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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Merlin, I am actually 2/3 through a book titled: MENTAL TOUGHNESS TRAINING FOR SPORTS... Achieving Athletic excellence. By Jemes E. Loehr, Ed.D. Forward by Arthur Ashe. Pretty good reading, can only read a little at a time and then digest that run it around in the head ect. then read some more. Brian is not too far off from this book himself (comparing his book to this one). And I do have Basshams book too, it is next on the list.... I will get to the point that I won't have to draw the gun or anything, the targets will just get all A's and the time will be "INCREDIBLE" With all this reading and knowledge I can even quit practicing Sam
  2. Just change B,and C hits down 1 point for minor and D hits get .5 points Leave A hits the same thus you get 5 points for A hit no matter what, 2 points for B and C hit and .5 for D hit if you shoot minor. Major will get the 5 point A 4 point B and C hit and 2 points for D hit. Now you have fairness in scoring vs. speed of the Minor guns. Before anyone hollers "Foul" I do shoot Major (M1a) but only because I enjoy shooting that gun and am more familiar with it than one of them Matel toys I really don't care personally about Major Vs. Minor but if they want to offer it I will certainly take it. The biggest thing I see with Rifle is equipment... There is TONS of stuff made for the AR but finding half the stuff like it for a M1A is almost impossible a little better for AR-10. (30 rnd mags is one example). my little bit of input.... Hopalong
  3. Chet...... GOOD for YOU !!!! If I worked at a second Job Just to get a new Blaster you d@mn right I'm going to get D@MN well what I please ! Hope you like it as much as we do !!!!! HOPALONG And I don't even like OPEN Blasters but can really appreciate a good one when I see it. TOO NOISEY
  4. I got your back Jake Not only do I think Jake can do it..... He will do it before USPSA nationals, AND make top 5 at USPSA nationals AND that Anderson Feller will do it too maybe not before Nationals though as if he is going to win Nationals he needs to not worry about a sub 3 El Prez.... GO for it Jake and Steve..... I can back you up for 6 shots !!!! Hopalong
  5. Why Dennis ? Now you don't have to put down the Limited gun and shoot the wheel gun, so that should be right down your alley to be Alabama State Limited Champeen for 2005 !!! And you will get a slot for USPSA Nationals where you can bring the wheelgun and have some real fun..... Piss on this shooting it at a measley little section match SAM
  6. Patrick, Did you get your "Revolver Team" assembled ? Who are the members ? ya'll going to shoot as a team at the USPSA Nationals too ? (to see how that works) Hope ya'll do good, Shoot straight, fast, and make quick reloads Hopalong Watch out for SPOOK !!!!!
  7. You are quite welcome Jake !! Another Surprise shooter (not to us) will be David Littman in Limited, if he can get back on his foot and trust it I will say top 20 with a Master class score. Now...... WHO WILL BE SECOND in revolver ???? We have our USUAL suspects.... Seeney, Waldinger, Walsh, Winters, Mainus My prediction is not the same guy as the last two years (Sorry Pat) and only one of the top 5 will be from the top 4 of last year. Jerry Miculek Rudy Walinger Cliff Walsh ? Mike Carmoney I deliberately left my name out as I will do as usuall, Pick the two highest match point stages of the match to crash and burn on. And I will stick with Dough Koenig in L-10 even though Robbie will most likely shoot in it After shooting Production the 3 days before (and winning) Hopalong Go get them sgtglock
  8. RoundgunShooter, Mine is not very ammo sensitive, Ok I have yet to go soft enough to make it not cycle and have tried several sub Major loads (really soft).... It has cycled loads that my M1A National match won't cycle... 110 grn with 40 grns 2520 Acurate arms, man they are like shooting a 30/30 auto Have not had time to play with mine too much this winter but will be toying around with it after the Florida Open getting ready for Alabama Tactical. And RS is correct if you go Heavy metal/ He Man the scope is a NO NO. I shoot mine in Tactical Division in USPSA and no one cares at a Tactical (mgm) match if not shooting Heavy Metal. Hope that helps, Next we need to find GOOD RELIABLE 30 round Mags, they are not needed all the time but sometimes they are Mandantory !!! Hopalong Sorry Bruce, I feel for you man without my specs I could not see past the peep myself.
  9. TruConserve, Welcome to the forums ! This Place is so full of helpfull information you will not know where to start. Another book once you get going and if you decide to persue this hobby further is Steve Andersons book on Dry fireing (poor mans practice) or (man that can't get to the range much) Found here on the forums too, in the Classifieds. Go over the training and techniques threads and that should get you started. Hopalong
  10. Benny, It is Florida we are talking about.... Don't you mean GATORS? You going to make this match Benny ?
  11. If I read it correctly, multiplyers are the same but only up to 5 matches can be used, (best 5 if you shoot more than 5) Hop
  12. Hey wait Jeff, He has half of that down already...... He shoots Revo............Sometimes anyway have a good one there Limited40 HOP
  13. Bruce, I don't think I saw this so I will throw it too you to chew on.... for scoring Major vs Minor and then allowing shooter choice on Paper targets... When the shooter declares Major and/or Minor Pf then both rifle and Pistol must fith that category... That will let them shoot either on paper and not lose points if having major pistol and Minor rifle. Real simple, all the shooters have to do is shoot all Alpha hits And you already have my suggestion on Tactical Rifle (somewhere) AND Thanks for being "upfront" on the 3-gun stuff in USPSA we need more folks like you that are "OPEN MINDED" Hopalong
  14. OK I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a few predictions Biggest surprise shooter in Nationals.....(per Division) Open...........Jake, Di Vita........Top5 Limited......... Lord ONLY knows but My $$$$$ is TT winning the whole 9 yds L-10........... This Division is the Ghost Division it has several GREAT shooters but it is a toss up. My $$$$ on Doug Koenig (but remember they shoot with OPEN) Production.......Matt or Angus gets within 5% of David if they don't get him Revolver........Surprise shooter.......Mike Carmoney.......Top 5 and Division winners.... Open....... Max Limited......Travis L-10..........Doug Production. TGO (just a hunch that he will shoot his XD) REV...........MR. Miculek Now lets here it, what do you think? HOP
  15. My .41 mag is Silver looking and has 6 inch barrel..... HOP Model designated : 657
  16. Jeff, Have committed to A-4, with 3 others and will have to play this one by ear.... Because of the JOB I will tell you now that it doesn't look very good But Never Fear.... donation will most likely show up from TN HOP
  17. Sorry Can't make it to that one, Family coming in from CA, TX, NC Oh well, can't make them all..... Plus need to cut back from last year HOP
  18. Fomeister, For My 610..... It is Chamfered, Yes I recommened a Chamfer Job especialy on the 610, I have Hearthco Moon clips and am really satisified with them, I use 155 grn Round Nose precision bullets (NO lead smoke and is as clean as Jacketed and cheaper too) as for which hand.... in IDPA I use right handed reloads exclusively as it is the faster of the two styles of reload for me.... In USPSA it depends.... If moving from the right to left and I have time I prefer to use the left hand reload to help keep the muzzle away from the 180.... And once I get past mid body a left hand reload is as fast as a righthand reload havin to reach around to get it. I practice both and might catch Spook one of these days (if someone breaks his fingers) and am quite comfortable doing either type of reload so there you go. (Thread Drift) NTPS shoots the 12 & 13th of February, that is when they are doing the classifier match (my understanding) go to www.ntps.org and click on Contact Us to make sure as the web site has not been updated. The rest of the info is "not for sure" type of stuff that they are still talking about. Sam
  19. Like Troy said.... "Yeah What Jake said" Who by the way would most likely smoke some serious A$$ with a Round gun too.!!!!! Funny thing you mentioned that Ron, At the matches I attend AND help set up stages I always hear "NOT very revolver friendly" after a walk through of a stage that has 7,8 or 9 shots from 1 position then goes to another just like it. I just smile and tell them "I'M used to it". Folks, I shoot my revolver at a USPSA match for MY own personal reasons and I don't care if it is revolver friendly or not I just want to SHOOT just like everyone else there at the match. AGAIN I state Shooting a revolver in USPSA matches is COMPETELY different than with any other type gun, because of stage design, shot numbers (in the gun and in the stage) and because of all the reloads that are required, and you have to WANT to do that if you choose to shoot revolver in USPSA Another thing, when I set up stages some times I set them up "revolver friendly" and other times I don't.... Most of the time it has to do with what I am trying to Challeng in the shooters skills than with it being "revolver friendly" or not. LEAVE IT ALONE, or add OPEN REVOLER too !!!! Hopalong / SAM KEEN
  20. Spook, 1911 uses "Jerry's" style of reloading evidently, thus you being the way you reload are "Backwards" BUT I will take a 1.29 Backwards reload....... sure beats the hell out of my 1.90 +/- (these are standing still times by the way).... Getting ready for Florida Open, will get to shoot an Alligator ????? Agian welcome to the forums 1911user... Hopalong
  21. 1911user, Welcome to the forums start at the holster and go left until it is uncomfortable getting your speed loaders with your right hand. (that should get you around 6) then put 1 or 2 behind your holster, these will be Insurance loaders and hopefully you will never have to need them unless you charge the gun with them. Hope that helps. Hopalong
  22. Sestock About your poll, If you go by your own numbers and you go to the average club level match in our neck of the woods you will never have more than 2 revolver shooters per match. At My local club we average 7 shooters per match and there is always 1 revolver shooter and we have had as many as 4 at the same time and there were 12 shooters that day. At the Memphis match they average 23 shooters a match and I shoot mine and there are 3 there that shoot thiers as a second gun sometime. Your own numbers say 8% of classied revolvers in Data base so that would be .8 revolvers for every 10 shooters so you would need 20 plus shooters to get a whole revoler there. (see my club, 1 in 7 sometimes more) and Mempis too... I do believe that revolver division will grow some, due to the unrest in IDPA but we (USPSA shooters) must not tell them they can't shoot their stuff because it was not popular in the past. I.E. discontinue the division. (THREAD DRIFT) If we want to embrace the unsatisfied IDPA shooters WE (USPSA Local clubs all the way to the top at SEDRO) Must extend welcome and make sure they know there is a place for them to shoot their gear without having to get more. (L-10, Production, and Revolver. Leave it alone or if anything allow "OPEN REVOLVER" to generate more interest and participation.... ICORE has almost even number of OPEN vs. Standard revolvers why not get them too? Well going to go reload .308 for 3-gun I have rambled enough. SAM KEEN / Hopalong
  23. I went to comment (about numbers) on the poll Sestock listed and it is locked, what gives? SAM
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