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Everything posted by ErichF

  1. Sounds good, just make sure the mag release is Production legal (for when or if you return to Production) by not being any WIDER than the factory version...it can only be LONGER. I'm not thinking you can do anything to the Slide Lock lever, though.
  2. Jeff, what is the club code to lookup the results of the match? I had a friend there and wanna see how he did
  3. I would suggest you try shooting in Limited Minor for your next couple matches. That takes the Mag issue and reloads out of play, allowing you to just get your head in the rest of the game. Once you got the basics down pat, then come back into Production and really start competing.
  4. The North Central area of FL is growing really fast with Practical Shooting sports...this is awesome!
  5. Welcome to the Sport and the Forum. Be sure to make the July match here in Gainesville. We are putting on a Classifier-Only match, so you can get your initial classification all at one time. What Division are you planning on shooting, first? Might I suggest you start with Limited shooting minor or major (depending on Caliber). It's easier to plan stages without having to worry about reloads every 10 rounds on the clock. Then, after you have the jist of things, come to Production with the 525 and really start competing. Cheers,
  6. Yes, well at least among conversion pistols that aren't made originally as 22's. Like I said earlier, Ruger 22/45 and SR22s at my local Steel Matches are the most reliable. I saw one SR22 go the whole match without a single malf. Ruger knows 22s.
  7. The Central Florida Defensive Carbine Club has a Trooper Class at all their matches. Basically, anything as far as gear goes, but you have to carry it all on your person the entire match. No range bags, nothing put down. You can't accept replenishment from anyone else, either (except water). You have to wear it all in and out, including all ammo and weapons. Rifles are left on a safe table until you are up to shoot, but that's the only thing you get to put down.
  8. The most reliable 22s I've seen at the local Steel matches are the Ruger 22/45 and SR22. I'm considering the .22/45 LITE for myself...
  9. I've known some women for which that would probably be true
  10. Just because the trigger kit comes with a lighter striker spring, doesn't mean you HAVE to use it...
  11. My last purchase of 3750 124JHP was $325. That's only $86/1000. I was getting Precision Delta and Armscor 124FMJ for the same price per thousand.
  12. Maybe interpreted it wrong... but DonovanM stated that shooting for 93-95% of the points is the way to win... This would imply you are anticipating/planning misses. Would it not? Mike. It would not. He is saying that if, after the match, you got 93-95% of points, you probably shot near the top of your abilities and/or didn't overly exceed them. It's only a part of the equation you need to plug a value into in order to figure out how you are doing. Everyone has their own equation against which they judge their success, based on their own set of priorities. Some folks, like yourself, choose not to use that percentage as part of their total equation, and there's nothing wrong with that, either. But, to say that folks outright PLAN to shoot low percentages is not in spirit with the point, and is an incorrect interpretation of the intent of the percentage.
  13. Oh my gawd...again, who ever said one should PLAN to miss anything? This point is becoming belabored since no one seems to comprehend what has been written in regards to what the points percentage number should tell you. OF COURSE you aim for all Alphas. OF COURSE you only shoot as fast as your sights. OF COURSE you conduct all other movements as fast as you safely can. The 90-95% figure is only a METRIC used AFTER THE FACT to see if what you are doing is making sense or to quantify your consistency. For Pete's Sake, folks...it's simple. If I shoot a match and only get 65% of the points, where I usually get 90%, that's a CLUE to me that I have to look at what contributed to a piss-poor performance. It's obviously not like I PLANNED in my head, "hey, this is an easy match, I'll just shoot 65% of the points and I'll be good." Some of you guys will drive a person to trying to make a simple point.
  14. Yeah, I just ordered two cases of 9mm 124 JHP last night. Got the shipping notification a few hours ago. BTW, they are in Kalispell, MT, not CO.
  15. I used to do the same thing in a previous sport. I would take everyone's picture on day one of the event, and have them printed ready to affix to the trophy plaques for the next day at the end of the event. It was always well received and adds a distinguishing aspect to the trophy. Glad to see this applied to this sport as well...I guess great minds do think alike
  16. Try Everglades Ammo. They resell MG. Example: http://www.evergladesammo.com/bullets/montana-gold-9mm-124gr-jhp-bullets.html They do 500rd lots.
  17. Just jumping in here cold, so excuse my ignorance if this makes no sense Another sport I used to compete in uses a points system that accumulated based on activity and performance at events. Basically, if you won an event in your class, you got 10 points, plus two points for every person you beat in that class. If you won 2nd place, you got 5 points, plus two per beat. Third got three points and two per beat. Everyone else got two points per beat. The idea is to reward those that get out to lots of events, both promoting the sport and recognizing a certain dedication to it. At the end of the season, awards were given to high point earners in a particular region (Southwest, Northeast, etc). So, to translate this to USPSA: Have a points accumulation system for Level II+ events. Points are collected by Area and compared at the national level, like Classifiers are now. So, let's say you are an A-Class shooter that went to 3 Sectionals and won twice. You would have 20 points. Let's also say you beat 40 other A-Class folks in those three matches, so now you have 100 points. The other guy shows up and he's only done two sectionals and won one of them. He therefore has accumulated 10 points for winning one, and 50 points for beating 25 other folks in his class at those matches. So, he has a total of 60 points. You have 100 points, the other guys has 60 points. Both are Classified as A, but you being more active, have more points. These points can be used in a handicap method as Flex suggested, but also as an award method at the end of the year to recognize folks that were active and performed well in their respective Areas. I'll leave it up to you guys to figure out ways to use these points. Ideas?
  18. Most "public" ranges take the fun out of shooting...in fact it's why I've taken so long to enjoy shooting. Until I discovered Practical Shooting sports late last year (I'm 39), I could care less about standing at a line with 15 other folks, all shooting like robots at an ordinary piece of paper. Talk about snore-fest... But, we all understand the reasons behind it, and those reasons are not likely to go away anytime soon :-( Just thank your lovely neighborhood lawyer and his good buddy the insurance adjuster. Oh, and the village idiots with guns that ruin it for everyone. I'm extremely lucky to have a range like GTR that allows me to draw, move, shoot, and practice REAL action drills on paper OR steel. I love it here! Sorry to rub it in Feel free to take a two hour drive north and check us out!
  19. Wow, this is strange to read this...the WAC puts out some of the best shooters in FL, and the country. I know of two shooters from there that were on Top Shot. I never realized that the WAC was so anal about action shooting practice. Have you looked into joining the practical shooting club at the WAC?
  20. I am going to be in Crestview, FL, doing some training for the 7th SFG for a couple weeks. Is there a USPSA-friendly club or range in the area someone could clue me in on? USPSA.org only gave me a club up in Dothan, AL...quite a ways away. NSSF.org gave me a range called Jays Guns in Baker...seems reasonable. Any other ideas? Thanks,
  21. That was a very straight forward stage, with a LOADED table start...must be a typo...I sure can't think of how to rate that many penalties on that stage
  22. What an awesome experience! I can't wait for next year, already! This made all the practice worthwhile! Time to press on...
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