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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. He told me that he was going to shoot a Auto loader. Don't know what kind. But and auto loader at that. Hop
  2. If you decide to chamfer your clyinder on the .357, remember that rimmed brass is unsupported back there and only knock off the sharp edge of the cylinder. It will help on speed load reloads as anything is better than the sharp edge. Hopalong
  3. Let me add just a little bit.... Dan Carden and Mike Carmoney have come from literally out of no where and have made a LARGE impact on the Revolver Division, Congrats again and keep up the good work. With the impact you two have had, Cliff cutting the distance between Jerry and the rest of the pack, revolver will become quite interesting in the next few years. On that note there were some very good revolver shooters from last year that were not at the Nationals this year, Maybe next year we can get them to come back and really make things more interesting. I know as well as every one else Revolver Division will always be the least popular of the 5 USPSA divisions but there is no reason it can't be one of the most competitive. Just an observation from an "Also Ran" Hopalong
  4. Yeah, What they said !!!!!! H-BD! Hop
  5. dry fire to your hearts content !!!! Good luck !! hopalong
  6. Well said Spook !!! I am lucky and have not had the blinking problem but it is really seen alot (no pun intended). What I recomend to some is start off with a small caliber (.22) and shoot it a while (they make a .22 caliber conversion for some glocks, plus it is cheaper shooting) and then work up to your gun, or past it that will help even more. Hope that helps on the blinking, spook hit it spot on for he trigger jerk. Hopalong
  7. Z, That would be curves then would it not? And to Danbagger,,,, We have already had that discussion. hop
  8. Damn Ray what happend to your Revolver ???? nice blaster ! Hopalong
  9. ZHunter, Don't worry about the angles, look at the sights !!!!! kind of like, don't look at the golf club swinging, look at the ball i think you can relate. Hop yes i know you are poking fun !!!!!
  10. OK so where is the real KURTM ??? What did you do with Him ????? You make it to my match in Mississippi and you will get to try out the new rules, I promise you will like them (and the match) See you there, gonna be GOOD and HOT!!!! SAM
  11. How many of you guys at Barry got to take your brass home besides the 20 revolver shooters ???? plus my tricked out 625 has maybe $550 in it, how much for a tricked out STI, SVI, Caspian..... you get the idea. Revolvers, the fun, cheap way to shoot IPSICK !!!!! Yeah I hear you already, "What's the fun of having to reload all the time?" The challenge in revolvers in not reloading all the time it is stage break down, first and foremost, then maybe reloads. My guess is if all you autoloader (back and forth shooters ) would shoot revolvers for a year, your stage times would plummet compared to before you shot it, but that is only a guess (has for me though when I shoot my back and forth). any way to each his own, I don't know about the rest of the wheel gun guys/gals but I don't want anything special, I just want to shoot and get and give respect where got and given. We all are in the same boat we don't need to be like the shotgun shooters in my area, think they are above the rest of the shooters because they have the "gentelemans sport" and everyone else are just a bunch of rednecks. That's it for me, hope to see some of you at the Tennessee Section (did I say GREAT MATCH and PRIZE TABLE) and If not there somewehere. Hopalong/ SAM KEEN
  12. Kyle Farris was 10th production, he shoots a Glock of some sort !!!! Way to go Kyle !!! I mean Flex !!!! hop
  13. QUOTE... Randy, The gun ran great..... If anyone wants to know the best place to get your gun tuned up, ask Randy ! He can point you in the right direction.... Cliff UNQUOTE B**t Kissing sounds heard between FLORIDA and ARIZONA !!!!! on a more serious note. Sure would be nice to get some more of you "Westerners" to come shoot, might even make 30 next year !!!!! (Randy and crew out west) Hop
  14. Rob, MY THOUGHT EXACTLY !!!!!! Good pics though even if they are from a "BEGINNER" Cooper_999 USPSA has not announced where and when the Nationals are for next year, as some of the guys in administration are not very good at it and can't seem to plan very far ahead. great match !!!!! even though it was the Limited Nationals......with production and Revolver Divisions now back to the pictures...... Hopalong
  15. Quick update, Room for more !!!!!!! Match info (hotel, round count ect) up at www.crssa.com or www.3gunmatches.com Sponsors as of today: Mid South Tactical Network........Paul Ertsgaard......www.mstn.biz Triangle Shooting Sports............Benny Hill.........www.trianglshootingsports.com Calvary Arms...........................Russel Phagan....www.calvaryarms.com Montana Gold Bullets................Jolene and Norm...www.montanagoldbullet.com Sprinfield Armory...............................................www.springfield-armory.com Gun Steel targets.....................Max Davidson..........www.gunsteel.com please check these folks out, some you know....some you may not. take a look, if possible help them out...they are supporting the sport. Thanks see you in September !!!!! SAM KEEN
  16. Randy Lee, Piss on being on the pit crew !!!!!! Bring that hogleg and get in the race !!!!!!! We need more new faces to come whip our azz, like this year !!!!! More fun than whould be allowed by law !!!!! (according to some) SAM Great pics Mike !!!!
  17. As far as I know there were NO speed loader guns at USPSA Revolver Nationals, I did not get to see what Mark W. shot but my money would be on a moonclip gun. I did not get to shoot on the Revolver squad but did get to see them shoot a stage, they all looked like they were having a good time and really enjoying themselves, maybe next time...... Congrats to all...... D. Carden, I have your plaque e-mail me your snail mail address and I will get it too you !!!!!!! Hopalong
  18. You think they messed up the production awards....... M.Voight and crew F***ED the revolver division !!!!!!!!! He forgot Jerry until the last minute and said "oh yeah 1 more thing", and announced Jerry as the revolver champ , let him talk and announced it over(awards), the top 3 for which there were plaques did not even get thier names announced or get to get them in a formal way, they just had to go get them after it was all over with and pick them up. LTD-10, Prodution and Revolver.......USPSA's BASTARD STEP CHILD !!!!! Don't believe it take a look at the front of the Nationals shooters book (post 15,16,17,18) on this thread !!!!! Other than that small brush off the awards cerimony was the best yet, fast and somewhat efficient and the prize tables were really finally organized for good speed. The match itself was good, hot, and rather enjoyable thanks to the great work from all the Range Officers, good job !!!! without you this would be not the quality match it is. Squad 5, good shooting with you guys, good meeting you, hope to do so again some where. Congrats to all !!!! SAM KEEN
  19. Well they are over, "Whew" !!!! First of all I want to congratulate each and every one of the revolver shooters for attending what is the largest number of revo shooters in a USPSA Nationals yet!!! USPSA considers revolvers a thorn in their side obviously, since at the awards cerimoney the top 3 did not even get thier names and plaques announced and handed out. Congrats go to Jerry for the National title again, Cliff for his strong second(he truly deserves the M card as he has now shot 85% of Jerry at a major match way to go cliff) Dan Carden has stepped up and delivered a fine performance coming from the part of the world where ICORE rules the roost. I called Dan a few times in the last two or three weeks and what was he doing? That thing that starts with a P and it was not Physical Training !!!!! Now to my buddy Carmoney, Good Job !!!! In the predictions thread I had you making the top 4 thanks for not making a liar our of me !!!!! keep up the good work, you have transitioned well into this USPSA game. I will keep it short so everyone doesn't get bored. I did not get to shoot with all the guys and still don't regret it as I had a great time on squad 5 (GREAT SQUAD BY THE WAY) I usually hit the stages before the "Revolver" squad did but late in the match when I got to the ones they had shot I kept hearing from the RO's "The rest of the revolver shooters did not do it that way" so I kind of would have liked to seen how ya'll did them. Sam Carmoney shot 50% of Jerry !!!!!!! Way to go Sam, you never fail to impress me !!!! Mark W. (not trying the spelling) D.Q.d by breaking the 180 getting his gun out of the briefcase so he unfortunately got sent to the showers early, Sorry Mark, keep your head up !!!!! I did get to B.S. with the Revos before and after the match and a little during, I had a good time, got to see some of you I had not seen in a while and hope it won't be so long before we meet again. Congrats to all, good seeing you again, hope to see you on a range somewhere, sometime. Sam "Also ran" Keen
  20. FWIW, I also prefer the Millet Assembly (medium) and all my revos (S&Ws) have them on them. My reason: I started Shooting USPSA with a Para p-16-40 and when I switched to Revo the sight picture did not look the same, found a millet tried it and YEE-HAA the same sight picture as the Para !!!! Now have found out it is a really, really, rugged sight..... well worth the price if you ask me..... Oh yeah, I prefer the all black front and back sights, no fiber optic no gold dot no white outline just black. But what works for me may not for you, test, find out what works for you !!!!! Hope that helps...... Hopalong Oh and Carmoney, see your new master thread, the new master has something to say !!!!!!
  21. Can you say.........BUSTED!!!.........
  22. Those lists are LOADED with BE.comers just an example of the quality of information to be found on these great forums !!!!!! Thanks BRIAN !!!! Hopalong
  23. Happy Birthday from Tennessee !!!!! I'll play "Rocky Top" for each of you, That is the ULTIMATE compliment !!!! May you 3 have many many more !!!! Hopalong
  24. Caspian45, If you are shooting a USPSA match you get a free trip home, Breaking the 180... for those who will disagree go to the USPSA website and get on the NROI rules forum, they talk about that and make a difinitive ruling. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but for now that is just the way it is. Hopalong and I too don't particularly care to look down a muzzle, Loaded or unloaded !!
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