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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Any body see a prize table at the Olympics in Athens????
  2. Just as I suspected, Moved into A class with the Wheel gun and now it is my highest average, was highest in Limited. S. Keen Limited A 75.110 Revolver A 75.864 Congrats to all who moved up due to hard work and dedication. Hopalong
  3. Viggen, Look at Stage Comments or Questions thread then go to the of Flashlights and Flashlights types thread, that is how I shot it and would again if needed. Patrick explained how he did it on his running account of the match in this "revolver" thread. Yes I agree with ya'll about Jerry he has had 20 years to get this far, and we hope to catch him in 2 or 3 ???? IMHO as long as USPSA has Nationals that combine divisions only the die hard revolver shooters will shoot, the others will shoot what they are more familiar with and have more confidence in. Rant Mode ON Yes I agree that 5 separate Nationals would be expensive but I'm sure that maybe if these things were promoted differently or maybe the money was not spent on getting all types of Civic Centers and Senior Centers to have meetings and awards it could be used to other avenues. Or maybe this: If our current leaders cant get these matches in under budget maybe we need new leaders who can. Take for instance- US world shoot teams.... there has never been a Revolver Team, only Jerry representing us and what a great man to have to do that but If our orginization cared half as much for not only us but L-10 and Production as they do Limited and Open we would have 5 teams and maybe more (extra L and O) as there are more of them to go around. Our Corporate sponsors should feel a little shafted in some of the ways thier sponsorship moneys are being used, If I was S&W or Barretta and the Organization I was pouring money into did not promote down my alley I would pull my $$$$ pronto. Rant Mode OFF Sorry for that guys but sometimes I just have to blow off steam. Spook, we all need goals they are what gets us to the next level keep at it. Not that I want Jerry to get beat but that just gets the level just a little higher. SAM KEEN
  4. One more reminder about ICORE postal match. This Sunday the 25th of Sept. 1:00 pm at the CRSSA range in Glen, MS (Corinth for Mapquest 12 miles east of Corinth on HWY 72) Cost will only cover the cost of the targets. SAM Sorry, Missprint.... The ICORE match is Saturday the 25th, we also shoot a steel match Sunday at 1:00 thanks Shooter Grrl
  5. Congrats for your win, from across the pond. Hopalong
  6. Froglegs, here they are: 1 break 2 seconds on reload (revolver) done. 2 get 60% or better for the Match at one of the bigger local matches where there are good shooters Open and limited Ms and GMs Done 3 Win either IDPA or USPSA revolver Division at a major match: Done ( IDPA indoor championships Memphis) Revolver winner and 14th overall, 70 shooters + or - but still have not given up on USPSA 4 M card in USPSA --- only started shooting wheel gun last winter so hoping to go from C to M in less than a Year. 5 M card in IDPA ----- I don't practice any classifiers in either USPSA or IDPA and shot the IDPA classifier in August moved from Sharp shooter to Expert, missed M by 5 seconds.... on one string at 7 or 10 yards you shoot 2 each( 3 targets,) reload and 1 each strong hand after shooting 2 each I got brain fart and forgot to reload and shoot strong hand just stood there with empty gun showing clear for at least 4 seconds then remembered to reload and shoot strong hand. and the bonus: overall stage win at large local match: Done see thread of 2.83 bang and Clang Am getting close on the last two as I now have an 87% and the Bang and Clang will be acording to Ron Ankeley 94% the others are all in the 70% + range except for one which bumped out a 74%. And don't think any more IDPA classifiers are going t be shot around here but am shooting the TN State match in about a month, if I don't screw up and actually win with some Masters there those guys will move you up in class. There you go, Hopalongs goals for 2004 maybe I will get all 5 maybe not but it is not for lack of trying. Good luck to the rest of ya'll on your goals Hopalong / Sam Keen
  7. Chriss, I am with you man but what about the folks who don't shoot anything but club matches, how would you get them classified? I think that there should be a good mix of classifers, some technical, some stand and shoot hose fests, and some different sized field courses thus testing all abilites and not favoring some. Just my Opininion FWIW Hopalong
  8. dpeters8445 Mainus was talking about last years Factory gun Nats ( i think) for me I had originally practiced (remember revolver) putting the light in the week hand and cinching the lanyard tight and turning the knob on at the buzzer and shooting week handed while holding the light and the next reload ready (it is alright but not the best) after playing with the same light we were going to use in the stage (Thanks CJL32) who conveniently had one i came up with this. put light in week hand cinch it up tight to where the endcap is just in your hand and the small part is between your pinky finger and the other one, turn the knob until it is almost on, at the buzzer turn the knob to keep the light on all the time get your normal grip but let your week hand down on the grip just enough to let the light go under the grip. the light is pointing anywhere the gun points and the target if fully visible, I reload both with the right and left hand depending on how many moon clips I have gone through but with this technique reload like Jerry does and when you transfer the gun the light is pointing directly infront of the gun and you can see right through the cylinder, no problems at all. Stage 1 Dark House Sam Keen 17 Alphas, 1 Charlie time: 16.49 HF 5.3972 I don't think I could do it much faster in the daylight. with a revolver you had to shoot the middle room 3 before the 3 in the room on the right so here is how I did it. Buzzer, Light on. draw to targets on right and go left, reload going through door, lean past no-shoot for 2 sure alphas go around, shoot target on left across from the door and go to back, make sure to take extra step past No-shoot, no need to gamble on that one as the extra step doesn't cost as much as a hit on no-shoot. back up while reloading and go through door while opening it with right shoulder shoot left to right. the Charlie hit was on the last target, last shot missed A zone by less than a bullets width. Hopalong
  9. Para45, Sorry for the missprint, I got it off the USPSA website and the name and number ran together so it looks like this, James Burcha28983 and No I did not get to shoot with any other revover shooters as I had requested shooting with my bottom feeder buddy CJL32 and that would have put too many on the "revolver squad" Spook, That was a no movement classifer and I just let it hang WAY out. I read Patrick Sweeneys thread about how he shot the match and I was not too far off of what he did and actually think I came up with a few better ideas but was not able to put pencil to paper (6 misses and 2 no shoots fo the match) as he states points make up for speed and penalties. Keep up the good work guys, my next USPSA match..... Arkansas Factory gun match October 3 then Mississippi Section the next weekend. See ya'll there. SAM
  10. Chris, a good bit of the problem of classification vs match performance is the way the classifiers are set up. Have you seen any 30 round field courses in the classification book ? generally classifiers test gun skills, major matches test much more, agility, speed-flat out and while shooting. Take me for instance, I am not fleet footed and long field courses usually get my goat, but speed shoots and technical stuff.... he, he, he, that is right down my alley. there fore very soon I will not be able to shoot my classification in a major match as it is going up but I can't seem to run a 4.4 fourty yd dash yet (and never will) Maybe that will help explain things. Sam
  11. Delivered a gun this Sunday (19th) to Memphis a mere 11 hrs after getting home from USPSA Nationals, they were shooting a match and I conveniently had the "Shootin Iron" and some left over bullets so I shot while I was there. The classifier was Bang and Clang, 2 steel on left, paper in middle and 2 steel on right, I was last shooter on squad and the others had all shot smoking runs. was going to play it safe and go for around 3.5 and all Alphas but the challenge was offered... 2.83 Alpha, Charlie on paper (by 1/2 inch) Hit Factor of 10.4???? but what was the biggest surprise, Final results come in on Monday. Stage 4, Bang and Clang Stage winner..... Hopalong Revolver There were 20 shooters in the match including 1 GM and 5 M practice is starting to pay off !!!!!! and Not having to reload
  12. Zak, Just now got to read your response to my post of easy to find equipment. here is what I really meant. If I want to get into rifle or 3 gun and go down to my local gun supply the only 2 choices I have are the AR-15 in several different set ups or the M1A in 3 different set ups now ( standard M1A, Scout/Squad rifle, SOOCOM). all else would have to be ordered or built excetera. Glad our shooters in our sport are always looking for more or something better as it only helps the rest of us in the long run. Hopalong.
  13. remember guys this new rule goes into effect with the new rulebook so just nicely explain this to someone if they do it before it goes into effect here in the states as we have not got our books yet and USPSA has not told us they are in effect. SAM KEEN / HOPALONG
  14. Shot this in Memphis yesterday. 2.83 seconds 29 points charlie was 1/2 inch out of A 10.2473 hit factor hopalong B Revolver (for now) There were 7 people on my squad shooting this stage, the first one shot it in 3 flat with 2 alphas. the second shot it in 2.98 with 2 charlies and the race was on. I originally was going to play it safe and smooth and go for about 3.50 clean but the challenge was laid out so I went all out. I stood in the far left of the box which will make the right two steel slightly closer thus allowing for short fast transitions all the way to the paper and then you just (with a revolver) start your trigger stroke at the edge of the last two steel and the shot will break a third of the way into the steel and the bullet will hit in the middle or just past the middle.
  15. Spook, I have not personally seen Rudy in action.... BUT the bottom feeder guy I shoot with quite often, has shot with him and he says there is room for improvement between Rudy and Myself ( he is giving me constructive critisism ) As you well know the classification system does not take in the abilities of a shooter to shoot field courses and that is what makes the difference here in the US I myself am not fleet footed but generally make up for it with my shooting therefore soon I will not be able to match my classification to match performance as I ended up doing here ( 70.43% = B class) which I think will change as soon as this months classifcation routine is run. So to answer your question. When Jerry is there unless he does something real bad or breaks he will win... When Rudy is there unless he does something real bad or breaks he will be second. when the rest of us are there we play the spoilers as if they do not shoot their level someone or more will get the stage win and take away some of their match points. Hopalong
  16. For those who have not seen them here you go ! Jerry Miculek GM 100% Great guy !!!!!! Patrick Sweeney A 79.34% Shoot off winner Cliff Walsh B 76.63% Put out of shoot off by Sweeny Dillard Winters B 75.38% Elimintated Jerry in the shoot offs WAY TO GO put out by Sweeny James Burcham B 70.53% Sam Keen B 70.43% (thats me) James Austin B 70.22% Thomas Mainus B 65.80% John Richards B 64.16% John Jawor B 63.30% Joe Justice B 61.49% Arthur Lasseigne B 60.86% Mike Carraher Jr. B 58.88% Robert Perdue B 57.63% Richard Timberlake B 56.38% Stanly Pankala B 53.80% Leonard Spoharski D 36.85% Guys last year when Rudy shot in the Factory gun Nationals he had a low 80% so we are slowly catching the Incredible one, keep up the good work. Leonard, if you are reading this way to go!! keep it up and don't let anyone intimidate you. The match was great, except for having to shoot only 4 stages a day (except for the one day we shot 7 and 3 were the steel stages) I went to shoot the Nationals, not 5 days of club matches (thats what it felt like to me). The stages were fairly easy to manipulate with a revolver as there were not may standing reloads unless you missed or hit no shoots. Aierdale, Next YEAR if you are not there I will personally drive up to KY and kick your BUTT !!!! and maybe MRS Aierdale will want to try it (sure what the heck) Rant Mode ON: USPSA appears to not care if Revolver Division is there or not we have to show them that we are not an (oh yea there were some guys there shooting revolvers) Division. Rant Mode Off: Now, I did not get to see Jerry shoot at all as he and I and the rest of the revolvers all shot on the same time schedule but on different squads but I understand the "Revolver Squad" was fun to be in. I was not part of that squad as it evidently was full and had requested shooting with a co-pilot (bottomfeeder) Jerry did not win every stage, he did win 22 of the 24 though. Cliff Walsh won the Dark House and Patrick Sweeney Won stage 16 (I think) That is it for now, keep the wheels turning and get out and lets get the numbers up. Hopalong / Sam Keen
  17. Ray, I started shooting USPSA with a Para P16 Limited. when I switched to Revolver I used the stock sights but did not really like the rear sight much as it did not have as wide a groove as the Para and thus I could not look through the sights and had to look over them instead. Fortunately one evening I was cleaning it and dropped it on the rear sight and broke the blade in half. had to get new one Now I have the Factory Black blade on front and the Medium size (height) Black Millet sight (Brownells) on Back and when I look through them I get the exact same sight picture as the Para. As a matter of fact so does the 610 ( the original USPSA revo and still IDPA gun) and am getting a set for the new 646 to try in IDPA. I am like SPOOK I like to have space on the sides of the front sight, it makes it faster to line the gaps up and keep it lined up after shooting. Hopalong
  18. So sorry to have missed the party our squad shot in the morning and we went back to town, goofed off, went to the Abbey for another one of their GREAT steaks and $1.50 pint beers(more than 1) and then made it back to the range in time for everything busting up. Ask SmittyFL if my nickname doesn't fit ..... Hopalong Cassidy was a Cowboy screen star... I have a bad hip and a limp but am shooting Revolver. and maybe one day I will get my 15 minutes of FAME Will see some of you guys at the Mississippi Section in 3 weeks, and I usually take a week break after Nats, Not this time. Any other revolver shooters come on down, I know they had 8 last year when I was still shooting bottom feeders. Will be RO at MS section so please introduce yourself (again?) VINCE, even though I did not get to have some....... THANKS for the BEER and CHOW Hopalong oh yeah, RHINO my real name is SAM KEEN the guy who was listed as REVOLVER winner on the POOL thread and thanks Lynn
  19. Whizz. Just got back from Nationals last night and saw your post. Way to go man !!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first revolver match I had 11 misses, 3 No shoots and was last on all but 1 stage... Have hope. as for planning gone awry..... it happens, when I break down a stage to shoot, I break it into arrays per reload, if it goes South work through that array, reload and go into the next like nothing ever happened. USUally works for me. Hopalong
  20. Whizz. Just got back from Nationals last night and saw your post. Way to go man !!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first revolver match I had 11 misses, 3 No shoots and was last on all but 1 stage... Have hope. as for planning gone awry..... it happens, when I break down a stage to shoot, I break it into arrays per reload, if it goes South work through that array, reload and go into the next like nothing ever happened. USUally works for me. Hopalong
  21. Well I got home Saturday morning about 1:00 AM it is a 7 1/2 hr drive for me back to TN. I shot on squad 13, we originally had 13 squad members, and the shooting started on the 13th !!!! 1st stage..... stage 16 (the stage everyone hated) our second shooter gets a reshoot for range failure. the shooter right before me gets a reshoot for range failure(same steel) he then gets another on the same steel, it works but the range staff decide to change that one out (30 minute break) all the while it was ole Hopalong the next shooter.... this ended up being not too bad a stage for me as I only ended up with 2 misses for it :-( The out come for the day squad 13.... 5 reshoots, 1 change of range equipment. Now the good stuff, Shannon Smith AKA SmittyFL was one of my squad mates as was some of his homeboys (Hey Jim, Keith) and he shot one HELL OV A MATCH !!!!!! He shot his game, no mistakes and don't try anything stupid and it worked out, WAY TO GO SHANNON !!!!!!!! I had a very funny match myself I had 2 good days 1 1/2 ok days and 1 1/2 bad days, never looked at any posted results until the last day after the finals were up and was pleasantly surprised with 6th overall revolver and 70 % of Jerry M. I was sure what I shot was not that good as I know 1 1/2 days was not anything near what I was capable of, so that does give inspiration to keep going as I have only been shooting revolver for 8 1/2 months now. thread drift/ delivered a gun to Memphis today and they were shooting and just happend to have the "shootin Iron" with me, classifier was bang and clang shot it in 2.83 down 1 HF was in the 10s I did not get to watch any other shooters in the match besides our Smitty guving the daily lessons but our squad did end up doing pretty good as a squad goes. SHannon Smith Limited GM 8th overall Gary Allen L-10 3rd B (Gary is from Detroit) Sam Keen revolver B 6th overall Chad Lofton Limited M 24th overall (this is cjl32 on the forums) He like me, also was not satisfied with his performance and was also suprised with his 24th overall and 7th M. our 2 Hawiians also shot impressively and were very fun to have on our squad. In closing I am proud to have shot with the guys on squad 13, these guys are a class act and will gladly shoot with any of them again, guys the pleasure was mine to meet you. As for the Format IMHO...... IT SUCKED but oppinions are like noses and butts, everyone has one and some of them smell !!!!! Hopalong Oh yeah, it looks to me that USPSA does not care about any other divisions aside from Limited and Open..... just look at who (numbers) got to go to the shoot offs... its not like we were pressed for time on Saturday. (4 L- 10 8 production and 4 revolvers and ONLY 2 Lady production shooters)???????? USPSA is ya'lls orginization tell your area reps and drop USPSA some E-mails
  22. Rhino. Tell us how you do. We know you want to shoot real guns ( i'm sorry I meant Wheel guns) Hop.
  23. Kimberkid for full moons in matches I use the Hearthco's while practicing (especially moving practice) I use the cheap ones you can get from Brownells (won't hurt your feelings if you step on them) Have been experimenting with Blade-tec holders - jury is still out-I do like the fact they are all bunched together though. AS Spook said Califonia Comp. holders. available from Dillion or Brownells. See you on a range somewhere sometime. Hopalong
  24. Thanks guys for those going to Nationals, Good Luck my Friend CJL32 and I are on squad 13 For those not Making USPSA Nationals but getting to go play at IDPA Nats, GOOD LUCK. for those not getting to go to either, Sorry maybe next year. And the South Eastern Revolver Championship is not going to happen in 2004 but am working on 2005 maybe about 3 weeks before Nationals???? Spook, hurry up and get that education, make some $$$$ and come show us what the European Revolver Champ can do. Hopalong
  25. KimberKid Buy it, Shoot it, Have a blast with it. Have shot my 4 inch 610 for about a year in both IDPA and USPSA until I found the "shootin iron" (625). While it was at S&W getting worked on I shot the 610 at an Area match, could not have been any more satisfied with the results as if I had the "shootin iron" It is what you get used to, after you get the basics down and start improving you will not notice a difference. The biggest reason I am shooting the 625 now is the longer barrel and the underlug for front end weight. ( 610 has it too but as I said earlier it is only 4" gun) Good Luck, if you don't want it I will buy it !!!!!! SAM KEEN
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