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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. Agreed. There is probably a wide variation in the ACTUAL pressures generated by 9Mjor shooters. For example: One shooter here on be.com actually reported loading out to 1.200" OAL w/ a 124 grn JHP. And many shooters report PF in the 167 to 169PF range. One would expect such a load (given a slower burning powder) to generate very reasonable pressure - probably within SAAMI 9mm +p specs. I see no reason to throw away cases after one firing of a load like that and I personaly reload my 9major cases 3 or 4 times - though by then I usually loose them. On the other hand, there are several reports of shooters using 115 grn bullets. Also, many USPSA shooters do not feel comfortable with any power factor under 170 or even 175 (how often have we heard "can't be too careful!" when someone on the squad registers a 175+ at the chrono stage?). Keep in mind that the old P-9s had to EXCEED 175PF (often running up to 180+ PF) and they were limited by the small frame of the P-9 to an OAL of 1.160" or less. Ask the 9x21 veterans if they threw out their rare cases after one firing. The 9x21 case is not stronger than a quality 9x19mm case. However, until someone pays the $$$ to pressure test ammo, we will not know the actual range of pressures generated.
  2. Just an FYI for the interested. No comment on this development - out of respect for our forum's rules on political discussion. The link below goes to what seems to be one of the more active discussions. Please make comments elsewhere. LINK TO AR15.COM DISCUSSION
  3. Stefano wrote: "So I've "re-charded" the spring by hands, hoping that it will be good for another period of time ...." Actually, there is a process to "re-temper" springs if you look at this site: www.strictlyIPSC.com -if you go to the section "Miscelaneous" and "mag spring re-tempering" Regards, C.
  4. One other difference I forgot to mention is that the Gold Team is assembled and fitted at the factory for its intended purpose (winning Worldshoots, championships, local matches in IPSC & USPSA, etc). You simply cannot expect the same tuning, fitting, and performance out of a conversion, since the tolerances will be greater, the comp rides on the guiderod as noted above, etc. Another option you might consider is the CZ Champion in 9mm (factory built compensated 9mm SA). My friend Vlad owned own for a time and it was incredibly reliable and accurate, though he ran only limited amounts of 9Major through it. New it was about $1100 - used you can find on gunbroker. And - it wins steel shoots. Ammerican Handgunner. Angus beat every STI & SV that showed up for that shoot. Granted, its an all minor match, but still a fair win. Pictures of his modified Champion are here: www.ghostholster.com
  5. Technically, you are correct in that the word is not used in the story. However, had you gone to mainpage for www.foxnews.com on March 8, 2007, they did in fact use the word "Arsenal" in the headline - which was then linked to the story as posted above. That page has since changed.
  6. I say go for it. What you are talking about is building a low-budget version of the "Gold Team" using a .38 Super Witness. Here is what you will lack over buying the real "Gold Team": -no "V-12" porting. In some cases, this might be a plus. -no single action. still, any witness can be converted. trigger should be about $60-80 - but you will want a triggerjob and maybe an EGW hardsear. -Witness does not have frame drilled for scope mount. You will have to buy a higher end model - still only about $500 or so - but something to consider -regular witness in .38 super does not have ejector tuned for brass to clear the scope mount So - if these things matter to you, buy the Gold team. OTOH, I would just buy the conversion you mentioned, mount a Doctor, J-Point, CZ-Firepoint, new Ultradot, or equivalent right to the slide and buy some chromed mags from Henning's new online store. Oh yeah - and USE RIMLESS .38 AMMO! That seems to be the requirement for reliability w/ these.
  7. The fat guy from the band "Blues Traveler" was arrested after his Mercedes SUV was pulled over doing over 100 MPH (link below). Turns out the guy is a pot head (big surprise there). He should and will answer for the drugs and the speeding - I have no issue with the arrest for that. But what I hate is that the media - even fox news - considers "4 rifles and 9 handguns" to be an "arsenal" (notice they forgot the shotgun?!). If they make this guy out to be a kooky gun-nut for simply owning 13 firearms (i.e. - "its an ARSENAL!!") - then what does that make those of us who may own the same number of guns? (or more). LINK here http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,257638,00.html Once we get the Zumbos of the world on the same sheet of music, we will still have a lot of work to do to preserve our rights.
  8. Steve - TG has been known to do that with certain plated bullets (as has N320) - though you are the 1st I have heard of who had coated bullets tumble w/ a fast powder. For reasons I can't explain, slower powders seem to "cure" the problem - though at the cost of more recoil. Didn't you & Bob get 180s to work in the 9mm? (and I seem to recall you were using N310).
  9. Once lived in Baltimore. Above link is THE place for USPSA. Closest big shoots are York, PA - 1 hr drive and Thurmont that also has a Tues night IDPA. Website here: http://www.tcandsc.org/ Indoor ranges won't let you draw & one in rockville makes you buy their ammo. I suggest continental to the North and On Target to the south - though both are $$$. You can find area 3gun info (including baltimore) at our site: www.shootersparadise.com in the Forum.
  10. Thread is drifting off topic. If anyone cares, look at a barrel maker's advice: www.schuemann.com (found it true for chromoly glock steel too). It's your barrel, do what you want to it. I will not comment further.
  11. Hi Stefano - I notice you are in Italy & are shooting IPSC rules for Production. -best guess is: firing pin is sticking. It could be that the firing pin spring broke, or residue / brass shavings have entered the channel - especially if there is no firing pin block in your gun (and yes - some SP-01s WERE shipped without the Series 80 plunger,so Stafano is following IPSC rules even if its not there). It is easy to check - just drive out the dual roll pins, check & clean. -next guess is: broken/chipped/worn SA sear or hammer notch. Need to take the bottom end apart to check these. It is very very rare for a CZ to "double" like that. Only other thing I can think of is: broken sear spring. Check it the same way. Regards, TY-44934
  12. I'm curious do they mean during the "break in" period of 500-1000 rounds or not to use solvents/bore brushes ever? If so then what do you use.......... T Shoot jacketed only and don't clean --- ever. At least that's the recommendation...... I can't remember the last time I've cleaned the barrels in the pair of G34s I use in production --- it's been at least a couple of years though..... Correct. NOTHING should ever touch the inside of that barrel other than bullets. The chanber? - sure. I clean that. But about 10K rounds later through my glock 17 & 4 team victories in GSSF along the way, my glock barrel has never, ever, been cleaned and it shoots with better accuracy than I am capable of. Seriously, do NOT f-up your barrel by cleaning it.
  13. Who knows until those mags are tested in competition, but I can't see how that mag would be a bad thing. MagPull has proven to me that they know their way around the AR-15 mag - with their self-leveling follower (great addition, IMHO). And a round-count window that still keeps out the dirt? Thats a fine idea. Besides, if you state passes an AWB (or God forbid they pass ANOTHER national AWB) a good supply of reliable mags tucked away might just keep us in business in the future. Good work MagPull; hope these hit the market soon.
  14. I like both CZ and Tanfoglio and I support having capable alternatives in USPSA Limited - besides just the Glock and s_i. THat being said, BOTH the Tanfoglio and CZ have: -Top ranked shooters in the US supporting their product: Angus and Matt support CZ and Henning supports Tanfoglio. -gunsmith support: CZ has several in-house smiths as well as Angus, Matt and Moisi (who might do Tanfoglio too); Tanfoglio has Henning and EGW (who may also do CZ). -both have magazine capacity to rival or exceed s_i, Glock and Para at similar or lower cost. There is NO question about the incredible accuracy and reliability of the CZ and Tanfoglio. And there is increasing aftermarket parts support for both, in case you want to customize.
  15. Everyone here will tell you no. In general, I agree. THeory is: as the back edge of the bullet passes the hybrid hole that every gun these days seems to have, the high pressure gasses will blast away part of the pure copper plating (plating is pure copper) and poor accuract will result. However, a local Master on the edge of GM has used Frontier brand with good accuracy. NOTE: the Frontier starts with a HARDCAST core, NOT a swaged one - and maybe that makes a difference. Frotier is the only bullet of its type that I know of. AND - the gun does "spit" particles- I have RO'd him enough to know. Not bad, but it happens. But the accuracy is quite good.
  16. Best price? Wolf brand. Not all Wolf products are Russian (at least some are German). Anyone know where the primers are made?
  17. I have a regular 686, 6" in .38/.357 and a spare cylinder & crane. I was thinking about sending it off to get it modified for moonclips (6shot) and reaming the cylinders with a 9mm reamer to take 9mm ammo. Any benefit to such a beastie? I shoot a little I-CORE and occasional USPSA revolver - though usually with a 625. Regards, C.
  18. Does 9mm Major work? See your latest copy of Frontsight re: stats from last Nationals ( -a lost brass match, BTW). In many areas, we don't pick brass anymore. You might consider local custom in deciding. After owning both, my preference would be: 1) 9mm Major 2) .38 supercomp/rimless .38 Super/.38 TJ/ .38 Lapua/ 9mm supercomp(which is slightly tapered but loads & works fine - as does 9x23 w/ slightly reduced charge). 3) old fashioned .38 super BTW - if your chosen gunsmith says to you: "9mm Major doesn't work." you can translate that as him ACTUALLY saying "I don't understand how to build a reliable 9mm Major" - though obviously others do understand & have built successful 9major guns.
  19. Carlos

    The Oscars

    Seems like the "Grannys" have also become politicized. I thought these awards were supposed to be about entertainment?
  20. If you like the Browning, then take a look at the CZ-75 SA or "Single Action" models - they are sort of tuned Brownings w/o the mag safety - only more accurate & refined.
  21. I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the following memo - although from the info it contains, it appears legit. It has been re-produced as posted on another forum & thought it might be of interest to the 40 reloading comunity. Notice that it seems imply that "compressed powder" has something to do with overpressure - when in fact we all know that it is a set-back's REDUCED CASE CAPACITY that causes overpressure conditions: "The following bulletin was received from the New Jersey State Police - Officer Safety Division Date: February 23, 2007 Continuous reloading and chambering of the same round may cause catastrophic failure in semiautomatic handguns. The Security Force at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico, recently reported on the catastrophic failure of a semiautomatic handgun when it was fired. The internal explosion caused the frame to break while the slide and barrel separated from the weapon and traveled down range. No one was injured in the incident. An investigation revealed that security personnel were repeatedly charging the same round of ammunition into the chamber. Technical personnel at Glock Inc. advise that repeated chambering of the same round may cause the bullet to move deeper into the casing, further compacting the propellent. When a normal cartride is fired, the firing pin his the primer, igniting the propellant. When the propellant burns, the gas pressure drives the bullet out of the case and down the barrel. However, if the propellant has been compact, the pressure may increase beyond the gun's specifications, causing the weapon to break apart. Sigarms Inc's peronnel confirm that reloading the same round five or six times will cause the problems, noting that reloading the same round even once will void their warranty. Both manufacturers stress that the problem is not with the gun, but with chambering the same round repeatedly. The NJ Regional Operations Intelligence Center urges all law enforement officers not to chamber the same round when loading their weapons. ***For example, when you clean your weapon, most of us drop the magazine and then pull the slide back thereby ejecting the round in the barrel. After cleaning the weapon many of us will return the "same" round to the barrel that we initially extracted. Each time the slide slams forward on that same round it seats it deeper into the cartridge. Apparently, by seating the round deeper into the cartridge, it creates greater pressure when the round is intentionally detonated by a firing pin strike and is causing weaopn's to explode." I use the "U" die to avoid any chance of set back. Never had a KB or separation. in 7 yrs of reloading. Regards, C.
  22. Little off topic, but to hold my CZ-TS magazines, I just use Safariland 771s intended for the STI mags, and just clamp them way down to fit the smaller CZ mags. Works OK.
  23. Carlos

    Md Awb F 2007

    As for "D-day" - yesterday was the start & end of live testimony before the committee. If it makes it out of committee, we have an uphill battle and the governor stated he WILL sign it. Final committee vote is Friday (hopefuly it will die, but the margin will be razor thin). Sum from yesterday: Antis had virtually NO members of the public & just 20 professional lobbyists from ceasefireMD and Brady/Handgun Control Inc. It is clear they are using MD to "test the waters" in prep for other states' AWBs and a national AWB. In contrast, 210 gun owners showed up to testify. Included among the witnesses were the president of MD's largest USPSA club, MPSA (organisers of the Mason/Dixon USPSA 3gun) and competition shooter Henry Heymering of MarylandShallIssue.org who runs an IDPA program at the same club. Henry was instrumental in fighting this bill. Logically, with the numbers we had, we should prevail - but remember, this is politics. Here are two links regarding what we can still do before Friday and what happened at the only day of committee testimony: LINK to AR15.com coverage http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=8&...563&page=10 LINK to MDshooters forum coverage http://www.mdshooters.com/showthread.php?t=814 Regards, C.
  24. I agree - but if they make a version in 9mm, it would be an instant "9mm Major Open gun" right from the factory. The TS is nearly the same gun (same frame) - and it comes in 9mm. Why not the Modified in 9mm & why not in the US? I would buy that gun from CZ in a heartbeat. AND - the recent FrontSite described how fast 9mm Major is growing in the US; lots of Open shooters are switching to it for obvious reasons. (flashback to the early days of USPSA/IPSC "that new-fangled .38 super racegun offers no advantages, will NEVER catch on, and I ain't switchin!"). My my, how times change.
  25. +1 The have all of the updated parts already in them and they are cheap. Reliable reports indicate they are excellent & the S.S. ones won't rust. I am using the high-dollar H&K 416 mags if I don't have to drop them. Otherwise, the .44 mag.com aluminum with upgraded magpul follower. Have one old steel US made 40 rounder that works (had to buy 2 of these POS mags to get one that works).
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