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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. I too suggest the 454 casull. It can be loaded with BIG HEAVY bullets (300grns) or less and you can also shoot 45 long Colts in them (which can be loaded to 44 mag type loads, and WAY lower for fun) A few previous posts shows the trajectory for a 454 vs. the 44 the drop of velocity and energy at 250 or so yards would be the difference for me (and I really don't LIKE Magnums). I have a 9 inch Super redhawk in 454. Have shot it with BOTH 454 and 45 LC. I REALLY like the 45LC loaded up to the higher end of its spectrum but not up to 44 mag specs (Oh and it'll shoot 3 inch groups at 100 yds with this load too). I too agree with Charles Bond, get a T/C and a bunch of barrels of different calibers and have fun !!!! Hop OR, IF you are such a Browning fan as you say................. Get a T/C and hunt with it (scratch it up ect.) and get a Browning anyway !!!!
  2. Still 25th on the list. Looks like the 2006 USPSA revolver Nationals are OUT for me ! BUT, Look at all the $$$$ I'll save by not going !!!! Hop
  3. Mike, Now you've gone and made me have to go shoot it again. Have to see if it is a sub 1 incher at 200 yds (I'm pretty sure it is, but maybe the driver ? ) Hop
  4. I'll be a range officer at Benning again ! and this is what I'm expecting to see on the score sheet Something really similar to a USPSA pistol score sheet with boxes to mark for each hit. THEN the SUPER SMART and HIGHLY INTELIGENT scorering staff will enter it in their computers, push a button and the finished score is right there for all to see !!!!! The score sheet and computer will do all the time penalties for not hitting the "A" zone with your rifle shots thus the actual "scoring" will be no different than any other match we shoot.....................go to target, see two hits, call "Alpha, Mike, No-shoot" !!!!! and then MS. Kitty and Mrs. Chico will take care of the rest ! See Ya'll there, Hop
  5. Yep, Him and Chad have learned well. They both shot percentages of the classifier that will keep them in their classes. (for now) Would not expect any thing else from those OHIOboys ! Steve, yep I've got one I'm not using now. The only thing is you'll have a hard time keeping it away from Flex when he sees what a real gun looks like. Hop Edit kuz I steel kant spel
  6. AND on the Other end of the spectrum............... The poor Brits get carded at HOOTERS and since they have no "Drivers liscence" they are not served alcoholic beverages !!!! We'll know next time though (go elswhere) Hop
  7. Down to 25 ! Have not said "NO" but looking more and more like NO because of work (or the lack of it) and a few other things. Hop Edit to add: If I don't get in by the 1st of July I'll call it a NO for sure!
  8. OL, You can't have it !!!!!! It has a DETACHABLE box magazine !! So it would make you "an outlaw" in your state ! Sorry, better try next time though. Hop
  9. Back last Ft. Benning 3-gun Challenge (EXCELLENT match BTW) Bruce was the winner of his Division. So............. He picked up a Sabre Defence Competition Master AR-15 off the prize table but did not want to mess with getting it back home. So............. After a little haggling I end up with it. So.............. I finally go shoot the thing. So............... I put a 1x4 leupold scope on it and after getting it set where I want it at 100 yds I go to 200. So............... I got a 1 1/2" five shot group at 200 all within 1 inch of my aim point !!!!!! And I don't even like these things. Now the best part !!!!!! I've always shot Heavy Metal as I preferr MY M1A as my rifle to go too. BUT, I found out getting ready for Ft. Benning my barrel is shot out. I still go to the match, shoot heavy metal with a shot out rifle and end up coming home with an AR-15 because of the AMU hosting the MOST EXCELLENT match, Sabre Defence for sponsoring it and Bruce for winning it and then selling it to me. (one for each of you ) So.............. I now have a delima. What to shoot ? Tactical, or Heavy Metal ???? Darn the problems !!!! I guess I'll just have to switch between the two as the matches come. Hop
  10. I too was wondering how Jerry was doing, last I had talked with him he said he was "making it". Sad news indeed. He'll be sorely missed. Here and elsewhere. God blessed us with his presence, now let's pray for his family. Hopalong Edit for spelling
  11. AWLAZS, I too have short fingers and I have to "flip" the gun and regrip for reloads. I did one a few years back while practicing and actually drug my second finger down the side of the trigger on the "flip" to get the mag button thus making the unmistakable "BANG" that does not fit. You have found the culprit, mine was the only time I've even gotten close to it but it does happen. Keeping all other things safe while doing so make it a better outcome. commendations for asking for input out here where everyone and their brother and sister can read it. Hopalong
  12. Man, Talk about flip floping on who is going to be the TOP DOG this year !!!!! (No surprise to me though, Pat is the best Master in B class right now !!!! ) Congrats Pat, you've worked hard for it. Hop
  13. hopalong

    texas star

    TG, No problem, You deserve the plug no doubt ! While we're on the subject of steel targets, Check out MGM on their Steel Challenge target program. AND the biggest thing they do................. Check out their range GRANT program. Thanks for your support MGM targets !!!!! Oh I forgot to mention, MGM really supports the sport. And they also sent my 3 gun match I was MD for some goodies ! Hopalong
  14. Shot this at the MS classic this year. time: 12.12 Points down : 2 HF: 6.4??? % from USPSA 100% Revolver division !
  15. hopalong

    texas star

    Our club bought one from Terry and Linda in 2003. Since then I have had to relpace 1 bolt !!!!!! My guess is they are a little higher now since the cost of steel has gone way up since but MGM also supports our sport extrememly well. I have shot a few of his stars too and they are quality products. IF I had to buy another I'd contact Terry and Linda, then Mike at MGM. FWIW. HOP
  16. Wooo Hooo !!!!! Way to go Bill !!!! Keep it up and You'll be there with the rest of the "should be in A but still in B" guys You know who you are !!!! And, John is Correct, that is my 1st 100% but only by a quarter of an inch (one of the 2 "c" hits I had was 1/4 of an inch away from the NO-SHOOT) Now, back to the original programming. You Did GOOD !!!! Hop
  17. you get no "sympathy" from me Pat !!!!! You did WIN "C" class at last years Nationals so you "NEEDED" to be in B class this year !!!! But, Congratulations anyway !!!! Hopalong
  18. Cool, I KNEW YOU had it in you !!!! Hop
  19. I looked in Brownells, all I found was the complete mag. I just need the springs and a few followers. Any body know where I can find them? Hop
  20. Well done my friend. It must be the fast moon clip holders ! Hopalong
  21. I tossed in the usuall, "good match, great stages" earlier. SO................................. With a little time for it to sink in, and some good discussion on the way home about stage set up, challenges offered, why the many DQs ect I'll toss in another bone. Stage props. The walls and other props were great !!!!! I personally like seeing SOLID walls so you can't look through the "snow fence" and already know where that target is exactly sitting. Yes, I heard they "walls ect." came from the local "production" house but beggars can't be choosers and Ya'll made out like BANDITS !!!! The backing up stage. It is a challange that is tested, but not normally, and not often. I think it is a good test, and everyone knows the rules about the 180 and traveling with your finger in the trigger...................YOU do it, You pay the PRICE ! When our squad came through we were reminded about the 180 and traveling with your finger in the trigger. I don't think they (RO's) were LOOKING for a reason to DQ, but were NOT looking OVER DQ able offences (GOOD FOR THEM) Challenges: I shot revolver, and with the new " 8 rounds from one spot" rule we (revolver shooters) are now getting plenty of reloading practice !!! I personally like it, and to those who whine, cry or whatever. You chose the gun to shoot THAT match/stage ect. Like it or lump it. IT IS YOUR JOB TO MAKE YOUR GUN FIT THE STAGE!!!!!! Now, It's been a while since I have had to shoot past 25 yds (yes we are shooting Handguns, and they are not normally longer range weapons) but it is a Challenge that is tested and needs to be seen !!!!! (Good job on that) STAFF can you say TOASTED !!!!!! After shooting a day in the heat and then working 2 more, They were quite proffessional even that Sunday evening. I saw the MD, RM, and other non-RO staff out and about checking on things regularly.......GOOD JOB, have a drink on me !!!! I want to say this too. I had to really look at several of the stages to make the decision on how to shoot them, too many options even for a revolver. (GOOD THING) Thanks again, Great match. Please do it again, but maybe a month earlier !!!!!! Hopalong
  22. What the H%LL are you talking about Chad????? Flex is so CHICKEN he got OFF my squad last weekend !!!!! Besides, there is NOT enough PLASTIC on a revolver for Flex to even shoot for a few rounds . So for now, just keep him straight (or as close as you can). Hop
  23. Well a hearty Thank YOU to all who had anything to do with the Indiana Section match. This was my 3rd Major match in 6 weeks and all 3 were TOP NOTCH !!!!! I do have 1 complaint though................... Flex was supposed to be squadded with ME, but somehow got out of it !!!!!! I'll get him next time though. At was good to see old friends, and now some new ones too! Thanks again. Great match, good job. Hop
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