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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Cooter, If you are shooting in Open or Limited you can just about gaurantee the match % will show up as aclassifier score, also if Emanuel has a classifier stage in the match it will too so there is a possibility of getting more than one. Depending on the Number of GM/M that shoot is what makes a match go in as a classifier, and if the Match director checks the box on the Santcioned match/tournament application that says, results for classification. Hope that answers your question. and good luck as this is your first Area match, the biggest thing I can tell you is Have fun, be safe, if you have questions ask sombody even the ROs they are there to help and they are also shooters who care about the sport enough to donate their time. Sam Keen BDH do you know what stage you will be working?
  2. Neil, I tried to use the double points for disapearing targets (flipped Clay/charcoal) in the Mississippi 3-gun but our Fine scoring program no matter how we tried to go around it would not take it. (something else to fix in EZWinscore? or a new program?) But that same reason you stated was the very reason I wanted to double the points of those targets, to make the shooters shoot at them for the stage points. Also, At the Ms 3-gun we had 5 stages, 1-12 round slug stage, 1- 23 round field course, 1 20 round( in 3 strings) standards that make it a tricky speed shoot, 1-8 round field course with targets worth double to increase match points and 1-13 round field course. in all this I had No/Zero complaints about tomany or not enough shotgun stages or shooting, as a matter of fact I got many comments about the shotgun shooting being emphasized over reloading. Help me out here KURT, how did you like it? But as we all know, the rules are a test bed and IMOH so is the scoring program. here is my suggestion on them. Keep EZWinscore for single gun matches, Find someone and I would think we have some good program writers to write a good usable scoring program especially for Multi-gun stages and/or matches. Thanks for your time, and input with time and effort all this will get straightend up let's not get impatient. Sam Keen
  3. Chuck -- I'm with you, on both counts Dajarrel, thanks for the info, Hope you do good at GA state match, (saw your name on squad list) Sam
  4. DAJARREL how does it compare using 165,000 pf loads to the 686 using 357 magnum loads? I have a 4 inch 610 I am using with Miculek grips on it and they make it better to handle with my short fingers. the 625 I double charged is at S&W and I should be getting news on it any day now, it is a 5 incher and I really like it but maybe a 5 inch 646?( if there is such an animal) or maybe the long 610 barrel on the 646? I personally have no qualms about using the 4 inch gun in USPSA/ICORE the man I shoot with (open/Limited GM) has me shoot 50 yards at 12 inch plates at least every other week and 100 yds once a month so distance and the 4 inch sight radius is not a problem, I just would like a little more weight out on the end of the barrel to help on muzzle flip. and for IDPA, sorry guys but 125,000 power factor? go get some Federal Hi-Shocks in 40 S&W and see what kind of power factor they make, IF IDPA wants to have their "game" close to what the real world is they would not even go there(PF) It does make for a real soft shooting gun though. and what about .45ACP in the 4 inch 625s how close is a factory load to 125,000 PF ? Ok now I will get off the soapbox. Dajarrel, what revo do you use for USPSA/ICORE Sam
  5. I got mine at a gun show, (1989) with hammer firing pin for 450 either one would be a buy not a steal but not high either. Good luck. Hopalong
  6. Roundgun shooter, Tell me more.... I am verrrrrry interested......are they available, how much, how long of a wait period from order to receipt? HELP !!!!!!! I have not heard about this model, it looks like the cylinder is made of another material, are there barrel length options? I have only concentrated on revolver shooting for the past 8 months but have come to really enjoy it, and esp when smoking the Bottom feeders Sam
  7. Oh yeah, I forgot, and make it use Moon Clips Hopalong
  8. after some thinking and wishing this is what I have come up with. for a six shot revolver to use in either IPSC/USPSA/ICORE and IDPA I would like to see Smith & Wesson come out with a L frame that shoots .40 S&W only. 5 or 6 inch barrel for IPSC/USPSA/ICORE and 4 for IDPA. I have short fingers and the N frame felt "big" in my hands until I got a Miculek grip to use. I also shoot .40 S&W in my limited gun so I could tailor a load to shoot in both and then not have to worry about any other stuff. I have this theroy that if they use a L frame then the extra "meat" in the cylinder of the 610 won't be there so it will be like reloading a 625 but not having the "big" gun. I know it is only hoping and wishing but anybody else have a "wish gun" ? Sam Keen
  9. How about this? In a multi gun stage, say 8 paper,(16 shots) 9 steel close with pistol and 12 frangible targets (shotgun). rifle for the paper, pistol for the steel and shotgun. Score like this. rifle- whatever PF it makes pistol and shotgun do not matter now that they are Hit/miss targets. this now can be scores as a single gun in Winscore and for those who do stats can put it in the "rifle match" to make match percentage or put it in a 4th match for "combo stages" for its own match percentage. it may take a little more thinking on the stage designers but the stages can be designed to use ezwinscore and use more than 1 gun but as far as the scoring program goes it thinks it is 1 gun. I know what about stages with pistol and rifle both shooting paper, use the power factor of the gun that makes up the majority of the stage, tell your competitors that before hand, As on the match entry form so all will know, and they will either come shoot and live with it until someone reworks winscore or not show up to shoot. In my opinion the shooters want to shoot and if the scoring is the samd for all they dont give a ratts butt. We did not have any Multi gun stages at the Misssissippi 3-gun just for this reason (scoring), but, boy did I want to have some. Sam Keen
  10. Hey what about WSF? I have been using it in .40 s&w for 3 years now, I use lead bullets to practice with and Jacketed for match use. "Felt" recoil is very tolerable and even with lead cleanlyness is not an issue, I generally run 500 rounds through the limited gun between cleanings no matter what I am shooting. With lead I use 5.4 grains of WSF commercial brass and winchester small pistol with an OAL of 1.185 in my Para-Ordnance P16-40 Limited these loads shoot better than I do and make 167,000 PF. I can not remember the load for jacketed bullets for I don't load them near as often, I will have to consult my load list. Memory thinks it is about 6.3 or 6.2 I am getting low on my last 8 lb jug of WSF and will get 1 lb of WST and compare. Good Luck Hopalong
  11. Shot it this weekend in Memphis, got to see a guy shoot it with a HF of 8.6400 limited M Impressive. 6.?? 54 points. I myself did some better and some worse, 58 points (better) 10.73 seconds (worse) HF 5.4054 Revolver B any Ideas on where that lands ??? Hopalong
  12. Firewalker, I might try and swing that but funds are tight going to A-3, A-5, TN section, AR section, MS section Factory gun Nationals, TN State IDPA MS State IDPA, man I am going to have to sit infront of the 650 for a while. Hopalong
  13. Thanks for the update D. I was informed today from the guy I am making the trip with that our entries are on the way so you should see them by the end of the week. Hopalong, AKA Sam Keen
  14. HDGUN: welcome to the forums You know every one is talking about no competition, there is an On-Line match on this forum and where are ya'll? I know we can't all set up the stages as some of us don't have access to all the props and gear that may be required but surely some of ya'll can. Area -4 this year did not have but 5 revolver shooters, Jerry M was planning on shooting but had to go out of town that weekend so was not there. IMHO if a person wants to see how well he/she is doing why not try and shoot with the best that is available (Jerry M.) to see how they are doing? Cliff Walsh, Richard Timberlake ( I think) and Myself are going to A-3, and have asked Arnie to squad revolvers together, ya'll come on over and let's all have a big time in MO. Cliff spanked me pretty good in Al last march and I thought I had a decent match except for two stages so I am looking forward to actually shooting with him and learning some of the "tricks of the trade" Don't give up on the revolver, it tamed this land and will always be a classic. HOPALONG
  15. Huck You may want to try this.... Get on the Springfield website, get one of the forward mount scope mounts that are now available and the heat sheild for the Scout/Squad rifle and put your Acog on it. I have a Scout/Squad and an Aimpoint on it, the cheek weld is the same as shooting Iron sights. GOOD LUCK M1A's RULE !!!!! SAM
  16. L1011 I have been using a P-16 for 4 years now, get some of the Grams engineering and forget everything else. PS if you want real hi-cap get some Dawson Precision + bases (21) in the mag and 1 in the gun for the 18-20 round stages. Good Luck. Hopalong
  17. STRYFOX I use a 650 for my .40 S&W and use the dillion carbide dies, they work great as they are but if you get you some hornady one shot case lube and put just a little on your cases the lube smoothes out the rythem and you can feal the machine running just that much better. It only takes a little HOPALONG
  18. Before I broke Mine, I could keep a 3" group off hand at 25 yards. never did put it on sandbags or ransom rest. It SHOT better than ME.
  19. Hi guys, and gals!!! Thanks for all the kind words, I have relayed the words to the real guys and gals who made the match run. At the time of door prizes and match winners I did not have the High law, military, sr, and ssr. so here they are. Tactical: High Law - Erik Lund High Sr. - Benny Hill High Military-Greg Wilson Limited: High Military - Travis Tomasie High Sr - Greg McDade Open: High Law - Max Davidson High Sr. - Malcome Davis High Super Sr. - John Wedig congrats to those guys and all else who showed up and shot, in my eyes all were winners. The Red Cross told us that this was their second biggest fund raiser they have had, the other is a silent auction with all the businesses in Corinth donating one item. Thanks Again, and all take care. SAM KEEN
  20. I'm with you on the stage 11 Lynn. This is my second year at A-4 the stages and range officers are always top notch and hats off to the CRO and RO staff. I will not be attending another A-4 match for the format was not very thought out, don't start shooting at 9:30 in the morning shoot two stages max, send the squads to lunch and then try to get 3 or 4 stages shot in the heat of the day, maybe on Friday to allow drive in shooters the time to get there but not Saturday when everyone shooting is in town, start earlier and make sure you don't have to shoot but 2 stages max on Sunday to let the shooters get home at a decent time (1:00AM for me this year). For those who shot on squad 14 with me, I enjoyed meeting you and shooting with ya'll I am sorry about the 2 DQ's we had in our squad I personally don't like having stages that make the ROs have to work that much harder due to circumstances like that. ( another reason ) To the staff and stats, great job!!!!!! To the planners, the half day format a few years back was great maybe try that again and a few more squads instead of bigger squads. I know that you can not please everybody and some one always has it a little tougher than the next so good luck next year but my entry fee and the other 800 dollars this match cost me to attend will stay home. SAM KEEN
  21. Shooter Grrl, You are NOT Stoopid, Just a little delerious from the heat John, Thanks for the Kind words but the real deal is I put it on the ground with some help, then you guys make it work, and ya'll did a Jam up job. Chad, ( one of the stage designers) see the above to John. Benny, Thanks for the kind words, I know we have room for improvement and as of now we intend to try this thing again. I will keep you updated on the Comps, many thanks. SAM KEEN aka HOPALONG
  22. WE ARE DONE To Freshen up Shooter Grrls memory, Limited HOA Travis Tomasie Open HOA Malcome Davis Tactical HOA Erik Lund Mississippi Section Champions ( ALL FROM CRSSA (host club)) Limited: David Littman Open: Nathan Hendrix Tactical: Chad "Cover Model" Lofton For all who came, A very big THANK YOU We gave the Red Cross a check for $1,500 To the Range Staff, 12 Thank yous' we had 5 questions all weekend, IMHO 50 shooters x 13 stages not too bad. Full results will be posted on our website www.crssa.com sometime this week( if I haven't worked the webmaster into the grond. ONE more note. Benny Hill donated 3 AR comps to be raffled off, 2/3 is to go to the Red Cross and 1/3 to the JR. shooter program. I/we will get out more info on that soon (after I recouperate) the drawing will be held in a few months to allow those who want their names in the pot to get them there. THANKS BENNY !!!!!! Sam Keen
  23. Tom, Wouldn't you know? it looks like my schedule will let me shoot A-3 and 5 on Satudays if possible then Friday, Sunday is last choice. Thanks Denise,and Arnie Maybe it will work out that way HOPALONG
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