ) See you there, and somewhere in between before hand. Hopalong BTW. If the ICORE, IRC can get over 200 shooters easily, why can't we get at least 50 to 75 at the USPSA Nationals???? Think about it...................
  23. Adding to the list of accomplished wheelgunners.................... This issue of Front Sight Grand Master: Johnny Brister ( and 1st all gun GM but we already knew this) The first of the 3 Amigos to make it! Cliff Walsh Master: John Bagakis------that is Ba-kauk-is........not sandbagakis Steve by Default because I don't shoot Revolvers Moneypenny !!!!(Congrats on the GM in Production Steve, You have really worked hard for it) John Sardina (Don't know anything on John to make any colorful statements) Congratulations to the Newbies!!!!!
  24. XUXU, I don't know about the Fiber Optic front sight as I don't use them......even went so far as JB welding up the one on my Limited gun so I could shoot it. BUT.......... I use a .360 all black millet and the Factory pinned front sight, If that helps you any. One day I may have to use one of them things (when my arms are not long enough) until then I'll dance with the one that brought me. Hopalong
  25. I'd bet on an OPEN wheelgun against a SS gun in the hands of the same skill level people every time! Cyl/Challenged, Welcome to the forums, glad you can join us............Let me warn you though, there are several here that will lead you astray so be very cautious of anyone from Iowa, Florida, even a few from Cali.....that left coast state! Seriously though, some good folks here. Hopalong
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