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Everything posted by ErichF

  1. OK, that was a fun little match! Fun, simple and fast stages topped off with a creative and challenging shoot "house" that had about a dozen different ways to shoot it. I had too much fun to think and take pics of the range! This is going to be a rapidly growing event in the coming months. It's nearly in the perfect location between north and central FL. Their perpetual schedule will be every 3rd Saturday of the month. Mark it down for next month!
  2. Not that I cared what classification I made, since it doesn't really matter much at the local match level, but at least I can say something other than U finally. I am a bit surprised that my initial classification came in at C, since I had considered myself in the D range, but I'll take it!
  3. Just remember that the Military pretty much takes the fun out of just about everything you would otherwise do for fun. I have known jumpers, shooters, and divers that all didn't want anything to do with Skydiving, shooting sports, or Scuba diving as a sport after being in the military and doing it...
  4. ...And I like your thinking I would suggest a new gun, too...an XDm 5.25, but I'm a bit biased
  5. Seriously, a roadside pic of the place might help... or at least a hand made sign on the road
  6. Thanks for that insight, BB. Makes sense. I guess I'm a bit of a numbers guy, and would like to see the Classes broken out from the crowded Divisions...
  7. I have shot at two majors...the Monster Match and the Factory Gun Classic. Yes, I did see that they gave some wood out to the top class winners in those matches, but that's not my motivation here. What I'm observing: there is a lot of emphasis on classification stats, but they aren't broken out in match stats at all in any official capacity. So, what's the big deal about classification, really? And, to the OP, why worry about dropping classification for the reasons I am observing? Just go shoot and have fun...don't get wrapped around the axle regarding your classification.
  8. I'm just wondering what the whole deal about classification is, anyways. In every match I have been to since I started in October (12 total), I have not see one instance where being classified in one class or another made a difference. The stats aren't broken down by class, either at the club level, or on the USPSA stats site. In effect, Us are competing with GMs just the same as As, Bs, Cs, and Ds...it makes zero difference as all are thrown into the respective Division mix together. I have beat a few B class shooters, but what did I get for it? OK, at the Factory Gun Classic, I came in among the top 10 U class shooters in Production. But, looking at the stats, I'm just in 40th place in Division...big whoop. What am I missing? To me, as a new set of eyes, this whole classification system is a lot of energy to maintain for little to no reason.
  9. Production is the most restrictive division with regard to equipment. Therefore, I think it's best to start there so you can see where you are with your shooting without also comparing your equipment with everyone else's. It's also the least expensive division to actively shoot, especially in 9mm. I think that Production is the most level playing field in USPSA from a skills perspective. As for me, I don't have the money to compete in an arms race with other shooters...I'm just in the middle of the pack as it is in Production.
  10. Understood...but since I'm still relatively new to this, it's intimidating to be "that new guy" that screwed up the match or stage because he was scared of a piece of steel that has been shot at by everyone for dozens of matches for years.
  11. The same issue can be had over equipment. There is a certain make/model of holster out there, and I own one of them myself, that some FL ranges have banned because some fool shot himself in the leg during a draw. I'll be damned if I drive across the state to a match to only be turned away because they don't like my holster...which is fully approved by USPSA rules...
  12. More examples of why I haven't started shooting IDPA, yet. I know that the rules are under revision right now, so when they get it all straightened out, I will give IDPA a shot. As for double taps on steel, I understand the purpose, and have done it myself. I'm just asking for opinions on whether or not you should for safety reasons. Not to change the subject, but we have all shot at some pretty unsafe steel out on stages, too...but what's your option to not shoot it and not be penalized? Garnering an FTE for choosing not to shoot at pock-marked and cratered steel targets is not quite reasonable, either.
  13. What's everyone's opinion on double tapping a rearwards falling popper? I have heard rumblings at matches that one should not do that, as frags can be angled back uprange due to the backwards angle as the steel falls.
  14. Yeah, I suppose it's just that new that no images of the range exist yet
  15. I notice that you don't deny running it as written
  16. New match in Central Florida this Saturday Powerline Practical Shooters Sign up 9am Walk through 9:30 1760 NW 102nd Blvd Wildwood, FL 34785 That's all the details I got from a Section email notice. Sounds like a brand new range on private property. Sounds like they could use shot in the arm to get going.
  17. Lookup the Gateway RC Club in JAX. There are a lot of great heli pilots there. They have a couple fun flies every year there just for helicopters. A great guy to lookup there is, and this is his real name, Andy Griffith.
  18. Hah, you shot Stage 10 at the Factory Classic, too huh? I did get one A hit on that 50 yarder, but I don't know from which string of fire I will be getting the same trigger job myself come the new year...I love that laser cut grip tape, too. Keeps the cool looks of the textured XDm grip, but adds some grit. I won't do the magwell, though...I'll be sticking with Production Division.
  19. I've been flying RC helis for over 22 years now. In fact, I started shooting just to find something else to do for awhile. I have been competing at the National level for 6 years in Precision Helicopter Aerobatics (Pattern). I've also worked in the UAV industry for the past 7 years, including building and operating UAV helis from 5 to 1300 pounds. In the first pic, I'm in the middle with my Kyosho team mates Wayne Mann and Dwight Shilling at the 2009 US Nationals. The second pic is one of my two Kyosho Caliber 90s after converting to 12S electric.
  20. Has anyone shot, or seen this stage shot, before? What a sight that would be, if anyone actually shot it as intended!
  21. Here's a couple videos of my friend Dave Miles, from the NSSF, shooting in the Classic:
  22. Went by the range today to sign in and check out the stages...this is going to be a fun and challenging match! Can you say 50yd Strong Hand only shot? Stage 10 has that I have to say the WAC has the most interesting range I have seen in FL...the place is huge. Their club house is just amazing - even has a bar! See ya'll at the range! Erich
  23. Hah, I have a rain coat just in case It's going to be nice to see Tampa again (I lived there until the end of 2009).
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