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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Jerry D. That pistol sure looks familiar !!!! Thanks again everyone, but like I said.... "We will see when they recalculate!" Sam Luke, good to hear from you.... Keeping Walsh and crew straight ?
  2. Greg, Talk to Dave Hearth at Hearthco. good luck. SAM
  3. Steve, Good seeing you in OHIO !!!! Around here in the South, it is bad luck to run over a turtle so you made some tactibillys day !!! Don't turn it up a notch, just take a notch out of the belt to keep from losing your pants !! Had fun in Ohio, hope you have fun in Ill shooting the XD !!! SAM
  4. Troy, I concurr. Not pissing in any one particulars cherios but..... This is thefirst time this had been done, there will be problems. If you have trouble, bring it up to someone who can fix it Politely and let them have elbow room to work. As with all types of squadding, not everybody will be happy, no matter how it is done, that is just the way it is. If you have solutions or suggestions, bring them up to the proper person(s)Politely and professionally. Bitchin and gripein don't do nuthin but piss folks off !!!!!! SAM KEEN
  5. Jerry always shoots with Kay if at all possible. I have the same problem, need to shoot with friends I'm riding up with and sharing a golf cart so It may be that I end up not shooting with ya'll. I will sneak off and come see you guys if at all possible.(break maybe) About this Subject; Thanks if it really turns out this way, we will see when they run the next set of classifiers. SAM
  6. Kimberly, Rob, What if you are pre squadded and are riding, sharing golf cart ect. with others and would rather/need to be off that pre squadded squad ? Thanks in advance. SAM
  7. Mike, We will see when all the numbers are turned in !!!!! If so thanks, (I think) Next on the list will be getting you and Dan in your correct places !!!!!!! All in All it is just a little peice of paper saying you got lucky at the right time and place !!!! As I stated earlier, "We will see" But thanx any way !!!! SAM
  8. You are finally old enough to purchase alcoholic beverages !!! Happy Birthday ! Hopalong
  9. I'm using Federal 210 Hollowpoints in my Smith&Wesson .41 mag, works great on deer in West TN. In my Super Redhawk I use the Hornady XTP 250 grn in ...45 colt and/or XTP mag in the Cassull brass !!!! Both work great too !!! Good luck with it, can't help on .357 as I don't use one. hopalong
  10. I personally couldn't think of two guys from A-6 that deserve it more !!!! YOU should have seen Fransico shoot the classifier at A-6 !!!!!(best run of the entire squad) Nemo, good for you that you get to go too !!! have fun, good luck !!! Hopalong
  11. The Ohio Revolver Championship is over and Patrick Sweeney came out on top when the smoke cleared !!!!! Congrats Pat !!! Carmoney did not let him go without a fight as they both duked it out on Sunday after the majority of the Revos had already shot on Saturday, and a few on Friday. The match was Well run due to Kyle's organizational skills and Brian Hanna's Fine Range Master work !!!!! GOOD JOB GUYS I'm Toasting you from Down here in the South !!!! Stages were fun, good tests of many skills and could be hard if you made it that way. WE MADE 20 SHOOTERS in Revolver Division..... SOME kind of RECORD for sure !!!!!!! I shot with 5 other Revo dudes on Saturday.... Never heard on single "southern boy Redneck joke"..... too bad I had plenty of Yankee Jokes waiting... Dave, Steve, Steve, Greg, Glen, and John it was my pleasure shooting with you guys and I'm honored to have done it you guys are all 1st rate !!!!! Dave(Airedale) has improved by leaps and bounds from the last time I saw him, good going Dave!!!! Carmoney like I said before (see thread about Nationals predictions) has pretty much figgured out the difference between IDPA and USPSA and is now a force to reckon with.....Good Work MIKE !!!! Sam Carmoney just gets better and better each time I see him, the 646 will be the downing of many a 6 gunner for sure !!!!! Para45 did not identify himself until the shooting was over but that was not too late, glad you made it, keep up the good work the form is there just need trigger time !!!! Redmist 10 had his brother in law there and they had this "Rivalry' thing going and that made it just that much more interesting to watch....Steve, Don't put up with that too long !!!! Damn there goes the memory again..... Phil, Keep it up you are right on the edge it is coming. I got to meet and talk to most all of the Revolver shooters at the match seems like 15 of them...... glad you guys made it, thanks for coming and I am honored to have been part of the "20". Gott Go !!! Hopalong I finally got to meet BILL NESBIT !!!!! not only a fine revolver shooter but a good man with a really nice WIFE !!!!
  12. Well we made it back to the Southern States without too much trouble !!!! I would like to thank Kyle and the rest of the crew for making us feel welcome and am glad we made the 9 hr trip up to not only shoot with ya'll but get to put faces with names and "handles". Congrats go to Patrick Sweeney for winning the "Ohio Revolver Championships" and my buddy Carmoney for keeping the pressure on him, you almost did it !!!! To the rest of my squad mates, I thouroughly enjoyed shooting with you and hope I made as good an impression on you as you did me !!!!! Kyle put on an EXCELENT match !!! (with the help of Steve Anderson) I will consider the 9 hr trip again next year for sure if they do it again !!!! Good match, Great folks, Great time. Hopalong Congrats to Shooter Grrl for High Ltd Lady...........(and she HATES LTD) Congrats to all else who showed up just to shoot you chose wisely I would like to add.... Congrats go to GmanCDP (Greg Brose) for 10th LTD-10 at his first Major Match !!!!!!
  13. Going ALL-OUT!!!!! looking for that 100% or NOTHING !!!! If WALSH can get one, surely the rest of us can !!!!! He SWEARS he can't shoot classifiers...... Now have that little man from over on the LEFT coast whispering in my ear at the BEEP of the next 12 months of classifiers !!!!!!!! See you in OHIO, Carmoney!! See you in Illinois, Danbagger !!! LMAO HOPALONG
  14. Airedale, I also resemble that remark about the high speed/low drag hair cut !! Unfortunately I have only myself shooting a wheelgun, have a partner in crime for the match but he still resists the LURE !!!! Thanks to Bill N. and all the other 17 revolver shooters, it is going to be a blast for sure. BDH, careful with the camera..... they have been known to not work properly after being pointed at MOI !!! See what Zookeeper is missing!!!! He needs to get his priorities in line..... Work is for when you don't have anything else to do !!!! Looking forward to it, Patrick if the news is correct from Flex, I'm sorry about your four legged friend. Hopalong
  15. Congrats Jerry !!!! It's a scarry thing...... another man named Jerry shooting a wheel gun ! Hop
  16. Congrats to those who deserve it !!!!! Congrats to those for going to THAT state 1 Main reason I don't !!!! Maybe one of these days they will move it out of there and I will make the trip too ! Bubber, Way to go MAN !!!! Congrats again !!! Hopalong
  17. Happy B-day!!!!!! non Habenero eating champ !!!!!! Good luck at A-3 and see you at Nats !!! HOP OK so I'm just a little late....
  18. hopalong


    Area 4 has come and went, Good Riddance !!!!!! 7 hr drive down Thursday, shoot Friday AM. and Saturday PM.... HOT both days but Friday PM was the worst of the bunch. Sunday AM, Awards, prize table and 7 hrs home. I got to meet all the other Revolver shooters but Jerry Quisenberry, seemslike you can never meet them all. Most stages were what I would call revolver Neutral, there is a way but you really had to look for it on some. Lots of ports and hard angles, some long shots (excluding the 50 yd standards) and some fast close stuff(most of the time had some kind of hard cover or no shoots though) a sliding plate rack at 15 yds or so.... 2 sets of sliding paper targets with two shoot and a no shoot between that came to rest behind Hardcover steel. as did the plate rack mentioned above.... Had a consistant match myself, need to work on moving targets a little though... The sliding paper targets were about 15 yds also but they turned out to be easier than they looked( We make some stuff harder than it really is) Aside from the sliding targets and the stars it was a pretty much gimmick free match but an extremely hard match, I think about the hardest one I have shot to date, including 2 USPSA Nationals. Arthur Lasseigne kept pressure until the end and ended up the Area - 4 revolver Champion (good shooting Arthur, see you at Barry) guys watch him he's a force to reckon with !!!! Rudy could not make it and sent Edgardo Catalan who did a fine job on His own. Dennis Gillaland and Ken Spruiell got to shoot together and team up on the rest of us but just ran out of time. Good meeting you Dennis and good to see you again Ken !!! Only got to talk to Robin Woods but maybe next time i can get to see him shoot too. In closing this match had to be about the hardest match I have ever shot and not far from the hottest either. OPEN friendly to say the least, NOT complaining but making an observation. Thanks to all who worked so hard, RO's, Stats, the others not seen behind the scenes, you did a FINE job !!!! Congrats to all who participated, just shooting this match was an accomplishment !!! At least it did not rain again !!!!!! HOPALONG Scores are up at the USPSA website !!!
  19. Stan Wigginton, Started shooting the same time as Rob, Brian, Jerry B. ect. went through same school of hard knocks as they did. Have been shooting with him for 4 years now, and just now am starting to understand much of the things he has been trying to tell me !!!!! Hopalong Luckily enough I also work for him and get all this training (if you call it that) for free !!!!!
  20. Kyle says he has 17 entered, talking to another and Airedale is working another !!! Don't know for sure but I think there has never been 20 at a USPSA Nationals !!!! Redmist, Unfortunately like IDPA, USPSA doesn't really notice much about the Revolver division. but with turnout like this and other major matches maybe we can get some respect !!!! Major matches I've been to this year: Florida Open..........7......not too bad Arkansas section....4......not good at all !!! Area - 6 ...............10.....good but could be better Area - 4.................7......some usuall suspects missing (3) here's the kicker..........entry fees. Florida Open................. 200 x 7 = 1400 Ar section......................50 x 4 = 200 Area 6...........................125 x 10= 1250 Area 4...........................135 x 7 = 945 total.............................................$3,795.00 Maybe that will get someones attention !!!!!!! I'm sure Kyle doesn't mind us spending 50 bucks each entry on his match, if there turns out to be 20 that would be 1000 bucks he wouldn't have to use otherwise. Oh well off the soap box (sorry Kyle) Looking forward to seeing everyone (including you bottom feeder shooters) at the Ohio Sectional (revolver Championship) Hopalong
  21. Scores are up !!!! on the uspsa website. Hop Genghis, Welcome to the Forums, USPSA and congrats on making it through one of the hardest matches I have shot Period !!!!
  22. I voted for a 1 day format !!!! But I agree with Storm, offer a couple of squads or so 2 day formats mixed in for those with that prefference !!!! FWIW Hopalong Area - 4 this year format wise was better than the last 2 for sure !!!!
  23. Guninhand, Jerry M overlaps his righthand thumb over his left like your first example.... I myself put the left thumb on the frame under the Cylinder like shooting an Autoloader (that is what I started shooting so I did not change the grip style) It works for me, Might not for you.... something you should just try. grips are a kind of personal thing experiment with the two basic styles and sooner or later you will come up with something that works for you. Remember though, more pressure with the left hand than right to keep from too much tension in the trigger finger !!!!!! Good luck! hopalong
  24. Should be well worth 10 bucks !!!!!! Well now that the A-4 HOT BOX is over we can look forward to the OHIO REVOLVER CHAMPIONSHIP Just can't help it Flex !!!!!! Leaving Friday Morning, Shooting Saturday, Going Home Sunday !!!!!! SEE YA'LL THERE !!!! HOPALONG
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