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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Bubber We ended getting the targets Tuesday, Tried to round up some shooters for Thursday evening, ended up with two here are scores. Matt Beck Unclassified 1 Line them up. 45.72 2 Triple Treat 51.17 3 Move or Not 27.70 4 They're all hard 48.02 Total 172.61 Sam Keen Unclassified 1 Line them up 33.22 2 Triple treat 39.15 3 Move or Not 22.23 4 They're all hard 51.81 Total 146.41 I shot the new 646 and the cases only slightly stuck one time but I found out I had grabbed the wrong loads and shot some I shoot in the bottom feeder (a little dirty). so it could have been dirty too. On the 4th stage the dirty loads bit me as some unburnt powder got under the star and I could not close the cylinder so I had to eject, blow out from under it, try again, and blow out one more time before it would run so that kind of puked me for the stage. Sorry for the late answer, I have spent the weekend in Rolla, MO at the Fall Classic, Good match will elaborate on it on the Match thread very soon. SAM
  2. My Understanding is that in 2005 nats will be at PASA, in July so here is My .02 cents worth. 1 set up, 2 matches, match 1 Open, and Limited-10 start them on Saturday at 12:00 shoot half a day using half a day in the morning for registration and shooter meetings Shoot Sunday and Monday and Half a day Tuesday, awards that evening shoot offs Wednesday Morning F*&k the prize table, save the money, work on getting the Nationals to pay for themselves we are there for the shooting not the "prize table". Match 2 Limited, Production, Revolver (same stages as Match 1) Wed morning Registration and shooter meetings Shoot half a day Wed, shoot Thursday and Friday half a day Saturday, Awards that evening. Shootoffs Sunday Morning go home (same thing about prize table) . I know that this "schedule" does not include the (rainy day makup day) but here is the deal, if it does and some repairs, rebuild has to happen get the squads to help on their first stage of the day and they will all be rebuilt/repaired quickly. and if there just has to be a prize table it can be done after the shoot offs as the R/O and Match staff would not have to be there and could get the next match started rolling. and while I'm at it..... What the H%&L kind of format was the shoot offs????? 16 Open 12 Limited, 4 L-10 8 production and 4 revolvers and NO Juniors unless they made it into the above numbers and the Ladies. IF they plan on doing that again and not having to be any where else until late that evening this needs changed drasticly. maybe this??? Open 16 Limited 16 Production 16 L-10 at least 8 maybe 12 Revolver at least 8 maybe 12 Ladies 8 in each division if available ALL JUNIORS What else are we going to do all day? twiddle our thumbs again? Just my .25 cents (got to allow for growth and interest) SAM KEEN
  3. Terril7, Welcome to the Forums Best advice is get Jerry Miculeks Video for Revolver (from Brian) he not only tells you how but shows you in slow motion, name of video is Advanced Revolver or something like that. (pretty bad I have one and can't remember the correct title) He also tells how the other type of reload is done but with 20 years of experimenting you can't go wrong with his example (he has already done the work of testing for the rest of us, we just need to follow his example) But until then here is a quick version: after you fire your last shot, push the cylinder latch button with your right hand, when it is unlocked take your second and third finger of your left hand and push the cylinder open and put them through the hole where the cylinder was to hold the gun. now take your thumb of your left hand (where the gun is now) and push the eject rod to clear the cylinder of spent shells while turning the gun muzzle up but not too far as to break the 180 degree rule. at the same time reach down and get a new moon clip off the belt with the right hand and bring the gun down to belt level and put the new clip in (you now have the gun muzzle down) TIME Saving note:::: do not try to put the whole clip in the cylinder, get the bullets lined up with the holes and just drop it in, it will go... after the new clip has seated in the cylinder close it with your left hand while regripping the gun with your right, then move the left back to the original 2 handed grip (Jerry shows you that too in his Video) and Shoot All AAAAAA'S Good Luck be patient as this is hard to do to begin with. SAM KEEN / Hopalong Some of you other guys can add to it if you want to help clarify what I'm telling him.
  4. Spook, After shooting with him at Area -3, the only thing faster than his feet is his trigger finger, and then the bullets. I know that is not what you wanted to hear but he is as slick as butter. But the best of all he is a Great Guy. SAM And apologies to Mike Shovel for leaving him out.
  5. Reneet, You talk Kay and Jerry into the match? I shot with them at Area - 3 and really enjoyed their company, good FOLKS besides that they can shoot too. SAM
  6. Chalk up another one for Jerry, Revolvers version of TGO This is Master class only (IDPA does not have a GM) Jerry Miculek 192 54 Points down (IDPA scores time plus, 1 point = 1/2 second) Alex Zimmerman 204.01 31 PD Curt Nichols 221.46 38 PD Ron Holland 223.6 35 PD Larry Treen 239.47 52 PD Scott Randolph 247.34 35 PD Fredrick Harring 261.26 97 PD (This is Firewalker on BE.com) Way to GO FW!!! Gary Dunlap 266.13 116 PD Roger Reid 268.63 82 PD Ok congrats go out to everyone, weather they won their class, the match or had a bad match as there were 58 revolver shooters in this match, good going guys and gals. Rant Mode Back ON: IF USPSA could take a HINT::::::: (58 vs 17) ????? Rant Mode OFF The gap between Jerry and Alex is not much at all, I have not seen any of these guys shoot except Ron Holland, Ron is a very good revolver shooter from Alabama and has several targets on his back from the folks around here that shoot revolver in IDPA. The reason I think Jerry did not run away with the match like he did at USPSA Nationals is this is fairly new to him as he has not shot it much except in the last almost 2 years now and it is still somewhat "foriegn" to him plus his ability to "run" through a stage like no others is negated by the way IDPA Stages are run using cover to shoot from and reloading behind cover ect. I am not and don't mean to take away from Alex, I am sure he is a good shot with that revo too as he would not be where he is on that list( and all the other guys) but I think (Opinions again) he (Jerry) is still on the learning curve in this game. and will distance himself form the others in a very short time. SAM
  7. Benny, Kind of Sounds like it to me..... So much for a friendly competition between KURT, BENNY, and poor ole HOPALONG as now they really have something to prove. See ya'll there and we will see what comes of this when the smoke clears. Sam
  8. Dajarrel ( notice correct spelling this time?) Now you know where I will be hanging out, please introduce yourself, and next year PUT THAT SILLY BOTTOM FEEDER AWAY. See Ya'll there, really looking forward to it. SAM / HOP
  9. Carmoney, I am trying to swing it, will see if They will let me squad with you and Sam as I think any Sam that shoots Revolver is got to be COOL. Sam Keen / Hopalong
  10. The Back sight is the only thing I have a complaint about with my Para. The gun I am using now is the second P-16 - 40 Limited I have had , the first I sold to a guy just getting into the game, it had 60,000 + rounds on it and had to replace 2 sights, I bought the first from Para and sent the other back and they replaced it. The gun I was using before I changed to Revo, has 80,000+ on it and have replaced 2 back sights, I used the replacement they sent me and sent the broke one back for each. If you don't want to screw with that (PARA paid shipping) get a real BO-MAR from Dave Dawson with a Para cut and forget it. Good Luck. Hopalong / SAM KEEN
  11. Steven, A friend of mine did the same thing except in IDPA he went from SS to EX CDP he had been shooting very good for the last 5 or 6 months, went to Ohio and shot in thier State match, won it as a SS. they did not move him into EXpert class at the time ( they can do that ). He comes home is proud of his accomplishment and starts looking forward to IDPA Nationals as SS. WELL Ohio promptly sends him his new Expert card about 3 weeks before IDPA nats. He calls me up and asks " I was not planning on shooting in Expert class, was hoping to do good enough to get moved up at Nats, Now What do I do?" I tell him, " You don't do ANYTHING different than you have been doing, you have been shooting at that level for a few months now, just go shoot like you always do." I think you already know that as to get to M in USPSA takes knowledge and skill but is helps to hear it from some one else to reinforce it. Good Luck and Congrats on the M Card. Sam
  12. DAJERREL, No I don't sorry but I will be the one with a very tight haircut and a slight limp, unlike Jack (who will most likely be a chrono) who has half a prostetic leg. See Ya there. SAM
  13. Whats this? Are you going to the DARK side Smitty? I thought you were going to let Walsh kick that a$$ a while with the revolver Might make the Florida Open, if I do I will see you there if not see you in Alabama Hopalong
  14. Thanks for the info guys/gals I have not got to play with the 646 much at all, I am planning on using it in IDPA and ICORE matches and maybe as a concealed gun. I have polished the cylinders with Flitz and a dremmel tool, look much better but have not shot it yet, I do like the idea of nickel brass as I also have a fairly good supply of it, will try that too. I will get back tou you with the results, as The TN IDPA state match is in 3 weeks and I want to be confident in the gun, otherwise the "other shootin iron" (trusty 610) will have to make the trip. Sam
  15. Folks, I have been talking with John down in Jackson MS. He says there are 112 shooters sighned up. Bryant and John put on a great match last year and I can only expect as good or better from these two guys as they are really dedicated. If you like lots of shooting and a good variety this is the match you need to be at, last year I shot Limited and had a BLAST the stages were set up so folks with differing skills could stilll shoot them but not give any skillset an advantage over another. Any Revolver shooters out there that might make the match, there are only 6 signed up lets get the numbers up at the matches. I will be shooting Friday, and RO ing Saturday and Sunday any and all introduce yourselves, with both names. Sam Keen / Hopalong
  16. dajarrel now that you are "old" you can go back to that "old fashioned revolver" Happy B-Day Hopalong
  17. Steve, Not Really, I originally laid down the Para - Limited to just get the Revolver up to par with the Limited gun. I then about midway through the year decided to try for Revolver M in both USPSA and IDPA. Now the bad news, at the Business meeting during the Nationals the way Production and Revolver classifications was talked about, Now they are just 10 % less of what Limited is. example. if xyz classifier is a 10 hit factor for limited 100% then 9 hit factor would be 100% for PROD and REV. What I understand is this: Revolver will be lowered to 70% instead of 90% which IMHO SUCKS, if the guys shooting revolver can't post the scores go practice !!!! Jerry is a GM, he has practiced for 20 some odd years, and these other guys want to be a GM in 3 or 4??? Yes there are some folks out there that with that little time can and will make that level of performance but that is the exception not the rule. If I do make M revolver in USPSA I hope to do so before the change in policy otherwise to me it would be an empty accomplishment as the standard will not be as high. Sam Keen / Hopalong
  18. Ok "HOUSTON WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM" It looks like Fed Ex has lost our Targets which should have been here early in the week, They said they would find them and get them to us.... So it looks like this, We will not have official targets available for the match Saturday so If any of ya'll were planning on comming please change your plans No body is more disapointed than I am on this and this is a repeat from Fed Ex on lost packages to our Club. If they show up in time we plan to set it up and run it during the week so at least we can get our local shooters in on the postal match. SORRY GUYS/GALS the targets were ordered before I left to Nationals.... plenty of time.
  19. Seafood, Make sure you are not twisting your wrists, keep that same triangle form like TGO explains, move with the knees and lower body as formally mentioned. Good luck. Hopalong
  20. Yeah, Thanks for the "Priveledge" Just another example of USPSA not caring for any other Divisions besides Limited and Open! Patrick, good Luck with your endeaver, maybe you can get some corporate sponsorship to help out.... Hopalong / SAM KEEN
  21. IDPA does not as a habit do anything in a timely manner so don't expect to hear anything about the match unless there is a BE.er there and they update us or else just wait for the results. SAM
  22. Just moved up to A class so this one will count until I have enough less but still usable to get it out of the Best 6. HOP
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