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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Rich, Good Luck, Keep your head down where ever you end up !!!! Just a thought, TT is Limited, Max is Open Greg is Production, Name slips me but the armorer is L-10 they NEED a revolver shooter???? GOT to cover all the divisions don't we???? Hang in there have a blast at boot. SAM I remembered the name finally.... Joe Harless (Sorry Joe memory is as long as hair) And Also Col. David Liwang (C.O.) shoots L-10 and SGT. Arron Hampton is out right now with tendonitis (prefers 3-gun)
  2. To Put it simple, John (Jack) Jawor did not make any mistakes and the rest of us did....... Ok, I don't have any numbers but there were 4 revolver shooters at the TN section match this weekend, John Jawor, BE.coms Aierdale, Cliff Walsh and myself. Saturday I awoke to Thunder and for the most of the day we shot in the rain or drizzle. Cliff Walsh shot in a squad by himself, as did I and Aierdale and John squadded together (ganged up on Cliff and I). The match was a good combination of stand and shoots for speed, medium sized field courses, and a long field course that was eventually tossed for dangerous footing..... The Long Range Standards were used as the Match Classifier and Aierdale, Cliff, and I all spotted John 120 match points on the stage as we could not hit a bear in the A$$ with a base fiddle on it, To cliffs rescue his gun went out of time and he used mine to finish up and this stage was one of them he shot it in. there were 2, 12 round 60 point comstock stages that could be absolutely smoked if you paied attention to what you were doing and not try too hard, (these stages I LOVE) BUT someone I know tried a little too hard and ended up leaving a peice of steel on each instead of taking the extra time to reload and get the last one. John on the otherhand played it safe throughout the match and just out consistanted us CONGRATS JACK !!!!!! I did not get to see cliff shoot any stages but the Long Range standards and we already know about that.... I did get to see Jack and Aierdale shoot one stage and they both did a good job on them, Aierdale is listed as a D class Revolver shooter but if he shoots like he did on that stage he won't be there long. One thing I can tell is .... Don't spot your competition 120 match points and expect (or Hope) to catch up. Cliff, Sorry about your gun, hope you get it straightend out before Nationals Aierdale, Good to meet you and good shooting (D class My A$$) Nice meeting your Better Half, get her shooting the 646 soon !!!!! Jack, Way to go man you put up a good match from start to stop and we just couldn't hang with you. Good LUCK at A-5 and I will see ya'll at Nationals. HOPALONG
  3. Well the new 646 showed up today. My first impression when I picked it up was the grip was too small as my pinkie finger kind of rolled off of it. But !!!!! I had sitting there waiting on it 1 Jerry M grip for L frame. installed it and YEE HA man does that feel GOOD !!!!!!! The gun feels just a little light as I figured it would with the smaller frame and Titainium cylinder but it is quite snappy( i think that is the word I'm looking for) as it starts and stops on targets easier. I shot 1 moon clip through it (couldn't help it) with loads that make 140.000 power factor and it was not as strong feeling recoil as the 610 with 170.000 so it whould really shine at the IDPA matches. Now to put a good trigger job in it, chamfer the cylinders a little, change the back sight to a Millet sight( my personal preferance ) get more moon clips (Don Hearth here I come) and try hard to wear that dude out (just kidding) but really put some rounds down range after the USPSA Nationals where I am shooting the "SHOOTIN IRON" (625) that finally showed back up from S&W. when I first opened the cylinder and looked at it I thought "man that is cute but it seems so small" Shooting those N frames have gotten me used to seeing a BIG cylinder, (and I deer Hunt with a RUGER 454 Casull). I will update this thread after I get to run some rounds through it but From First impression " I REALLY LIKE THIS THING" Hopalong
  4. Shot this thing in Memphis last Sunday, could go up in classification next month if it is good enough could someone let me know? Hopalong, 104 pts 32.40 time 3.2099 HF NO MIKES oh yeah, Revolver (did not do so good at the TN section in the rain)
  5. For those of You interested, and who are not going to the USPSA nationals Cross Roads Sport Shooting Assn in Glen, MS (Corinth if using mapquest) will be having their quarterly 3-gun match Sept 12th starting at 1:oopm this should be a 4 stage pistol match, (for those who don't 3-gun) and then 2-3 rifle or shotgun stages and then 2 combo stages or something like that. More Info. www.crssa.com 662-287-3235 Nathan Hendrix 731-645-4403 Sam Keen both no later than 8:00 pm we both get up real early I will not be shooting as I will be in Barry at the Pistol Nationals but come on any way as it doesn't take one monkey to stop the show. SAM oh yeah, this is the same place we held the Mississippi USPSA 3-gun championships last spring.
  6. I started this sport shooting Limited, and the match I regularly attended is hosted by BE.coms own Lynn Jones. He gives you a combined results and then combined stage results all together where if you want to compare what you are doing against the other Limited shooters all you have to do is look in the "Division" column and find them. Works great, great job Lynn, Now that I am shooting Revolver and am the only one there the Division thing means nothing, I just try to improve or stay the same as the last match with the eventual goal of 60% of the match winner (usually an OPEN Blaster but not always). Another Club that I shoot at lists a combined results and then breaks them out into divisions so all who shoot don't have to compare themselves to other divisions unless they want to. both ways are fine with me, I just want to burn some powder, maybe smoke a N/S or two and have a good time with my shooting buddies, especally when they have a MIKE or can't knock down that one piece of steel. Good luck, shoot straight, shoot fast, look good. SAM KEEN / Hopalong
  7. rwmagnus here is max what you can have to start a stage, 6 in gun, and 18 for the stage (3 reloads) so if you have 4 holders on you, you must "top off" with one of the 4 leaving 3 and of them 2 in front and 1 in back. Hope that helps. HOPALONG
  8. RWMAGNUS That is how several of the shooters around here do it, as long as when you start the stage you only have a total of three. I have a fellow shooter that uses 2 Bladetec holders 1 in front and 1 in back and LMR with the back one. See some of ya'll at TN section, and then USPSA Nationals, won't make A-5 Hopalong / Sam Keen
  9. Ron, As a relatively new revolver shooter, I am really glad you have decided to return to our division. I enjoy shooting both bottom feeders and the revolver and have enjoyed this year as much or more than the last 3 while shooting the Limited gun, Yes there is less people to shoot with (or against) I consider it shooting with other revolver shooters and trying to make the auto guys think that is easy. Glad you are back among whom I think (the ones I have met) a darn good bunch of folks. Sam Keen
  10. Matt. Now we know some more of our weaknesses and what to work on to get better at handling the matches and stages that we can not use our better talents on.
  11. We shot this thing at Area - 3 this weekend this how it worked for me. 105 points 13 Alpha 9 Charlie 2 Delta Time 16.31 string 1 7.71 string 2 3.79 string 3 4.81 Hit Factor: 6.4378 Revolver, B class SAM At the Classifiction update this turned out to be a 71.3406% for Revolver. This also helped get me up into A class.
  12. Short Round You are only allowed one mag in the gun and two on the side, no more from anywhere else, except when topping off at the begining of a course of Fire. HOP
  13. let me add a little for clarification, No Procedural, if he goes on and shoots with the other mag in his magholder, if he goes after the dropped mag and exposes himself with an unloaded gun then if he does not retreat back to cover he then get the Procedural. Hopalong
  14. No Procedural as you are exposing yourself with an unloaded gun and besides the shooter has already wasted time by dropping it anyway, no need to penalize someone twice for the same thing. If he had done it on purpose hoping to get some kind of advantage of shooting the course of fire out of course discription, yes and maybe a FTD. but as far as your discription goes see the above. Hopalong
  15. Kingman, As Jake and Rich said, "Talk to Val" Aside from that just let them all go in and sooner than later it will straighten itself out, as far as matches go don't worry about where you are classified, shoot to the 99% of your ablities and then just let the dust settle where it falls. Sounds like you are improving, Congrats on that keep up the good and hard work. Hopalong.
  16. First of all, it was great to meet Jerry Miculek, Cliff Walsh, Richard Timberlake and Bob Woolsey(spelling?) I got to shoot with all the above but Bob. (Area - 3 revolver winner) As you all guessed Jerry did another good job of demonstrating why he is the best in the world with one of these wheel guns. Cliff Walsh, last years points series Champion showed why he was just that as he chased Jerry all day but could not reel him in. Cliff ended up second with a 78% and some fellow I know with a limp and no hair ended up 3rd with a 69% (only 9% between Cliff and I, that cuts 2 % off from last time we shot the same match) I did not get to see much more of the results as the crowd around the lists was quite large and I was not very close. The first thing I saw was stage management is the key to success, I have not shot any USPSA with any other revolver shooters at all until this match and have not read some of the stages correctly in the past. Thanks goes to Jerry and Cliff and Richard Timberlake for their help and advice. The next thing I saw was just the same thing I learned while shooting Limited,.... Shoot 1 shot at steel otherwise you are just wasting time..... The next thing I saw is as we all keep hearing here on BE.com is not to rush yourself, and run only as fast as the front sight will let you.... I KNOW this but sometimes as my dear mother says "you're hard headed" I did not get to shoot the "shootin iron" as I have been working with the 610 since that fatefull day I blew it up but the "other shootin iron" ran flawlessly, sometimes the driver lost traction though. I now know what I need to work on, and will see how well that does in 4 weeks at the TN section where Cliff, Richard, and I will rub elbows once again. (looking forward to shooting with them again) The match was a very techical match and very challenging as one stage did not lead to another and you could not get rolling, you had to start all over again on each stage. Thats the most things that stick in my head right now but it is a tired head (and the rest of me too) Congrats to all, and see you at TN section in 4 weeks SAM KEEN / Hopalong
  17. Well I just got back to TN, The match was very technical as every one is saying, but if you just tried to keep it simple and stay in control it was not too bad. This was my first match to actually shoot with other revolvers and I got to watch both Jerry M, and Cliff W kick my a$$ but I did not go down easy. I had a personal goal to shoot 70% of Jerry M and not worry about anything else and ended up 69% with a couple of stages where I just helped everyone else out so I now know where I really stand, and know where I need to pick up the slack. Congrats go to All who won, and all who met their own personal goals I would like to mention CJL32 on our own BE.com as 2nd master limited, it suprised him as well as he said he did not think he did that good. To the staff, good job some of you had to work some real hard stages (180 and other good stuff) I was stopped on stage 8 myself when one of the ROs thought I broke the 180 (which is the right thing to do) but after talking with him and the other RO that was following they could not tell if I did or didn't so I got a reshoot instead. Guys, that is just the thing I am talking about as good staff being on their toes these guys knew it was a touchy stage in spots and told everyone before hand and then when they thought things got unsafe or borderline they stopped the shooter before things got worse, GREAT JOB hats off to you.... and if I had got DQed I would not have liked it much but that is the right thing to do and I would have just got a ringside seat to the rest of the match. Good Match, Great Staff, VERY GREAT WEATHER Hopalong SAM KEEN oh yeah, BDH I slipped right by you with out introducing myself but next time I will for sure, but please don't get on a stage with that many steel. and one more thing, That D@MN barrel got me and cjl32 also
  18. Redmist10 Thanks Hopalong Any thing in the 70 % range will put me well over and into A - class, Just in time for Nationals !!!!! No matter what your class, just shoot to your abilities and let the dust settle where it falls. H
  19. Firewalker, Thanks for the Heads up !!! I'm with you though, not cool to have to have PC gun to have it. Hopalong
  20. OK here is the results of the OOPS !!!!!! 1 back sight, replace at cost 1 cylinder, replaced at cost Smith & Wessson checked out gun and said don't do that anymore plus 50 bucks labor.... Got shooting Iron back too late to use at Area - 3 but will be running it at TN section and Nationals Looking forward to Area-3 as Arnie has us in a revolver squad with The KING and his better half, I also look forward to shooting with Cliff and the others on this forum who have given their good advice. Hopalong
  21. Ok, I will add mine.... 2003 Factory gun Nationals (my first Nationals) c class L-10 I don't shoot L-10 but was NOT going to oregon for Limited. 1st stage of match i'm 3rd or 4th shooter, good guy Chaz Myers (MS section coordinator) is running the timer. he tells me LAMR. I get sight picture dry fire a target 2 or 3 times, pull out "barney mag" from back pocket, charge gun, put on safety, eject mag for full one, holstergun. he asks are you ready? I don't answer I'm concentrating on first target, so the buzzer goes beep, I draw get good sight picture, bang, click WTF!!! look at gun no mag in gun, look on ground no mag on ground, reload and go through stage, at the end Chaz told me to put a fresh mag in the gun next time after charging it and taking the "barney mag" out. Thanks Chaz I WILL try to remember that!!!!! Hopalong
  22. We shot this thing in Memphis today.... cjl32 master limited 5.59 8 alpha 3 charlie 1 delta 54 points HF 9.7826 Hopalong B revolver 8.79 11 alpha 1 charlie 59 points HF 6.7121 we both are on the edge of going up in class, could you give us an Idea where they stack up??? cjl32 shot the left two paper, reloaded and cleaned up the right. I on the other hand with my 6 shots at a time went right 3 paper reloaded and 2 paper and 2 pepper poppers. Hopalong
  23. Back early in the month tightloop said something about it not raining!!!! well we here in Soutwest TN ended up with 17 days of rain in the month of July!!!! to top it all off on the last day of the month we got a 4+ inch rain..... Next time talk about the good shooting weather tightloop. Hopalong
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