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Everything posted by outerlimits

  1. Your A Retired D.I. If: 1. When out in public you feel the urge to snap your fingers at children you do not know and correct their behavior. 2. When you mention "sugar" you're not talking about a food group. 3. You can tell if it's a full moon without ever looking outside. 4. You can't have children because there's no name you could give a child that wouldn't bring on high blood pressure the moment you heard it uttered. 5. You think caffeine should be available in intravenous form. 6. Meeting a child's parent instantly answers the question "Why is this kid like this?" 7. You think a Long Island Corny Dog is some form of prohibited sexual act. 8. You have been listed in the Museum of Natural History as a ‘Relic.’ 9. Meat, preferably very rare makes your mouth drool uncontrollably in public. 10. When being pulled over by an L.A. Police Officer for a traffic citation you begin your conversation with, ‘Aren’t you one of those sorry SOBs we had to save your ass during the LA riots.” 11. You have battle fatigue syndrome if you don’t regularly watch war movies on T.V. 12. The smell of gun powder and burnt flesh gives you an ‘erection.’ 13. People you have trained at Parris Island still fear you and call you “sir.” 14. When applying for Social Security Benefits, you reminded the man evaluating your pension amount that you know 6 different ways to snap a man’s neck. 15. You still wear you dog tags, sleep with a .45 under your pillow, drive a used rebuilt Willy’s Jeep, and have barbed wire on top of your chain link fence around your house.
  2. ah c'mon benny...i'm gonna go all the way to tulsa, albeit with one gun...
  3. that was great-finally, a team that runs the ball (i miss my huskers)...
  4. 1-170 and 3-140's on the belt, with an extra 170 that holds 30 in the bag...plus, a short stick with a flat base pad for those prone stages...
  5. james-i've shot with you long enuf to know that yer reloads don't really matter. the only time i use more than 1 big stick is so rare that i can't remember. oh yea, i didi grab a beta mag recently...
  6. i remember playing with a steel gun he had at the challenge in the mid-80's. it was a 1911 with a pivoting trigger...cool back then.
  7. IMHO, it definitely depends on the scope you want to use. i had a huge objective on a luppy so i went with the hi-rise upper. since then, found no need for the huge objective, went to a trijicon TA21 and had to mount it with low rings. now, going to a co-witnessed set with a 2nd scope (jpoint) mounted on the rail, it's way to high. so i'm going back to a standard low-rise upper. again, depends on the scope. if you chose to go with an acog, like the JP TA01, the height of the scope throws off the calibration of the ballistics for the stadia lines. b ottom line is it's easier to deal with differewnt ring heights than receivers.
  8. Stanley "Tookie" Williams is scheduled to assume room temperature a minute after midnight 2nite. the number of deaths this guy caused in creating the Crips has to number in the tens of thousands. took awhile, but they got it right.
  9. saw it last night-thought it sucked. all the movie was about was a guy that wanted to take a shot. lame. boot camp scene 45 seconds-wtf? and if one of my buds tried to burn me with a friggin hot wire that said "usmc", he would have been exposed to c-4...we had fun with that stuff...lot's of stories. in any case, not a very accurate depiction of the real world...at least i hope the corps hasn't dropped that far.
  10. now that my daughter's 14, this might be the last year i get up on the 2nd story. OTOH, i'd need 7,600 rounds to dispatch them all from the neighbor's yard.
  11. a sad day...that's ok, nolan-when you come shoot with us, yer jokes are welcome-we mean to offend everyone.
  12. i saw all 3 nationals on the left side of the page this afternoon-now, they are gone. can't remember the dates, but the 3gun nats were in bend in late july, open/prod in tulsa in october, and everything else in sept in pasa...
  13. outerlimits


    even though you can't understand a word they're saying, i doubt you could watch this without rolling... http://www.break.com/articles/holditin.html
  14. i agree with geoff...while i would love to shoot this match, i'm not going to go thru all the hassle associated with mailing an application and crossing one's fingers. as chuck said earlier, this match could be much bigger...maybe next year.
  15. i love it! the rules clearly state, in the glossary, that an AD is where the "gun goes off when it should not have". then, in 10.4, the rules define an AD as alot of things, but not specifically what the glossary says. additionally, the rules in 8.5 under "movement" only provides for taking a step or changing a shooting stance. look at it another way. a shooter, while engaging a final array of 3 targets, fires his six shots, and while not moving, unmounts his gun and touches one off-straight into a safe berm. to me, it certainly meets the definition of the gun going off when it was not supposed to. i think i certainly would have stopped the shooter and and tossed him. that's what arb committees are for.
  16. ah-a little bit of heat did the trick...piece of cake. thanx.
  17. trying to remove my JP gas block-it is seriously on the barrel. i tried tapping it forward, to no avail. i'm reluctant to apply any heat if there is some lictite holding it, but have run out of ideas. will a little heat on the aluminum block be wise?
  18. i hate drawstrings! was watching the hockey game last night, and after many beers, held it as long as i could. at the commercial, fleet-footed it to the bathroom...my back teeth are floating at this stage. much to my displeasure, the drawstring on my sweatpants is in some kinda double-polimar-half-hitch-trucker's knot! i won't explain further...not fun.
  19. yea, like back-to-back open/3gun... heard 3gun is in bend...i like it...i assume bend in sept, tulsa in oct.
  20. Unfortunately they don't get great reviews at versiontracker: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/26423 One of the comments says that it won't work on the system I'm running and that he can't get in touch with the developer. runs just fine on 10.4.3...what r u running?
  21. try this... http://www.flip4mac.com/products.htm coolest few bucks i ever spent-allows me to play AND convert/save wmv files into Qt format. only thing with the right codecs to convert that runs on osx...mo betta.
  22. actually, you had 7 on the paper, 5 in the target stand. now, you better explain to all those reading this post that the target stand was not 3 feet below the target!!!
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