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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. when I had the "jamming" when halfway down it turned out a primer that had stuck in the priming plate was "dragging" not letting it all turn smootly. Take the priming system apart and look for a stuck primer in the plate or somewhere around it that would make it drag. If all else fails get on the Phone and call Dillon, if you and them can't fix it over the phone then maybe you can talk them into fixing it for you. GOOD LUCK SAM
  2. If I can swing it I will be shooting Revolver Saturday! B class Good to know that there will be some others there even if we don't shoot on the same day. Hopalong. Jeff, you working the match too?
  3. Shoepop, Instead of "stageing" the trigger, if you don't have a timer borrow one and figgure out how long it takes you to get a good sight picture and smoothly stroke the tigger and get another sight picture and smoothly stroke the trigger again but not stopping between shots. example buzzer, draw gun comes up sees sights on target smoothly go through trigger, bang sights go up while sights are going up release trigger and start smoothly through the trigger again, sights come down settle on target bang. might be something like this on the timer. first shot 1.82 second shot .38 now try at more than one target, what you are looking for is what ever time it takes you to draw, get a good sight picture and go through the trigger smoothly and in rythem, what this does is keeps the hammer moving all the time and gets rid of the "dead time" in staging the trigger. here is what you should get if you have 3 targets say 15 yds away wide open. draw 2.10( these are random made up times so don't use them as a reference) .42 second shot .40-.45 third shot(between targets) .42 fourth shot, .40-.45 fifth shot (between targets) and another .42 the biggest way to gain time is speed up between targets esp if they are evenly spaced a good smooth rythem will beat two fast shots, slow transition to 2nd target 2 fast shots and slow transition to 3rd target and 2 last shots. Stageing the trigger is keeping it moving while the gun moves yes but most peoples staging has a stop in the middle of the stage, you are on the right track now just keep the hammer moving and don't stop until you have got the target(s) taken care of. lets do the math for the above. 2.10+.42+.45+.42+.41.+42=4.22 now lets do the match for fast slow fast slow draw will be the same 2.10+.28+.85+.25+.84+.21=4.48 now see the difference? plus the other way you actually have more tme between shots to watch the sights. Good luck! welcome to the wonderful world of revolvers, keep working and keep asking, I wish I had something like this when I started doing this!!! And as Firewalker stressed be carefull (extra, extra) when drawing, I myself do not prep the trigger until the gun has come halfway up from the draw and am already seeing the sights. Hopalong
  4. Lower A zone, just watch the sights and press the trigger until it goes bang twice with a nice smooth rythem. I only shoot a dot on my rifle but still would go to lower a zone. on revover, and my Limited gun no change in tactics. good shooting. HOPALONG
  5. Sorry BDH, GOOD LUCK Hopalong
  6. hopalong

    S&W 625

    JimmyB, Sorry we feal for you over here. Basman, I have both a 625 and a 610, the 625 is a 5 inch gun and the 610 a 4 incher, as you have figured out in revolver the most important thing is a smooth,consistant reload (Jerry M. says 2.00 seconds is fast) and that seems to be the goal time wise. I have took an average of 10 reloads apiece on both guns and the 625 reloads on the average .12 faster for me. there is less metal between cylinder holes on the 625 so they are easyer to hit, but the 610 is not bad either just every now and then the reload bounces off the metal between the cylinder holes instead of going in. You say you reload for both already so that is no problem, here is something really important, make sure you have a very clean burning powder. as you shoot in a match the cylinder will get dirty on you and the empty cases will stick so cleanliness is important too. I know some revo shooters that clean their cylinder after every stage, I myself do it only at major matches as I consider local club matches practice and don't worry about cleaning it there. If you are going to shoot only USPSA and ICORE with one gun I would recomend the 625 5 inch If you are going to shoot some IDPA too you may want to consider the 4 inch version. I myself am using my 4 inch 610 in both right now but will be using the 625 for USPSA after Area-3 I intend to get a 646 like Carmoney and shoot it in IDPA as the smaller cylinder will make reloading it like reloading a 625 and that is a good thing. good Luck, good shooting and welcome to the wonderful world of revolvers. Like a good friend of mine told me "anyone can learn to shoot an automatic, but not every one can shoot a revolver" SAM KEEN
  7. Rhino, Don't want to know a name or what type gun the culprit shot.... but could you elaberate on what they did ???? Hopalong
  8. Nice gun..... Good luck with it and have fun..... Now I.m jealous, he has one and mine is not back from S&W yet Hopalong
  9. Krag, When you get all the answers and tallie up the totals, let us know what states have them and which ones do. Hopalong
  10. Hey guys, Just dropping some info here.... Mississippi IDPA State Championship, November 13, 2004 Cross Roads Sport Shooting Assn, Glen, Mississippi ( just east of Corinth, MS) Same place as the last 2.... 10-12 stages will cut off at 150 shooters staff included. working with STI for Contengency status. we have shot 100 + shooters for the last 2 years, last year was 123 and we were done shooting by 4:00 but computer crashed at the last minute and had to go to backup. Live and Learn. For those who came to the Mississippi State USPSA 3-gun match it is the same range. Cool mornings and very comfortable day, will be great... See You there. More Info: www.crssa.com click on IDPA
  11. shotgunsportz, You have it figgured out pretty well, my only suggestion is find someone who has one or both of these guns and try them out if they will let you, most people will. I myself started with a Ruger GP 100 4 inch and went to the S&W 610 after a year and shoot .40S&W in it for both USPSA and IDPA I have now picked up a 625 5 inch for USPSA and have a 646 on the way for IDPA as I have small hands and like the L frame a little better, I might try it for USPSA but don't think I will like it as the hotter loads in USPSA will really make the L frame recoil. The 610 will now become a backup gun and get a scope during deer season and be the meat gun. Good Luck, I don't think you will be disapointed either way. Sam Keen
  12. Flex is right, rules are rules and they are made to be broken Just kidding Flex. IMHO Twix has is down pretty good, coach those who need it (new shooters ect) Make SURE everything is done in a SAFE manner and have a good time with good friends As 40AET explained. Club matches are the heart and soul of our sport, we don't need to throw the rule book at our shooters but we do need to make sure they know the rules (twix/descretion) esp new shooters to our sport (maybe IDPA changeovers who don't know the rules but do know how to handle a gun) In 40AET s particular situation he did the correct thing by ignoring the well intended coaching but he did not need it and the RO who I'm sure meant well should have held his toung and lead the laughing after the Range clear command. Yes follow the rules they are there for a reason but, at certain times at club level matches coaching may be a good thing. but not in this case. Sam
  13. Is the trigger stop mentioned in the revolver forum legal for IDPA? For those who have not seen it it is basically a roll pin drilled and driven into the back of the trigger, thus removing the pin inside the spring on the trigger return. My 610 had a small "pinch" feeling in it today only once but I think it could have been the pin. As the rules say action work is permissible as long as it stays safe. My thinking is this would be legal as it is action work and we are working on reliability. Any body else? SAM
  14. Religious Shooter, I have a Scout/squad rifle with a brake that springfield made while developing the brake for the new SOCOM. I load mine with Winchester 147 grain bulk bullets from MIDWAY, and use an Aimpoint 3 minuted dot on the forward mount . off the bench this gun gives me sub 3 inch groups at 100 yds which with the 3 minute dot is as good as can be asked for. I make major pf, about 330 and it is real soft and manageable(for me) but I am also .308 biased too. If possible try out the new SOCOM it has a 3rd generation brake that when put on a real M14 and shot in full auto actually drives the muzzle down. Good Luck, if you get the scout squad rifle or just the scout you will need to trim just a little off the front of the brake to make it limited leagle, now problem to do though. Sam Keen
  15. Kurt, Work ? what is that ? My mother told me to not use four letter words !!! All jokes aside It seams like they had 50+ shooters last year and Mike Sisk won the thing, I know it is the Arkansas Section Championship but we need to make the home boys work hard for the title this year. Clay, Here we come !!!! SAM
  16. I usually work the match and shoot Fridays but I think it is better this year for me to not take the time off work, ( taking a full week for nationals 2 weeks later) I have seen Lynns stage, as usuall he has a very good one. looking forward to it. Dajarrel, you shooting the revolver? Cliff Walsh said he will be there, John Jawar will as he always is, I am going to shoot the 610 as the 625 has not made it back from S&W yet. I might pull some strings with Lance and get a round gun squad. See Ya'll there. Sam Keen
  17. Piper, For Info for Arkansas go to www.3gunmatches.com it may be 3gunmatch.com one or the other. there is also an entry form for AR there. Hope to see you there. Hopalong
  18. DMINOR, Nothing special, just wondring how many shoot on Saturday? See Ya'll there Hopalong
  19. Bronco, good to hear from you, My guess is that since most if not all ROs will be shooting SG excluded for the shoulder the best way to do that is request squadding with them. I don't know if you read the post on the Online match I made to Tightloop about the rain but we are way above average over here, how is it in KS? Late October is Corn time is it not? If you are able to make it I look forward to seeing you there. SAM
  20. Ok, Let me in on this. but first, Hi Troy, Hi Jeff. Jeff, is that the new rules as they are now written? If so I agree with you that if you "game" out a stage and try doubles and only get one or even worse, hit both targets but do not knock them down it is only 1 shot so 1 shot 2 targets = 1 miss & 1 FTE. This is shotgun and IMHO if you want to take that chance and don't hit the home run, too bad. If not( rules written exactly like that) I am with Troy on this If you can get one pellet in a frangeable target while shooting at another (spreaders thank you) and not shoot the same number of shots as targets why not the same on falling steel? Now here is the biggest thing we have to work on.... lets get this infront of the rules committee (Area Cooridnators included) and make a decision. I don't like having a ton of rules to worry about no more than the next guy, but something like this will happen again constanly because of the nature of the beast (shotgun) so lets address it and go on. Sam Keen
  21. OK here is what I can tell you that I know from Clay Binion The Arkansas Section 3-gun (with some multi-gun stages planned) is October 30 and 31, 2004 Location is Fort Smith Arkansas at the Old Fort shooting Club (new berms and ranges with rifle range out to 600 yds) Clay was one of my CROs for the MS 3-gun and told me that the Mississippi section was not about to outdo his on their first try. Clay is as good a stage designer as I know and I think it will be a 1st rate match. He has told me that ROs will shoot with squads and stay with them through the match (florida squadding). that is how they shot the Race Gun Championships last year and it worked out really well. Besides after all I read about the ROs not having the range comands down, if you keep the same 2 or 3 all weekend the commands should all be the same. I myself and 3 others from the Memphis area are planning to make the trip, I e-mailed Travis Tomasie and told him about it and he replied that they (army team) would try to make it if possible. I know that 3-gun in USPSA is in its infancy and we are having growing problems but if it is going to make it we need to keep going to these things and make notes of what works and what doesn't and use it to the better. Hope to see ya'll there. Sam Keen
  22. I know it is early, but how about a squad list? Thanks Arnie, Denise, Emanuel and all else who are at the time unknown SAM
  23. for a guy that has only been doing this for 4 years and only the last 20 months or so pretty seriously, the biggest thing for me was the trusting what the sights were telling me, if I shot what I though was 2 A's go on, if I shot what I thought was a/c make the c up if points mattered much but don't look for bullet holes in the target (sure I did it too). When I quit looking for bullet holes and started trusting what I saw through the sight picture I went from 50% C class to A class in about 4 months. Sam
  24. As an Automatic shooter converted to the "real"gun I originaly learned to shoot with the pad of the finger. But while learning to manipulate the longer trigger stroke and watching the sights while dry firing the least amount of movement occured while shooting almost at the first joint of the finger for me. I have Jerry M. s video and noticed where he puts it( his finger ) and tried it, as with everything new it felt weird, and the sights made a very small but noticable circle around what I was aiming at. I don't know about ya'll but when I dry fire I pick our very small spots to aim at and watch the sights constantly. If a person is having the problem of finger slip and preferrs the end of pad style a serrated trigger will not hurt a bit as also with the first joint style for the milled lines on the trigger will help keep the finger from rolling in and out of the trigger guard. I think what we have to do is teach our finger to squeeze straight back on the trigger either way we try, once we do that then we can worry about the small stuff. Good luck and keep the faith. Sam Keen/hopalong
  25. As an Automatic shooter converted to the "real"gun I originaly learned to shoot with the pad of the finger. But while learning to manipulate the longer trigger stroke and watching the sights while dry firing the least amount of movement occured while shooting almost at the first joint of the finger for me. I have Jerry M. s video and noticed where he puts it( his finger ) and tried it, as with everything new it felt weird, and the sights made a very small but noticable circle around what I was aiming at. I don't know about ya'll but when I dry fire I pick our very small spots to aim at and watch the sights constantly. If a person is having the problem of finger slip and preferrs the end of pad style a serrated trigger will not hurt a bit as also with the first joint style for the milled lines on the trigger will help keep the finger from rolling in and out of the trigger guard. I think what we have to do is teach our finger to squeeze straight back on the trigger either way we try, once we do that then we can worry about the small stuff. Good luck and keep the faith. Sam Keen/hopalong
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