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Everything posted by slavex

  1. hah, removing the screw probably isn't PD legal either! it fell out I'm at around 7000 rounds through this gun right now, so if it's a power factor thing I guess I could bump it up a bit to make sure I get good extraction/ejection. But I am already sitting slightly above recommended max for Tightgroup.
  2. pretty new gun. springs are all good, brand new extractor in there now too. still pops up on occasion. doubt it's the sear and an out of battery situation when I was doing slow deliberate fire over the chrono. thanks for the ideas though, things to keep an eye on for sure.
  3. I have had only a couple light strikes with my Stock II. I think they were all while in SA mode as well. but can't be 100% sure on that. The only problem I have every now and then is a failure to eject. it'll clear almost all the way, not even a stovepipe really, and it'll have fed the next round almost all the way in, but that extracted case will just be hanging up. I've had it happen while chronographing and the FTE round chrono'd the same or near the same as previous and consequent rounds. solve that one for me and I'll be truly happy.
  4. it's interesting when I loaded up my Stock II 9mm mags (small frame mags I am told). after about 13 rounds (not while in Canada) I noticed they weren't sitting quite the same in the mags. But I loaded all the way to 17. then I hand stripped the rounds to see what would happen. and sure enough they were nosediving. Hmmm I thought. next was live fire, all the mags but one functioned perfect with 17 rounds in them. after a bit of shooting (man it's hard to pull the trigger that many times in a row, I wish it had ramping to full auto like my paintball gun does), they all worked fine. Unfortunately I ran out of ammo and then had to pin the mags upon return to Canada, so I can't tell you how reliable they are going to be at the Worlds. I hope they'll be good though.
  5. any design hints on the FO sight? got my springs today!
  6. not sure what the question marks are for?
  7. was out tonight with the new extractor, 400 rounds no difference in accuracy. Gun works awesome.
  8. use your weak hand to hit the slide release when you regrip.
  9. it was neat watching this at work. even better was watching my mixerman drive a forklift into a big pothole. took us an hour to get it out. combine that with the time we spent watching the moon, and I think we got paid for doing pretty much nothing all night.
  10. mags shouldn't be a problem as they aren't listed as a gun part. they are an accessory. and of course we are allowed 10 round mags here (pistol and the RRA AR15 Pistol ones). rimfire mags have no limit, excpet in a pistol. oh and if the moon is full you can load your mags backwards...............
  11. pffft it's up to other people to carry the band-aids! heh heh.
  12. yeah it was a practice day, so no one was beside me. I imagine that would've ruined someones day for sure. Guess I'm gonna carry a couple spare extractors with me now. It was 9mm, 147gr bullets, not even hotloads. 131 PF is all.
  13. So had a case blowout today, not a overcharge as near as we can tell, probably just a case reloaded too many times. only damage to the Stock II was the extractor launching about 3 ft right of me and burying itself 1/2 an inch into a railway tie wall. extractor is toast, although the claw is fine, the pin is obviously broken and the spring is gone. No damage to anything else, not even a mark on the feed ramp or slide. Didn't even feel much different than a normal shot, except for the gas venting out the side of the case.
  14. yeah that's what Quinetics Corp is doing now, except they are dimpling the collets over the O Ring.
  15. I had an RCBS puller's cap blow apart once. It took me awhile to figure out what happened, all I'd done was put the shell holder in upside down, so when I hit the floor with the puller, the shell holder expanded and broke the cap. so remember, flat side down, round side up!
  16. so I got some new mags today, to replace all my broken chrome 10 rounders. I have to pin them internally before I assemble them and test them out (love Canadian law). but I am wondering what the capacity of them is supposed to be? this is for a Stock II in 9mm. Is it 17 or 18 rounds? My springs have that bend on the top coil.
  17. oh man I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I am not a fan of Lee products in general, but the FCD is the bomb. best $20 I've ever spent for reloading.
  19. the Vibraprime is made of Unobtanium. I've been thinking more and more about getting a Dillon one, but do have some questions about it (probably answered somewhere else but my use of the search button was fruitless). Does it just fill one tube inside that larger assembly. and then you put that over the tube on your machine, or can you remove the tube inside that assembly, and put in another one? or will the primers fall all over the place if you do that?
  20. the above reply is probably one of the most important things yet mentioned.
  21. she's a cute Henning, who is she???????????????? nice control with the Mac, fun fun gun to shoot. Always liked open bolt MG's. hmmm gonna have to go bug my cop buddy now and get some of their gear out for a day again.
  22. saw the new catalog today. Looks like you don't need the starwheels anymore. but the pic was useless beyond that. arrrrrrggggg did no one take any closeups of it????????????
  23. dude your ears must've been burning! we were talking about you right around the time you posted that Rob
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