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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. DA, Good stuff!!! I'm proud for you. HOPALONG
  2. Even though the majority of his forum members are also here he and Travis bring another angle to it. Good sruff all around. HOP
  3. Had this little tooth ache....... turned out that one of my 2 wisdom teeth was pushing on the last molar.....So OUT the tooth comes......Most of you know the rest of the story! So....NOW I am only half as wise as I was Or is it half of a Wise AZZ as I was??? HOP
  4. AF11 Congrats on your C class! I personally have not used the scientific pencil test. I use an 8 pound max trigger scale. Pull the trigger (empty gun please ) and hold the trigger down. then pull the hammer back just enough to get the scale hook behind the hammer at the top. then just test the resistance it takes to get it back. I look for around 2 1/2 lbs. That gets me 100% function....may not yours you will just have to test it. But what do I know.....I'm just a dummy that shoots! Oh, and on Rudy........ He's pretty good. If you get a chance talk with him, and even better shoot with him. He'll help you out.......and tell him Sam said Hi! Hopalong
  5. AFDavis11....... yes, that is why! There are so few revolver shooters by percentage of USPSA membership that USPSA will not use revolver results only in the classifiers.......can't hardly blame them for adminsitrative purposes and costs. Until we get more that will be the way it is. Ron..... You got it! another note: It is my opinion....and maybe a few others too.... That the revolver division will kind of be messed up for a while.......Because of the "MAN". Mr. Miculek. There are good wheelgunners and there is Jerry. We as a group are slowly catching up with him but it will take a while....Noah did not build the ark in a day and we will not catch a man that has been doing it for 20+ years in 3 or 4 either.......and still enjoy what we are doing. Until then there will be good wheelgunners like Master Walsh, Psky2, Mr. Ankeny, Rudi, D. Carden, and even Carmoney fits in this catagory (loosely ) and then there is Jerry. I will compare it to....lets say take TGO now and put him in a fledgling USPSA/IPSC community 12 to 15 years ago.....That is what we have in Revolver. Yes, Jerry shoots very few classifiers so he won't mess up that system too much....IF USPSA was to go to using results for each division for that division....UNTIL then it will be compared to Limited results....sometimes a good comparison, sometimes not......take it as it is and like RON said......REALLY means SQUAT in the Wheelgun division. Hopalong
  6. OK, Damn IRC.....Tell them guys to get out of Califiornia and we'll all come play. Well that means we will need to find two others to fill their spots. Now let's get searching, can't let all the others down. Hopalong
  7. Dan, Yes stages will be available for viewing on Friday....Just stay out of the way of the ROs shooting.....You don't want to make any of them be looking for you on Saturday or Sunday! Saturday before first shot is a good time for me for a group picture...Sunday is likely better though.....I'll be easy to find....Once I find out what stage I'll be on! See all of you there!!!!!! man, this just gets better and better! Hopalong
  8. Brian, Happy belated birthday!!!!! It looks like you enjoyed it....except for the next morning. Hopalong
  9. Yes, I realize you are west of the Mississippi. And anyone that is, is slightly off center any way! BUT Those guys are from WAY over there! and they are WAY out there, over there! Yeah, you old guys......always thinking about your FIBER!!! Hop
  10. Sorry you can't make it Cheetahs! On another note...... NEMO is IN !!!!!!! Whooo hoooo!!!!!! Got the news today! Also hear the nice throaty rumbling sound of a HARLEY !!!!!! Getting a tune up before a road trip! AND....... another Mystery man but this time from the Southwest..... JOHN, If you havent been saving your $$$$$ for the BEER....(YOUR BRIBE) YOU had better take out a loan....I have seen some of these guys/gals guzzle a brew or two down! Hopalong Any others, you'd better be getting them in......It will fill up....and you will miss the boat and just hear about the big time in Mississippi had by all wheelgunners....except those that wait just a little too long. Remember, 30 is better than 20! and 40 is better than 30! I will be giving the Wheelgunners at the Space city Challenge a going over too...that is 3 weeks before the MS match....Might get the record by a mile! Pshhh....a measly 20 at last years Ohio match and the Nationals...... Oh yeah, Thanks PHLEKS!!! you started this stuff with the Ohio revolver championships!!! Hop And Yes, that is our Matt Beck! Go ahead and Make him one too.
  11. John, that's great!!!! too bad you have to be associated with Dan though......You know he's a little funny....and From the left coast!!! hey wait a minute........You're from the left coast too!!!!! Now do we have to look out for you too??? Carmoney, can we take that kind of pressure???? You know.....one was bad enough! Looking forward to it John! HOP
  12. OK, Max says, the website is getting moved to a new server....had troubles with the other one. Forum will be off line for a few days! HOPALONG
  13. I get what Flex does. I talked to him on the phone yesterday, but forgot to tell him he has website problems....will do that this evening. HOP
  14. I saw that too.... Looks like stage 3 and the overall were switched. Like I have said before...."If that is our only problem.....we haven't had a problem" HOP
  15. NICE !!!!! So has anyone done the math???? What will it take to do 100% with a limited gun? Open???(afraid to ask that one) Production will take a 2.40 down 1 or a 2.50 clean Revolver will take a 2.60 down 1 or a 2.70 clean I guess single stack is based on Limited too????? Good shooting Ron! Hopalong
  16. OK Peoples!!!!!!!! 6 weeks from YESTERDAY !!! If you have not sent your entry in.......... What the HELL you waiting for!!!!!!! For any of you wheelgunners out there who have not sent their entry in....... DO NOT PROCRASTINATE !!!!! This will be the largest turnout of Revolvers at a USPSA major match to date !!!! Including all the Nationals.....WE WILL ECLIPSE the record set by the fine club up in OHIO. See you there, I'll be the friendly guy with a timer, clip board or something to that extent in my hand....On Saturday and Sunday......Will have the "Shoootin Iron" in my hand Friday. Hopalong
  17. Asking this as I don't know if it is my stupid computer.... I can get on his website fine, but I get an Error when clicking on the link for the forum. http://www.maxmichel.com/ Thanks. HOP
  18. Linda and the rest of the South Carolina section members.... Congratulations on a Job well done! be proud of yourselves. From the sidelines it appears to have been a great match, sorry I had to miss it. A few congrats here.... To all the division winners, class winners and anyone else who had a good time! And an extra to the Army Marksmanship Unit. Travis for his fine performance, Max for another great showing(I see Chriss Tilley shot LTD too) in Limited....man one shot! Lee for accepting and stepping up to a great challenge, and Robby for really working his ARSE off...It shows now!(5th overall Production) Also an extra to the Revolver Division.....who by the way was NOT the smallest division at the match . Master Walsh sorta ran away from the rest of the crew, but they did not just let him have it without a fight. Richard Timberlake....NOTICE he's a Super Senior....(67%) and Nemo (65%) Kept the pressure on, and if had Cliff messed up THEY would have been right there. You wheelgunners, take note of Richard......Age and Treachory generally overcomes Youth and Innocence(Normally I put Ignorance but that doesn't fit the bill here) Glad all had a good time, Congrats on a fine match! Hopalong
  19. Hey Edwin, I understand Lee shot 90% of The South Carolina Ltd winner Seeklander today.... I guess the army gig is helping out a little. But you must remember..... Lee, like Jake, Cheeley, and several of these other "young guns" are still PUNK KIDS!! That just happen to shoot some what OK. Also remember.....AGE and TREACHERY generally beats out YOUTH and IGNORANCE!! Go get them in OPEN. HOPALONG
  20. Roy, those aren't low ports....... They are vertically challenged ports!! See you there, gonna be fun!!!!! HOP
  21. I DO !!!!!! (think your crazy for other reasons) Showing you some HOP
  22. Had another verbal commitment today!!! He said he's pretty sure he's coming but don't write him in yet. Good stuff!!! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention........ He's pretty good too. Hopalong
  23. Cuz, Of the 3 I like the middle one, flat point round shoulder. I have shot some of the semi's like that and they reloaded OK for what I was doing with them, yes they were quite accurate....But that was out of my gun. Yours may not like them. Of those 3.... 1 Flat point round shoulder 2 Semi wad cutter 3 flat point trunicated cone. If you can find a TC bullet with a very small tip, it works justa as good as a Round nose. Good luck. HOP Carmoney, got any other suggestions.....You're the pin shooter!
  24. I personally don't use a Fiber Optic front sight. (they get in the way) But having said that..... A couple of gentlemen I shoot with are getting short arm syndrome....(old eyes) and the fiber optic has helped them both when shooting iron sighted handguns. They both tell me all black just all fuzzes together and all they get is a black blob on the top of their slide. BUT for the everyday...semi good visioned person.....NOT NEEDED! HOPALONG Edit to add: When Benny sent me my new "Benny Blaster" it came back with a .100 wide sight with a .60 FO rod in it.....after it breaking the second time, I filled it with JB weld and shoot it much better that before.
  25. Use until you wear it out.....Then get you either another if you liked it. Or another type to try...by then you will have seen and tried several others and have an informed opinion. HOP
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