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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. I don't know if they are available..... but they are certainly capable of hosting the match/get together.... Clarks range Shreveport LA Double Tap ranch Witichta Falls TX Jackson MS (patches's place) FWIW HOP
  2. Flex, It is easy to count to six..... Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Click = 7 If you can, hook me up with Airedale and Mrs. Airedale and Zookeeper (Jack Jawor) and any others who desire to be shown the correct way to NOT shoot revolvers !!!!!! Hell how about a Saturday Revolver squad ????? SAM
  3. Para P16-40..... did it while unload & show clear.... not a sharp pull but steady, brass got me between the thumb and forefinger of my left hand (I shoot right handed)... Was racking slide from the back !!!! 3 stitches at 100 bucks a stitch !!!! Saw it happen with STI 9 months later...... Could happen..... all the round has to do is slip out of the extractor before it is pushed out by the ejector!!!! Hop
  4. Maybe the "balance" of the gun just fits you better and thus you shoot it better??? I have an Identical 625 borrowed from a friend that is set up exactly like my match gun except it has a .400 trigger and mine is the .325. I shoot it better at longer ranges than mine but still do Ok with mine. Like I said the other is a back-up so better not get too used to it!!!! Stick with what is more "comfortable" Hop
  5. Airedale, I am shooting on Saturday, hopefully not the only wheelgunner in my squad (flex) Would LOVE to have an Airedale, but not able to have anything that eats except when I feed it.....(625 ect) Wlktheduk, Have 646 with loads that make 128,000 power factor, lots of moon clips and a bladetec holster not enough moonclip holders though, she is welcome to it. pretty nice light weight heater !!!!! See you there !!!! One Tennessee country boy that intends to improve the class of Ohio if only for a weekend HOP
  6. Good thinking TL, I voted for Low overhead match, as I would like to see some of the funds go to BE.com forum expenses, Upgrades ect. Next would be a poll for place and time...... not everyone will be able to attend no matter when or where but need to go with the percentages. My little input. SAM
  7. I'm with The Loopman and Zman...... would like to see a shoot off included though....(man are they fun!!!!!) Hop
  8. What I would like to see at the first match like this would be... std revolver shooters somewhere around 30 Open revolver shooters.... as many as possible I know some would shoot both as it would be a 2 day shoot to allow that to happen but 20 or so would be great !!! There are some revolver shooters in ICORE that shoot OPEN only, that is who I am after to get participating with the open class. I know that having an Open class at a regular match would take a few std revolver shooters away and into Open class but even though they are not shootin Std revolver they would be there and shooting a revolver of some sort thus you are not losing them they are only shooting a different gun, plus if it was available(open) and a match picked up 3-5 more shooters due to that you have just made vast gains in the revolver division. lets do some Hypathetical math. this year compared to what might happen USPSA 2004 nationals.............18 revolver shooters 2006 nationals w/ Open rev. 15 (maybe some of the ICORE guys jump in) of that 15 say 5 left std division for Open so you now have 15 or so Std for those who started since the 2004 and the 15 for Open revolver that would total 30 revolver shooters.... compared to 18.....Never have there been 20 so as far as percentages go that would be the biggest jump in participation ever. But compared to the 2004 IDPA nationals (58) DAMN where did USPSA go wrong? (AGAIN) I may be jumping out on a limb but I don't see that many this year with the new ESR division and all the new rules.... I for one was going to go but will not as I bought a 646 to use in IDPA and now that it would be an ESR gun and as light as it is it is not comfortable at all shooting 165,000 PF loads. I would rather shoot my .41 magnum with full house loads. But that is just me. Any way, I don't see where having a revolver open division would hurt anything at all.... could only help. ( I know, I already hear it coming...."They could shoot their open revolvers in OPEN division") Why would anyone want to shoot an 8 shot revolver against a 30 round open gun in a 32 round field course? aside from getting in the practice? You don't see the single stack Open steel guns shooting in the Open division in the Nationals either..... But most of those guys that shoot that have a OPEN race gun (there is a place to shoot them) I do not intend to shoot Open anything, as I don't like the noise of the comp. But Open Autos have a place to shoot USPSA/IPSC why shouldn't open revolvers???? Sorry for the thread drift and rant but it just kind of came out !!!! Hopalong
  9. My gear, Springield M1A scout squad with PDP3 forward mount scope for tactical USPSA and factory Irons for He man. I have a Bushmaster AR but do not use it for 3gun. Reminton 11/87 stock Duck gun converted to 3gun.... choate +5 mag tube, speed chute, 3gungear forearm side saddle, sidesaddle, uncle mikes stock shell holder (I can have 25 shells in and on the gun when completely loaded) usually have to borrow a pump for he man Pistol..... Para P16 Limited for Tactical matches and tactical in USPSA(or a glock 17) Kimber Custome Elite .45 for He Man Smith&Wesson 610,646,625,25-2 for He man or just really there for a good time Too much fun!!!! Hop
  10. Funny.............Very Funny.......... 10,000 comedians in this world out of a job...... And you two trying to be one !!!! See you sometime, somewhere..... Sam BTW, Horse and Buggy...... That would be Cowboy Action would it not???
  11. Jake, Good to hear from you !!! When asked by the uninformed that are interested I give this comparison.... USPSA is like Drag racing to this extent. Open guns are the TOP FUEL Dragsters Limited guns are the FUNNY cars L-10 is the Alcohol burners Production is the Street Rods and Revolver is Stock that usually gives them some type of idea of where they want to try. FWIW Sam
  12. Well looking at the names of Revolver shooters intending to make the Ohio Section. A level III match There could be 20 or more especially if the word got out.... It looks to me there are around 15 already pretty well committed to going, the stages look pretty good, should be fun. Another thing, if there are 20 or more, Slots to the 2006 nationals will be awarded, better to win one than hope to get one through the waiting list (According to Troy, the Nationals are full and if you did not get on the list pretty quick you are most likely not going to get a call). Hope to see some of you there, Please introduce yourself, I will be the one shooting Saturday with a High speed Low drag Haircut and a Big Iron hanging on his hip ! also with a Limp. Bubber, Ok is not as far from OH as TN maybe you could sneek up there too? Firewalker? See ya there !!! Hop / SAM
  13. Well if my work goes as it is now I will be able to slip up there on Friday, shoot Saturday and go home Sunday... So therefore I have sent my $$$$ to Flex !!!!! Now Flex, how many more Revos do you need to get your 20 ???? Lets see: Carmoneys (2) Airedales (2) Barretone 1 Sweeney 1 Hopalong 1 Zookeeper (1) if Airedale can talk him into it !!! Roboman 1 RedMist 10 1 Bill Nesbitt 1 Marmot542 1 Wlkthduk 1 Mike McD 1 Phil G. 1 (listed by flex way back in the start of the thread) Grand Total = 15 Now if we can talk the new Revolver Master (Flex) into shooting..... Who by the way is supposed to be pretty good with one (see Redmist 10) and some of the guys not mentioned that might show up (D Carden) Fomiester, ect.... 20 is possible, not likely but possible I might drop Jerry M a line telling him about it, you never know (I think I will just tell him at A-6 next week)... You never know El, Conquistador may even show up! I'll tell him about it too !! See ya'll there, good shooting and have fun !!!! Hopalong
  14. WalterMitty, The current thinking in my mind is that we have a USPSA "style" match with USPSA rules verbatum except there be an open revolver division for two reasons. 1 get more participation from those who not only shoot ICORE with a open gun but the 8 shooters that are out there too... 2 show USPSA that there are enough open revolver shooters to support an open revolver sub division(hopefully) IE. keep revolver division just have an open and a std. sub division. I like the idea of getting with an already planned match and trying to get revos "concentrated" maybe someone can try it out, I will keep kicking the complete revolver match until I get it worked out. Thanks again SAM
  15. Getting close, two weeks from this past weekend !!!!!!! Looking forward to shooting with NEMO, RHINO and the rest !!!!!!! See some of ya'll there !!! SAM KEEN
  16. Gary, Thanks for the hard work !!!!! I am glad there are some of the influential out there that actually listen to what is being asked if even by a minority of shooters. SAM KEEN
  17. Waltermitty, Welcome, thanks for the input.... All is welcome and needed. a small bit of information for ya'll to see it from my angle.... I shot Limited for 3 years before picking up a Revolver, So I was already an IPSC/USPSA shooter for 2 years before even shooting my first IDPA match. I have enjoyed IDPA, have met some good folks and am glad to have done it but USPSA gets the nod, (more of a shooting challenge for me). when I hit A class Limited I traded it in (gun safe) for the Revolver and just wanted to get it up to par with the flat side.... Now I have gone way past the goals I orginally set with the round gun and still have not put it away. If I remember correctly there are less than 10 revolver masters in USPSA that actually have an 85% or better average, So if I can make that class that would put me in a pretty elite group so that is now on the list of goals that originally was not there. now you can see where I started and hopefully will end up. WalterMitty, I agree it will take the effort of a few to make USPSA revolver even as popular as IDPA revolver. Thankfully Jerry Miculek was a USPSA shooter before he started IDPA so we (USPSA revolver shooters) can claim his glory!!! If you have seen on some of the other Threads, I am working on trying to get a large USPSA style match organized and call it the Southern Revolver Championships or something like that..... I have the dedication to get this on the ground and will do that but it will be a class act..... not just another shoot to be forgotten in a week. I have been given a few names in the Industry to talk to and intend to do so when I am able to given my current occupational duties. So this is not forgotten, just on simmer for a while, could use some help though at a later time. Now back on the subject, from talking with the other revolver shooters in my neck of the woods (who by the way all shoot IDPA) their biggest reason they say they don't shoot USPSA with or without their revolvers is that they only have enough time to get in an Ocassionall IDPA match, and that is what they started shooting in so they are more Comfortable with it. Maybe one day.......... SAM Again thanks for all the input and info.... It will be put to good use.
  18. Shoot a revolver and only put 5 in the moonclips !!!! Ha Ha Ha I kill myself sometimes Hop remember Grrl..... This really fits with the crowd we shoot with..... "there always is a smart ass in the crowd..... Only this crowd is FULL of them" On a semi more serious note.... what helped me is actually practicing say 3 on a target or 5 on a target and eventually the "sound" gets in your head. hope that helps, that is the best way I can describe it. SAM
  19. Way to go Warrior Princess !!! Keep it up and you know where you will be!!! I ran it a little slower than you..... 8.35 54 points.... Revolver A.... I will check with OHIO USPSA in a little while and find out where we stand. Hop Just back from the Ohio USPSA site, complements of Roboman and Flex..... Shooter Grrl will be having a new classification if she keeps this up !!!! Warrior Princess..... 80 % ish!!!!!!!! Hop.....84% ish...... Sam
  20. Flex, Still trying to work this one in..... How many Wheel gun shooters ????? Can't know for sure until kind of close though.... Hop
  21. Rob welcome to the Forums To help with the confusion...... Brian is looking for the MOST HUMOROUS answer for this month !!!!!!! FWIW SAM
  22. There is no safety on a revolver for me to worry about Back when I was shooting a Limited Blaster I took it off with my weak hand. Hop
  23. Just throwing this out for you to see.... Would shooting static moving targets that were not activated be considered a "Considerate Advantage" ?????? Troy ??????? you out there MacTiger ?????? I agree on the poor course design....... The other I would have to go to the rule book as I can vaugely remember something of the sort..... Hop
  24. General Chang, To answer your question....... YES they do help each other.....BUT Not shooting the same gun, and different Powerfactors DOES not help you !!!!!! The lighter gun(pf) has a different feel, and your timing will be way off..... Shoot both with the same gun and load and then it will really help!!!!!! We shoot a steel match every 4th Sunday at our range (USPSA style stages but steel only) you will very quickly learn how to shoot steel..... You will get to where steel in a stage at a big match is kind of like a good warm up for the rest of the stage, and sometimes the rest of the match. Hope that helps, keep them burning !!!! Hop
  25. I know, I know, I know !!!!!!!! Since it looks like Flex is the whippin boy on this one........ IT's Flex's Brain on DRUGS !!!!!! Sorry Flex, I just couldn't stand it....... You are quite welcome to retallieate(spelling?) HOP
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