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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. If USPSA was to host such a match, how long would that take????? 1 week of pistol matches,a weekend to kill the range workers trying to switch it over to 3 gun stuff and a week of 3 gun..... Two weeks......I like shooting as much or more than the rest of you, but NOT for me !!!! And I do shoot 3-gun and like it as much as pistol only. HOP
  2. John, I am not familiar with the brand you mention.... Have dealt with, Knight, Thompson, Remington(Mine). All 3 are good quality guns, my 700mls (muzzle loader Stainless) is about 10 years old now and still will keep a 240 grn Hornady .44 bullet in a skoal can at 100 yds. Price is an issue with muzzle loaders, you can spend as much as you want so just have fun with it. good luck, see you in September. SAM
  3. I haven't discussed that with Paul, let me get in touch with him and I will let you know..... Good question, thanks for asking. SAM
  4. Bob, I have used the Precision 200 grn and 230 grn bullets, good choice cheaper than plated/Jacketed and don't smoke. California comp makes the metal stud that goes in them, they are for 627 but will work on 625 moons too. Good luck, welcome to the world of Revolvers......Some of us like it here!!! Hopalong
  5. Well, shot this again for the first time in about 2 months...... 2.09........6 A 2.49........2 A, 3 C, 1 M 1.30 in penalties 3.32........3 A, 3 C .30 in penalties total 7.90 + 1.60= 9.50 COLD first 18 shots of the day !!!! (except the mike) After about 1 hour of shooting other stuff I reshot this...... 2.00........6A 2.62........6A 3.07........5A, 1D .50 in penalties Total 7.69 + .50 = 8.19 If you notice, the times are not much different.....BUT look at the penalties Hopalong Oh yeah, shooting Revolver
  6. Thanks Mike !!! I did not want to let the cat out of the bag too soon, but since you did I will too. Back in the spring I contacted Mr. Bane about this exact subject, he told me at the time to make sure I scheduled with him and his production crew before I set an exact date....Thus the "sometime next fall"!!! After the Mississippi 3-gun match in September (That I am the Match Director) I will be contacting Mr. Bane with some prospective dates, and then contact the Ranges that could be the place of Said Match. When we get settled then we (I) will get the ball rolling.... I don't need stages, I have match booklets from MAJOR matches for 3 years now and will be using them with some modifications if needed. (to enhance TV coverage). So that gives about a year to get this all lined up and on the ground any volunteers to help any way possible ????? SAM......The guy who I think is just about CRAZY !!!!!!!
  7. Dan, Until there is a classification system for Multi gun we get to go by our pistol classification. No you are not tied to your L-10 gun but it will not be at a disadvatage to have one. Thanks for the interest in the match. Sam
  8. Sps, I like my Fist leather holster. It is made for an N frame but I think I saw one available for the smaller guns too. there are options for the first holster, mine is a fbi cant like you describe with a reinforced opening on top for stiffness (no snap) it "clicks" in around the trigger guard like a Kydex. good luck, Hopalong
  9. Ill be the one shooting a wheel gun on Friday, assessing all other wheel gunners MAJOR Procedurals and Misses and Hits on No shoots on Saturday and Sunday !!!! And If you autoloader guys/gals giggle too much at the afore mentioned assessments on the other wheel gunners you will get your share too !!!!! Looking forward to many smiling faces. Hopalong
  10. Thanks for the clarification Kyle. I have been told that a recognized match is indeed a level 1 match.... BUT With limitations like Revolvers will be the only division to get awards, ect. All divisions will be allowed to shoot but only the one(s) the match officals deem "important" to be "Recognized". We might do a recognized match one day and a REVOLVERS match the next, that is all still being tossed around by me and the Range mgmt. We will see.... but let me get past this 3-gun match first. SAM
  11. SO sorry to hear this sad story, prayers for all involved. SAM
  12. Seems like the web site for the Ashetons is..... WWW.Texastartargets.com or something real similar..... GREAT PEOPLE, GREAT PRODUCT !!!!! I have shot both, the MGM is a good product also, I preferr the Ashetons but everyone has their own opinion. Mike Gibson really supports our sport as do the Ashetons so either way I don't think you can go wrong. SAM KEEN
  13. Mr. Norman, I did see where you mentioned all 5 divisions in your thread. You then go on to mention only 4 in the very next sentance. I also think you did not do it on purpose, BUT..... Me personally I don't care, but for the guy out there just lurking and thinking about trying our sport who sees this kind of non-inclusion, what is he/she going to think? We (yes all of us) have a bad reputation from earlier times of being snobby and non-inclusive any way. That is something we all have to work on, not an easy job to change already formed ideas for sure. I agree that 25 stages will be better than 18 and would support your idea if you or who ever is producing it would make it "user friendly" to the average Joe out there who may or may not have compensated time off work. These forums are the greatest thing we (USPSA/IPSC shooters in general) have going, Knowledgeable people who can for the most part agree to dissagree and still have fruitfull converstation. Thanks for your time and effort you put into these forums, I did not intend to offend you and If I have I apologize, but we need to also "look at ourselves" from time to time and see if we are putting out the image we really want to cast. As far as the 2 Nationals with 3 side shows, the side shows are growing every year despite the desires of some of the current leadership.... It will take time and effort but things will get better. Maybe splitting the Nationals into Race gun and Factory gun again....And making them to where they would be available to everyone. say one match in the Spring (late spring) and one match in the fall. Hopalong/Sam Keen
  14. Mike, A little feed back. I already have to do a "Sanctioned" major match and for the type of match I have in mind I really don't want to go through the BS with USPSA for Sanctioning. In this "Sanctioned" match I am wearing the hats of, Match director, Staff manager(usually the Range masters job but it is better that I get him a staff) Sponsor/prize table coordinator, Stage design(on paper and the ground), Secretary and will do the Cash payback. Just too much for one person !!!! For the Revolver match I do not intend to "overextend" myself, thus no "sanction" their will be plenty of reasons for anyone interested in shooting Revolvers in USPSA type shooting to show up and shoot, but I am not going to actively seek out Sponsors/prize table donors. Maybe a volunteer ?? or two ?? I have verbal commitment from Several of the "TOP" shooters (revo and non-revo) to shoot as long as there is not a big conflict (and there won't be) I have a good range with plenty of room, in a Major City with a MAJOR airport for those who would fly. I can get a class act RO staff with the help of the "Impending range master" I have the names of the persons to talk to in the "business" to help get some MAJOR Corporate support. May even have T.V. support if we can get it all scheduled and timed right. Maybe we will even invite MR. VOIGHT to come, I'm sure he'd LOVE to !!!!!! But I have to get this other "Sanctioned" match out of the way, and get over it, as I will not even want to shoot a gun when it is over.... I hope you can understand, this "Southern Revolver Championships" will be the result of hard work, and stubbornness most likely more of the second than the first and I will be the first to tell you I have that quality covered with plenty to spare. But as I have said before, It is going to happen...... When it happens it will be a class act or will not happen at ALL(see first part of this statement) I will need help in many ways, the best way for now is to keep tossing it around with everyone else you think might be remotely interested and after this "Sanctioned" match with the help of a few others maybe we can get the ball rolling. hope that explains things a little. Hopalong/Sam
  15. Dan, What's the dill Pickle? Shot the 625, that is what you are used to, and the 230s makeing major will really whack that steel so you can hear it. OR LOAD THE 627 to major, that is what you are used to, and you won't have to wait on the "bing" Have fun with it whatever you do !!! HOP
  16. MR Norman, Please remember that their are 5 divisions in USPSA !!! All deserve the same respect from the others, we all are shooting the same stages, and the same match just with other type of pistols or revolvers. I and 19 others chose to shoot in the Revolver division which i will admit is not the most popular type gun to shoot USPSA/IPSC with but please note every year there are more. AS with Production and Limited 10. Open and Limited will always be the "KING" but give and take respect from the other divisions. Now onto the real topic here, My squad hd 17 in it everyone did their share of taping and steel setting, nobody had to work more than half a stage worth and it all got done with all getting plenty of time to reload mags, get ready to shoot, wipe off sweat, kill a tick, think about their time up. BUT 12 Max to me and the few I spoke with on the squad seems to be the majic number. I did not like the half days last year as it made (to me) the Nationals feel like shooting 5 daily club matches. I also did not stay to shoot the second half of the Nationals, you really cant compare shooting 2 guns in a week vs 1 gun in a week for expenses if you are trying to compare for shooting 1 nationals. I am an Electrician and when I take off to a shoot I just miss work, NO Paid time off. So....last year travel on Sunday shoot 5 days and travel on Saturday. 1 week lost wages plus 7 nights hotel This year. Travel on Saturday shoot 2 1/2 days travel on Wednesday 3 days lost wages and 3 nights hotel.... OBVIOSLY this year is Quite the bargain and I prefer this way/ should be easier on the staff too if it wasn't in BARRY IN JULY !!!!! Little note on USPSA Nationals staff, I know several Quality CRO and ROs that wanted to shoot 1 and work the other but USPSA management decided they would rather have non-shooters for the entire match. FWIW this year tortureing the ro staff IMHO (which means squat) Sorry to ramble on. Others perspectives please, HOW about the STAFF? what are your opinions ??? We all would like to know. Hopalong
  17. Steve, Here is how I did it !!!! light in left hand cinched tight to my wrist, in between pinky finger and the next. at the buzzer turn on light while starting to stand, draw gun shoot A/C on right target, shoot 2A onleft target while moving out of the room, shoot 2A on the first target in next room (did I say I was hloding the gun like I normally do freestyle), reload (with the light as described it shines on the floor and I can see right through the cylinder, just like reloading in the light of day) shoot 2A on the target on the right, shoot A/C on the middle target and shoot 2A on the last target next to the noshoot. Did it in 8.99 2nd revolver Jerry just nudged me I know it is not an OPEN blaster but thought others might be slightly interested in how it is done with a wheelie..... Hop
  18. Gun was on the "table". Lying on the "bed thing" at the buzzer push off real hard with the left arm to help get my fat AZZ off the "bed thing" get gun go into port shoot the steel, two in the paper farthest away, two on the one slightly closer and one on the closest target. Reload going to the window with the 4 steel shoot them with 1 shot each, step back and to the left and shoot 1 more shot on the paper with only one in it. Reload moving right shoot the two on the ground with 2 and the close one just inside the wall. Reload going right shoot the steel activator the close one on the ground then the swinger. Cliff actually ran this faster than I did by a frogs hair, but I did not drop but 3 or 4 points on it for the better Hit factor. When done the RO said I had shot it different than any of the other revos. Hop
  19. Draw and shoot the activator steel for the swinger, step in shoot the swinger, shoot the far left steel by the car, shoot 2 on the paper in the car window. Reload steping to the left shoot 2 on each of the two paper targets, step to the right and shoot the two steel that activated the drop turners. Reload going through the door, shoot the activator steel for the upside down swinger, shoot 2 on the paper in the car window, shoot 1 shot each swing on the upside down swinger (Missed second shot so I shot all 3 here...2 A on this target) Reload going through door to the right window and shoot the left drop turner the one steel that activated the bobber behind the car and the one paper in that window. Reload going to the left window, shoot the left paper, the steel and the right drop turner. Reload going to the right, shoot the close target, the left target at the car and the bobber which timed out perfectly. If I remeber correctly it ended up at 40.00 and change with 3c and 2b hits. This was an agressive way of shooting the stage as if you missed any steel you had it. There you go, I have no Idea how any one else shot it and came up with that one all by myself, mixed in with all the Limited shooters (and 1 production shooter). Hop
  20. I got my slot from participation in the section, (my clubs section) as I did the 2003 Nationals. The 2004 Nationals I got a slot for winning C-class Limited at Area 3. This coming year I am expecting a slot for the A-4 win or the Ohio section either way I hope to not have to go to the waiting list (don't expect that as I think I'll get another slot from the Section) If you ask me the top 4 at Nats should be automatic for the next year no matter what division, Kind of a "prize" as should all Junior winners no matter what division and if they had other juniors shooting or not. But my opinion means squat any way. Maybe next year we can get a few more....... HOP
  21. I apologize for my last post which Flexmoney has edited, thanks Flex and my humble apology to Lawman. SAM KEEN
  22. hopalong


    After takeing 7th limited in the L,P,R Nationals our own Shannon Smith alias.. SmittyFL Takes 9th in the Open Division of the O,L-10 Nationals !!! Congrats dude keep up the good stuff !!!!!! Hopalong
  23. Is there a reason the USPSA has not applied? Is the USPSA the largest "member" of IPSC? Sure would like to try a "World Shoot" but the $$$$$$, would have to skip everything that year and save up the $$$$$$$ or maybe the two years between World shoots Hopalong
  24. This years Nationals was my 3rd trip to Barry in the same amount of time, I have always been impressed with the QUALITY of RO's at the Nationals. BUT.....This year seems like just a little better than the last two !!!! I must say Deb Hawkins and crew did a Jam up JOB !!!!!!! way to go LUV...... We ran through her stage(14) in less than 1 hour from the start of the reading of the "walk through". Aside from it being in "Barry in July" something that should not happen any more IMHO.... This years Nationals (The actual match) was the best of the 3 yet due to the great staff and ogranization at the match. MY HAT IS OFF TO YOU ALL !!!! See you next year! Hopefully not "BARRY IN JULY" Hopalong
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