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Everything posted by slavex

  1. how much for your grips dude? and can you take email money transfers yet?
  2. see if any of the info in this thread helps you. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=57439 I also ended up cutting a case in half to properly adjust my swage station.
  3. I love Sandy's butchered english on his website. He's a helluva nice guy and super smart, but his english needs a little work.
  4. buddy of mine did this by sanding down the safety so he couldn't feel it on his finger anymore, and also removing the little leg on the rear. No more trigger safety. I bitched to him about it, he laughed. we put primed only cases in the gun and proceeded to do drop tests etc and not once did the trigger gain enough momentum to overcome spring weight and set the round off. Not saying it couldn't happen, and I wouldn't do it, but I don't think the doomsayers are correct either. It won't bring about Armageddon, the second coming of Christ, or coffee of just the right temperature to drink fresh out of the pot. YVMV
  5. I love the new Aimpoint Micro, want to put one on my .50AE Desert Eagle.
  6. why would the FO only be applicable to Limited? I'd say the FO would have the largest market possibility, Production, Limited, and Standard. I already use a factory FO front sight on my Stock II but would love a better one, it's such a short rod, it hardly gathers any light.
  7. yeah I was thinking that too. WE NEED PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. a nice long Fibre Optic Front sight. done like this, drill one small hole from the muzzle end (front) of the site, all the way through to the rear of the site. then counterbore it with a larger hole, almost all the way through,so a nice thick FO Rod will fit it. But don't come out the back of the site, leave that nice 0.06 or smaller even, hole there so the rod just bumps up against it. Then do your machining to remove the center section of steel from the site to expose the most amount of round you can. If people want a bigger piece of rod to look at, all they have to do is stick the right size bit down the site and drill out that back portion of the site, for those that like it the way it is, they just superglue their rod of choice in. The nice thing about doing the sight first is it's something us Production guys can buy from you too!!! not just the Standard and Open guys.
  9. well a person could move the RCBS powder drop to that position too, but then that changes how I index. I index the shell plate after the rearward movement of the handle (primer seating stroke), so I'd end up with powder going into a case with no primer. your timing would be a bit different wouldn't it?
  10. rip your gun apart completely. polish every engagement surface to a nice shine, don't change any angles. reassemble. toss the wolf trigger spring and put in a new two headed Beretta trigger spring. you'll notice the reset more than on a Glock.
  11. I have both a Dillon 500 and an old Midway one. Putting 100 cases into each, with premixed media (so both are getting the same amount of polish in them), and run for 3 hours. The Midway cleaned and polished the cases far better. I now use the Dillon to preclean, and the Midway to final clean and polish. I believe the Midway one has superior vibrations and moves the cases around more. The Dillon one just doesn't do as good a job. problems I've had with the Midway one are mostly from too much crap getting into the motor and it seizing up. A good air compressor, a can of WD40 and 5 minutes and it's running like new again. The crap got in their as I'd actually managed to wear a hole through the tumbler and dust was leaking out the center of the bowl.
  12. I am super excited by this, as I feel the Pro2000 is one of the best, if not the best, progressive machines on the market. The manual index and lack of casefeeder is the only reason I went Blue. I would've liked to see them make it a 6 station press, but then all of us that PiggyBack setups wouldn't have been able to just swap over with existing bits and pieces. But using a seat and crimp die doesn't bother me. I can hardly wait to see it in action, and if they'll come out with a casefeeder for it. I already know my bullet feeder will work on it, so...........
  13. So RCBS is going to be showing off a new auto indexing Pro 2000 at SHOT. Midway is already listing the upgrade kit for around $90. hopefully they'll come out with a case feeder next!!!!!!!!! slap a bullet feeder on one of them and you'd be off to the races big time!
  14. nice aluminum grips (insert insult here) those are next. My cam sucks but imagine my gun with the same safety but with the wood grips. I want a new slide lock and hammer now, all stainless or brushed chrome or whatever. sight too. I want an all shiny gun damnit!!! then when the two tones come out I'll get one of those too. I wonder if we'll have the two tone Stock II before the Americans get the regular Stock II Mo?
  15. well, well, well. the new safety FREAKIN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one new Presidents Medal later and I love it. the instant I installed the safety (1 hour before my first shot) I knew it was going to be better. it locks down better, and the change in where the pivot of the lever is makes it harder to accidently put it up. Thank you Tanfoglio!!!!!!!!!
  16. I broke the body on mine and called Dillon, they sent me a new body for nothing (gotta love that). I hope I notice in a decent amount of time if the buzzer or switch goes.
  17. first off I don't think those modifications are Production Legal. Secondly are you guys connected to Ares Defense by any chance? I was just wondering if you could assist on the Shrike line...........
  18. Just heard from our dealer up here (Freedom Ventures) that the Custom Safeties are now an option for the Stock II. Got a set on order now! Good news for us Stock II shooters, hopefully you guys will get them in the States soon, and I am sure Henning will have all the parts available for them.
  19. pull em, re-use everything, including powder. but then I'm a tight ass when it comes to components. I've been known to crawl around on the floor for 1/2 an hour looking for a dropped primer. the new Quinetic bullet puller http://www.quineticscorp.com/index.asp to pull my ammo. with the new half turn feature of the puller, you don't need to mess around removing pulled rounds, or mess around fitting the next one in. I've pulled 200 rounds in less than 1/2 an hour.
  20. make sure everything that is supposed to be tight, is tight. you shouldn't be bending them like that unless there is something in the cases (I know what that's like I went through 10 in one sitting once, brass chunks, lead chunks, rocks, .22 cases etc.).
  21. I just bought some blue ones at Home Depot, but they aren't as long as the Dillon ones. but 4 for $7 I couldn't say no to.
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