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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. THe .40's problem is the early Glock .40 barrels that had 2 problems: 1) Case support sucked almost as bad as a 1911! (the original non-ramped & thus unsupported 1911 design). 2) The early glock chambers were oversized. Nice & reliable, but tended to produce guppy-bellied brass. I understnad the the newer Glock barrels are better supported & tighter. And .40 brass has improved too - esp the "Federal" brand over the old "FC" marked stuff. Lee U die & FCD fixes those problems. And prevents set-back.
  2. Excellent work! I think it turned out fantastic. d.
  3. Hi Bob - I set up a friend of ours' XL-650 with a 9mm "U" die and he had the same problem you describe. I discovered he was not using the Hornady OneSHot case spray I gave him. As far as I am concerned, OneShot or Dillon case spray is required for ALL pistol dies - carbide or not, and its even featured in Brian Enos' reloading video. Takes only 5 seconds to treat 250 pieces of brass & you can leave it on the loaded rounds (I think Brian even stated once that he believes it actually improves feeding). I believe that most of the case-head separations out there are caused by set back. The cure is the "U" die (and OneShot). D.
  4. Agreed. don't need the special cutter for a C/P - just normal endmills. Schuemann is the MAN.
  5. Good idea. Last AE I bought in 06 was $180 per K at a gunshow in PA (mighta been that outfit out of NJ). I think that Berry's has some 55 grn bullets at prices lower than surplus.
  6. Cabellas?!?! Congrats - you found a great gun that I thought was really rare in the US. Maybe I am wrong about that. I know that the similar TS (uses the same frame) comes in 9mm as well as .40. Anyone know about the Modified? If so, that would make it a factory 9mm Major that was designed to run 9mm and .40 length ammo (i.e. 1.170" OAL or less).
  7. Unique has been around for 100 years (literally). Tried it once. Filthy smelly stuff & lots of smoke. Used to use green dot - nearly as filthy & it kicked really hard. Better choice for 9 & 40 would be N320. If its too much $$, try Solo 1000 (it is also single base and of comparable speed).
  8. Hi Stubicat - the Taylor Freelance pads will get you to 20 rounds with the installation instructions here on be.com - just run a search. Angus will have another oprion ready soon, and I have a third option if interested (just send a PM). -correct - for anyone shooting outside the USA. If you are in the US, there is no box rule, so don't worry about the sight.
  9. Cool - the way he did the angle cuts on either side of the flat top gives it sort of a "desert eagle" look.
  10. My old load was a 200 grn TMJ'd SWC (from westcoast) at 1.245" over 4.5 grns of straight clays. Also used their 185 grn TC - don't recall how much straight clays I had to use. I like the speed of the slide w/ 185 and 200s.
  11. I have a CZ & a mini mill - that is not the way to go since the surface is way too curvy in several planes (even w/ a dividing head). I think that a bench grinder or belt sander would work best to take most of it off (just until you can barely see the lines). Once the lines start to disappear, you will be "working blind" meaning there is little way to tell how thin the metal is getting so go slow at this point. Then, a new sharp file followed by strips of metal cutting sandpaper. Looks like you could do a fair bit of undercutting at the back of the triggergaurd too.
  12. Back on track then: what happened to the idea of "tagants" (I think they were called) that were supposed to be plcaed in our reloading powders? Weren't there some bills introduced to require them? - its been a few years.
  13. Gun says: "IPSC" right on the slide! Purpose built blaster for Modified division. I have seen exactly one in the US - not sure where he bought the thing as I did not see it on www.cz-usa.com Still - one very cool gun!
  14. Let's say that the Gov wrongfully takes property you own. You sue them and they give it back. If that "property" happens to be your personal identification information, fingerprints, gun buying history stored in a database someplace, will they ever "give you back" that information & not keep a copy of it for themselves? Ask people who have been wrongly placed on no-fly lists or had erroneous credit report info entered against them. www.cato.org Privacy is an ever erroding American right.
  15. Correct - and I think the SS rules were modified so that the GSR's short light rail would not keep it out of SS. Plus, didn't Sig come out w/ a non rail version?
  16. It is unfortunate that they were teaching this as a universal truth when in fact it is not a problem with the pistol ammo we commonly use. I do not reload for rifle - though I think that the jury is still out on that too.
  17. Merlin wrote: "This guaranties that every shooter who comes to the line will fire multiple shots at the poppers to drive them down to allow shots at the hidden poppers. This absolutely assures that with every shooter we will have bullets leaving the range - uncontrolled." Agree 100%. A falling popper becomes a "launching ramp" for subsequent shots. Unlike bullets that strike the face of a standing popper & loose all their energy, a bullet that hits a falling popper just glances off & sails over the berm - at nearly full speed. Its not much different (safety wise) than an ND over the top of the berm - and we all agree of the seriousness of that occurance. "Our range is now facing encroachment from a subdivision to the rear from a developer who has already made it clear he wishes to shut down the range. The rear falling popper can to make this happen with just one incident." I do realize that many of the good folks on be.com are lucky enough to live in the countryside & have access to ranges or property w/ unlimited space beyond the backstop (the Dillon full auto video comes to mind; they safely fired 30 cal rifles into the air since they had access to so much land). However, many of us live near cities & built up areas. We are in the same boat as Merlin. If the land near your range has not yet been developed - just wait a few years. Launching a few rounds over the berm is not acceptable. It is my hope that USPSA and IPSC eventually switch to 100% use of forward falling poppers (though there WERE legitimate issues w/ their use at the last Production nationals - and that will have to be addressed too).
  18. Got it. Currently shoot w. a cooley & will stick with that (the opposite of a supressor). As for recoil reduction, I must have confused .223 and .50.
  19. Would make a great comp for Open - though I do npt believe its allowed in USPSA. Maybe the out-law 3gun matches allow such things?
  20. Hey Mike - nice piece of work! Here is a thought: could such a contraption be hooked up somehow to the new bullet feeder to coax loaded ammo to automatically drop through the gauge? We would still have to monitor the process to remove ammo that does not pass. Thought?
  21. Congrats! You finally got that expensive custom gun for Standard Division! Finally, folks on this board are taking mills to their CZ TS & Standard IPSC guns to create customs that are every bit as cool & functional as the S_I guns that are so prevelent here in the US. Best of luck, D.
  22. I understand, but the NRA, the supposed defender of out 2nd Amendment rights, needs to say SOMETHING!!! Though I am not a member, I do not see how NRA can possibly say anything other than "Zumbo's comments were wrong" - in light of the NRA's long standing support for the CMP/DCM, Service Rifle competition, camp perry match etc. Are NRA Service rifles terrorist rifles? Of course not (except to those idiots in the Brady campaign). I would not be surprised to see NRA keeping a low profile on this one though. There are plenty of hunters who are members of the NRA and who probably agree w/ Zumbo's original comment & don't agree w/ his apology. THEY are the ones we are really going to need on our side in the future. It won't be easy to convince them that THEY are next once ARs are banned, but I am in favor of educating them & keeping all gun owners together in this fight. Don't let the antis use "divide & conquer" against us. (PS - I am still going to buy that Remington. Great thing is: Remington does not even MAKE an AR and they still stood up for us. Way to go!).
  23. And for those who mistakenly believe that few gun owners agree with Zumbo's view, you might want to consider the following (from another gun board): "Another Outdoorlife writer comes out of the closet -"I agree wholeheartedly with Jim" Now they are really showing thier true colors. They really are Brady bunch supporters: http://outdoorlife.blogs.com/strutzone/200...omment-60962990 "I agree wholeheartedly with Jim on this and I don't give a damn who does or does not like it. Furthermore, I applaud Jim for having had the courage to say what he said." -Bill McRae http://shootingmessengers.blogspot.com/" I think we have our work cut out for us. Let the lessons begin. C. EDIT: looks like some of the postings are being altered or pulled (as was the original Zumbo commentary). Still, it is indicative of the mistaken beliefs held by some of our gun-owning fellow citizens. Lets give them a hand understanding the current reality.
  24. As far as the "click-bang-click" issue- make sure you ONLY use the world's most reliable primer: Federal. And above all, avoid CCI. WAY too many duds.
  25. I agree with you. The difficulty I see for our collective future is this: there are so many other gun-owners out there who think the same way as Zumbo. I have been a member of enough gun clubs to have seen this in person so many times. Since gun owners in general are a shrinking minority, we unfortunately NEED those folks on our side if we want to keep our rights intact. I think a massive education effort WITHIN the gun owning community is in order. How do we teach the Zumbos of the world that any erosion of gun rights (restrictions on CCW, class III bans, .50 bans, hunting restrictions including age limits, AWB and handgun restrictions) harm us all even if we don't participate in that particular aspect of gun owning & shooting? Also, how do we get the big lobbying groups like NRA to put more resources into the legislative fight & also hold their ground on EVERY front? Regards, C. PS - a remington rifle purchase is in the cards for 2007. Gotta remember your friends.
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