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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Hmmmmm...... Sounds like a show and tell fixing to happen !!!!! Get "EM" ready !!!!! See ya'll there. Hop
  2. Yeah, Right, Whatever you say !!!!
  3. hopalong

    1 And 1 Drills

    Was goofing off yesterday Live fire had a few loaded rounds left and for some reason tried this very drill except 2 pepper poppers at 12 yds. Draw .95 reload 1.95 both poppers down. The only time I did it. Now I know some of you are saying 1.95 that's slow..... but I was shooting the wheel gun and Jerry says anything 2 or better is fast so I'll take it 3 days before Nats. !!! Good drill, most likely need to do it more often. Hop
  4. Ok, they showed up on mine..... AND for your information Mr. Carmoney, it is now 83% Don't see it any time in the near future as they are all accounted for...... Like I told you... If the stars line up just right, the moon is full and I hold my mouth right....... I acutally see MR. D. Carden getting there before I do.... and Mr. Mike Carmoney getting into A class before I hit M..... Mike....."B" class my AZZ !!!! So see all you s@ndb@ggers at the Nationals, where we all will get the SH!T kicked out of us by Jerry and Rudi..... Hopalong
  5. Flex, Take a good sight picture on the keyboard !!!!!! You are getting too many MIKES in your spelling......
  6. Way to go Keith !!!!! Congrats on the "Two Alpha" Man I just could not resit that one !!!! Any way, Ironsides and a 100% !!!!!! I shot that one about 3 months ago and got a 96% or was it 93? any way very good 5 more 100% and you will be the man !!!! See you Satuday or Sunday. SAM
  7. Ronnie, I do have a "dark side" to me....... Red dot on the M1A !!! You don't have anything to worry about, the Hoppin Ltd gun has about 2 years worth of dust on it I have to try and get off in 3 weeks before the match. (TN section is last of August and I will be shooting the wheelgun there) Dave, I did shoot the "bottom feeder" almost 3 years before moving to the Wheelgun but just kind of picked it up and "ran" with it. Maybe Benny will build my new Ltd gun to look and feel like a wheel gun but hold 20 rounds... Looking good for Sept. SAM
  8. I'm all up for Chops at the Elkton..... sam
  9. Flex, Just for your info....There are no OHIO scores listed for me but I really don't care one way or the other, just thought you might want to know. Sam
  10. Way to go Minkster !!!!!!! I mean WHO STER
  11. Hi Denise !!!! Thanks for the hard work, Save one of the tickets for me !!!! who is going to have them, you and Arnie ???? See you there, gonna be fun !!!! (and HOT) SAM
  12. You mean "Don't get any A class FUNK on your master class ammo that is in TENNESSEE !!!! Price is going up on the RANSOM !!!!!! See you there, ammo or not !!!! SAM
  13. Bob, Welcome to the forums !!!!! good to have you aboard. We are driving up on Saturday, Sat night beers on Cliff sounds fine to me !!!!! Being we shoot on Sunday afternoon we can all have that 1 more !!!!! We are staying at the Altoff on the Northside of Quincy. Hate to be the party pooper for Tuesday but Max has invited me out with them for Beers and steaks so Saturday would be best for me. See ya'll There, I have D. Cardens, Cliff W, and Carmoney's Ph. no. so If they know something I will too. Sam, HOPALONG, MR. Clean, KEEN
  14. I switched out of Limited when I ran into a brick wall and couldn't seem to get around it. Don't really know why I went to Revolver except that I had favorable results with it the few times I did shoot it. Man did I go overboard !!!! I see myself going back to Limited or maybe even production, I don't like OPEN as they are too Noisy and not a real gun Hope that helps, maybe you'll enjoy shooting another division. SAM "HOPALONG" KEEN
  15. Airedale, I always shoot my M1A !!!!!!! I will NOT be shooting The Revolver, as I'm not that crazy !!!!! I will be shooting the .40 Para with BIG FAT Mags that hold WAY more than 6 rounds !!!! On another NOTE: Hotel and Round count will be going up on the www.crssa.com website today, 3gunmatch.com website whenever curtis gets the time to post it and here on the 3-gun match website "GEORGE" has when I get it to him and he posts it. We are talking about giving away 1... Springlfield M1A by Random draw at the match, with every ones entry getting you 1 ticket and more for sale at the match only for 5 bucks each or 5 for 20 bucks...... (so only folks at the match can win it) Feed back on this......... Ya'll want us to do it????? Hopalong / Sam Keen
  16. I want to give credit where credit is due !!!!! Cliff Walsh from Florida is the Newest Revolver Master in USPSA !!! Quite an accomplishment, as he is only the 10th one with a true 85% or better. There are a few others but they are by default (GMs in other divisions). Congrats Cliff, keep up the good work, 7 more percent and you will be the 2nd GM in Revolver Division !!!!! Hopalong
  17. A few more obsvervations..... I must correct myself, there are 19 revos at this years Nationals. An Increase, small but it is better than a loss !!!! Last year the "classifications" looked like this: GM........1 A..........1 B..........14 D..........1 Kind of "B" heavy I think !!! This Year: GM.......1 M.........2 A.........4 B.........8 C.........3 Unknown.1 Last years returns are: Miculek......GM Walsh........M Sweeney....A Winters......A Keen..........A Mainus.......B Perdue.......B Timberlake.B Glad to see you guys are back for more AZZ whipping from Jerry !!! And you others to get a good dose of said AZZ whipping !!!!! See ya'll there !!!! Sam
  18. Now Patrick, don't get your blood pressure up !!! Cliff is the only one to get the M card, "BOUT TIME" too !!! There is still lots of work for me to do to get there, but if the stars line up, the moon is full, and I hold my mouth right.......maybe I know you can do it too, all you have to do is shoot 85% of Jerry next week at the Nationals and Sedro Wooley will make you a Master anyway !!!!!! thats all, nothing big or that hard to do !!! See you Sunday, Drive carefully ! Hopalong, Mr. Clean, Sam, Dumb AZZ or whatever else as long as it isn't Late for Dinner !!!!
  19. Mike, I told you so !!!!! Way to go Cliff, glad you got that "I can't shoot classifiers" monkey off your back !!!! Now how much are you going to pay for these bullets I'm holding for Ransom ???? Hopalong Mike, Keep in mind about the best 6 from the Last 8..... I had a 93 % get replaced by a 76 % so I never try to figue out if it will go up, down or stay the same, I just look when they change (If I think of it)......or someone in IOWA reminds me Also noticed that D. Carden went up with his percentage......80% hmmm not bad for a "beginner" !!!! (as he calls himself)
  20. Jerry V. "I have" Don't worry those are "growing pains" Guninhand, Don't get down, or even worry at all, it will come.... Hopalong
  21. I went to the "top 20" because of MR. Byron Simpson making it in "C" class... Congrats Byron !!!!! While I was there I just happened to check the Junior "top 20" Well, sitting there in the top spot of "C" class is SAM CARMONEY !!!!!! Way to go Sam !!!! I know it has to be the name !!!! Any one named SAM that shoots REVOLVERS has to be OK !!!!!! Keep it up, The old man is already getting worried!!!!!!! Hopalong/ SAM Keen
  22. Caspian 45 Did I see your name on the same squad as Mine?????? If so be ready for the best, funnest, most bestest time you have had as it is gonna be great !!!! Hopalong SAM KEEN
  23. Now Carmoney, cut that Sh!t out !!!! That is exactly what I was talking about !!! We all know Sam Carmoney is going to kick azz and take names, and very soon he'll be taking your and my names too !!!! See you there !!! SAM aka Mr. Clean aka Hopalong
  24. Well, with less than a week to go..... Any body want to change, or Add to it ???? Mine is still the same... That's my story..... Hopalong Lady Open ? Kay Miculek Lady LTD ? Renee Tyson Junior Open ? Brad Balsey Junior LTD ? Here is the question... too many, Kind of like LTD !!! I know we could go on forever but lets just stop with those.
  25. Dave, I use the Moons..... I want to as closely resemble match day as possible, thus the moon clips. I have tested without the moons and really can't say there was a difference. but again, I want to resemble match day as close as possible..... FWIW. Sam
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