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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Bubber, I got them! HOP Edit to change I to U in bubber.......damn keys....need brail
  2. Tony, See my signature line! You need to talk to Carmoney, D. Carden, Cliff Walsh, Patrick Sweeney, Airedale, ect. or some of the other good revolver shooters not some dummy that shoots. You may want to call Jerry Miculek or just send me your number I'll have him call you after I shoot with him and Kay at the Space City Challenge. Hopalong
  3. Hey Jerry V!!!!! Man where you been??? How is the wheel gunnin going in Oregon? You whippin up on ole Walt S???? Good to see you out and about on the forums! You about ready for another shot at ole D. Carden? He is shooting a whimpy 627 with 121,000 mousefart loads.......You know I wonder about him sometimes.....If he'd stick with his 625 he might get pretty good with it. See you around the forums! Hopalong
  4. Glenn, Make sure you invite them to the Mississippi Classic. There are some pretty good Cajun shooters down there.....Something in the water in Lousiana Good luck and have fun!!!!!! HOP
  5. Sharyn, Put 1 Tenneseean on the list Please. Thanks for going through the trouble. HOP
  6. Tony, I'm no threat, you don't have to worry about me. HOP. Maybe see you Friday the 24th (if work permits)
  7. Glenn, I'm just a dummy that shoots so take this for what it is worth..... Don't change a thing!!!!! Shoot your 610 with Major loads. You are already used to it, you are comfortable shooting it or you would be shooting Minor in USPSA. You know they work in your gun. IT is only 1 match so why change? You will NOT be at a disadvantage. For last years ICORE Postal match I shot my 646 with minor loads and then turned around and shot the 625 with Major loads ......did better with the 625 than the 646 even though it (646) is a little more accurate than the 625. But then 25th overall in the Limited portion of the Postal match with a 6 gun shooting 170,00 Pf vs all them 8 shooters shooting soft 120,000 Pf loads doesn't mean much. It is all about your self CONFIDENCE and having FUN!!!!!! MORE emphasis on FUN for me now. HOPALONG
  8. John, Too Many people do the exact same thing, it is called Passion......Glad you got straightend up. Dennis, Man you're lettting the cat out of the bag. That is supposed to be our(revolver division) little secret. Hopalong just another dummy that shoots
  9. 2 weeks as of this weekend! I took a trip up there this weekend and shot a pistol match with them, some of the stages are roughly set up. They look better on the ground than on Paper!!!! Gonna be Great! Bring extra Rifle ammo !!!! Hopalong
  10. Eric, It will change with more info in the Data base as it gets shot more. It is quite possible for your Percentage to go down without even shooting it again. HOP
  11. As a new UNCLASSIFIED member you would shoot as Unclassified as stated earlier. And as Jake said you would get that MAJOR match experience that is all in its own....NOTHING LIKE IT!!!! AND you would shoot for overall winner in whatever particular division you shoot in....Yes unless you are a GM quality shooter and just have not gotten classified in that particular division you are shooting for that T-shirt.....Unless you go to A-6 then you are shooting for the Polo shirt. If you go....Just enjoy the experience Hopalong
  12. Lynn.......... The Benny Blaster and big sticks!!! (open) OR G22 with Powder fluff loads specially designed by yours truly (production) Oh and Carmoney..... As I said once before, I would rather be shooting a bottom feeder than not shooting at all. So if and when the time comes I'll let you know. HOP
  13. Dennis, Yes it is, Saturday will be all day, 6 or 7 stages if not 8. Sunday will finish up and awards ect. Have been done and gone by 12:00 on Sunday for the last 2 years. I hope you're shooting the wheel gun. See you there, gonna be fun! HOP
  14. Cliff, I'll let you and the Councelor handle that! HOP
  15. No, not this time. It is a data base that is real close to the same as USPSA, you just type in the classifier number and your division and Hit factor and it will give you the results. HOP
  16. Boo, Funny thing......when I first started I took all the Limited shooting I had done and applied it to the wheel, reloads and other revolver specific stuff aside. Now that I'm tinkering with the Ltd gun I have taken much I have learned from the wheel and applied it. And I don't know about Master.....that is just a silly average that doesn't mean much. DaJerrell, Glad to hear it, you must be healing well. I will be there on Friday if I can make it at all. Benny Blaster in tow! Tony........... HOP
  17. Yep, I see them talking about Kansass. Biggest reason they are going there instead is they(except Cliff) are scared of a little southern ass whippin! Hank Jr said it and I'll repeat it........"The South's gonna rise again" Oh well their loss our gain! HOP Cap'n Nemo is now a wheel gunner, but the crew hasn't yet been converted but man can those two shoot!
  18. Talked another Mississippi boy into shooting, He has shot 70% of my scores back last summer when I was putting several rounds down range. If he has a good match could be in the running as the section champ. So that is up to around 12 with all the so called BIG DAWGS still hiding trying to avoid a southern ass Kicking. HOP
  19. Going to try and squeeze this one in on Friday.........depends on work HOP
  20. Bwana, CONFIDENCE......BOB that hammer!!! Even though you went colt old army you still ended up with a 66.6307% acording to the Ohio Calculator. HOP
  21. Ohio Calculator says.......44.9494% HOP
  22. Bwana, Acording to the OHIO calculator that will be 43.3333% HOP
  23. I will offer a little insight on what burnout does to a person. I am quite competitve by nature always have been. As most of you know I have shot the Revolver exclusively for the last 2 years partly because of the challenge it represents and because somehow it seems pretty natural to me. I started in 2004 shooting the wheel gun, was a B class Limited shooter. Every one knows that Jerry Miculek is the Barrometer in Revolver shooting, I first got to shoot with him at A-3 in 2004 and go to meet the nicest two people you could ever want to know(Kay and Jerry). I also managed to end up 60% of him for the match, with 2 stage wins. So I saw what I needed to work on to improve for Nationals, worked on it and made a goal of 70% and hopefully the shootoffs. Nationals came, missed the shootoffs by 2 spots but did make the 70% and was quite satisfied. Now is where it changes. I usually take a break during the winter months but that winter 04-05 I kept at it, not much dry fire as I preferr the information feedback provided by bullet holes. Scheduled major matches(13) into the mix to keep pushing the BIG MATCH atmosphere to help get the anxiety issue that we all get when going to a big match. Starting in March I would hit the range Saturday or Sunday and go through a pretty strict practice regimine that required 4 hours Min and 1000 rounds min, then on the other day I'd try to hit a local match, with the goal of 60% of the overall match winner(usually an Open or Ltd M or GM) Work took an unexpected downturn and in April I took a voluteer lay-off to get more range time, which I took advantage of. Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays were spent with 6 hrs at the range working on what I thought I needed to work on. I was doing this all by myself, no one else to practice with, and no one to offer advice. Tuesdays and Thursdays were 4 hrs of shooting stages or other scenarios. This went on from mid April to June when I was satisfied with the results and started to really concentrate on not trying to speed up things but to eleminate mistakes. Nationals was in July and after the last 3 months I set a personal goal of 80% or better of Jerry and wanted top 3. The two weeks before Nationals I worked on mainly steel trying to get my eyes to catch up to my hands, seems to have worked as I could run a 3 second run on a TX star and sub 3s of the plate rack at 15 yds. Time came for Nationals, chose to shoot with my friends in a squad full of Master class Limited shooters....good bunch of guys and glad I did. Was having what I thought was a decent match with a few little uh-ohs but nothing serious I think 2 misses for 12 stages and one No-shoot. On the last day I put 4 stages back to back together that I thought were pretty good and came up on a stage that I thought would be the "make it or break it" stage. I saw it as two ways to shoot it. Agressive and put the nail in the coffin or safely and hope it turned out good. I chose the first way and managed to really screw it up with 2 noshoots and 4 mikes(2 caused by the no-shoots) and ZEROED the stage. My choice I'll live with it and don't regret it. Finished up the the match and ended up 78% of Jerry with a 90 point stage zeroed.....pretty good in most folks eyes, even managed to win 2 stages one of them the hardest stage of the match. But after the one stage I was not even satisfied with 78% even though I had made the goal of 80% and after the months of working on shooting I felt pretty disgusted with myslef. Now the time for Sections come up, still shooting the wheelgun but not as hard and often but still more than in 2004. Have only 4 total shooters for the two section matches I atttend and that is the straw that broke the camels back. After the Mississippi Classic I put away the wheelgun and have not shot it more than 24 rounds since. In that time I went through 60,000+ rounds of Major .45 and by then don't really care if I ever shoot another again and even contemplated quitting and selling some of my gear to recoup the time off and cost of the year. The only thing that saved me takeing a leave of abscence is the Limited gun Benny Hill built for me, I started shooting it a little and did not have any preconcieved ideas of that I should do good no great no matter what. It put the fun back into what I started as a fun hobby. So in a nutshell, please don't take it too seriously........As I did or it will drive you away as it almost did me. Plus, I'm not a quitter and don't plan on becoming one KEEP it FUN! Hopalong Oh yeah, for the what ifs..... If I had shot the stage with the same 78% as the rest of the match........ 2nd or 3rd and 85% of Jerry.... But I didn't and it doesn't matter any more.
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