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Everything posted by ErichF

  1. With no context of the range layout, camera angles can be deceiving. The guy is running DOWNRANGE, not across, past the camera (unmanned). The table shoot portion was after the match was over and the range closed.
  2. Late last year I had a chance to help produce a video about practical shooting with the National Shooting Sports Foundation while at a match down in Tampa. The video was to be a short expose’ on USPSA shooting competition from the perspective of a new competitor – me. Here is the result, for better or for worse, enjoy: OK, someone tie my hands to the table next time
  3. So far, my strategy in making B class in 4 months has been to MOVE fast, but SHOOT slow. There's a lot of areas one can improve on speed that don't affect actual shots, such as transitions, reloads, getting into new shooting positions more efficiently. For me, doing all those faster and faster has allowed me to keep on the A Zone by making more deliberate shots. In Production, you just have to get Alphas to make any money. What has been happening to me is my shooting has "felt" slow, but in fact has gotten faster, too. As they say, speed comes with time...a rather ironic statement in itself
  4. Time to bump the thread with another star video from this past weekend:
  5. I would suggest the Lee 4pc Carbide Die set. No case lube needed, and has the Factory Crimp Die along with the through-die powder drop in the case expander. Easy addition for about $50 from Midway.
  6. I would bet ole TGO (Leatham) sets the bar pretty high in the Production Classifiers...I'm am pretty proud to be rated a B class shooter against him, or whoever has the HHF these days
  7. This is very rare around my area, but what I can't stand are ROs that act like the squad ethics police. Anyone that has shot on a squad with me knows that I'm usually the first one to step onto the stage to reset, and usually to the back most part of the stage, too. However, the one time I skip a reset to take a leak or something they are on me when I get back and say, "Feel free to help reset the stage!" For Pete's sake, I'll bust my butt to help out, but if you aren't gonna bother to notice and appreciate, KMA the next time... Oh, and yeah, give up the stage to the On-Deck shooter. You'll get your chance when it's your turn. I often have to visualize my run through the back of someone's head because they're standing in the start position for the 8th time...
  8. I don't know how you did it, but this is a great tool! Thanks!
  9. This is why I just got a little Samsung HD flash video camera. I set it up for a broad angle of the stage so I can see how I move and reload. It's great review. Like most others, I have to think back about the stage I just shot, and wonder to myself, "was that fun? I think it was..."
  10. That is awesome, thanks for the info! I will order my Deltas this weekend and load some up by next weekend.
  11. OK, good info fellas! Keep em coming. I need to cross reference N340 with Win231 to see what an equivalent charge is. I'll check the LGS and see if they carry N340, too.
  12. Anyone using these bullets, and if so, what is your recipe for powder/COL? I have about a pound of Win 231 but have access to Unique and other powders at the LGS. My load data book on 9mm doesn't have data specific to these bullets. I will be shooting these out of a 5.25" XDm. TIA,
  13. Scott, my guess is that they borrow a technique from the aerospace industry - cryo. On some press-fit aircraft fixtures, they cryo the internal part in liquid nitrogen to shrink the part. They may also heat the outer part to "grow" it. When I was in the USAF, when we replaced the stabilator bushings on the F-15 fighter, we used that process to fit the new bushings in. My WAG is that SA cryo's the front sight and maybe heats the slide just prior to installation.
  14. When will the Android version get posted to the Android Market?
  15. What's also great about the USPSA results page is the points achieved percentage. Shooting 80-90% of available points is a good goal to "shoot" for. More than that, you're too slow. Less, you're too fast or missing for whatever reason.
  16. If your club does not submit scores to USPSA, then you should take pics of your score sheets before you leave the match.
  17. So, are we SURE that gun lights are not authorized in LIMITED Division, also? Just want to clarify that before assuming they have to shoot Open.
  18. Yeah I find myself getting more and more annoyed by the "Brass Chickens" pecking at the ground while I'm on deck trying to figure out the stage, or down at the far end of the bay resetting stuff and pasting...
  19. Yeah I'm also a member of said club. I think it's just a matter of casual dialog with the guys. I sat in the after-match debrief where we discussed a few rules-related issues and such. The flashlight thing wasn't brought up, but they both admitted to still learning the ropes of USPSA. I think they would be reasonable about it if brought up from a purely rules perspective, as the owner seems to be motivated to make the match legit. I will have a talk with the MD next chance I get.
  20. There's tons to do there. Your minutes away from Old Town St Augustine, the Fort, shopping, great beaches, whatever. My wife and kids went over there with me for the weekend while I shot back to back matches there. Great family venue while you shoot.
  21. I think some of you old vets in this game may be forgetting that the Level I match is where new shooters in this sport learn. While it's a competitive venue, it also needs to remain a teaching venue, too. Hence the rule
  22. Go to the Shooter Menu on the event page in MatchSignup, and look for your name in the squad list. Click on the blue E on the right, enter your PIN, and make whatever changes you need to.
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